NASCAR The Game 2011 News Post

We will be conducting an OS exclusive interview with Activision and Eutechnyx this coming Thursday, and would love to have some OS participation. Obviously interviews have already hit the media, but we want to take a different angle with this. We want you, the OS racing community to ask the questions, and we will do our best to get them all answered as accurate and detailed as possible.

If you have a question for the producers of the game, please post them here and make sure you keep them as realistic as possible.

Game: NASCAR The Game 2011Reader Score: 4/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 15 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 stlstudios189 @ 10/04/10 05:41 PM
can I shoten the season?
In game saves?
career mode
# 22 JoeHaden5 @ 10/04/10 06:21 PM
Will a steering wheel be required to drive the car in simulation mode (assuming there are different levels) or without driving aids (assuming there are)? By "required" I don't mean that you have to have a wheel plugged in to enter the "mode". However, driving a real racecar would be impossible without a steering wheel of some sort. Hopefully they have geared enough towards the sim racer's to make the game worthwhile for them too. Competition for iRacing could only help to boost the racing game's market...
# 23 buckeye02 @ 10/04/10 06:25 PM
- Will there be the Nationwide series included? As well as the Craftsman Truck series?

- Do you start out your season mode already in the Sprint Cup?

- Will alcoholic beverages be included as sponsors? (kinda already know the answer)

- Can you have 2 players, 43 cars on the track?

- Can you take the season mode online with friends? If so will it have a full field...not just user cars?

- Do drivers retire?

- After wrecks, is there a replay system to see what happend?

- After running over debris, can you lose a tire or worse?

That is all for now, im sure i will think of more later.
# 24 Rules @ 10/04/10 07:30 PM
Very cool, thanks for including us!

General questions:

1) Any difference between the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions?

2) What was their biggest challenge in making the game?

3) Support for the G27 and Microsoft wheel?

Technical questions:

1) Any indicators or the feel of a tire going down?

2) Can you run out of fuel?

3) Can you spin the tires on restarts?

4) Cautions for debris?

5) Is it possible to get paper or other items floating around on the track caught on the grill forcing the water temps to soar?

6) Rivals trying to take you out later in the season for something you did earlier to them or is it only the immediate next race?

7) Is there a TRUE SIM mode for the real nascar racers?

8) Pit road speeding penalties or does the CPU control our cars?

9) Commit cone violations?

10) Bump draft option without being able to see the air that was discussed in another interview?

Thanks again brother!
# 25 Tidefan6869 @ 10/04/10 07:45 PM
More in depth questions about the career mode. Will we be able to build engines, bodies, chassis, and make shop upgrades like in Nascar Thunder? This added a lot to those games, but the unrealistic sponsor expectations runined it. I think they tried something like this with the later EA titles but purchasing a engine or body upgrade just didn't have the excitement as the new engine builder you hired building you a new superspeedway engine that was going to be finished just in time for Talledega Also is it just sprint cup or is nationwide and the truck series included?

I also think a car repair in the garage would be better than limping around the track. F1 2010 takes like 5 minutes away from your practice time if you smash the nose on the car.

Oh almost forgot, Will the AI perform correctly at Daytona and Talledega and draft with you or continuely try to pass you the entire race? That was always a huge disappointment to me in EA's games.
# 26 Cubfan @ 10/04/10 08:18 PM
Full 43 car fields in exibition and carear mode and all the drivers being real no made up teams or drivers?
# 27 gbx34 @ 10/04/10 10:03 PM
How important are the crew chiefs/spotters going to be?
Are we going to get information on things that's are happening in a race?

Is there going to be an announce team?
# 28 Hokie20 @ 10/04/10 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by Tidefan6869
Will the AI perform correctly at Daytona and Talledega and draft with you or continuely try to pass you the entire race? That was always a huge disappointment to me in EA's games.
Oh wow, BIG question. It's frustrating to be in a pack and have the guys not want to follow you in the draft on lap 5 of a 50 lap race.
# 29 bluengold34_OS @ 10/04/10 10:54 PM
Originally Posted by Rules
Very cool, thanks for including us!

Thanks again brother!

No problem Rules, as I am happy to do so. I can't tell you how many times I have read an interview, and asked myself why this or that question wasn't asked. So we wanted this to be a community interview, more or less. I would inlcude you guys on the call, but can't figure a way to get 50 people on one call
# 30 Lieutenant Dan @ 10/05/10 11:33 AM
Great questions so far, and thank you for this opportunity blue!

Presentation question:

Pace cars?

And related: Will we start the race with following the pace car, and I liked whichever version of EA's Nascar series showed and ran down the whole grid, two by two, like they do on tv during the start of race pace laps.
# 31 seeuatthemovies @ 10/05/10 02:14 PM
Will there be owner options as part of the career/season mode?

Would we be able to hire staff, team members, negotiate with sponsors, and hire/fire drivers?

Will we have full control on pit road if desired? Will there be tire changing or fueling mini games to allow more player interaction with the team on pit road?

Will any legacy cars (like the 80's Thunderbird or 90's Lumina) be included in the game?

Depending on the way career mode is structured, will you be able to make it to the new Nascar Hall of Fame?

Stats, stats, and more stats. Codemasters has done a much better job of including stats and records in their titles. Are there any plans to add many of the stats and information commonly discussed on television?
# 32 bluengold34_OS @ 10/05/10 04:37 PM
Hey, just to let you guys know that the interview has been moved back to Monday the 11th. I will be doing it with Ed Martin( lead producer ), but they have been/will be traveling this whole week, so it was rescheduled by a couple of days.
# 33 JokerswildXOXO @ 10/05/10 04:50 PM
This is some of what I would like to see: time taken during the pre-race show (not hurried) same thing for the post race show. tear offs during pit stops (windshields need to be cleaned). Full caution laps with the ability to cut them short if you prefer. Driver personalities, grudges, scuffles etc. Most everything else has been mentioned.
# 34 JokerswildXOXO @ 10/05/10 04:58 PM
Oh yeah, when you are involved in an accident and your car is fully disabled or you blow an engine your day is over!!!!!! Not sent to the back of the pack on the caution lap like EA would do!!!!
# 35 josher898 @ 10/05/10 10:52 PM
can you have your own driver, an have a customization for for your charater if u can have one...make your own car like what brand..an your own decals ( customization decals) an yea
# 36 mwjr @ 10/06/10 03:47 PM
Thanks for including us.

I play sports games for the franchise/career modes, so hopefully there will be a career mode in NASCAR The Game. Assuming there will be, here are some questions.

1. How will you progress? In EA's NASCAR 09, you collected points and used those points to improve your car. I would prefer a system similar to the one in NASCAR Thunder 2002, where you won money and used that money to improve your car and team. So for example I start out dirt poor, but as I win races and collect prize money, I can enhance my car. As I enhance my car, I win more races. As I win more races, I get offered new sponsor offers and team contract offers. As I sign new and more lucrative team contracts and sponsorship deals, I'd enhance my car. And so on and so on...

In other words, will progress/development be based on money?

2. Along the same line, how critical will your pit crew and crew chief be? Using an example from EA's NFL Head Coach. The better your General Manager was, the better you drafted. This made your team better. Will we be able to hire crew chiefs that will improve the pit crew? Will we be able to hire better crew members?

3. Customization question - How customizable will this game be? I love playing these types of games, but to be honest, I'm not very good. There didn't seem to be too much wiggle room in terms of difficulty level with EA's last NASCAR effort. For me, at least, I either crushed the competition because I wasn't good enough, or I was getting crushed, again because I wasn't good enough. Any chance that we can have a close to sim game without being too arcade-ish, something, I would hope, that can be set using sliders?

4. Will there be any Victory Lane experience? Doing donuts in the infield is all well and good, but how about a real moment in Victory Lane, with confetti, Coke/Beer being splashed around, the crew there and, of course, the Spring girls?
# 37 mwjr @ 10/06/10 03:49 PM
And one more...

5. I think I can safely say that anyone who played NASCAR 09 thoroughly enjoyed the fully-customizable Paint Booth that allowed us to use a template and create our own cars in Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro or similar program. Will there be a similar feature in this game?
# 38 mwjr @ 10/06/10 03:50 PM
And finally...

6. Any chance we'll be able to race as some legends?
# 39 buckeye02 @ 10/06/10 07:00 PM
Who are the "play by play" guys in the booth?
# 40 Hokie20 @ 10/06/10 09:23 PM
Originally Posted by Block-O
Who are the "play by play" guys in the booth?
Doug Rice and Mark Garrow, from PRN Radio.

Also, the spotter is Ty Norris, who works for MWR.

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