Madden NFL 11 News Post

Check out the new Madden NFL 11 video discussing gameplay. If you can't view it on OS, check our Youtube page.

Game: Madden NFL 11Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 96 - View All
Madden NFL 11 Videos
Member Comments
# 61 roadman @ 06/09/10 11:07 AM
E3 is less than a week away. I'll have the demo for NCAA downloaded and will start perusing E3 news and game play videos.

Should be enough information to make an educated guess.
# 62 Only1LT @ 06/09/10 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by DaveDQ
Using trailers to talk about animation changes and flow of the game is a mistake. Madden's engine simply does not have momentum down. Locomotion is trying to address this and the video does show that. In particular though, the animations in Madden that are transitional have always been very difficult to swallow.

They already spoke of addressing the catch animation where the receiver backtracks and there is a loss of yardage. That's a transitional animation from the catch animation to getting in position to run with the ball. The sweep play where blockers don't match up correctly are also transition animations, where we have seen what the one producer mentioned as "jazz hands."

But if you look at the progression of this series in the last two years, many things have been addressed with animations. Take for instance the ugly snap back tackle that happened when a runner was hit at his feet, yet it looked like he got hit in the chest (the way the tackle animated). That has been addressed. The silly leaping over a player animation at the end of a play has been toned down. Before you would see two guys leaping almost on every animation at the end of a play. "Mario-Running" has been dealt with...maybe not 100% but it has been worked on.

Right now we have things like sideline catches and DB interaction that should be addressed. Those are animations that need work on, among others. However, to use trailers, videos designed to show little flaw, is just not going to show any change. I'm still one to say scrap the Madden engine and start new, but I also have to say that the game has seen some things in the animation dept. addressed.

I am inclined to agree with you on this point, except for the fact that when you see the vidz that Afrikan posted of Madden 07 and 08, the transitions, though still wonky, were leaps and bounds better than they are now. I don't know what this points to, but something is responsible for this taking a turn for the worse over the years.

I know that everyone likes to bash the previous regime and praise the new one, but I think it is entirely possible that the old regime didn't do everything wrong, and that the new regime isn't doing everything right.
# 63 bigsmallwood @ 06/09/10 11:29 AM
I'm disappointed that Locomotion aka the way players move is being "sold" as a FEATURE.....wow. I'm just saying, is this what NFL games have been reduced to? Oh well, I will hopefully be impressed with E3....
# 64 DaveDQ @ 06/09/10 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by Only1LT
I am inclined to agree with you on this point, except for the fact that when you see the vidz that Afrikan posted of Madden 07 and 08, the transitions, though still wonky, were leaps and bounds better than they are now. I don't know what this points to, but something is responsible for this taking a turn for the worse over the years.

I know that everyone likes to bash the previous regime and praise the new one, but I think it is entirely possible that the old regime didn't do everything wrong, and that the new regime isn't doing everything right.
I'd have to say then that it is the inclusion of the positive but with a negative finish. For instance, a blocker may now follow his responsibility (positive), but the animation to get him there looks odd (negative). For EA, maybe it's an "ends justifies the means" type thing.
# 65 RGiles36 @ 06/09/10 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by bigsmallwood
I'm disappointed that Locomotion aka the way players move is being "sold" as a FEATURE.....wow. I'm just saying, is this what NFL games have been reduced to? Oh well, I will hopefully be impressed with E3....
So in a sports game that comes out in a yearly basis, please enlighten us as to what is worthy of being called a feature?

Is it the ability to take an NFL player, take him to the virtual club, pop virtual bottles, and maintain 1-2 baby mamas? LOL is that worthy of being a feature?

It's a sports game! What are they supposed to market? I don't follow the marketing of other sports games in the same way that I do Madden, but I'm sure the NBA 2K's, NHL's, and MLB The Show's tout their fixes as features as well.

NBA Elite is now touting the way players interact and move -- is that not worthy of being called a feature neither?
# 66 MrSkagTrendy @ 06/09/10 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by sois
That is pretty funny how they bash Madden 10 lineman logic.
It's funny until you realise that they all sold it to us as being "the best madden ever" and we all paid 60 bucks for it..
# 67 Only1LT @ 06/09/10 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by rgiles36
So in a sports game that comes out in a yearly basis, please enlighten us as to what is worthy of being called a feature?

Is it the ability to take an NFL player, take him to the virtual club, pop virtual bottles, and maintain 1-2 baby mamas? LOL is that worthy of being a feature?

It's a sports game! What are they supposed to market? I don't follow the marketing of other sports games in the same way that I do Madden, but I'm sure the NBA 2K's, NHL's, and MLB The Show's tout their fixes as features as well.

NBA Elite is now touting the way players interact and move -- is that not worthy of being called a feature neither?

Have to agree with you here. I am one of Madden's harshest critics (not without provocation in my opinion), but I think that people's anger at whether something that should be in the game already, being touted as a feature is misplaced anger and is really irrelevant.

These are things that should have long since been in the game, but the very fact that they haven't been in for so long makes their inclusion (finally, I would agree) all the more noteworthy, doesn't it?

I think that we should be less concerned with what the marketing team (which includes the devs too) label as a "feature", and much, much more concerned with whether said "feature" actually works. If it works, I could care less what they call it, and vice versa, if it doesn't, I could give a rat's *** what they call it in that case either.
# 68 bxgoods @ 06/09/10 12:00 PM
Animations look off, Chris Johnson looks like he's running in mud.
# 69 ScoobySnax @ 06/09/10 12:07 PM
Originally Posted by Skyboxer
Like what I'm seeing so far. Love this time of year.
Of course I realize it's just a game...(plus I don't have a computer programming degree like most in this thread)
# 70 Falcons11497 @ 06/09/10 12:07 PM
Is it just me, or does the running and the juking and whatever look really odd between 0:51 and 0:59
# 71 Valdarez @ 06/09/10 12:08 PM
They keep talking about having a guy that the defensive player is supposed to block. What happens if someone moves players around, or manually controls a player. Is the blocker going to ignore the player right in front of them, and try to block the 'guy' they are supposed to block according to the play art? That's not a fix, that's just another bug. Can some of the CD guys respond, or anyone that's seen/read more on the subject?
# 72 RGiles36 @ 06/09/10 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by Only1LT
Have to agree with you here. I am one of Madden's harshest critics (not without provocation in my opinion), but I think that people's anger at whether something that should be in the game already, being touted as a feature is misplaced anger and is really irrelevant.

These are things that should have long since been in the game, but the very fact that they haven't been in for so long makes their inclusion (finally, I would agree) all the more noteworthy, doesn't it?

I think that we should be less concerned with what the marketing team (which includes the devs too) label as a "feature", and much, much more concerned with whether said "feature" actually works. If it works, I could care less what they call it, and vice versa, if it doesn't, I could give a rat's *** what they call it in that case either.
# 73 Only1LT @ 06/09/10 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by Valdarez
They keep talking about having a guy that the defensive player is supposed to block. What happens if someone moves players around, or manually controls a player. Is the blocker going to ignore the player right in front of them, and try to block the 'guy' they are supposed to block according to the play art? That's not a fix, that's just another bug. Can some of the CD guys respond, or anyone that's seen/read more on the subject?

In the blocking live chat, someone asked this and they said that the blocking assignments changed as the formation changed. I think they even said that the play art would change to show the new blocking assignment.

Whether it really works this way or not is, as always, undetermined until retail, but that is what they SAID in any event.
# 74 charter04 @ 06/09/10 12:43 PM
It is old gameplay footage, the Cowboys (Marion Barber) run was the same from the first Dev Series video. Might not be any better now, but it is deffenately old game play footage. I am more exited about NCAA 11, but Madden still looks really good to this point. Blocking AI and locamotion is huge! Hope the Franchise mode is much more indepth this year. Haven't heard much about it. I play offline franchise 90% of the time so it needs to be more like Madden 05's franchise mode. Loved change prices for food and parking. It made you feel more like an owner. Even though the logic didn't make much sence sometimes, I also loved the players mood changing. Making comments about wanting to be trading or not having enough playing time. Why oh why have they not been able to include that in the next gen games! Am I the only one who loved that stuff. It gave so much more life to a franchise.
# 75 TheWatcher @ 06/09/10 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by sois
That's like 70% of us according to OS polls. I wouldn't take improving franchise lightly. I swear, if IR is still broken...
I'm not aware of that particular poll, but regardless that's just OS. OS is very influential but represents a tiny, tiny, tiiiiiiiny group of hardcore players compared to the overall Madden fanbase of millions who are very casual players who buy this game and plays franchise once if at all, and spends the rest of their time playing in Play Now or against friends. I totally understand the passion of those who are into franchise, but they tend to think they represent a much larger group than they actually do.

Originally Posted by Only1LT
Having said that, if you are actually playing the games and not simming, how could you not want gameplay to be focused on first before anything else, even as a franchise guy? I'm not a franchise guy again, but like I said, unless you are simming, I can't see franchise being worthwhile if you aren't actually enjoying playing the games.
This is the part that leaves me scratching my head as well. I don't know how franchise modes can be looked at as more important than actually playing the game on the field. That boggles my mind.

Originally Posted by cowboykmoney
ell Im a firm believer of that myself, Because it has to be fixed in order for them to turn the corner for madden to start to become great.
But franchise heads represent the minority. Madden doesn't make its money on franchise mode, it makes it on graphics, features and strong marketing. If franchise were their bread and butter they would've never been able to get by with it being so broken and feature-lacking as people say it's been all generation.
# 76 TheWatcher @ 06/09/10 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by sois
However, replay value only comes into play when the franchise stuff works. If I wanted gameplay, I'd go play those that shall not be named, which are great on the field, but lacking in replay value.
That's how a franchise guy would define it. However, replay value is not defined the same for everyone. My personal view of replay value has to do with whether or not the experience of actually playing the game on the field is fun and makes me want to come back for more.
# 77 Exonerated @ 06/09/10 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by sois
Do you have any research to back this up? OS is small but they at least run polls and collect data. Kotaku reported that people do not play online very much. It seems people might be playing offline franchise. I know that is the #1 reason I loved Madden.
lol. Except they do.
# 78 TheWatcher @ 06/09/10 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by sois
Do you have any research to back this up? OS is small but they at least run polls and collect data. Kotaku reported that people do not play online very much. It seems people might be playing offline franchise. I know that is the #1 reason I loved Madden.
You can't look at a poll from one site and apply it to the whole. If anything, the polls collected here should be looked at as what the more hardcore fanbase thinks and that only, because that's what this site largely represents. Most people who buy this game never come online to talk about it.

As for research, EA collects that. And from it I've been told several things: hundreds of thousands of people sign in to play Madden online once and never come back again, the casual player is what's keeping their lights on, and specific market research tells them what feature expectations are driving their sales, and franchise is not at the top of that list. But I wouldn't have needed them to tell me that, all I have to do is look at how they've marketed this game. It's pretty obvious that offline franchise hasn't been a major focus of the last 5 games as their other features have been.
# 79 Exonerated @ 06/09/10 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by stux
Are you high? The only reason anyone I ever knew played madded was Franchise Mode offline. LONG LONG LONG before I ever knew about these forums I was happy in my own little world playing my Franchise.

The only reason I ever got involved with this crap was because offline franchise mode went to crap.

You have it ALL wrong. Most of the people that were involved with these sites where either online players OR tourney guys. THAT is where these sites came from.

Not from OFFLINE players. Remember they are OFFLINE players.

They aren't going to come to some site like this, they play the game OFFLINE.
I have a pertinent theory that OFFLINE players are more likely to frequent forums. This is because the OFFLINE player cares about the intricacies of the game and really wants to discuss it with someone or lobby for change. For that reason, most of OS is OFFLINE players.
# 80 charter04 @ 06/09/10 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by bucky60
The MLB 2005 series had a much better implementation of setting prices and expenses. If Madden did something more like MLB 2005, I would be into it.

For me, better (more accurate) roster management would be the thing. True IR, 80 man rosters with cut downs to a 53 man roster, with a scout team.

There are a lot of other GM/Franchise features, but I'm not going to list everything.
I agree with that. I just didn't want to name everything I wanted in franchise mode.

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