MLB 10 News Post

In perhaps the most important study on superiority since the 2000 Presidential recount in Florida, OS Baseball Writers Christian McLeod and Caley Roark are here to compare both of this year's baseball titles to see which game stands above the other at the end of the year. While no animals were harmed in the process of this study, several controllers possibly met their demise as each writer compared and contrasted different aspects from each game to come out with a clear winner. Did MLB: The Show dominate in the minds of the writers or was a huge upset brewing? Read on to find out.

Read More - The Show vs. 2K: MLB Grudge Match

Game: MLB '10: The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3Votes for game: 66 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 rudyjuly2 @ 05/26/10 08:26 AM
Originally Posted by HustlinOwl
pitch speed too fast in the show? I have it at 8!!
It's too fast for me. It may be fine for 95% of you but that doesn't matter if I'm frustrated. I'm the only one that counts when I'm playing.

Originally Posted by RealmK
So you'll settle for an inferior game just due to pitch speed? I don't buy it rudy. I'm not a big baseball guy and I don't have many problems getting hits in either title this year. Ratings do matter in the Show, and I think you know that. I can understand playing 2k for a different experience since you've been a Show guy for a while, but seriously its not even a contest when it comes to which game is both more polished and presents a better game of actual realistic baseball and it isn't 2k.
It's not just pitch speed. That was one factor. As I said, the commentary, pitching and batting angles and analog controls all make 2K10 more fun for me. I have stated many times (and I did earlier as well) that the Show is clearly more polished and is a better sim but it's stale right now for me. I'm bored with the pitching system in the Show and the fun factor just isn't there anymore.

And my comments with regards to ratings were directed soley at the guess pitch mechanic. Batter and pitcher ratings don't affect how that feature works which is why I said that. I never said batter and pitcher ratings don't matter while playing the game - only with that one feature.

Realmk, don't get so bent out of shape is someone doesn't prefer the Show. All that really matters is how you feel about a game. I've read hundreds of comments from people that prefer the Show and I'm fine with that. The fact I prefer MLB 2K10 this year is my choice and whatever reasons I have for it shouldn't bother you.
# 22 Vipers2k9 @ 05/26/10 01:09 PM
In total agreement with rudyjuly2 here. After playing both games this year my thoughts are this. Graphicly the award goes to MLB 10 The show. Great Graphics but that's the problem in that that is all it has Graphics. All the Fun, Anything that would keep me wanting to play the show over and over and over has all been sucked out of this game.

The pitching and batting systems are horrid at best., Camera angle makes it feel like the Pitch is right on top of you so you have no time to swing the bat or even guess at the pitch. "Push-Button" Batting is so boring and does not feel like you in the game or playing the game.

While 2k10 does not have the graphics that the show has it has everything else that makes you play it over and over everyday. The pitching makes me feel like you are on the mound instead of just controlling the player. The batting is dead on as well. It feels like you are in the box and the way you have to do the contact and power swing is like you would have to do in real life.

2K10 by far blew The show out of the war in the baseball game war this year hands down. If the show's graphics where together with 2K10's game it would all be over but the shouting.
# 23 Braves Fan @ 05/26/10 02:50 PM
Well here is the thing. If you think it's a gimic then fine, personally I don't care if it's a gimic or not. We are not major league hitters, we are playing a video game. Yes we want it to be realistic but for me being realistic means getting realistic stats, not playing the game exactly like major leaguers do. So guess pitch is a feature I use because it helps me get realistic stats. I use 1/4 guess pitch so the penalty/reward isn't as great. I think it's a good feature because major league hitters do in fact look for certain pitches in certain counts and in certain locations. Now granted they don't know 100% where it's going if they guess right and that criticism is valid but if that bothers you then use no feedback and you won't either. For me I need the help and it's enhanced the gaming experience for me. I like thinking along with a pitcher instead of just seeing ball, hit ball. I hope they never take this feature out, gimic or not.
# 24 rudyjuly2 @ 05/26/10 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by Braves Fan
Well here is the thing. If you think it's a gimic then fine, personally I don't care if it's a gimic or not. We are not major league hitters, we are playing a video game. Yes we want it to be realistic but for me being realistic means getting realistic stats, not playing the game exactly like major leaguers do. So guess pitch is a feature I use because it helps me get realistic stats. I use 1/4 guess pitch so the penalty/reward isn't as great. I think it's a good feature because major league hitters do in fact look for certain pitches in certain counts and in certain locations. Now granted they don't know 100% where it's going if they guess right and that criticism is valid but if that bothers you then use no feedback and you won't either. For me I need the help and it's enhanced the gaming experience for me. I like thinking along with a pitcher instead of just seeing ball, hit ball. I hope they never take this feature out, gimic or not.
I understand. If it's fun for you then great. I'd rather slow the pitch speed down a little more to help me read the pitch instead. You have an option that works for you in guess pitch. I don't have an option that I like. The pitch speed slider at 0 is still a touch too fast for me and leaves me frustrated. I prefer slowing it down and reducing the contact slider to balance it out.
# 25 Artman22 @ 05/27/10 12:50 AM
Good write up. I agree that the commentating in the show is getting very stale. They need new commentators. Mlb2k10 is a fun game, but as the article states it still needs work especially in the fielding department. Both games have their strengths and weakness. I also agree with the show needing some new controls. Overall good write up..
# 26 stlstudios189 @ 05/27/10 11:33 AM
MLB 2k10 made me not throw out my 360 this year. MLB the show is still great but, my brother in law did not see enough to warrent buying the game this year as he just kept playing last years. 2k10 wins the upgrade war.
# 27 econoodle @ 05/28/10 05:11 PM
2k was more fun for me this year as well, but no injuries and errors killed it off early. i went back to the show.
I prefer 09 over 10 but ah well.

As far as tghe shows negatives? i am sure the devs know what they are:

Bland/Lame overlays/stat presentation

horrid announcing [soup and rex]

old interface

those WILL get fixed next year.
# 28 Fiddy @ 05/28/10 05:45 PM
Originally Posted by rudyjuly2
It's not just pitch speed. That was one factor. As I said, the commentary, pitching and batting angles and analog controls all make 2K10 more fun for me. I have stated many times (and I did earlier as well) that the Show is clearly more polished and is a better sim but it's stale right now for me. I'm bored with the pitching system in the Show and the fun factor just isn't there anymore.

i have found myself asking, what is missing from the show? its the fun factor. it has become so good, but so stale at the same time. i find myself getting bored lol. maybe im just losing my luster for baseball and football games but i just find them stale. i rented 2k 10 from gamefly and while fun for a bit just wasnt my cup of tea either.
# 29 rp71284 @ 05/30/10 04:41 AM
Originally Posted by Fiddy

i have found myself asking, what is missing from the show? its the fun factor. it has become so good, but so stale at the same time. i find myself getting bored lol. maybe im just losing my luster for baseball and football games but i just find them stale. i rented 2k 10 from gamefly and while fun for a bit just wasnt my cup of tea either.
I think The Show can be fun if you let it be fun.

Me personally, I couldn't stand playing 2k10 much at all. I might just be slow, but I could never get down the pitch movements. Heck, I know how to do a fireball in Street Fighter, but I can't throw a curveball! And the analog swinging was hit & miss too. Maybe it's just me.

The Show I think is getting to the point the last 3 years where to somebody who is just starting with the franchise will think it's amazing, but if you've been there all 3 years, you're going to be asking for more. Remember when Madden on PS2 was pretty solid, and we all wanted more? Personally, I'm still waiting for the "more" from that game. I really don't want The Show to add a few features, but in the same time losing its core qualities.
# 30 rudyjuly2 @ 05/30/10 07:31 AM
Originally Posted by rp71284
I really don't want The Show to add a few features, but in the same time losing its core qualities.
I read that a lot from Show supporters. I'm not sure why everyone is so scared that adding analog controls as an option would somehow ruin other parts of the game. They are completely independent imo.
# 31 Reaman @ 05/31/10 02:22 PM
I didn't even know that a MLB Grudge Match existed between these two games.
# 32 jollyfatman @ 06/03/10 04:55 PM
I'm a little confused. Both reviewers seem to prefer the hitting AND pitching of 2K (which are the fundamental aspects of baseball, and any baseball game IMO), but end up siding with The Show. Do the atmosphere and visuals of The Show really make up for what seems to be slightly worse gameplay?
I have only played The Show. Love it, but definitely see the shortcomings (agree with the batting camera angle issue). Should I try 2K?
# 33 Buckeye @ 06/04/10 12:28 AM
# 34 rudyjuly2 @ 06/04/10 06:21 AM
Originally Posted by jollyfatman
I'm a little confused. Both reviewers seem to prefer the hitting AND pitching of 2K (which are the fundamental aspects of baseball, and any baseball game IMO), but end up siding with The Show. Do the atmosphere and visuals of The Show really make up for what seems to be slightly worse gameplay?
I have only played The Show. Love it, but definitely see the shortcomings (agree with the batting camera angle issue). Should I try 2K?
The games are different. They have a different feel. The Show is a lot more polished and the AI is better. It's just some of the options and gameplay elements of 2K10 make the game fun. That might work for you. If you love the Show then I would say rent 2K10 just to check it out. 2K10 is not for everyone.
# 35 rudyjuly2 @ 06/10/10 09:00 AM
Originally Posted by daley7199
All you Xbox fanboys, since you are the only ones buying this garbage, ask yourself one question. If the show were available on the xbox which game would you buy..........................NUFF SAID.
I chose MLB 2K10 over the Show 10 this year on my PS3. Respect other people's opinions.
# 36 trick02 @ 06/12/10 10:40 PM
How can you say MLB is much improved and go as far as recommending it? Sure they fixed some of the things that made it unplayable and it runs smoother then normal now but it still lacks all the features and characteristic of a real baseball game.
# 37 rudyjuly2 @ 06/13/10 06:16 AM
I think it would be a lot easier for the Show to add things that 2K10 does better than for MLB 2K10 to fix the things the Show does a lot better. But at the same time, I don't think the Show will add those things (analog controls, camera options, new announcers, slower pitch speed or at least fix that slider to make it more responsive). I hope SCEA proves me wrong but with them dominating in sales there is little incentive to add this stuff and the Show fans seem happy with the way things are. Many argue against adding analog controls for fear it might screw something up. I completely disagree with that argument.
# 38 wrigleyville33 @ 06/13/10 01:35 PM
I bought my ps3 just for the show last year before mlb 09 came out. I played it to death to September. However, this year is different. I saw only a couple real upgrades, and some little things here and there. Don't get me wrong, the show is a great game of baseball, but it is missing a fun factor now. Matty V's voice is horrific to listen too, as is the other commentary. The player models really need to be upgraded, and analogue controls need to added. I played my friend's 2k10, and it's actually kind of fun, even though I wouldn't drop 60 on it. But the show, after only playing it for a year and a half, already feels stale to me.
# 39 Bamafan3723 @ 06/14/10 01:01 AM
Originally Posted by rudyjuly2
I think it would be a lot easier for the Show to add things that 2K10 does better than for MLB 2K10 to fix the things the Show does a lot better. But at the same time, I don't think the Show will add those things (analog controls, camera options, new announcers, slower pitch speed or at least fix that slider to make it more responsive). I hope SCEA proves me wrong but with them dominating in sales there is little incentive to add this stuff and the Show fans seem happy with the way things are. Many argue against adding analog controls for fear it might screw something up. I completely disagree with that argument.
That slider works just fine to me. I bump it up one actually though. Makes it more realistic especially with fastballs.
# 40 Artman22 @ 06/14/10 02:02 AM
Originally Posted by wrigleyville33
I bought my ps3 just for the show last year before mlb 09 came out. I played it to death to September. However, this year is different. I saw only a couple real upgrades, and some little things here and there. Don't get me wrong, the show is a great game of baseball, but it is missing a fun factor now. Matty V's voice is horrific to listen too, as is the other commentary. The player models really need to be upgraded, and analogue controls need to added. I played my friend's 2k10, and it's actually kind of fun, even though I wouldn't drop 60 on it. But the show, after only playing it for a year and a half, already feels stale to me.
This is how I feel right now about the show. I know that it's a great game, but It feels stale.

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