MLB 10 News Post

OK guys, here it is.

Any suggestions, fixes or edits should be posted here. If you have any questions on how to get the rosters working, make sure you check this thread first.


Title: OSFullMinors2010V.1

Manual Download Here
  • All real players
  • Faces for the entire NL East and top 5-10 prospects for each team
  • Opening day lineups/rotations
  • Every player on a MLB roster is included
  • AAA lineups/rotations best as possible
  • Great for franchise play
Thanks to Knight for letting me join the cause and to Ksig for his excellent scouting and potential matches. I'm sure Knight will be around to provide input on V.2.

Game: MLB '10: The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3Votes for game: 66 - View All
MLB '10: The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 1501 CWood2 @ 05/25/10 08:24 PM
I feel like we should all line up and start offering up beverages to Knight as he nears the finish. Not the kind that hydrate either ...

# 1502 MizzyMike05 @ 05/25/10 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by CWood2
I feel like we should all line up and start offering up beverages to Knight as he nears the finish. Not the kind that hydrate either ...

true dat...
# 1503 Knight165 @ 05/26/10 12:01 AM
Originally Posted by CWood2
I feel like we should all line up and start offering up beverages to Knight as he nears the finish. Not the kind that hydrate either ...

Ha....thanks....Club Soda only though for me fellas!
23 years and counting.

# 1504 ntdgg711 @ 05/26/10 12:47 AM
good for you man...thats awesome...thats a long time. didn't realize you were so old tho. makes me feel a lot better about playing this game all the time. if only my wife could get the fact that there ARE other grown men that love this game.

Originally Posted by Knight165
Ha....thanks....Club Soda only though for me fellas!
23 years and counting.

# 1505 MRoach27 @ 05/26/10 02:00 AM
Originally Posted by Knight165
Ha....thanks....Club Soda only though for me fellas!
23 years and counting.

I just passed the 6 month mark a few weeks ago and hope to make it to 23 years!!!

Good on you, man.
# 1506 Nygs @ 05/26/10 02:14 AM
So I take it that unless you are controlling all teams, the trade deadline in the game is bs? Simmed a season, and loved to find out that I was being offered trades....after the deadline!!! Awesome!
# 1507 mattlanta @ 05/26/10 02:21 AM
Originally Posted by Nygs
So I take it that unless you are controlling all teams, the trade deadline in the game is bs? Simmed a season, and loved to find out that I was being offered trades....after the deadline!!! Awesome!
# 1508 Bullit @ 05/26/10 06:21 AM
Originally Posted by ntdgg711
good for you man...thats awesome...thats a long time. didn't realize you were so old tho. makes me feel a lot better about playing this game all the time. if only my wife could get the fact that there ARE other grown men that love this game.
At first I was really surprised but there are alot of us "old-timers" in this forum. More than I have seen on any other forum anyway.
# 1509 CHF @ 05/26/10 07:03 AM
Originally Posted by MRoach27
I just passed the 6 month mark a few weeks ago and hope to make it to 23 years!!!

Good on you, man.
Just reached one year myself. It was really hard at first but now I don't even crave the stuff any more. Oh, and add another "old-timer" to the list. I'm not that old but in OS years I might as well be 110.
# 1510 Bullit @ 05/26/10 08:51 AM
Originally Posted by capa
Tell your wife that I am 54 and play the game all the time...

It was ntdgg711 with the wife giving him a hard time. I am a 42 year old single father who has been blessed with a daughter who loves baseball as much as I do.
# 1511 Bullit @ 05/26/10 10:24 AM
Originally Posted by BloodBath&Beyond
I never realized the guys playing this game were over 40 years of age. My g/f gets on my case sometimes and I'm only 27 and this is the only game I play.

I'm sure it's been answered before, but why doesn't SCEA put the minors together instead of making outsiders do it on their free time? And how do they not have the real pitch edits in the game? Too me that is on of the more important details to make the game as realistic as possible.
Minors can not be put in because they are not in the MLB players association. In order to be in the MLBPA you must have major league time in, until they play in the majors they can't be in the game. As far as pitch edits I can't help you on that one.
What part of Wisconsin are you from. I went to Univ. of Wisconsin and it is one of my favorite places in the world. If it wasn't for family I would move back there in a second.
# 1512 I0I HaVoK I0I @ 05/26/10 10:52 AM
Hey Knight, Are your rosters gonna have the correct minor league lineups and pitching rotations?
# 1513 trsteve1 @ 05/26/10 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by BloodBath&Beyond
I never realized the guys playing this game were over 40 years of age. My g/f gets on my case sometimes and I'm only 27 and this is the only game I play.
27 (28 on June 21) and married for 2 years (on May 31), wife is pretty good about me playing video games, have a ps3 and a wii... play a variety of games fairly frequently... BUT, I do the laundry, the dishes and a lot of cleaning.. in the end.. if I take care of what I gotta do, she doesn't care what I do in my free time =)...

(also, she has her own video game obsessions, Final Fantasy being one)

But anyway, can't wait for these rosters.. been mostly fartin' around on MLB lately with random RTTS (one SS and a SP) and waiting for updated minor league rosters... Thanks again!
# 1514 TheTodd69 @ 05/26/10 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by Jason_19
Ronnie Prettyman was placed on the DL about 6 or 7 weeks ago. I tried looking for more information on him, but this is all I found:
I forgot that he still plays baseball. We went to the same high school, but he graduated 4 years before me. He was a great basketball player there too.
# 1515 ped3328 @ 05/26/10 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by BloodBath&Beyond
I never realized the guys playing this game were over 40 years of age. My g/f gets on my case sometimes and I'm only 27 and this is the only game I play.

I'm sure it's been answered before, but why doesn't SCEA put the minors together instead of making outsiders do it on their free time? And how do they not have the real pitch edits in the game? Too me that is on of the more important details to make the game as realistic as possible.
I am in my sixties, yes, yes, and love to play the Show. Being single and retired, I don't need permission from anyone to play this game. Old enough to be a grandfather but young enough to enjoy a virtual baseball game! And I bought a PS3 console and the game... with my pension cheque! Like MasterCard : PRICELESS ! Thanks SCEA and the likes of Knight for making life so enjoyable!
# 1516 markpmitch @ 05/26/10 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by ElectricWizard
I think SCEA should release The Show later (bugs, stances, rosters, and pitch edits could be adressed already) and then give "somebody" the game a bit early and let him do the minors so that when the game is released shortly there after (week maybe 2) the full minors rosters would already be downloadable. It would look like a dedicated fan actually did it without SCEA breaking any contractual agreements.

I am fully aware the above would probably be illegal and break a contract but it just makes sense and I feel they could find a way around it. Its like Jordan being coded into one of the NBA titles for the genesis or SNES years ago when he wasn't allowed to be.

So when V2 releases what are we gonna have to do to the lineups so they stick? or will that be done already? I ask because I don't want to do spring training.
i've thought the same thing before... like man, i wish sony could get knight a copy early so he could get a head start... wouldn't have worked this year though, because the rosters out of the box were all jacked up with the potentials anyway
# 1517 hope4bob @ 05/26/10 02:17 PM
I'm in my late 50's. Married 30 years. My wife is not a video game player but totally
understands my passion for baseball (Yankees since 1957) and video games. There's
a lot more of us with grey in our hair than people realize and I suspect most of us
are playing sports games.

I play MLB The Show during baseball season and I used to play Madden but haven't
bout it since 08. While playing baseball every day I also usually am working on
another type of game like I just finished Batman Ardham Asylum and will be picking
up Red Dead Redemption this weekend.

MLB is a great game and this is my first year playing with downloaded resters. Didn't
know you could dl them before. Maybe you couldn't on the PS2. But anyway all this
excitement about Knight's rosters have me psyched to play with v2. Playing with
V1 now to get the feel of it. Simmed up to current date then started playing them
myself about a week ago.

As a former programmer and software publesher I really appreciate what SCEA has
developed and REALLY like the group of people in this forum.

Nice job Knight and all,


Richmond, VA

playing a Season with Clssic roster download
playing franchise with Knight v1 'til the real thing
# 1518 mattlanta @ 05/26/10 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by I0I HaVoK I0I
Hey Knight, Are your rosters gonna have the correct minor league lineups and pitching rotations?
Well I don't think it's possible to have the right lineups and rotations because players from short season A all the way up to high A will have to be put on the AA roster in the game because that is the lowest minor league team to put them on. For example, Edward Salcedo was signed by the Atlanta Braves and is currently slated to play for the Rookie League Danville Braves. However, he is a top prospect so Knight included him in the roster but put him in AA because that's as low as he can put him. Get what I'm saying?
# 1519 xLAKITUx @ 05/26/10 03:10 PM
while we're discussing age.. Just turned 24 on 5/14. Live in a house with the g/f. Full-time job. G/F is not crazy about me "wasting my time with video games" but ya know what.. whatever. Everyone has their interests. Can't wait for v2!! Keep up the good work, Knight!
# 1520 Double Deuce @ 05/26/10 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by mattlanta
Well I don't think it's possible to have the right lineups and rotations because players from short season A all the way up to high A will have to be put on the AA roster in the game because that is the lowest minor league team to put them on. For example, Edward Salcedo was signed by the Atlanta Braves and is currently slated to play for the Rookie League Danville Braves. However, he is a top prospect so Knight included him in the roster but put him in AA because that's as low as he can put him. Get what I'm saying?
You can put up to 15 players on the High A team as well. Though you cannot play as the High A teams in-game, they do accrue stats and playing time through simming at this level.

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