MLB 10 News Post

Here is our list of the current known issues that we're looking into for immediate attention:

Attendance is not correctly getting reported. In talking with Jeff, he has a fix in mind that is fairly safe but would end up in the actual attendance not mirroring the paid attendance you get in franchise. It would fix the issue where you have 50k+ people attending Spring Training games. This will also fix issues with playoff games and games played in any stadium that isn't your own.
* UPDATE - This was caused by the stadium select screen being added to franchise, causing the attendance to be reset using the non-franchise logic. The stadium select was previously never used for playoff games, so it didn't handle that situation. This is fixed and it also fixes the issue with spring training games showing the attendance as if they were in their home stadium.

Trade Waivers:
Users can claim anyone off of trade waivers - CPU teams will never pull them back.
* UPDATE - fixed this one - a simple fix that will prevent user teams from simply claiming everyone that was passed through trade waivers.

No Contract:
Players can get into a state where they have no contract.
* UPDATE - As soon as a player was placed on release waivers, his contract was cleared. Then if he was claimed, he didn't have a contract. It was also clearing his 40-man roster status, which is what was causing him to go to AAA instead of the MLB team. Have a fix for this.

Player Potential:
Looks like a fairly bad miscommunication ended up with us having some seriously out of whack potentials. This will be corrected with the next roster download (Monday)
* UPDATE - Lorne is taking care of this - will be fixed with a roster update.

Multi Closer issue:
If a CPU team has 2 closers (one acquired in a trade) - they will always send one down to AAA.
* UPDATE - It would just look at the closers and see that they had more than they needed so they'd send one down, but they wouldn't look to see if they could send down a reliever instead and keep the 2nd closer in the bullpen. Have a fix for this.

Multi Trade players:
Not even sure what the details are on this one, but it looks like sometimes a player is traded and then re-traded or waived. Currently investigating.
* UPDATE - I have a fix for the trades. I'll not allow a player to be placed on the trading block by the CPU if he has been acquired by a trade recently.

Manual Trade issue:
I've seen a few reports of users having trades set to Manual and still having trades done by the CPU. Again, no idea how this is happening and we're looking for more information.
* UPDATE - Not sure what's happening here, we can not get this one to reproduce. Whoever is getting this, please make sure that you don't have your profile option set to something different than your global setting. If you need to talk to me via PM or IM for further info, please just say the word!
* UPDATE 2 Thanks to tabarnes19 and a couple hours of debugging we have found the issue and have a fix in the works.

If you respond, please please PLEASE do not be noise. We need clear help or silence - we want these things cleared up as much as you do!


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Member Comments
# 1 theotherguy619 @ 03/02/10 07:44 PM
Wow, thanks for being on top of things. The game hasn't even been out an entire day, and you are already working on making it better.

Much appreciated!!
# 2 eaglesfan89 @ 03/02/10 07:46 PM
Originally Posted by theotherguy619
Wow, thanks for being on top of things. The game hasn't even been out an entire day, and you are already working on making it better.

Much appreciated!!
Can't argue with that....fixes like this wouldn't be even addressed until a few months after Madden came out

keep up the good work
# 3 jacory12 @ 03/02/10 07:47 PM
My gosh, talk about customer support!! That's awesome!
# 4 croc500 @ 03/02/10 07:50 PM
Thats pretty fast response, but how long will it be before these fixes are released in an update?
# 5 tabarnes19_SDS @ 03/02/10 07:51 PM
Kolbe thanks man. I have been getting trades that occur auto when I use Yanks and sim and auto fix everything. I do not recall getting it with stock rosters. My profile is the same as my global.
# 6 diamondw23 @ 03/02/10 07:51 PM
Again SCEA, thank you for dedication & accountability…

While simulating a Giants Franchise, I too had the computer deal away Molina & Sanchez -4- two players I had never heard of (Reds)... ALL player trades & transations set to "Manual"

I read somewhere that another MLB10 owner had these exact 2 Giants automatically dealt to him?

Maybe a place to start?

Look forward to the update & fixes... LOVE your product

Thanks again
# 7 Microsoft_Works @ 03/02/10 07:52 PM
Awesome! Thank you!
# 8 RohrboughCop @ 03/02/10 07:52 PM
Amazing...simply amazing. Making the switch to to The Show is one of the greatest decisions I have ever made. You don't find customer service like this with the other game. Thank you so much guys.
# 9 kilmar1 @ 03/02/10 07:55 PM
Wow, you guys seriously rock! Now just don't forget us RTTS guys.
# 10 tabarnes19_SDS @ 03/02/10 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by diamondw23
Again SCEA, thank you for dedication & accountability…

While simulating a Giants Franchise, I too had the computer deal away Molina & Sanchez -4- two players I had never heard of (Reds)... ALL player trades & transations set to "Manual"

I read somewhere that another MLB10 owner had these exact 2 Giants automatically dealt to him?

Maybe a place to start?

Look forward to the update & fixes... LOVE your product

Thanks again
One of the times the cpu traded automatically with me it was for Ben Molina and someone else for prospects.
# 11 callmetaternuts @ 03/02/10 07:58 PM
Holy Smokes, thanks for the quick response and hard work. While I havent seen these errors yet (no franchise for me......yet). I had a question or two about some of your proposed fixes.

Attendance - What would the downside be to this fix? Just different in terms of income from attendance?

Trade Waivers - Will the CPU now pull them back and attempt to work out trade? Or will the USER just not be able to claim players?

Again, I (we) appreciate the quick response to these issues. Looking forward to seeing these fixed!
# 12 Kolbe @ 03/02/10 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by tabarnes19
One of the times the cpu traded automatically with me it was for Ben Molina and someone else for prospects.
Accept my friend request so I can chat with you - need to break down some specifics.

# 13 Mr. Franchise @ 03/02/10 08:12 PM
This dev team is ridiculously awesome...
# 14 diamondw23 @ 03/02/10 08:15 PM
Whatever's going on here & causing these bugs HAS to be simply! Some unique individual setting combination, maybe? There's NO way ALL this stuff slips past the OS "Community Day" representatives.

ALL we read was how the OS guys were locked away playing this game into the night... I just don't see Nemesis NOT catching the franchise bugs. Or, Knight not catching the ratings bug?

What's changed from Community Day to today?

I'm confident that there HAS to be a simple / quick fix to all of this???

# 15 Kolbe @ 03/02/10 08:25 PM
Originally Posted by callmetaternuts
Holy Smokes, thanks for the quick response and hard work. While I havent seen these errors yet (no franchise for me......yet). I had a question or two about some of your proposed fixes.

Attendance - What would the downside be to this fix? Just different in terms of income from attendance?
The only possible "downside" if you want to look at it that way, is the attendance reported in game will not be the same as the attendance that Franchise mode thinks you should have - we need to do this for balance reasons.

Trade Waivers - Will the CPU now pull them back and attempt to work out trade? Or will the USER just not be able to claim players?
CPU will pull them back - just like in real life, if you make a play for someone passing through waivers the placing team pulls them back.

For the record, I dont usually make it a habit of defending our fixes, but I could see how these may be a little confusing.

# 16 BobbyColtrane @ 03/02/10 08:27 PM
This is awesome - simply the best dev team bar none. SCEA please make a football game!!!
# 17 adice15 @ 03/02/10 08:27 PM
I have 2 questions:

1. Will these be released as a patch? If so, When?

2. Will future games be shipped with it? Ex. I buy the game from walmart after the patch is released, will it already be patched?

Ok maybe that was three
# 18 callmetaternuts @ 03/02/10 08:33 PM
Originally Posted by KolbeSCEA
The only possible "downside" if you want to look at it that way, is the attendance reported in game will not be the same as the attendance that Franchise mode thinks you should have - we need to do this for balance reasons.

CPU will pull them back - just like in real life, if you make a play for someone passing through waivers the placing team pulls them back.

For the record, I dont usually make it a habit of defending our fixes, but I could see how these may be a little confusing.

No problem. I wasnt trying to be a jerk or anything, just wanted to make sure I understood. Sorry if it came across the wrong way.
# 19 xcef2005 @ 03/02/10 08:42 PM
Awesome work with already working on fixes, this is my first MLB 10 the Show, got it late tonight and love playing it. I'm mostly a franchise person so Im curious if I should go ahead and start franchise and just play Spring Training intil a patch comes out. Or if it would be smart for me to avoid Franchise mode in till a patch come out. I plan on using all 30 teams so maybe these glitches/bugs wont even affect me?

Thanks again.
# 20 risky @ 03/02/10 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by tabarnes19
One of the times the cpu traded automatically with me it was for Ben Molina and someone else for prospects.
I have had it happen to me several times, both my profile and global settings are set to manual. If you need more info pm me and ill put it all in one pm!

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