Backbreaker News Post

Gamespot has posted video developer diary #2 from Backbreaker. This one covering Euphoria.

"The developers go in-depth into their Eurphoria engine to show off the amazing things it does in Backbreaker."

Game: BackbreakerReader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 51 - View All
Backbreaker Videos
Member Comments
# 1 boooey @ 02/19/10 03:39 PM

real gang tackles!! nice
# 2 adamgod8 @ 02/19/10 03:40 PM
Mid-air collisions look amazing
AI Behavior looks better than expected
OL blitz pickup at 2:23...nothing even close to that in Madden
The first guy getting tackled plays for the Atlanta Falcons, I swear

"People are going to pick this game up, experience what Euphoria offers, and its going to be really hard for them to go back and play a normal canned animations sports game" - Rob Donald
# 3 TheKasmar @ 02/19/10 03:50 PM
I'm excited about the collisions that will take place on special teams. 2 players running full speed into each other.
# 4 kjcheezhead @ 02/19/10 04:15 PM
The gang tackling and stretching the ball over the goalline was cool. All done without the sliding and suction of protak.

Looked like contact on the wr before the ball arrived alot of the time. It also interested me when he was describing having to tell the defenders not to grab the facemask. This vid has me wondering about the penalties and when they will be called.
# 5 Dudd @ 02/19/10 04:49 PM
Looked a lot better than the first one, the blitz pickup was very nice, and the db/wr interactions looked great, really natural how there was subtle contact in midair as both of them went up for the ball. Hope we get some gameplay soon.
# 6 Blzer @ 02/19/10 04:51 PM
Love it. Can't wait for this game to drop!
# 7 Vast @ 02/19/10 04:59 PM
Wow, now THIS looks very impressive!!
# 8 moose1619 @ 02/19/10 05:01 PM
need to work on QB, QB looks goofy throwing the ball, other than that it looks liek it has a lot of promise. It looks like you can "feel" the collisions and see where momentum matters.
# 9 noshun @ 02/19/10 05:03 PM
1st day purchase
# 10 Hova57 @ 02/19/10 05:34 PM
looks good , i just hope it goes penalty less, based on what he said it wouldn't just grab a facemask it would make smart decisions not to do that.
# 11 Phobia @ 02/19/10 05:52 PM
1 word = WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have it already paid for in full and have always thought of it as a day one purchase. But this video really cemented it for me.

This video IMPRESSED the hell out of me!! Backbreaker avatar here I come
# 12 Blitzburgh @ 02/19/10 05:57 PM
Looks really awesome! I will be picking this up on day one.
# 13 jdr4693 @ 02/19/10 06:16 PM
The tackles are unbelievable to say the least (nothing has ever come close to this kind of tackling in videogames) and the toucdown at the end of the trailer was flawless imo..this will be REAL football!
# 14 polamalu82 @ 02/19/10 06:46 PM
That video was awesome. Those mid-air collisions looked great. I can't wait for May 18th. Day one purchase, no doubt.
# 15 p_rushing @ 02/19/10 06:53 PM
Now we need to know about the details of the game modes and how the defense plays. That video looks a lot better than the first one. Hopefully they have the defensive decision working great. If that is working, then this is looking like a great game.
# 16 yardz23 @ 02/19/10 07:16 PM
Lol, i dont think anyone in their right mind could actually say 'madden still owns this piece of trash' after watching that video.

Certainly many people will still prefer madden, but come on, that was pretty respectable in its own right.
# 17 ZoneBlitz @ 02/19/10 07:16 PM
Good bye Madden...it was a pleasure. Please don't take it personal.
# 18 alliance4g63 @ 02/19/10 08:13 PM
Keeps looking better and better. I can see where it needs some work but nothing that will cause me to even think about not purchasing day one.

I like how they showed the helmet with the Falcons logo too.

I just hope more info is coming soon. I don't mind the diaries because they are showing off the tech. But I can't wait till they start showing a game being played or how it will look when we play it.
# 19 jyoung @ 02/19/10 08:24 PM
Those are some badass mid-air collisions.

Game looks better every time they show it.
# 20 TheWatcher @ 02/19/10 08:25 PM
Bring on the demo, NM.

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