MLB 2K10 News Post

Get rich quick, with Major League Baseball 2K10. Check the story from Jon Robinson at ESPN.

"And the rules are simple: 2K Sports is going to give the million bucks to the first person who can throw a perfect game against the CPU on All-Star difficulty starting March 2, 2010 at 12:01 AM PST and ending May 2, 2010 at 11:59 PM PDT. Eligible games can only be played on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 in MLB Today mode playing one of the available match-ups. Then, when gamers choose to play the Major League Baseball 2K10 contest from the menu, the game will automatically default to the proper gameplay setting in accordance to the official rules."

Game: Major League Baseball 2K10Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 33 - View All
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Member Comments
# 41 tj1182 @ 01/28/10 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by videobastard
This is just a marketing scam. There will be no winner. Its sad that 2k has to stoop to these type of gimmicks to try and sell their product.
Not true. When you offer a contest for money an auditor will oversee it.

This sounds good. I actually threw a perfect game with Oliver Perez (I know right) last year against the Yankees.
# 42 duke776 @ 01/28/10 04:35 PM
Man, this really wants to make me get the game. I'm out of school right now, and don't have a job, what better to do than sit on my butt all day and try and win a million dollars. I don't need to sleep either, I'd be pretty determined to get this. Too bad I'd probably get my *** handed to me by the computer, and I don't have anything to record it with, oh well.
# 43 Sherman91587 @ 01/28/10 04:47 PM
So basically whoever is playing the As KC or Pirates are the teams I wanna give it a shot with lol.

Let me know if I am missing any horrible teams ha..... well if its not hit close to the deadline Im sure the Mets will suck again just like always lol.
# 44 jake44np @ 01/28/10 04:57 PM
You will have to use a terrible team with a terrible pitcher and play against the Yankees or Red Sox is my guess.
# 45 Sullyb2332 @ 01/28/10 05:23 PM
The OS threads for this will be rich with irony. After years of complaining about aggressive CPU hitters not working the count and human controlled pitchers with pin-point control despite fatigue, now we will read countless threads about perfect games lost on a 9th inning walk. Just imagine and get ready for the "it is too hard to hit your spots" and "the CPU takes too many pitches, making my #5 starter work to just get through 5 innings" comments.
# 46 nemesis04 @ 01/28/10 05:34 PM
The video taping requirement seems odd to me. Being that there is an option in the game for this contest something could have been captured or sent.
# 47 Bahnzo @ 01/28/10 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by nemesis04
The video taping requirement seems odd to me. Being that there is an option in the game for this contest something could have been captured or sent.
I was thinking the same. Seems weird to do something like this, but "oh yeah, you have to tape it for us..".
# 48 VanCitySportsGuy @ 01/28/10 06:17 PM
This is a rare smart marketing idea from 2K.

I imagine there will be people buying/renting this game just because of this contest.

Watch the winner be a friend of a 2K employee............
# 49 RoyalBoyle78 @ 01/28/10 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by backbreaker
Kudos to 2K, but this is all about trying to sell the game period, and I don't blame them. They need to market the game the best they can and judging by the new trailer it looks good.
as soon as I read this at Pastapade I said wow, what Lame way to get gamers to run out and get your game.

Just make it a great game experience and you will have buyers, that's all.
# 50 Trevytrev11 @ 01/28/10 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by FootballForever
as soon as I read this at Pastapade I said wow, what Lame way to get gamers to run out and get your game.

Just make it a great game experience and you will have buyers, that's all.
Yeah, but I'm sure they've lost trust from their fans over the years and need something to get them to give them another chance and buy their game. If the game had been solid over the past few years with a growing support base, I doubt we'd see this.
# 51 RoyalBoyle78 @ 01/28/10 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by Trevytrev11
Yeah, but I'm sure they've lost trust from their fans over the years and need something to get them to give them another chance and buy their game. If the game had been solid over the past few years with a growing support base, I doubt we'd see this.
That's was my point. What a lame was to have people buy the game. To me that doesn't seem like they are wanting you to buy the game because it's much improved, just to get you to wanna try a win a Mil.
# 52 countryboy @ 01/28/10 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by kcxiv
WEll, i was told i am not getting the game early because of this. They dont want any of us toh ave an advantage. Nevermind that i dont even have a video camera to record myself. lol
I can understand their thought process, then again, I can't. I understand the idea of not wanting someone to "gain an advantage" by having the game early, but lets face it. No matter how good you are, to throw a perfect game, there is quite a bit of luck that is tossed in there.
# 53 bcruise @ 01/28/10 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by kcxiv
WEll, i was told i am not getting the game early because of this. They dont want any of us toh ave an advantage. Nevermind that i dont even have a video camera to record myself. lol
Pointless...you just know somebody's going to break street on it anyway.

Interesting marketing strategy with this whole thing. If it's a true all-star difficulty setting and they get all the other settings locked down this is not going to be an easy thing for anyone to pull off. And they wouldn't be offering a million dollars if they weren't prepared for every possible exploit.

That said, I would think modded consoles could still pose a threat to the legitimacy of this contest.
# 54 Blzer @ 01/28/10 07:01 PM
Yeah, this thing really worries me how easy it will be for people that know how to abuse this kind of thing.

I'll give away my process now, though. First of all, if I were to buy it, I'd try to get the game early. That way I can figure out how to really play the game, tweak my settings to the best of my ability, find the best pitcher combined with a decent defense and the worst hitting team, etc. Then I'd make sure to enable Hurry Up play (if possible in MLB Today mode), because I'm not going to waste time trying to get $1 million, sorry lol.

Finally, I'd go for one run on offense, and afterward I'd just bunt or get picked off the rest of the game. Hey, the point of this is the pitching aspect, why would I be going for more offensive stuff and wasting my time while I'm all about trying to get a perfect game on defense? A waste of time for any of us.

And of course, if my perfect game is broken up, I would start over. So obviously this is all kind of unrealistic to baseball itself, but in no way is this cheating. All of this is just trying to maximize my chances within the game's capabilities, and should be perfectly acceptable as per the rules provided.
# 55 duke776 @ 01/28/10 07:11 PM
Just a warning for anyone possibly considering getting this game just because of this chance, there are some states that it's not possible in.

Originally Posted by http://www.2ksports.com/perfectgame
# 56 Sandman42 @ 01/28/10 07:20 PM
Last time I threw a perfecto was in Ken Griffey Jr. Baseball on the N64.
# 57 Blzer @ 01/28/10 08:48 PM
Originally Posted by kcxiv
Say i throw a perfect game and win the million bucks.then what?do you know how bad it would be for them if i was the one to do it. Ooh he's a moderator and he knows people at 2K. he got the game early so he had the advantage.

If someone gets it early and wins the million and the game didnt come directly from 2K sports but through a retailer, they take 0 heat on it.
That's why they have the restriction on it being at 12:01 AM on the day of release... but then again I had the same question of... do they track this thing by your trophy/achievement? Is there something with MLB Today where it won't be accessible in the same way it will be at midnight on the 2nd? Otherwise, somebody could make attempts before then, and then just send in the recording later.
# 58 RunN1st @ 01/28/10 08:54 PM
I thought this contest thing was a joke when I first read it.

1 million dollars!?! Really?


Prediction: They will need a patch to fix the contest feature. Mark my words! C'mon, 2K.
# 59 Cusefan @ 01/28/10 09:56 PM
Originally Posted by wryly
A genius bit of marketing. Well done, 2K.
too bad most gamers will not fall for this. I guarantee you the Winner is a employee of a Video Game Company, Someone will have already shipped the Video before the game is even released. Sorry Folks, This whole deal Stinks like hot garbage.
# 60 Knight165 @ 01/28/10 10:02 PM
Originally Posted by Cusefan
too bad most gamers will not fall for this. I guarantee you the Winner is a employee of a Video Game Company, Someone will have already shipped the Video before the game is even released. Sorry Folks, This whole deal Stinks like hot garbage.
yeah....some guy who gets the game a week early...will probably play until he is one out away from the perfect game(3 days before anyone else gets their hands on the game).......wait until 12:01....finish up the game and send it in.

Cool gimmick.
Great marketing?...ehh....


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