MLB 2K10 News Post

We have just posted a new Major League Baseball 2K10 sizzle trailer.

Game: Major League Baseball 2K10Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 33 - View All
Major League Baseball 2K10 Videos
Member Comments
# 41 RedLine @ 01/28/10 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by RedLine
Anyway, last year in 2K9 Petco looked ok but it had the wrong signage on the Western Metal Supply building in left field (it was Alan's supply or something).

It looks like they fixed that, but I can't tell for sure because it's so dark. However, I was also interested to see if they fixed the field dimensions this year because last year the right-center wall was still at 411 ft, and they have moved in the fences to 401 ft. So I ran the YouTube video at 720P and full-screen and I can see that they did not fix the fences--still 411
After looking more closely at the video, it appears they have not corrected the name on the Western Metal building. I don't know why there would an issue with the name. 2K8 had it right and the other game too. Maybe there's still time to correct these details. One can hope...
# 42 drterb @ 01/28/10 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by liftheavy
Great trailer...however if you look at the scoreboard when the Mariners are playing the Twinss the mariners side is not correct...Ichiro #2, Bradley #5 Griffey #33 and playing first base if I recall. The Twins side looks good rom what I gathered...i hope this is fixed!
At second look, the only thing that's different on the Mariners lineup are their names. The numbers and positions are the same as the Twins lineup. Hopefully that bug will be fixed by the time it's gold.
# 43 jerm21 @ 01/28/10 02:49 PM
A sign of lighting. When the Orioles ballpark is shown, the lights are on, and the sky seems like it's just about ending its sunset. check it out!
# 44 duke776 @ 01/28/10 02:53 PM
I don't think the 1st baseman will ever stretch for a throw in this series. It's been like this for years, which IMO is pretty dissapointing. Another thing I hate to see still in there is that ugly homerun swing that Mark Texeira did. Ichiro still doesn't do his running swing(not sure any game has gotten this right since MVP though).

Overall, the animations look better, so do the graphics. Like others have said it's just a trailer, and it won't effect my decision, but I'm glad it's out because that will just mean more info sooner.
# 45 Trevytrev11 @ 01/28/10 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by duke776
I don't think the 1st baseman will ever stretch for a throw in this series. It's been like this for years, which IMO is pretty dissapointing.
It seems like the stretch is tied into the effort of the throw instead of the proximity of the runner. At least it used to be. If you didn't max out the throw and Juan Pierre was running and it was a close play the first baseman wouldn't stretch, but if you maxed out a throw to say Frank Thomas, who was 30 feet off the bag, you'd get a stretch.

The logic should be based soley on how close the runner is to first and whether or not it's going to be a close play. Then they need several animations so that the first baseman can stretch to balls in several different locations so we don't always see the same stretch animation.
# 46 duke776 @ 01/28/10 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by Trevytrev11
It seems like the stretch is tied into the effort of the throw instead of the proximity of the runner. At least it used to be. If you didn't max out the throw and Juan Pierre was running and it was a close play the first baseman wouldn't stretch, but if you maxed out a throw to say Frank Thomas, who was 30 feet off the bag, you'd get a stretch.

The logic should be based soley on how close the runner is to first and whether or not it's going to be a close play. Then they need several animations so that the first baseman can stretch to balls in several different locations so we don't always see the same stretch animation.
Didn't know that. I agree with you the logic is flawed there.
# 47 MizzouRah @ 01/28/10 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by Scottdau
I am impressed big time. The Stadiums lookes amazing too me!

# 48 Trevytrev11 @ 01/28/10 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by duke776
Didn't know that. I agree with you the logic is flawed there.
I'm not 100% sure that is the way it is, but there was a discussion on it a while ago (can't remember if it was here or at the 2K boards) and that was what the consensus came up with...and honestly that was probbaly 2K7 or 2K8, so it may have changed last year (I played so little of it, I don't remember if it was an issue or not)...hell I'm not even sure if that was the logic, but it seemed to be the common factor almost all of the time if I recall.
# 49 DodgerFanatic2K3 @ 01/28/10 04:58 PM
I like the graphical and lighting improvements to the stadiums but I can't get past the stiff claymation like fielding animations

If they could get the fielding animations to flow more smooth and natural like "The Show" then I would seriously give it a chance
# 50 myghty @ 01/28/10 07:23 PM
Like some people have said, trailer looks impressive. It looks like they really did put some time into it. Now lets see if it will run smooth with minimal glitching. Pretty good so far.
# 51 cubsfan203 @ 01/28/10 07:39 PM
Looks like VC stepped it up with the full dev cycle to work on the game. It looks like this could be a huge improvement over 2k9, and while I doubt this one will be on par with "the other game" I'd be willing to bet there isn't that large of a different with 2011 and 2k11.

I really didn't want to buy this game since I plan on buying Final Fantasy, but I might have to bite the bullet if the demo is solid and the general consensus is still positive a week after it comes out.
# 52 statum71 @ 01/28/10 08:50 PM
If I was a 360 owner I'd be real excited about this one. 2K is looking pretty good.

I just personally can't pass on The Show.
# 53 rspencer86 @ 01/28/10 09:15 PM
Wow, Kauffman Stadium looks pretty nice... they even have the layout of how the scoreboard is IRL!

I wonder if it is a full working scoreboard or what? Still, pretty impressive.
# 54 Blzer @ 01/28/10 09:19 PM
Originally Posted by rspencer86
Wow, Kauffman Stadium looks pretty nice... they even have the layout of how the scoreboard is IRL!
Only for some reason the images still aren't filling up the screen!
# 55 Jamin23 @ 01/28/10 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by rspencer86
Wow, Kauffman Stadium looks pretty nice... they even have the layout of how the scoreboard is IRL!

I wonder if it is a full working scoreboard or what? Still, pretty impressive.
It's a shame they couldn't make the picture part look like it would in real life. All they had to do is cover the whole screen. The black on the screen takes away from the realism.
# 56 MasterX1918 @ 01/28/10 10:14 PM
This game looks much improved, MUCH improved. I'm really looking forward to it now. I might have to get this and the show....
# 57 Jamin23 @ 01/28/10 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by 500Feet
Yea, I agree with you, but it actually appears like they did a decent job with the other parts of the scoreboards this year. I paused the trailer when it flashed by the scoreboards of different stadiums and checked 'em out.
It really does make a difference having real time scoreboards. When I play the game I might find myself looking at the scoreboards around the stadiums. Also they updated a lot of stadiums which is nice like Fenway park, which now has the coca cola deck.
# 58 duke776 @ 01/28/10 10:26 PM
Originally Posted by Blzer
Only for some reason the images still aren't filling up the screen!
That's one thing that bothers me, all the black space just looks so ugly. I'd be happy if they did something similar to what the royals do on their big screen for each player, I don't really like the small box they use now. Although I'd be fine with it if they just stretched that box and made it take up the whole screen, that'd be much better than having all that black space around it.
# 59 KeMiKaL @ 01/28/10 10:28 PM
i think im going to love the art presentation this year.
# 60 Jamin23 @ 01/28/10 10:31 PM
Originally Posted by duke776
That's one thing that bothers me, all the black space just looks so ugly. I'd be happy if they did something similar to what the royals do on their big screen for each player, I don't really like the small box they use now. Although I'd be fine with it if they just stretched that box and made it take up the whole screen, that'd be much better than having all that black space around it.
I like how the show does it. They should have done something like that.

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