MLB 2K10 News Post

We have just posted a new Major League Baseball 2K10 sizzle trailer.

Game: Major League Baseball 2K10Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 33 - View All
Major League Baseball 2K10 Videos
Member Comments
# 21 bigfnjoe96 @ 01/28/10 11:00 AM
Originally Posted by backbreaker
Oh Ok, my bad understood. I thought you played all the games, and if not I can see why you're excited.
# 22 bubba4 @ 01/28/10 11:08 AM
With VC having such a short time to work on last years game, and the game took a beating in the reviews, you had to know that they would come back strong! I have said, and will continue to say that Visual Concepts is the greatest sports game maker of all time. Their prowess in football and basketball is well known. I have no doubts that soon, they will get MLB on par with their other great games.

I am looking forward to MLB2K10.
# 23 DaveDQ @ 01/28/10 11:11 AM
Originally Posted by The Living Legend
Trailer looked much improved, one thing i did notice though and this was a big problem for me last year, was that throws over to 1st base, the 1st baseman did not stretch for the ball causing the runner to be safe i saw it in this trailer it drove me nuts last year.
I saw that too. The first baseman appears to be nonchalant. The play was made, but he appears to show no regard to how close the play is. It reminds me of something that has been an issue in this series. That would be the often casual throw to first. On many occasions, from second to first, the second baseman would almost lob it there. That always bugged me.

Overall though, I think there is a lot of promise here.
# 24 jeffy777 @ 01/28/10 11:16 AM
Anyone know if this is on YouTube yet? I'm on my phone for the rest of the day and that's the only type of videos I can view from here.
# 25 brendanrfoley @ 01/28/10 11:16 AM
MLB 2K9's first teaser trailer (Lincecum vs. Reyes) hit the web last year on February 2nd. The second trailer (Beckett vs. Longoria) went live on February 5th. Not only do we have more information about than we did this time last year, but today's trailer destroys last year's early efforts.
# 26 DaveDQ @ 01/28/10 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by jeffy777
Anyone know if this is on YouTube yet? I'm on my phone for the rest of the day and that's the only type of videos I can view from here.
# 27 jeffy777 @ 01/28/10 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by DaveDQ
Thanks man

The animations look great, way better than 2K9.
# 28 SoxFan01605 @ 01/28/10 11:34 AM
Still don't like that over-torqued looking batter animation, but I only saw it once (and to be honest, it's been in 2K for so long, I wasn't expecting change there). Everything else looked MUCH improved over last year though. Hopefully an actual game play video will impress as well.
# 29 jerm21 @ 01/28/10 12:04 PM
If you pause 13 seconds in, there are barely any fans in the Twins bleachers, but the stands look pretty full in other stadiums..dynamic attendance possibly?
# 30 jerm21 @ 01/28/10 12:06 PM
Also 15 seconds in with Tex hitting the ball, look at the catcher and ump. The ump is wearing a red mask, same with the catcher and his mit. Could this mean a Memorial Day game, or July 4th game? where the players and coaches wear red?
# 31 Checmate101 @ 01/28/10 12:11 PM
loved it. but sound of the bat is still there
# 32 jerm21 @ 01/28/10 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by Checmate101
loved it. but sound of the bat is still there
I noticed that too. Last year, I actually turned down a lot of the field sounds, to make it more realistic as a broadcast perspective. I turned down the bat, the glove, and the umpire down to 20 so you could hear it a little bit. Felt like i was at a real game.
# 33 Trevytrev11 @ 01/28/10 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by 500Feet
You guys can crucify me if you want for the following, but I'm gonna give my raw opinion of this. I didn't walk away with a lot. I walk away from watching that trailer 2 times completely neutral. I refuse to get hyped over 2K's trailers. I did last year and I was very disappointed, so until raw gameplay videos are released, my opinion stays neutral about MLB 2K10.
Completely understandable...I'm pretty much in the same boat. Probably more to do with the history of this series than the actual content shown here, which looks promising...Like the loss of the check swing with the swing system, I still find my self holding my breath waiting for the "but" that is going to negate some of positive ground they looked to have made.

Don't get me wrong, the hope is there, but the epectation of a let down that comes with it is just knee jerk reaction.
# 34 Galvatron @ 01/28/10 01:15 PM
IMHO, it looks like your typical 2K baseball game trailer...sweeping camera shots, a few new animations, carefully packaged to get the hype machine rolling. While I DO see an improvement graphics wise(looks alot like 2k7,and that's a good thing)my judgement will be reserved for gameplay videos and more importantly, the demo.
# 35 Blzer @ 01/28/10 01:31 PM
I don't have too much to say about this trailer, other than it's about damn time!

Other than that, I loved seeing all of the different skies. We still have yet to see a fully pitch black night time sky, though... so I'd like to see what that looks like when it pops up.
# 36 Altimus @ 01/28/10 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by kursekain
IMHO, it looks like your typical 2K baseball game trailer...sweeping camera shots, a few new animations, carefully packaged to get the hype machine rolling. While I DO see an improvement graphics wise(looks alot like 2k7,and that's a good thing)my judgement will be reserved for gameplay videos and more importantly, the demo.
Put me on this boat as well. Trailer looks good no doubt but it's just a marketing trailer. I'm not getting hyped only to be let down later but I will say that I am now interested after this video, the QA, and the franchise blog.
# 37 RedLine @ 01/28/10 01:37 PM
Nice to get some more video, I like what I see here. Even though this is a marketing "sizzle" trailer I can see some improvements to the game in animations and graphics. Overall the ballparks look pretty nice too!

Being a Padre fan in San Diego it was nice to see a quick shot of Petco Park (why is longoria shown, should be A. Gonzalez).

Anyway, last year in 2K9 Petco looked ok but it had the wrong signage on the Western Metal Supply building in left field (it was Alan's supply or something).

It looks like they fixed that, but I can't tell for sure because it's so dark. However, I was also interested to see if they fixed the field dimensions this year because last year the right-center wall was still at 411 ft, and they have moved in the fences to 401 ft. So I ran the YouTube video at 720P and full-screen and I can see that they did not fix the fences--still 411

Also, it would be nice if they put the Tony Gwynn statue in the park-in-the-park out there beyond right-center but the video is too blurry to tell.

Anyway, looking pretty good.
# 38 spankdatazz22 @ 01/28/10 01:48 PM
Just a sizzle trailer, but really enjoyed it and can see some of the improvements. Really liking the improved animations/stadiums, as well as the head tracking. Looks really good
# 39 rock85 @ 01/28/10 01:53 PM
Really want some game play video's, but the trailer looked good . The stadiums looked really good, looks like the animations improved too. The bat sounds sound better except that last one it sounded like that bamboo sound again. I know last year the trailer had better sounding bats but we all know how that turned out. Well just looking forward to some real game play vids
# 40 The Living Legend @ 01/28/10 01:59 PM
Put me in the boat as well. I mean i dont trust 2k as far as i can throw them. Dont get me wrong its nice to see the Graphics and the new Stadiums so i dont mind the trailer, guess i am just impatient to see actual gameplay since i havent had played a baseball game for a long time.

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