NBA 2K10 News Post

Patch #2 for NBA 2K10 is now available for the PS3. The 360 and PC patches, will be released at a later date.

Details for the patch, can be found here.

Please post your impressions here.

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Member Comments
# 61 rockchisler @ 01/11/10 10:38 PM
Originally Posted by Vince Carter II
i do not notice that at all. the crowd noise is normal, is not silent idk what ur talking about??? the 2 patch is great by the way!!!
Only time I have a problem with crowd going in and out is booting up the game after saving, like if I save the game in the 2nd qrt and play later and load it back up.
# 62 DaReapa @ 01/11/10 10:39 PM
After only playing a couple of Association games, it seems that the controls have been tweeked a bit leaving the players easier to handle. The contact shot animation has been adjusted, and so far, I'm not seeing the desperation prayer shots that were being thrown up pre patch #2. AI defense seems to be improved for the user, but it seems to be easier to drive the lanes than before. Actually, overall the game seems to be easier. Maybe it's just me. But then again, this is just early impressions of the patch.
# 63 STLRams @ 01/11/10 10:51 PM
Played one game so far, CPU gameplay was definately better, star players demanded the ball more and was more aggressive since they weren't passing out of double teams. Gameplay seemed smoother for some reason. didn't see any magic passes in the paint, and also NBA Today League FT shooters was fixed, not during gameplay stoppage it shows who is actually leading the league in FT%, before it had only showed players who had up to 60% like Dwight Howard. Also I have 5.1 surround sound and haven't had any audio problems.
# 64 CBMerling @ 01/11/10 10:55 PM

I saw the improvement from the CPU trading amongst themselves in an Association.

Now I started one before this patch, would it still effect it? Because I am hoping so..

I also thought they already traded amongst themselves?
# 65 jesrie @ 01/11/10 11:00 PM
i have a question, i have an association going. do i have to restart it to make the patch work?
# 66 DaReapa @ 01/11/10 11:05 PM
Originally Posted by jesrie
i have a question, i have an association going. do i have to restart it to make the patch work?
No. I was able to resume my original Association with the patch changes still taking effect.
# 67 Rocboyz101 @ 01/11/10 11:28 PM
I'm just baffled as to how the pass out issue has reappeared for me...this is just unbearable.
# 68 texbuk84 @ 01/11/10 11:42 PM
# 69 statum71 @ 01/12/10 12:21 AM
Originally Posted by statum71
Actually it didn't start with the patch. It just got worse from it. Now I'm only talking audio...the game itself is good.

I played a game last night and the crowd noise stopped maybe once, before the patch.

Maybe its the arena. Because some arenas cause the game to act kinda funky, like Dallas with the music not stopping when play resumes. Or Orlando where the spotlights won't stop after timeouts.

Anyway, the crowd noise was really cutting out bad in Philly's arena. I don't care what anybody says. Its there.

Ok this looks promising...

I just played a game in Boston and the crowd noise didn't cut out. I think its just certain arenas.
# 70 GaryT531 @ 01/12/10 12:23 AM
didn't read over all 8 pages, but i was wondering if some of you who have the new patch already feel like you have to make edits to your sliders. it took me forever to get my sliders perfected for my style of play after the first patch, and i am not going through that again. i'm somewhat concerned after reading the comment where someone said it is now too easy to drive to the basket. i'm on 360, and i'm very happy w the game as is w my sliders. as of right now, i want nothing to do w this patch.
# 71 Bluesman @ 01/12/10 12:47 AM
This is beyond irritating.

I have guys like Rose, Thomas, Noah, etc. shooting 3's when I check the box score after simming games. This holds for the other team as well (Kenny Thomas put up two 3's), and in the 2 games I actually played I've had some random scrub big put up multiple 3's (Kurt Thomas, Pops Mensh-Bashu) during the game. I've adjusted tendencies down to 0, murdered my coach tendencies, etc. and nothing seems to help that I've tried.
# 72 GaryT531 @ 01/12/10 12:59 AM
Originally Posted by Bluesman
This is beyond irritating.

I have guys like Rose, Thomas, Noah, etc. shooting 3's when I check the box score after simming games. This holds for the other team as well (Kenny Thomas put up two 3's), and in the 2 games I actually played I've had some random scrub big put up multiple 3's (Kurt Thomas, Pops Mensh-Bashu) during the game. I've adjusted tendencies down to 0, murdered my coach tendencies, etc. and nothing seems to help that I've tried.
this. not good man. this is exactly what i want to avoid.
# 73 mustardnmayo @ 01/12/10 01:07 AM
CPU more agressive in post ups attacking the basket,

Havent seen any alleyopps yet from CPU...wow

New contact animations going up for close shots or layups....
# 74 MarvellousOne @ 01/12/10 01:09 AM
Originally Posted by Bluesman
This is beyond irritating.

I have guys like Rose, Thomas, Noah, etc. shooting 3's when I check the box score after simming games. This holds for the other team as well (Kenny Thomas put up two 3's), and in the 2 games I actually played I've had some random scrub big put up multiple 3's (Kurt Thomas, Pops Mensh-Bashu) during the game. I've adjusted tendencies down to 0, murdered my coach tendencies, etc. and nothing seems to help that I've tried.
I just played a game in my player mode and I got the same exact thing from my team, Yao tossed up three 3pt shots and scola put up 2 from downtown. It's not like they just happen to be shooting as the shot clock was about to expire either, they was all jacked up early in possession. I also saw Kevin Love toss up 2 of them for the cpu....
# 75 kennyacid @ 01/12/10 01:19 AM
Originally Posted by Bluesman
This is beyond irritating.

I have guys like Rose, Thomas, Noah, etc. shooting 3's when I check the box score after simming games. This holds for the other team as well (Kenny Thomas put up two 3's), and in the 2 games I actually played I've had some random scrub big put up multiple 3's (Kurt Thomas, Pops Mensh-Bashu) during the game. I've adjusted tendencies down to 0, murdered my coach tendencies, etc. and nothing seems to help that I've tried.
yeah when i saw thomas pull up for a 3 i was like huh??? ok lol
# 76 DIESEL @ 01/12/10 01:24 AM
It's always fun to see all the things people attribute to a new patch.

I will only comment on the things I experienced in one game. Heat (me) vs. Clippers (CPU)

No problems with the sound.
No problems with CPU pass out, but I never had much of an issue with my sliders. B. Davis Killed me driving.

Some new animations **I** had not seen before. One nice one was where I got ripped by the CPU at the top of the key and my man dove for the loose ball in the middle of the court.

Most importantly to me. The CPU registers assists correctly. I played a 48 minute game in which I played horrible defense and gave up 112 points. The CPU only had 17 assists.

Prior to this I would always give up at leasts 20 assists a game.

Nothing earth shattering in regular single player. I do not think I will have to adjust my sliders which I have settled on.
# 77 Rishawn @ 01/12/10 01:32 AM
why hasnt dis came out for 360 yet
# 78 Tommyklaid @ 01/12/10 02:35 AM
I haven't played this game for weeks...(the holiday season kept me busy, so I haven't had time)...

...but I started playing my Association again and I am having a blast POST-PATCH...

I feel as though the computer plays more true-to-life now (dribble penetration, and-one's, defensively, etc.)

It's a brand new ballgame IMO...lovin' it 2K!!
# 79 coolcras7 @ 01/12/10 02:49 AM
The game so far is great after the second patch more balanced, I was complaining a few days ago about the AI on my team given up to may easy points, player rotation was so bad that I could hardly stand playing 2k10 it just felt that if i was not controlling a player the CPU would get blow pass them right to the basket or just allow the CPU to get rebounds , now everyone is rebound and rotating to the man driving to the lane to cut of an easy layup, alot more blocking, you don't have to play perfect defense to stop the CPU if you contest a shot 75 percent of the time they will miss, you have to work for your shoots now, seems that ratings actually matter a strong defensive team will get alot of steals and contest alot of shoots and lock down your best players, Love this game right now it's not perfect online still has issues and so does myplayer, but offline association this is the best BBall game to date, so far being that I am still getting used to the game and have yet to fine the flaws sure there are several.
# 80 stoncold32 @ 01/12/10 04:32 AM
Pretty smooth ballgame, now.

I'm seeing some new animations as well. Still wish theyd've fixed the sliding, but meh, maybe next year. Either way, good game overall.

Also, seeing some new uses of cut scenes.

I dont see too much other stuff they fixed though

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