NBA 2K10 News Post

Patch #2 for NBA 2K10 is now available for the PS3. The 360 and PC patches, will be released at a later date.

Details for the patch, can be found here.

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Member Comments
# 541 rspencer86 @ 02/03/10 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by Pared
Well, be wary with MyPlayer. I believe an existing MyPlayer can't avoid the bigs shooting from beyond the arc.
I don't think even new MyPlayer saves can avoid it, since you can't turn off Player Roles in that mode.

So if you are big into that mode, I wouldn't recommend updating.
# 542 Flightwhite24 @ 02/03/10 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by Pared
You obviously can't pick and choose the patches.

Your best bet would be to update. The fixes in the defense alone make it worthwhile. Just be prepared for the workarounds you need to do in a franchise.
What are the workarounds that you speak off? Is the latest patch flawed? I did her something about big men jacking 3's. Is this true and if so how do you fix it? Any other things I might need to be aware off thanks?
# 543 Pared @ 02/03/10 01:23 PM
I thought someone posted a workaround, spence.

For franchise, if you turn off player roles and chemistry (I believe) then you won't see the odd happenings of big men shooting 3's and all teams being rated 80 and above because of positive chemistry.
# 544 WTF @ 02/03/10 01:32 PM
I doubt I'll even go back to playing. I haven't been able to get into any sports games this year... I want to play it, because I feel like I'm supposed to play bball games... but I just can't get into it.
# 545 Pared @ 02/03/10 01:38 PM
It's because you're growing up. *sniff*
# 546 rspencer86 @ 02/03/10 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by Pared
I thought someone posted a workaround, spence.
Really? Do you have a link? If not I'll hunt for it... haven't heard of a workaround for MyPlayer yet, maybe I missed it.
# 547 BroMontana82 @ 02/03/10 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by Pared
I thought someone posted a workaround, spence.

For franchise, if you turn off player roles and chemistry (I believe) then you won't see the odd happenings of big men shooting 3's and all teams being rated 80 and above because of positive chemistry.
These for association. Also, you may want to turn off CPU trades otherwise you will get about 15 a month and players being traded to a team then being traded back. There is also a workaround for signing Free Agents if you use a non 2k roster. You have to "assign" the FA to a team, edit his contract to a 1 year $0 deal, then release him back to the FA pool. Then you'll be able to sign the player in your association.
# 548 Pared @ 02/03/10 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by rspencer86
Really? Do you have a link? If not I'll hunt for it... haven't heard of a workaround for MyPlayer yet, maybe I missed it.
I'll have to look again when I have some time. It was one big mess when the patch released, between PS3/360 times and so forth.
# 549 WTF @ 02/03/10 04:49 PM
Yeah... I think that's probably it unfortunately. What's happening to me P? lol
# 550 Brandwin @ 02/04/10 11:49 AM
Just to make sure one more time. I deleted every saved file and the instal of NBA2K10 off my HDD... I should still have the patches though, correct? I am never asked to download them again, so I want to make sure. Someone said I need to clear my cache to get rid of the patches. I want the patches, I just wasn't sure I still had them since I deleted everything and was never asked again to download them.

# 551 rspencer86 @ 02/04/10 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by DookieMowf
Just to make sure one more time. I deleted every saved file and the instal of NBA2K10 off my HDD... I should still have the patches though, correct? I am never asked to download them again, so I want to make sure. Someone said I need to clear my cache to get rid of the patches. I want the patches, I just wasn't sure I still had them since I deleted everything and was never asked again to download them.

Yeah, the only way to get rid of the patches is to clear the cache. Even if you deleted all of the save files, the patches should still be there.
# 552 Whaaaazuuuuup @ 02/04/10 03:26 PM
i'm sorry but after a couple of games, the patch wears off. the game will play perfectly for 1 or 2 games, the cpu missed contested shots, the user cpu controlled defenders actually rotate to the open man, the you can back down weakers defenders ect... the poof! al this is gone!! back to release broken game play. it's very frustrating!!!!....
# 553 donkey33 @ 02/04/10 09:59 PM
Sold my copy. The game plays well. I just can't handle the big man glitch as it has ruined My Player and the Association.
# 554 PrimoReemo @ 02/05/10 02:30 PM
I had been avoiding playing this game in fear of downloading the seocnd patch so I just got my first post patch action in the other day. I just don't see the big man bug everyone is talking about. Granted I only really play My Player and quick games, and my player is a PF, but I haven't had any issues with big men. The ticker does suck but I don't really notice it. Zone defense seems improved or I might just be thinking about it a lot more now. Nad the full court passes have been toned down
# 555 Comduklakis @ 02/05/10 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by wryly
I've been playing for about a week since the patch and I've yet to see the big man glitch, so if any prospective game-buyer is reading this thread, perhaps you shouldn't immediately conclude that the game is broken. Those with problems will always be more vocal than those without problems. I couldn't tell you why I don't see it, I play with the Heat in my Association and I play nearly every game, but I never see more than 2-3 ill-advised 3-pointers a game. This is with player roles and chemistry both on, and this is with the most up-to-date patch. I also use custom rosters and sliders. Before I read this thread, I wasn't aware there was a "big man glitch".

The big man glitch is primarily a sim problem. In games I played I would on average see 1-2 ill-advised big man threes and a couple long 2's that didn't really fit either. Check your boxscores on simmed games. Check Dwight Howard's stats. You'll probably see an average of about 3 shots from behind the arc with almost no success.

Also it is 100% attached to player roles, thus it has nothing to do with quick games. You also won't see it if you have player roles off in your association. I don't play MyPlayer so I can't comment on seeing the glitch there.
# 556 Brandwin @ 02/06/10 04:30 PM
So I downloaded the latest roster file and was going to start an association but if so, I won't have guys like Greg Oden on the game? He isn't listed on Portlands roster because he's out for the year, but I want him available. So should I download the first roster right when the season started?
# 557 Comduklakis @ 02/06/10 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by DookieMowf
So I downloaded the latest roster file and was going to start an association but if so, I won't have guys like Greg Oden on the game? He isn't listed on Portlands roster because he's out for the year, but I want him available. So should I download the first roster right when the season started?
associations always start with all players healthy. You just need to fix rotations when you first start your associaton. It will give you this option. Players like Oden and Yao will show as available and uninjured but not be on the 12 man active roster. Just move them and the minutes around and you have your fix.
# 558 BroMontana82 @ 02/06/10 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by rickmitchell22
having player roles off = no big deal
it wouldn't be if it were so simple...this causes other problems like insane CPU trading.
# 559 Brandwin @ 02/06/10 06:32 PM
Aaaah. But Yao Is rated like a 53. So
I might as well start with opening night rosters.
# 560 Comduklakis @ 02/06/10 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by DookieMowf
Aaaah. But Yao Is rated like a 53. So
I might as well start with opening night rosters.
Hmm. He wasn't in the association I started a couple weeks ago. Nor was Oden or any other injured guy. Not that Oden and Yao don't get hurt continually in your assocation anyways, but I had no problem with them having ratings reflecting current real life injuries.

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