MLB 2K10 News Post

Owen Good has chimed in with his weekend article at Kotaku. This one titled, Not the Bottom of the Ninth, But a Big At-Bat Coming For MLB 2K10.

"Scapegoated by its ownership and sandbagged by both declining sales and declining reviews, MLB 2K is a seriously troubled franchise. Flawed though it is, the title's biggest problems going into 2010 are not entirely of its own making.

Let's recap. In a conference call with investors and analysts last week, Take-Two Interactive said its quarterly and fiscal year figures would be worse than expected, and called out just one current property in explaining why: Major League Baseball. (The delay of an upcoming Max Payne sequel also was cited.) 2K Sports' MLB titles also took the fall for a fourth quarter earnings decrease of 9 cents per share.

That this could happen to a publisher holding the exclusive MLB license for everything other than Sony's platforms raised a lot of schadenfreude in a community disappointed - at best - by what MLB 2K9 showed this year. Savaged in reviews, MLB 2K9 declined in sales as poor word of mouth spread while Sony's MLB The Show became the sport's standard bearer - on a single console - with a superbly received offering."

Game: Major League Baseball 2K10Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 33 - View All
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Member Comments
# 61 spankdatazz22 @ 12/21/09 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by brendanrfoley
Sure they are. Madden scores well in the press and sells millions of copies. Furthermore, the NFL gets a flat fee for the license; more sales will not generate more money for the league.

Baseball is in the same boat. The MLB gets X amount of money if 2K10 sells 100,000 copies, or 900,000.
Glad there are people that get it. I remember a few years ago some were floating the the idea that MLB was unhappy with MLB2K. Why should they care? They're not getting additional revenue from the game selling more or scoring better. Anymore than the NFL cares what Madden is/sells, and it has complete exclusivity (versus limited MLB exclusivity). It was just another way to bash MLB2K as a game.
# 62 Trevytrev11 @ 12/21/09 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by spankdatazz22
Glad there are people that get it. I remember a few years ago some were floating the the idea that MLB was unhappy with MLB2K. Why should they care? They're not getting additional revenue from the game selling more or scoring better. Anymore than the NFL cares what Madden is/sells, and it has complete exclusivity (versus limited MLB exclusivity). It was just another way to bash MLB2K as a game.
I think they have to care and show concern when the number of copies being sold continues to decline.

It may not hurt their current cash flow, but it could very well impact their future once the license expires. If people get fed up with their once choice, they may just grow bored of the genre which isn't going to help them down the road when the deal expires.
# 63 EnigmaNemesis @ 12/21/09 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by Trevytrev11
I think they have to care and show concern when the number of copies being sold continues to decline.

It may not hurt their current cash flow, but it could very well impact their future once the license expires. If people get fed up with their once choice, they may just grow bored of the genre which isn't going to help them down the road when the deal expires.
Well said.
# 64 DaveDQ @ 12/22/09 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by spankdatazz22
Glad there are people that get it. I remember a few years ago some were floating the the idea that MLB was unhappy with MLB2K. Why should they care? They're not getting additional revenue from the game selling more or scoring better. Anymore than the NFL cares what Madden is/sells, and it has complete exclusivity (versus limited MLB exclusivity). It was just another way to bash MLB2K as a game.
True, but in the area of branding, you care if the only game on a very popular gaming system (360) is not welcomed positively by consumers. If I care anything about my product, I would not be settled with simply contracting some type of exclusivity. Like when MLB 2K6 came out for the 360, and the freezing issue occured, I think the MLB should be very concerned. And yes, even more so with Madden 06 on the 360. That was awful.
# 65 trick02 @ 12/23/09 03:20 PM
I am done with this title. I hope in a few years there is a new one for the 360. To little to late sorry.
# 66 spankdatazz22 @ 12/23/09 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by DaveDQ
True, but in the area of branding, you care if the only game on a very popular gaming system (360) is not welcomed positively by consumers. If I care anything about my product, I would not be settled with simply contracting some type of exclusivity. Like when MLB 2K6 came out for the 360, and the freezing issue occured, I think the MLB should be very concerned. And yes, even more so with Madden 06 on the 360. That was awful.
These entities are apparently selling out to the highest bidder. And in the end, it's not like the game is the horrible abomination that some fans try to paint the game as. Yes, MLB2K6 was horrible. So was Madden '06. So was NBA Live '07. AND Live '08. I think the first next gen FIFA was nothing to write home about. NASCAR next gen was a disappointment. This situation isn't unique to MLB2K as someone like Pastapadre might have people believe. Should MLB have been concerned? Yes. But so should every other league; it's not like this was a unique situation. At the very least, there is an alternative with the MLB issue. If baseball is truly that important to someone, there is at least a viable alternative, which is more than I can say about NFL/NCAA football.
# 67 yankeesgiants @ 12/24/09 12:03 AM
Originally Posted by spankdatazz22
These entities are apparently selling out to the highest bidder. And in the end, it's not like the game is the horrible abomination that some fans try to paint the game as. Yes, MLB2K6 was horrible. So was Madden '06. So was NBA Live '07. AND Live '08. I think the first next gen FIFA was nothing to write home about. NASCAR next gen was a disappointment. This situation isn't unique to MLB2K as someone like Pastapadre might have people believe. Should MLB have been concerned? Yes. But so should every other league; it's not like this was a unique situation. At the very least, there is an alternative with the MLB issue. If baseball is truly that important to someone, there is at least a viable alternative, which is more than I can say about NFL/NCAA football.
How is it not a abination? They didnt release patches for the ps3 version of there games. In fact they have not supported the ps3 in 2 years. pastapadre has nothing to do with that.
# 68 spankdatazz22 @ 12/24/09 12:33 AM
Originally Posted by yankeesgiants
How is it not a abination? They didnt release patches for the ps3 version of there games. In fact they have not supported the ps3 in 2 years. pastapadre has nothing to do with that.
Please. How is it an abomination? Is the title as good as it should be? No, absolutely not. The game isn't as polished as The Show is, but they have innovated in important areas where The Show has not, both in terms of gameplay and presentation. I've read many people prefer the more immersive use of right stick batting/pitching/fielding controls over button presses. I don't see too many people making the argument that MLB2K needs to adopt a button press control scheme. Same with presentation; no one's saying MLB2K needs to go the route of adding tons of cutscenes. In fact, I've read The Show's devs themselves admit that realtime presentation - which was introduced in MLB2K9 [in terms of baseball games] - is the future in terms of presentation. The interruptible commentary introduced in 2K9 was revolutionary last year and taken several levels beyond with NBA2K10.

Point being, MLB2K6 was an abomination. Acting as if 2K9 is no better - or as some try to argue, worse - is a ridiculous overstatement. MLB2K9 didn't light the world on fire, but it was far from deserving labeled as the worst sports title. The game suffers because it's constantly compared to a game that's considered to be the best baseball game ever. If it had to luxury of only being able to be compared to itself like Madden is, I think perception would be a little different.
# 69 metal134 @ 12/24/09 09:11 AM
Originally Posted by spankdatazz22
Please. How is it an abomination? Is the title as good as it should be? No, absolutely not. The game isn't as polished as The Show is, but they have innovated in important areas where The Show has not, both in terms of gameplay and presentation.
But what good is all that innovation is the results are sub-par? I'd rather have no innovation and solid results than tons and tons of innovation and mediocre results.
# 70 Trevytrev11 @ 12/24/09 09:23 AM
Originally Posted by metal134
But what good is all that innovation is the results are sub=par? I'd rather have no innovation and solid results than tons and tons of innovation and mediocre results.
The problem is, IMO, that 2K thought they couldn't market a game that just played solid baseball and istead focused on one or two additional things each year that looked and sonded pretty on the back of the box.

Now, the other game can. Think about their commercial with Pedrioa last year, which basically said the MVP can't hit the high inside fastball in real life and won't be able to in our game either. And we're not going to jeopardize realism for anyone, even the MVP and our cover boy.

Maybe 2K is going to try and go this way this year with their Pitcher vs. Batter commercials, but if they are going to shy away from innovation for a year and focus stricly on the nuts and bolts of baseball, they have to deliver 100% otherwise, what hope do we have.
# 71 metal134 @ 12/24/09 09:31 AM
The thing is, I think 2K can make a solid baseball game. The foundation is there, it just needs a lot of polish. Even the MLB series, to me, didn't reach it's potential until 09. They still have a chance to get it right. That being said, I'm not going to hold my breath.
# 72 Trevytrev11 @ 12/24/09 11:00 AM
Originally Posted by metal134
The thing is, I think 2K can make a solid baseball game. The foundation is there, it just needs a lot of polish. Even the MLB series, to me, didn't reach it's potential until 09. They still have a chance to get it right. That being said, I'm not going to hold my breath.

I guess it depends on how one defines foundation. Personally, I don't think this game is close when it comes to the basic fundamentals of baseball.

I'm not talking about anything graphic, animation or presentation related, but just the nuts and bolts of the actual sport; the brain behind the game is lacking.

Here is what I mean:

-When the AI pitches, there appears to be no logic behind their pitches and each pitch is nothing more than just a random choice. There is nothing I have seen that makes me thing the computer reacts to what just happened. If you chase a curve in the dirt, the computer doesn't catch on and throw that same pitch. If you take the first pitch 25 straight times, the computer will still try and throw a breaking pitch on the corner, etc.

-When the AI hits, they swing at everything. There aren't any different offensive personalities or philosophies for different hitters. Every hitter is ultra agressive and instead of waiting for their pitch, they just swing at any pitch.

-The computer never hit and runs and everytime they steal the hitter takes the pitch (even with 2 strikes). I can't say I've ever even seen the AI hitter swing and miss while the runner is stealing.

-4 step lead at first = a guaranteed throw regardless of how many times you make it back to first safely. 10, 20, 30 times in a row they will continue to throw over.

-No runners on and the hitter shows bunt way too early for a bunt for a hit.

The list goes on and on, but my point is that while they may have a foundation in place for a baseball game, they don't have one in place, IMO, for a good baseball game. My concern is and always has been with this series is that they don't have baseball saavy people making the baseball game and if that is true, how can this game ever be great?
# 73 leafs nation @ 12/24/09 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by Trevytrev11
I guess it depends on how one defines foundation. Personally, I don't think this game is close when it comes to the basic fundamentals of baseball.

I'm not talking about anything graphic, animation or presentation related, but just the nuts and bolts of the actual sport; the brain behind the game is lacking.

Here is what I mean:

-When the AI pitches, there appears to be no logic behind their pitches and each pitch is nothing more than just a random choice. There is nothing I have seen that makes me thing the computer reacts to what just happened. If you chase a curve in the dirt, the computer doesn't catch on and throw that same pitch. If you take the first pitch 25 straight times, the computer will still try and throw a breaking pitch on the corner, etc.

-When the AI hits, they swing at everything. There aren't any different offensive personalities or philosophies for different hitters. Every hitter is ultra agressive and instead of waiting for their pitch, they just swing at any pitch.

-The computer never hit and runs and everytime they steal the hitter takes the pitch (even with 2 strikes). I can't say I've ever even seen the AI hitter swing and miss while the runner is stealing.

-4 step lead at first = a guaranteed throw regardless of how many times you make it back to first safely. 10, 20, 30 times in a row they will continue to throw over.

-No runners on and the hitter shows bunt way too early for a bunt for a hit.

The list goes on and on, but my point is that while they may have a foundation in place for a baseball game, they don't have one in place, IMO, for a good baseball game. My concern is and always has been with this series is that they don't have baseball saavy people making the baseball game and if that is true, how can this game ever be great?

Great post man. I agree with everything you said in there. It's the baseball thats broken in their game.
# 74 EnigmaNemesis @ 12/24/09 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by leafs nation
Great post man. I agree with everything you said in there. It's the baseball thats broken in their game.


Lets hope they do make some substantial progress for the sake of gaming, and competition making things better for the gamer.
# 75 spankdatazz22 @ 12/24/09 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by baa7
MLB 2K already has a button press control scheme, is why.

I'm not sure which of the major sports titles you would consider worse than MLB 2K series. Nothing that EA or SCEA produces is worse, certainly. I'd say the only series that might be worse would be the NHL 2K series. The point being that if it isn't the worst, then it's at least vying for that title along with another 2K product.
? I'd say SCEA's basketball game would be a consideration, if there's anyone actually playing it. As far as EA goes, people will freak out but I'd use Madden in the argument. There's really nothing Madden's doing outside of Pro-Tak that I'd consider innovative or that has pushed videogame football forward. And it still hasn't put to rest talk of older (2K5, last gen Madden) or more disadvantaged (APF2K8) football games which are all better in key aspects of gameplay, presentation, AND franchise. There are tons of issues with the game that are overlooked mainly (imo) because there's no alternatives. And I'm not arguing that the game is horrible; I think it can be fun. But I don't know of a person that could make the argument that the game is where it should be. It's acceptable that the game "is finally on the right track".

I just think because there are no alternatives, people are learning to work with what's available. Is there really anything Madden 10 accomplishes that's truly distinctive? No one can say the game has established a great passing system; even it's big addition of unique QB throws was already done two years ago. And I could punch bunches of holes where the QB play is inferior to older games, such as QBs never taking sacks, distinctiveness, etc. It's still not as good as older games in terms of OL play. In terms of DL play. In terms of DB play. In terms of WR play. I bet one of the big wishlist items is just that defensive ends rush upfield. Next year. In 2011. After six years of exclusivity and without looking, I'll say this is actually a wishlist item. I've argued in various threads that Madden benefits greatly from really only being able to be compared to itself. MLB2K doesn't have that luxury.

I'm at best a casual baseball fan so I should be the last person arguing MLB2K9's merits. All I'm saying is that these games aren't judged the same way. When people compare MLB2K9 to something, it's usually being compared to The Show - which is considered the best baseball game to date. When Madden is compared to something, it's usually it's previously poor efforts. But even then there are still key areas that other older games did better, and many don't even try to argue that. It's just accepted because Madden is held to a lower standard. And the SCEA basketball game isn't really worth bringing up - but I'd guess there are legitimate reasons why no one's playing it.
# 76 metal134 @ 12/25/09 04:04 AM
Originally Posted by Trevytrev11
I guess it depends on how one defines foundation. Personally, I don't think this game is close when it comes to the basic fundamentals of baseball.

I'm not talking about anything graphic, animation or presentation related, but just the nuts and bolts of the actual sport; the brain behind the game is lacking.

Here is what I mean:

-When the AI pitches, there appears to be no logic behind their pitches and each pitch is nothing more than just a random choice. There is nothing I have seen that makes me thing the computer reacts to what just happened. If you chase a curve in the dirt, the computer doesn't catch on and throw that same pitch. If you take the first pitch 25 straight times, the computer will still try and throw a breaking pitch on the corner, etc.

-When the AI hits, they swing at everything. There aren't any different offensive personalities or philosophies for different hitters. Every hitter is ultra agressive and instead of waiting for their pitch, they just swing at any pitch.

-The computer never hit and runs and everytime they steal the hitter takes the pitch (even with 2 strikes). I can't say I've ever even seen the AI hitter swing and miss while the runner is stealing.

-4 step lead at first = a guaranteed throw regardless of how many times you make it back to first safely. 10, 20, 30 times in a row they will continue to throw over.

-No runners on and the hitter shows bunt way too early for a bunt for a hit.

The list goes on and on, but my point is that while they may have a foundation in place for a baseball game, they don't have one in place, IMO, for a good baseball game. My concern is and always has been with this series is that they don't have baseball saavy people making the baseball game and if that is true, how can this game ever be great?
I agree with all that, but when I talk about foundation, I mean the mechanics. The pitcher/batter interface is good and the fielding is nice as well. But, like you said, the AI needs a MAJOR overhaul, pitcher control needs to be WAY more realistic for the interface to mean anything and lots of little bugs and glitches need cleaned up.

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