NBA 2K10 News Post

The NBA 2K10 patch has been released for the PS3. Please post all your impressions here.

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Game: NBA 2K10Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
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Member Comments
# 181 jeebs9 @ 11/16/09 02:24 PM
Another thing I like is what they did with the screen or picks now. It seems like they give picks a wide body in some way. Like the CPU sort of moves a little. to place a soild pick.
# 182 Bellsprout @ 11/16/09 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by vikingsfan1
I know this may sound like I am crying but the patch made the CPU shooting percentage unbelieveable. They are shooting lights out.
I haven't noticed that. Frankly, I feel like shooting percentages are finally realistic.
# 183 jhawk9966 @ 11/16/09 04:19 PM
I'm still having the my player clone problem. Is there anyway to fix it?
# 184 jhawk9966 @ 11/16/09 04:21 PM
The only thing that work on my player mode is that you can change the quarter length, but it still creates a clone at the end of the summer? WTF
# 185 Mintsa @ 11/16/09 05:10 PM
Great patch........

Online is amazing now. Pre patch it was like 95% offense & 5% defence. Now post past it's like 60% offense and 40% defense.

Wins & losses get recorded now instantly !!!

Only if we could adjust our minutes/per game for our rotaions like we could for the past couple of years....but I'l get over that since the patch tightened up the game play so much.

Great work on the patch Simballer & crew !
# 186 Ice Cream Truck @ 11/16/09 05:34 PM

For me it goes straight to showing my stats without having the intro.

# 187 deon2333 @ 11/16/09 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by jeebs9

I ran a real test against the patch last night vs my friends. Now let me tell you guys. I have 6 friends that I've known since childhood. Only 2 of them are very sim. The other 4 are very cheesy. Default settings. I touch nothing. Some of us shot like 35%. The 2 sim guys and I shot little over 45% but none of us shot those crazy fg% of 60% and up like we did before. One my cheesy friends (who usually wins). I was winless last night. In all of his games....he got blowout...because he didn't play smart basketball. Another very good thing I saw. Was that the people who played on-ball D were rewarded more enough then the people who didn’t.

The one thing I loved about the new contact animations was that even if its LeBron vs Fisher on a fastbreak. You won't be stopped by fisher. Where in the other game that's what wouldn’t happen. Al little guy is able to cause contact on LeBron and make him throw up a stupid missed shot on a fast break (in the other game). I mean after a while I had so many and1’s one of my friends would just give the lane because his guards were not strong enough to slow James down on the break. lol Either that or intentional foul.fficeffice" />>>
I played a guy online that must of not known about the patch. And kept driving with LeBron over and over. I told him that the patch caused more contact. But he didn't listen. He just brushed me off and said. "You play your game. And I'll play mine" LeBron finished 8-37 in 5 minute quarter game.....lol I blow him out by 20

I made a contact reel of misses and make shots. I'll post tonight. But again. I literally love the game now. Because you have to play smart basketball now to win. No stupid plays are reward. No stupid passes. No stupid shots. You have to know how to play. A great example....I played with the Cavs last night with my friends. And I played all of them....and blew all of them out. none of them knew how to do post moves. Their big man were none factors. Shaq Daddy was balling. One game Shaq had a vintage 20 points (LeBron only had 9). In the next game LeBron then went crazy with a line of 22pts 6rebs 10ast 4blk. >>
Also on fast breaks. If one their players got loose on the break. I slammed them to the ground on a regular (forced them to get those points at the line lol)>>
Hey jeebs9 are you playing regular quick games or NBA Today quick games?
# 188 kwabalicious @ 11/16/09 05:46 PM
I am getting a ps3 for christmas this december, and this will be the game that i am getting with it. I was wondering,if the patch just came up while you started up the game or not thanks
# 189 tekkenlaw @ 11/16/09 06:14 PM
I can't believe you still can't turn off auto save in association mode. I thought that was going to be fixed.
# 190 alex96 @ 11/16/09 06:29 PM
Plays WAAAAY more smoother, liking it so far.

One thing I dislike is how Clark Kellogg and whats his name talk about games totally irrelevant to what I am. So far, the patch fixes things. Lets hope online isn't as crappy as the 360 counterpart.
# 191 da_shortlunatic @ 11/16/09 07:01 PM
wtf??!! my uploaded exhibition games still freeze when a team calls a timeout??!! i thought the patch was gonna fix that?? anyone else know the problem or solution??
# 192 tcrews @ 11/16/09 08:31 PM
I've already posted in here a few times but last night was really epic in my franchise. Just things that were NOT there at all pre-patch.

I decided to start a Pacers franchise because they're a middle of the road team with some good young players and one all star in danny granger. My first game was against the Hawks. I jumped out to a 16-9 lead early on and thought to myself. Here we go again. Anytime I've held a lead against the CPU more than 5 or 6 points. It's basically game over because they never, ever seem capable of a comeback. I took my foot off the gas pedal in the 2nd quarter up 29-19. And by halftime the oddest thing happened. I was LOSING 42-39. They went on a huge run (which is exactly what happens in the NBA all game long back and forth) and took the lead because I was playing lax defense and trying different things with different players for the "heck" of it.

The entire 2nd half was incredible. It was back and forth, lead changes, intensity. It was probably one of the greatest games I've ever had in any sport, on any console. And believe me I had some great games on tecmo superbowl. I ended up winning 99-98. It was tied 97-97 and I took Danny Granger to the rack on an iso and got the bucket and one. Missed the free throw and somehow on the ensuing inbounds play one of my cpu players went for a steal with 1 second left and sent Josh Smith to the line. He made the first one, missed the tying second one. And it was game over.

The point to all of that is that pre-patch some of us went into a game full knowing that unless we played to suit the CPU, we'd win no matter what. It's great to see that changed. I mean I had the difficulty on HOF pre-patch with almost every slider in the CPUs favor. Now it's on all-star and I'm getting beat 4/10 times.

My very next game I played the Heat and went down by 16 midway through the 2nd Quarter. I was amazed. I'd never gone down by 16 at any point in 2k9 or 2k10. I ended up coming back and winning that game. But it was a fight and a half and I had to pay complete attention for 48 minutes. That was a nice change.

Part of me is kinda peeved at 2k for NOT releasing this game. The post-patch version. This is how the game should have been. They really need to let some OS people beta test their games for them. Because if this were to happen again next year. I'm not sure the majority of them would still have jobs. That being said, I'm also thankful we live in a day and age of patches and that when a company puts out a bad video game with bugs, glitches, and a lot of other misfires. That they can tweak it, fix it, and make the necessary changes. So all in all, thank you 2k. But around this time next year, please don't put us through this again. Haha.
# 193 EarvGotti @ 11/16/09 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by Ice Cream Truck

For me it goes straight to showing my stats without having the intro.

Same thing happens to me. But it started before i got the patch.

Originally Posted by tekkenlaw
I can't believe you still can't turn off auto save in association mode. I thought that was going to be fixed.
Autosave in association is an intended feature by 2K. They say it has something to do with the Living Rosters or something.

But they did say it was intended.
# 194 tekkenlaw @ 11/16/09 09:07 PM
Originally Posted by EarvGotti
Autosave in association is an intended feature by 2K. They say it has something to do with the Living Rosters or something.

But they did say it was intended.
But you don't use living rosters in association mode.
# 195 Bellsprout @ 11/16/09 09:56 PM
Autosave is probably there so you can't just quit Association and retry the game when you lose.

Granted you could turn off your system, but still.
# 196 tekkenlaw @ 11/16/09 10:09 PM
Wow, why would they even care? It's offline. Association is nearly unplayable when there is a 5 second pause whenever you change menus. At least there is my player.
# 197 Rawdeal28 @ 11/17/09 02:29 AM
[quote=tekkenlaw;2040458694]Wow, why would they even care? It's offline. Association is nearly unplayable when there is a 5 second pause whenever you change menus.quote]
lmao. what a dumb *** statement. yeah its really unplayable because it autosaves. smh

get a grip guy. its far from unplayable.
# 198 DaReapa @ 11/17/09 02:31 AM
I was playing a single player exhibition game as the New York Knicks against the N.O. Hornets, and was leading by 4 points with about 9 seconds left in the game. The CPU attempted a late game foul to send my player to the line, but the foul never "registered", leaving my player in a stand-still animation and an easy steal attempt-turned-scoring opportunity for the CPU. I had to burn like 3 timeouts to keep CP3 from stealing the ball because of this. This was attempted twice, but fortunately for me, time expired before the computer managed to tie the game. This was frustrating enough, to say the least, that the computer was even able to come within 2 points of tying the game let alone possibly winning it. This problem should definitely be addressed.

Other issues I'm having are things like...

-the automatic alley-oop attempt that goes to a player that you NEVER had any intentions of passing to in the first place,

-the unwanted shot attempts taken when you tap the button for a head fake (and yes, I am TAPPING the button),

-and some of the unnecessary extra animations that occur during layup/dunk attempts that mostly result in frustrating misses.

2K did a grandioso job of smoothing out a lot of the sluggish animations in the game with the patch, but there are obviously still quite a few holes to be filled.
# 199 tril @ 11/17/09 04:21 AM
Originally Posted by DaReapa
I was playing a single player exhibition game as the New York Knicks against the N.O. Hornets, and was leading by 4 points with about 9 seconds left in the game. The CPU attempted a late game foul to send my player to the line, but the foul never "registered", leaving my player in a stand-still animation and an easy steal attempt-turned-scoring opportunity for the CPU. I had to burn like 3 timeouts to keep CP3 from stealing the ball because of this. This was attempted twice, but fortunately for me, time expired before the computer managed to tie the game. This was frustrating enough, to say the least, that the computer was even able to come within 2 points of tying the game let alone possibly winning it. This problem should definitely be addressed.

Other issues I'm having are things like...

-the automatic alley-oop attempt that goes to a player that you NEVER had any intentions of passing to in the first place,

-the unwanted shot attempts taken when you tap the button for a head fake (and yes, I am TAPPING the button),

-and some of the unnecessary extra animations that occur during layup/dunk attempts that mostly result in frustrating misses.

2K did a grandioso job of smoothing out a lot of the sluggish animations in the game with the patch, but there are obviously still quite a few holes to be filled.
your first issue isnt a bug. if you show the defensive players the ball
theyll go for the steal first or go for a tie up. The game forces you to call a timeout to avoid the turnover. in those situations its best to keep the ball moving or face the players body between the ball and the defender. then the defense will have no choice but to foul.

I thought this was a bug at first, cause this also happened in 2k9, but I think the game is programmed this way.
but then I started protecting the ball and they would start fouling instead.
the higher the AI defensive rating , the more likely this will happen.

The game is lovely. you have to know gameplay situations, make sure you have a good free throw shooters and ball handlers in those situations.

this game is a chess match.
# 200 tekkenlaw @ 11/17/09 04:50 AM
Originally Posted by tekkenlaw
Wow, why would they even care? It's offline. Association is nearly unplayable when there is a 5 second pause whenever you change menus.quote]
lmao. what a dumb *** statement. yeah its really unplayable because it autosaves. smh

get a grip guy. its far from unplayable.
I'm exaggerating, but the association is crappy because of it. 5 second delay every time you change menus, 5 seconds before and after a development drill. It's a joke, and one of the worst things about 2k10.

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