NBA 2K10 News Post

The NBA 2K10 patch has been released for the PS3. Please post all your impressions here.

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Game: NBA 2K10Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
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Member Comments
# 201 thriller92 @ 11/17/09 07:44 AM
Everytime, pre and post patch, I've faced the Heat and Cavs, neither Lebron nor Wade handle the ball as much as they do in real life, rather the Heat/Cavs run plays for other guys and motion non pick and roll/iso plays where Wade/Lebron are doing their things.

Im using OS Outsider roster update 3 too. Should I just up the CPU drive tendency and turn off the run plays for the teams with SG/SF superstars who always handle the ball?

One thing I did notice when I tried this out, is on Hall of Fame, the CPU players play ultra aggressive like in real life in terms of shooting open shots and shooting more shots off of the dribble. Is that the solution to the superstar problem, stay on the Hall of Fame level? Because otherwise I havent seen the perimeter players be ultra aggressive and create off the bounce like in RL.
# 202 jeebs9 @ 11/17/09 09:12 AM
Originally Posted by DaReapa
I was playing a single player exhibition game as the New York Knicks against the N.O. Hornets, and was leading by 4 points with about 9 seconds left in the game. The CPU attempted a late game foul to send my player to the line, but the foul never "registered", leaving my player in a stand-still animation and an easy steal attempt-turned-scoring opportunity for the CPU. I had to burn like 3 timeouts to keep CP3 from stealing the ball because of this. This was attempted twice, but fortunately for me, time expired before the computer managed to tie the game. This was frustrating enough, to say the least, that the computer was even able to come within 2 points of tying the game let alone possibly winning it. This problem should definitely be addressed.

Other issues I'm having are things like...

-the automatic alley-oop attempt that goes to a player that you NEVER had any intentions of passing to in the first place,

-the unwanted shot attempts taken when you tap the button for a head fake (and yes, I am TAPPING the button),

-and some of the unnecessary extra animations that occur during layup/dunk attempts that mostly result in frustrating misses.

2K did a grandioso job of smoothing out a lot of the sluggish animations in the game with the patch, but there are obviously still quite a few holes to be filled.
I don't knoq why....But it sounds like you didn't download the patch
# 203 Pared @ 11/17/09 10:02 AM
Originally Posted by thriller92
Everytime, pre and post patch, I've faced the Heat and Cavs, neither Lebron nor Wade handle the ball as much as they do in real life, rather the Heat/Cavs run plays for other guys and motion non pick and roll/iso plays where Wade/Lebron are doing their things.

Im using OS Outsider roster update 3 too.
# 204 BigRick47 @ 11/17/09 10:57 AM
I don't like it. I don't do the "Association", "My Player" or none of that other stuff, I just like to pick up and play and go online every now and then for a pick up game, but even post patch it doesn't work for me. I don't like how you don't really have control of your player in the first couple of seconds bringing the ball up in the back court, you try to walk up and the animation takes over like he is running to hurry up, on defense, your player still doesn't stay squared up to the man he is defending, there is just too many "canned" animations that interfere with the game for my pleasure. The CPU still shoots lights out, they get open too often and your defense is always late rotating to get out to cover. Going online is still hit or miss, much better than pre-patch but not what I or many people expected. This is just a let down for me, I was hoping this was going to be great year for b-ball since it was their 10 year anniversary and all. Disappointed.
# 205 jeebs9 @ 11/17/09 12:26 PM
^^^Well told....^^^
# 206 Cloud @ 11/17/09 12:33 PM
Finished my first game last night with the Celtics against the Magic and I lost 89-96 I think. Even though I lost, did have a lot of fun and the game is definitely a nice improvement over NBA 2k9. Now I don't consider myself the most hardcore NBA fan, but I do like the new changes. The biggest chance is that lead passes are cut down. Most of the time they're either deflected or intercepted by my AI teammates. Furthermore, there are a lot more contest shots in the paint too. Due to these elements, points in the paint were kept to 50% of the overall score as oppose 75% or 80% like in the past. At the end of the game, the shot percentages were 47% and 48%.

I was alleyooped three or four times in the game though. Some of this might simply be due to the fact that was facing a slam dunk champion like Dwight Howard. I also did not see too many shooting fouls so I was hardly able to shoot some freethrows. The AI also strangely backcourt once for some reason.

Nevertheless, I enjoy the game and will probably start my season soon. I was rather impress by how great the game play on the default sliders although I will still end up tweaking them for my season.
# 207 jeebs9 @ 11/17/09 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by The_Show
I can't bite my tongue any longer. 9.5 outta 10 ? Really ? 9 outta 10 things the person playing tries to do results in a bug or glitch.

Just for online being so messed up, you'd have to drop it to a 9 at least. Then you have the clones and all the my player catastrophies. The game would be lucky to be an 8.
Gameplay is 9.5

Online gameplay is probably a 8. Just because of the lag. But the rest of the game I really don't care for....lol I play in online league. Friends come over and we play 2k all night. Gameplay is more important to me than any part of the game. Thats the reason you play the game. And the patch really clean it up for me. My friend use to score 80%-90% of their points in the paint. They don't know any post or iso move and didn't care to learn them. All they did was play very unrealistic basket. But now since the patch.....They can't score consistently. Which means they are losing...because they don't know how to shoot. Now they want to learn dribble and post moves. Because now I'm blowing them out....lol and also...I haven't seen any of them score more then 40 pip yet.

Thats the reason alot skilled users are calling the game perfect. Not really the other parts of the game. But because smart because is rewarded with the W. Before the patch....some little kid could pick up the controller and whip someone like me (who knows the game pretty well) ***. The overall game might need a little work in its certain area's. But the gameplay is definitely near perfect.

The think the balance now is like perfect.

Great example...in "the other game" which I thought had the contact animations that 2k lack. But "the other game" had too much contact at times. If LeBron is on a one on one fast break siutation with fisher. Fisher would be able to stop him and throw some wild contact shot up for a miss. But in 2k. LeBron will win that match up 8 of 10 times. And also not even from an offense side. if your on the fisher end of the play. You could strip him or try to get a charge. Causing a contact animation is the last thing you want to do.....and1 lol
# 208 DaReapa @ 11/17/09 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by tril
your first issue isnt a bug. if you show the defensive players the ball
theyll go for the steal first or go for a tie up. The game forces you to call a timeout to avoid the turnover. in those situations its best to keep the ball moving or face the players body between the ball and the defender. then the defense will have no choice but to foul.

I thought this was a bug at first, cause this also happened in 2k9, but I think the game is programmed this way.
but then I started protecting the ball and they would start fouling instead.
the higher the AI defensive rating , the more likely this will happen.

The game is lovely. you have to know gameplay situations, make sure you have a good free throw shooters and ball handlers in those situations.

this game is a chess match.
No, what I was speaking about is indeed a bug. When you're trying to intentionally foul someone during late game situations, it goes through the usually "wrap up" animation, but no whistle is blown, and as a result, the player just stands there and "concedes" the ball to the person trying to commit the foul. Do a Google search on "late game foul glitch" and you'll find similar complaints from others.
# 209 DaReapa @ 11/17/09 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by jeebs9
I don't knoq why....But it sounds like you didn't download the patch
Everything mentioned is post-patch.
# 210 jeebs9 @ 11/17/09 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by DaReapa
No, what I was speaking about is indeed a bug. When you're trying to intentionally foul someone during late game situations, it goes through the usually "wrap up" animation, but no whistle is blown, and as a result, the player just stands there and "concedes" the ball to the person trying to commit the foul. Do a Google search on "late game foul glitch" and you'll find similar complaints from others.

Yea thats sounds like the you need to delete your settings. Sounds like you were playing street ball...lol I haven't seen it yet.
# 211 jeebs9 @ 11/17/09 02:14 PM
This has been a problem since 2k8. You would play a streetball game. Come out of it. Save your settings. And it will keep the streetball rules in a regular nba game. I've seen it before. actually seen it for the last 3 years now.....delete your settings
# 212 thriller92 @ 11/18/09 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by Pared
You have confused me sir.
# 213 ckarlic @ 11/18/09 04:21 PM
Just picked up the game today as I was waiting for the patch to come out and wanted to know what rosters goes well with this patch.

# 214 jeebs9 @ 11/18/09 04:34 PM
^^Your on the 360?^^
# 215 ckarlic @ 11/18/09 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by jeebs9
^^Your on the 360?^^
No, the PS3. Should have clarified that.
# 216 magicman32 @ 11/19/09 12:38 AM
The game plays a lot smoother after the patch. I finally started my player back up and it seems to be smoother as well. Also I like that the sharpened the player models on the FT closeups. 2k10 is a great game.
# 217 Fresh Prince @ 11/19/09 10:32 AM
Haven't noticed Dynamic Attendance yet in my Association, but maybe it's because people are coming out to see Wade.
# 218 jeebs9 @ 11/19/09 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by ckarlic
No, the PS3. Should have clarified that.
I don't know if there are any good rosters for the PS3. I think right now everyone is using the Insider's Roster. Because of all the fixes it has.
# 219 BigRick47 @ 11/19/09 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by jira2004
Sorry you feel this way but this game is the best bball ive played ever!!!!

I can tell you that you need to practice your defense....i did and got a whole lot better i play on pro 11 min and held the hornets to 44% fg for the game and I won 96-84......

My point is you have to know your team strengths and weakness.......Learn to play Defense first because you are missing out on a game thats easily a 9.5 out of a 10......
My "D" is fine, it's the game that has the problems. I still find parts of the game fun, and then some not to my liking, or maybe my expectations are too high, but to each his own...
# 220 DiceMan @ 11/19/09 09:27 PM
Originally Posted by jeebs9
I don't know if there are any good rosters for the PS3. I think right now everyone is using the Insider's Roster. Because of all the fixes it has.
PS3 rosters are in this thread:

It has some missing players, some ratings tweaks for sim purposes from the rosters originator ffaacc03, Seanbarkley's shoe/accessory edits, contract edits and DC's dunk edits. It's based off the 10-22 update so all players are active and I beleive dynamic attendance is effect.

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