NHL 2K10 News Post

The NHL 2K10 patch list has been posted.

• Fixed soft crash with referee not dropping the puck when playing with slower speed settings.
• Retuned the default sliders to make gameplay faster.
• Retuned the speed for acceleration and launches, allowing the user to break out mid launch.
• Players can now speed burst during crossover animations.
• Pinning has now been made easier, and can be initiated with the check button at slower speeds.
• Stick sweeps and poke checks retuned to more accurately knock the puck away when hitting the puck or stick rather than the puckhandler.
• Retuned shot velocity on rebounds and loose pucks.
• Retuned one-timer animations so players closer to the net will now deflect the puck rather than take slap shots.
• One-timers are now more difficult and will be missed more often if the player isn’t in good position.
• Briefly disable loose shots when sweeping your stick without the puck and then gaining possession.
• Penalties are slightly reduced globally.
• Retuned how the AI clears the puck on Penalty Kills.
• Reduced the number of diving poke checks done by goalies.
• Retuned defensive AI related to blue line pressure and defensive zone play.
• AI will now better react to drop passes.
• Slightly increased the aggressiveness of the AI in their own offensive zone if they are on a penalty kill.
• More aggressive behaviors for offensive players after the puck enters the attacking zone.
• User should now have better control over the player when in a shot block animation.
• Players will now help out more in a pinning situation.
• AI is more aggressive on defense during odd man rushes.

• Fixed de-sync related to custom soundtracks in online games.
• Made default online difficulty harder in unranked games.
• Add ability to sign in to cooperative franchise games from the Team Select screen, allowing for multiple users to play from the same console.
• Fixed OT Losses not tracking correctly in online play.
• Allow custom sliders to be used in unranked matches.
• Fixed the bug where you will randomly gain control of the goalie in Team Up mode.
• Fixed the issue so that users will always maintain the same color during Team Up mode.
• Fixed the issue with the speed burst bar / player icon flickering in Team Up mode.
• Fixed a disconnect issue that occasionally occurred while the server was down.
• Fixed an occasional disconnect problem in league games when line changes are made.
• Fixed an issue that would cause league games to sometimes abort at the end of the loading screen.
• Fixed an issue when the leader of a Pick-Up party leaves the party in the lobby.

• Reduced puck shadow size by 20%.
• In Reelmaker, added the ability to turn off the cursor like in replay (hit both bumpers simultaneously).
• Fantasy Drafts now reset all player glove colors to team color instead of custom.

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Game: NHL 2K10Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 23 - View All
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Member Comments
# 101 Eddie1967 @ 11/22/09 12:05 AM
Originally Posted by RealmK
No I realize that, The NBA "engine" is the same engine at its core that the whole line has been since they were Sega Sports titles. If you've played enough of the 2k series over the years, be it NFL, NHL, NBA whatever, there's this certain "feel or vibe" thats pretty much been there since the dreamcast days along with reoccuring AI behavors and persistant issues that have also been there since the dreamcast days. Sure there's been a graphical renderer update or two along the way but if you honestly believe NHL2k9 and 2k10 both don't reuse code from previous iterations of the series be it 2k8 or prior then I have a bridge to sell you real cheap.

Considering the NHL2k series has changed development teams 3 times in the last 7 years doesn't help matters much either.
I took a break from this forum for a while and on occasion I would pop in to see if anything has changed but I see it's still pretty much the same. Realm trying to keep up the same ridiculous, petty, mindless argument over and over again, killing threads for a game he admits to not playing anymore. Wasn't there new rules put out recently about having agenda's? You are the one and only reason why the 2k forum continues to be a mess and it's actually quite sad. I don't care if your a bitter former 2k fan, the fact that you can't get over something you don't like and constantly argue back and forth because you think the other game is better really makes this an awful forum to visit. There aren't that many people visiting this forum as it is, but to come here months after release and see that the few posts that are here mainly consist of your infantile arguing is really disappointing. You have an agenda like no other and it's really pathetic. When will you grow up and move on.
# 102 Jackdog @ 11/22/09 12:15 AM
This is the 2K forums. Stay on topic and leave EA comparisons out of this forum or get an infraction for trolling.
# 103 Flyermania @ 11/22/09 09:29 AM
Originally Posted by SupaStar911
you don't know, stop making assumptions, i program and i can tell you that its obvious they aren't using previous code, its called writing a new engine, after a while, you max out an engine and then you have to start again with a new one
Oh really? What do you program/write code for?
# 104 TIm @ 11/22/09 10:32 AM
After giving NHL 2010 up, I was so looking forward to this game post patch.... Then I started reading this thread and WOW 2k sure is pissin me off... They can blame Sony all they want but I call BS on that.... I think they developed with 360 in mind and it would be too much work for them... Maybe not but as a long time 2k supporter even since 2ksports became just that... I will not buy another game from them...I am serious about this.. I was planning on buying 2k basketball after downloading and playing the demo but Not now...That piss poor company can Piss off.. If they can't get us a patch as the 360 users, then make the game playable at least.... Videogames are going downhill and fast....
# 105 savoie2006 @ 11/22/09 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by TIm
After giving NHL 2010 up, I was so looking forward to this game post patch.... Then I started reading this thread and WOW 2k sure is pissin me off... They can blame Sony all they want but I call BS on that.... I think they developed with 360 in mind and it would be too much work for them... Maybe not but as a long time 2k supporter even since 2ksports became just that... I will not buy another game from them...I am serious about this.. I was planning on buying 2k basketball after downloading and playing the demo but Not now...That piss poor company can Piss off.. If they can't get us a patch as the 360 users, then make the game playable at least.... Videogames are going downhill and fast....
Well the NHL series is a different story from the NBA series. The NBA Series is Visual Concepts/2K's baby, much like Madden is for EA. It has already recieved a patch for both systems, so not buying the NBA game is only cheating yourself really.

The NHL series has nowhere near the budget and or the staffing most likely, so even it's not Sony to blame, poor sales over the last several years probably are. Truth of the matter though, none of us know why and may never know there isn't a patch for the PS3. Take a minute though to think if you were in their shoes though. If you could, would you patch one system or none at all. No matter what the backlash from not patching one system, no patching at all, is even less fruitful.In any case NHL 2K10 is quite playable even without the patch.
# 106 original6 @ 11/22/09 05:19 PM
Originally Posted by TIm
After giving NHL 2010 up, I was so looking forward to this game post patch.... Then I started reading this thread and WOW 2k sure is pissin me off... They can blame Sony all they want but I call BS on that.... I think they developed with 360 in mind and it would be too much work for them... Maybe not but as a long time 2k supporter even since 2ksports became just that... I will not buy another game from them...I am serious about this.. I was planning on buying 2k basketball after downloading and playing the demo but Not now...That piss poor company can Piss off.. If they can't get us a patch as the 360 users, then make the game playable at least.... Videogames are going downhill and fast....
2k not patching the PS3 yet because of Sony is only conjecture, not fact. We've yet to hear a confirmation of why there isn't one as of now (which of course has only fueled PS3 conspiracy theories). Hopefully the success of the 360 patch will result in a PS3 patch.
# 107 PaddyOReilly @ 11/23/09 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by original6
2k not patching the PS3 yet because of Sony is only conjecture, not fact. We've yet to hear a confirmation of why there isn't one as of now (which of course has only fueled PS3 conspiracy theories). Hopefully the success of the 360 patch will result in a PS3 patch.
The 2KHockey.net mods were alluding to this but in reality what they mean is that they don't want to part with any more money (bandwidth/storage charges etc.), although when I mentioned the 2 free patches the topic got locked quick enough.

This is hardly Sony's fault but I wouldn't expect any proper confirmation from them, just look at how the patch was released.
# 108 plaidchuck @ 11/23/09 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by PaddyOReilly
The 2KHockey.net mods were alluding to this but in reality what they mean is that they don't want to part with any more money (bandwidth/storage charges etc.), although when I mentioned the 2 free patches the topic got locked quick enough.

This is hardly Sony's fault but I wouldn't expect any proper confirmation from them, just look at how the patch was released.
Maybe a third party ported it and their programmers don't have the time or know-ho to put out a patch fast enough?
# 109 playball335 @ 11/24/09 08:10 AM
I just purchased it last week when I heard initially that there was going to be a patch. If they don't end up patching for PS3 I am done with 2K as well, at least until they can prove they support ALL their customers.

Originally Posted by RealmK
Really though Savoie its a double edged sword. I seem to recall NHL2k selling pretty well last gen, and it was critically acclaimed by both the hardcore fans and reviewers alike. If 2k is actually serious about competing with EA's resurgence with hockey, there should be a patch for both systems.

Personally pre patch I didn't find the game to be very playable at all with the defensive and goalie issues, with that being said I certainly feel for those with PS3's, since the're pretty much stuck with a mess of a game.
# 110 cheechoo98 @ 11/26/09 12:26 PM
I've compiled a list of places where we PS3 Users can place our concerns:

Take 2 (Publishers):
US Support
Phone: 1-866-219-9839
Email: [email protected]

Canadian Support
Phone: 1-800-638-0127
Email: [email protected]

2Ksports Customer Service
[email protected]

By SNAIL MAIL below:

10 Hamilton Landing
Novato, CA 94949

Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc.
575 Broadway
New York, New York 10012

Anyhoot, let's give it our best shot.
# 111 Dook517 @ 11/26/09 05:47 PM
Great work. Very constructive. Thanks.

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