Madden 2010 News Post

Check out the Madden NFL 10 blog, which talks about the preliminary details of the 2nd title update.

"In this second title update we focused on some of the more debated topics from our loyal and passionate fan base. We appreciate all the feedback so please keep it coming! In this update you will be happy to hear that we have tuned our Flat Zone assignments to cover the flats more effectively. Defenders will not chuck a WR if another receiver is running a route towards their zone. This will help the defender be in better position to react to a quickly throw flat route and allow him to make a play. The flat zone defenders will also play the ball better if a pass is thrown behind the line of scrimmage as well as taking better pursuit angles after the catch to prevent the ball carrier from being able to get around the corner. This has been one of the top complaints that we have heard about and realized it was definitely something that we needed to address."

Game: Madden NFL 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 76 - View All
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Member Comments
# 201 Kramer5150 @ 10/22/09 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by mavfan21
Remember Madden's past when we'd get one patch, MAYBE?

We're getting big issues fixed in October/November...that's something we haven't seen before. Remember when David Ortiz ran the Madden team????
We're STILL getting these patches mid/late in the football season,so what's your point? By the time the 2nd patch comes out,I'm sure most will have moved on already...alot of guys are waiting to start a franchise when it drops....already mid-way through the season!....and this is acceptable to you?

Originally Posted by mavfan21
What would you guys that are being overly critical prefer, that they just never bothered to fix anything? I can't believe people are being critical of them for trying to fix issues. EVERY game ships with bugs/glitches. Not every game gets them fixed.

Do you want to ENCOURAGE or DISCOURAGE the current development teams attempts to fix the games bugs? Geez.
See,the thing is....what their "attempting" to fix,should not be broken in the first place. This is football,the game has remained the same for how many years now?? with the exception of rule changes,the "x's" and "o's" are common place.
I agree...games DO ship with bugs and glitches....BUT....the big difference is longevity. I'm sure MOST people would like to play their franchise at/or around the start of the season....NOT mid-way through the season.
# 202 gr18 @ 10/22/09 06:05 PM
You'll have to wait to start a franchise if you want stat glitch fixes.
# 203 NFLFanSince1979 @ 10/22/09 08:34 PM
Can't wait for this game update/patch. I don't mind this game to begin with. Cant wait to see how it plays out as a finished product.
# 204 Steven123 @ 10/22/09 08:53 PM
Yeah, too bad it took another 2 months for be actually finished..
# 205 seriousluboy83 @ 10/22/09 09:23 PM
Why Are So Many Gamers N Here Giving Props 2 EA For A Patch That'll Finally......Hopefully Make Madden A Complete Game......I Don't Understand It
# 206 PVarck31 @ 10/22/09 10:08 PM
Get off the damn car talk, and back on the madden talk, only warning.
# 207 Lake Effect 716 @ 10/23/09 03:27 AM
Madden is the most fun game ever. I used to always play franchises against the CPU, but when I played online for the first time last year I was amazed at how bad I was! well Im 23-10 this year online so far. I am so glad EA spends time to fix these things for online play and do their best to prevent cheating.


I would really REALLY like it if Madden 11 focused on the play in the Trenches. I think the Offensive and Defensive Line play is one of the weaker parts of the game, along with my computer counterparts on defense they arent too good but sounds like you guys are fixing some of those things (flats, pursuit, etc).

I would like to see my lineman who are pulling on running plays be a little more aware of who they need to block and who they dont need to block. I also think the pass rush on defense is not good enough. It also seems like offensive lineman who aren't good can block defensive lineman who are good.

I would really like to see a Defensive or Offensive Tackle on the cover next year to symbolize the importance of the trenches (Clady??)
# 208 STLRams @ 10/23/09 09:29 AM
So Im guessing staduim specific sounds didn't make it in the patch?? If not, thats crazy, I thought the devs said they would add this in.
# 209 JohnDoe8865 @ 10/23/09 10:18 AM
Originally Posted by STLRams
So Im guessing staduim specific sounds didn't make it in the patch?? If not, thats crazy, I thought the devs said they would add this in.
If the stadium sounds didn't get patched that is extremely WEAK.
# 210 ImpactPlayer89 @ 10/23/09 11:42 AM
I would just like to know what positions will the offline franchise stats get fixed for? I know the 2 biggest ones is OL pancakes and CB tackles, but many others are:

-OL pancakes (not enough)
-CB tackles (not enough) and sometimes INT's (not enough)
-QB yards (too much) and sometimes TD's (too much)
-RB TD's (not enough)
-WR yards (too much for most) and TD's (too much for most)

These are all I've noticed as have many, many others. I know these are known issues and that Ian and Co. are going to fix Franchise stats, but I was just wondering which ones specifically? Anyone heard any specifics?
# 211 StormJH1 @ 10/23/09 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by bulls23

Could you imagine how much trouble EA would be in if 2k could make an NFL game? 2k really takes care of their customers.
Some things have changed since 2004. Practically every serious household has changed the type of television set they have in their house, we've had a new generation of consoles, and the resources required to develop a quality sports game nowadays are exponentially higher. What 2k did with 2k5 was admirable, but it's not at all instructive on what they're capable of now. Also, anyone who played MLB 2k9 would probably take issue with the notion that "2k takes care of their customers". Not when they patch the game and outfielders still can't catch flyballs with any regularity!

Recently, I've been buying back some of my favorite PS2 sports titles used for like 99 cents, either for nostalgia, or if my wife is blocking the TV with the 360 on it. As much as people talk about how great those games were, I have a tough time playing them. The framerates are terrible and it's just tough to believe what you see on the screen. In other words, the technology has come a long way since then. Sure I wish we could get a modern, 60fps, true HD version of 2k football with NFL licensing, but it just isn't going to happen anytime soon.
# 212 tj1182 @ 10/23/09 04:14 PM
I thinks it's bit late for a patch. I'm having fun without it, but this game, for me, is gonna hit the shelf soon, with games like Forza 3 and Dragon Age coming out in the next few weeks I won't have time for Madden. Maybe I'll pick it up again in January when the playoffs start before I get rid of it.
# 213 LionsFanNJ @ 10/23/09 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by bulls23
2k really takes care of their customers.
Sure they do. Ask the MLB 2k fans if their franchise mode works after two patches this year. Or ask them how their outfielders play.
# 214 maademperor @ 10/23/09 05:32 PM
I wonder if EA takes note of all these users who year after year complain just to see how many of them are right back on this forum the next year playing the latest version...
# 215 Nyy26Bosox7 @ 10/23/09 07:54 PM
Originally Posted by bulls23

Madden 10 release - August 14 Big Madden Patch - prob December

Time: 5 months

NBA 2k10 release- Oct 3 2k10 patch - mid Nov latest

Time: 1-1.5 months

Could you imagine how much trouble EA would be in if 2k could make an NFL game? 2k really takes care of their customers.
Really mlb 2k9 was a must sell The only reason nba is patched quick is because there is another basketball game named NBA LIVE. If Live wasn't out, NBA 2K would release the same stuff each year just like how they do now
# 216 DrUrsus @ 10/23/09 08:10 PM
Originally Posted by StormJH1
Some things have changed since 2004. Practically every serious household has changed the type of television set they have in their house, we've had a new generation of consoles, and the resources required to develop a quality sports game nowadays are exponentially higher. What 2k did with 2k5 was admirable, but it's not at all instructive on what they're capable of now. Also, anyone who played MLB 2k9 would probably take issue with the notion that "2k takes care of their customers". Not when they patch the game and outfielders still can't catch flyballs with any regularity!

Recently, I've been buying back some of my favorite PS2 sports titles used for like 99 cents, either for nostalgia, or if my wife is blocking the TV with the 360 on it. As much as people talk about how great those games were, I have a tough time playing them. The framerates are terrible and it's just tough to believe what you see on the screen. In other words, the technology has come a long way since then. Sure I wish we could get a modern, 60fps, true HD version of 2k football with NFL licensing, but it just isn't going to happen anytime soon.
Good points, plus 2K doesn't exactly support NHL 2K that well either (not making excuses for EA by the way).

What do Madden and MLB 2K (on the 360) have in common? Yea, that's right exclusive licensing agreements. They suck, and I hope that the NFL and MLB rethink these arrangements, but money talks in the good ol U.S.A.
# 217 NE Rams Fan @ 10/24/09 12:26 AM
sorry to be so naive but when is the 2nd patch suppose to be released?
# 218 roadman @ 10/24/09 12:35 AM
Originally Posted by NE Rams Fan
sorry to be so naive but when is the 2nd patch suppose to be released?
It's not in MS/Sony's hands, yet. Probably middle to late Nov.
# 219 huskerwr38 @ 10/28/09 11:57 PM
This comes from Ian Cummings twitter page:

We are wrapping up the 2nd title update for Madden 10 - lots of good improvements, additions, fixes. Look for a list of stuff next week.

One thing constantly being requested is info regarding the upcoming patch for Madden 10, so here is the latest. Per Ian Cummings on Twitter the second patch is still being worked on. It appears they are attempting to get as much into this patch as possible and as such it has still not been submitted to MS or Sony for certification. Indications are that could happen within the next week or so. That would put the patch on track to release in the first half of November.

The patch is expected to include many community requested gameplay tweaks along with adjustments to the sim stats in Franchise mode, fixes to problems that the first patch caused, and the addition of the Seahawks alternate jerseys. Complete details of what the patch will entail have not yet been laid out, and that probably will not be done until the submission has been officially made or until cleared and ready for release.
# 220 Bellsprout @ 10/29/09 12:27 AM
The Seahawks greens?!? Yes. Now I can have the Ugly Jersey Bowl between Seattle and Green Bay (in their alt yellows).

That sets a dangerous precedent, as any jersey worn will now have to be patched in. We'll all be expecting it. Though, I feel pretty confident that between what they had, the AFL pack, and the patch they probably have most every jersey anyways.

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