Madden 2010 News Post

Check out the Madden NFL 10 blog, which talks about the preliminary details of the 2nd title update.

"In this second title update we focused on some of the more debated topics from our loyal and passionate fan base. We appreciate all the feedback so please keep it coming! In this update you will be happy to hear that we have tuned our Flat Zone assignments to cover the flats more effectively. Defenders will not chuck a WR if another receiver is running a route towards their zone. This will help the defender be in better position to react to a quickly throw flat route and allow him to make a play. The flat zone defenders will also play the ball better if a pass is thrown behind the line of scrimmage as well as taking better pursuit angles after the catch to prevent the ball carrier from being able to get around the corner. This has been one of the top complaints that we have heard about and realized it was definitely something that we needed to address."

Game: Madden NFL 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 76 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 deadlyCane @ 10/16/09 10:34 PM
first in.
# 2 kehlis @ 10/16/09 10:35 PM
Thanks Ian,

Looks good.

first in.
# 3 RayAllen20 @ 10/16/09 10:38 PM
sounds great. I just hope they try and fix the 3-4 although that may take a while.
# 4 z Revis @ 10/16/09 10:39 PM
Sounds great, thanks a lot.
# 5 z Revis @ 10/16/09 10:40 PM
Originally Posted by deadlyCane
first in.
Do you feel special now?
# 6 deadlyCane @ 10/16/09 10:50 PM
Originally Posted by z Revis
Do you feel special now?
Strangely enough, yes I do.

Now on to the matter at hand. I guess I shouldn't be too surprised I saw nothing regarding the ratings issue on the oline/dline. It's the issue where a 25 rated olineman can dominate a 99 rated dlineman consistently. Or an entire oline of 12 rated chumps push around a dline of 99 rated studs and Albert Haynsworth not begin able to shed the block of a punter who was placed on the line. I'll just have to chalk this omission up to the "it's a lot of work" department. Ian, please make this a priority for Madden 2011. See the this thread for details:

# 7 ThePebble19 @ 10/16/09 10:52 PM
sounds good. This will be a good update for the game when it finally comes out. I am interested to see what the other stuff they fixed is.
# 8 ZoneKIller @ 10/16/09 10:53 PM
Good stuff Ian,but still nothing about changing teams mid-franchise or losing a team for running them in the ground
# 9 MMMonty @ 10/16/09 10:55 PM
Thanks for filling is in Ian! I look forward to hearing the final version of Update 2!
# 10 BlueNGold @ 10/16/09 10:58 PM
Thanks for the update, Ian. Glad to see the throw out of sacks thing is fixed.

I know its more because of the certification stuff but the patch not coming out this month = :
# 11 Hooe @ 10/16/09 10:59 PM
This is all good stuff that should improve the overall experience of the game. Kudos, EA.
# 12 BlueNGold @ 10/16/09 11:09 PM
Originally Posted by AboveTheRim
I like some of the things mentioned on the list, but I was expecting much more to be adressed.
There still is more info to come.
# 13 TreyIM2 @ 10/16/09 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by AboveTheRim
I know but since I joined this place back in the winter I heard that hundreds of times. Wouldnt be one bitt suprised if its just a minor fix, a major fix would have been mentioned in this blog.
Be easy, dude. Stop assuming things. We haven't heard all that's going to be in the patch.
# 14 Nature_Boy @ 10/16/09 11:26 PM
Thanks for the info.
# 15 TreyIM2 @ 10/16/09 11:32 PM
Also, people have to understand that not EVERYTHING that you may feel is important is going to be patched so don't over-react. Madden 11 STILL has to be made and EA can't spend all year patching Madden 10. Again, be easy...
# 16 Spanky @ 10/16/09 11:37 PM
I know he mentioned that list isn't complete, but I hope the address the kickoff return issues that the second patch created, not to mention the multitude of annoyances it created (including numbers blocked out on Pats, Ravens helmets, wrong teams in trivia overlays).

Also hope they address the issue of CPU sometimes punting inside your 30 yard line, rather than going for it or attempting the FG.
# 17 poopie @ 10/16/09 11:41 PM
i hope they fix players running out of bounds when they could get more yards
# 18 JohnnyNutman @ 10/16/09 11:43 PM
interesting read. hopefully this will be effective & not make the game worse. the flat zone one is weird... i know people have been complaining about it, but ive never really had problems with it.

Originally Posted by dave374
The biggies I see missing are:
CPU offensive playcalling issues - lack of urgency inside 2 minutes, etc....
CPU defensive playcalling imbalance - way too many blitzes.
Punting from strange spots - inside my 25-yard line.

Glad the flats will be fixed.

Maybe CPU playcalling is something that can't be fixed with a patch.
do u still use advanced playcalling? switching to hardcore has significantly reduced CPU blitz calls.
# 19 matt8204 @ 10/17/09 12:08 AM
Originally Posted by Spanky
I know he mentioned that list isn't complete, but I hope the address the kickoff return issues that the second patch created, not to mention the multitude of annoyances it created (including numbers blocked out on Pats, Ravens helmets, wrong teams in trivia overlays).

Also hope they address the issue of CPU sometimes punting inside your 30 yard line, rather than going for it or attempting the FG.
Yeah, I don't like to bash developers who work hard on these games but this is just plain sloppy. That would NEVER happen in real life. Even a casual football fan could tell you that.
# 20 Trevytrev11 @ 10/17/09 12:19 AM
Hopefully by the time the patch is out the game will have dropped in price (not sure if it's usually closer to Xmas or not). If not, I'll pick it up used. Either way, I'll be waiting to see some impressions on the actual "final" product, which is available only 2-3 months or so after the BETA version hit shelves back in August.

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