Madden 2010 News Post

Check out the Madden NFL 10 blog, which talks about the preliminary details of the 2nd title update.

"In this second title update we focused on some of the more debated topics from our loyal and passionate fan base. We appreciate all the feedback so please keep it coming! In this update you will be happy to hear that we have tuned our Flat Zone assignments to cover the flats more effectively. Defenders will not chuck a WR if another receiver is running a route towards their zone. This will help the defender be in better position to react to a quickly throw flat route and allow him to make a play. The flat zone defenders will also play the ball better if a pass is thrown behind the line of scrimmage as well as taking better pursuit angles after the catch to prevent the ball carrier from being able to get around the corner. This has been one of the top complaints that we have heard about and realized it was definitely something that we needed to address."

Game: Madden NFL 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 76 - View All
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Member Comments
# 41 BSanders @ 10/17/09 04:57 AM
Any chance we can get cpu vs cpu injuries patched in?
# 42 JayD @ 10/17/09 05:02 AM
A small fix that isnt mentioned but i hope will be included is the tuning of franchise weather. Really annoying to see 15 out of 16 games played in clear blue skies. Also hope that the time of day is fixed as well, dusk skies at 4pm in September, lol!
# 43 AC IS ART @ 10/17/09 06:54 AM
Still waiting to hear about the Adaptive A.I.
# 44 HeavyHitter55 @ 10/17/09 09:01 AM
Will the patch address the blitzing issues with the CPU playcall? I know for a fact that many many people have a big problem with that
# 45 LBzrule @ 10/17/09 09:29 AM
Too many complaints. About the flats and the CB's. IF you only play against the A.I please do not say it is not a problem because online it is a huge problem.

Also I think it would be great if we started prefacing our complaints with offline vs online because some of the things that are a problem online do not seem to be a problem for the offline guys and vice versa. I don't have a problem with HB screens online or WR screens being as effective as they are. I've had mine read and shut down for losses by some online players so I can't say it's too easy like the offline player can because the A.I doesn't adjust.

There are some problems that overlap like the suction blocking/tackling but it would be interesting to see the list of online complaints vs offline ones.
# 46 RumbleCard @ 10/17/09 09:37 AM
If the patch addresses specific issues within "franchise". Its likely that you'll have to restart. IE franchise stats. Not saying 100% but its been like in the past.
# 47 BlackCats101 @ 10/17/09 10:01 AM
Pass interference calls fixed? This is a huge issue for me.
# 48 CubFan23 @ 10/17/09 10:24 AM
Just put my copy up on eBay, this was the last Madden for me, I'm gonna stick with only NHL series, at least they got that game right

Why isn't this thread stickied?
# 49 G_DOT- @ 10/17/09 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by LBzrule
Too many complaints. About the flats and the CB's. IF you only play against the A.I please do not say it is not a problem because online it is a huge problem.

Also I think it would be great if we started prefacing our complaints with offline vs online because some of the things that are a problem online do not seem to be a problem for the offline guys and vice versa. I don't have a problem with HB screens online or WR screens being as effective as they are. I've had mine read and shut down for losses by some online players so I can't say it's too easy like the offline player can because the A.I doesn't adjust.

There are some problems that overlap like the suction blocking/tackling but it would be interesting to see the list of online complaints vs offline ones.
very true I play mainly online (Franchise).Online vs offline are like night and day.The pursuit angle drives me crazy aswell as the suction blocking.
# 50 Ian_Cummings @ 10/17/09 10:34 AM
Originally Posted by krispykeith
Thanks for the update but I must confess I am really disappointed by the lack of details, particularly the word "presentation". I bought the game on the idea of beefing up the presentation this year, and the lack of instant replays is a game killer for me. I am not claiming it should be, but it takes me right out of the immersion. I was anxiously awaiting the update to decide whether or not to trade the game in and I feel just as foggy as I did previously. I really wish you could give specific details on what you are submitting for this patch.
90% sure that we are going to be able to get the fix in that increases the amount of instant replays. Larry will let you know in the final update if it makes it.
# 51 BroMontana82 @ 10/17/09 10:35 AM
this is great. thanks for the update. it really looks like Robo-QB will be done here...
# 52 nylawyer @ 10/17/09 10:36 AM
Little disappointed in no AI fixes - punting at wrong times (25 yards and under), incorrect 2 minute clock management, not punting for the corners when CPU can pin them inside the 10
# 53 BlueNGold @ 10/17/09 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by AboveTheRim
So Ian whatever happened to the genius Idea of "Jostling"????? Instead of fixing replays you should have put Jostling in the game.
Wow, just stop man. Some of you guys wonder why Ian doesn't post that much any more. This post is a prime example.
# 54 roadman @ 10/17/09 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by mvandor
Given the significant time lapse between release and the first really substantive patch (title update my eye), this initial list is truly not real encompassing. Many other very substantive issues discussed in this thread which are not mentioned at all in that blog post.

Is a patch #3 in the plans, as was the case with NCAA 10?
It's not a substantive patch because not everything listed on the blog is final. I thought that was pretty clear from reading the blog.

Patch #2 is still being worked on, hard to determine if there will be a patch 3 if we don't know what's all in patch #2, in my opinion.
# 55 BlueNGold @ 10/17/09 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by mvandor
Not the best style or approach but the jostling issue is a legit one we should expect to be patched. We shouldn't have to play on very slow to get all the animations, or whatever other trick people have been reporting to produce the jostling. Just as we shouldn't have to play on the highest play selection setting hardcore to reduce the CPU blitzes.
Yeah, I agree.

Since roadman mentioned a Patch 3, I'd have to say I hope EA doesn't do a 3rd update unless Patch 2 royally f***s something up. Enough time has been spent fixing this game and it'd be better to just 100% focus on 2011 now.
# 56 roadman @ 10/17/09 11:21 AM
Originally Posted by mvandor
I said patch #2 is the first SUBSTANTIVE patch. IMHO #1 did very, very, little to address the myriad of community reported issues.
I was going off the statement where you said this list isn't really all encompassing. My point is that it's not a complete list at this stage, so, it won't be all encompassing.
# 57 CreatineKasey @ 10/17/09 11:23 AM
I'm glad to read about the pursuit and flats fixes. Too many players aren't playing football and are just slinging the ball to the flats every play, no matter the defense. Whenever games boil down to that kind of play, I get real frustrated.

The only thing missing that I am kind of hoping for is zone depth deep and hook zones. I don't feel that it's possible to throw over a zone defense. I can press my CB's and they'll never get beat over top if they are in a cover 3 or 4. There should be a risk involved with me doing that. There isn't. I spent a half hour in practice mode trying to throw over Ronde Barber with Greg Jennings while in a cover 3 press. Nothing. He should be torched.
# 58 BlueNGold @ 10/17/09 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by wheelman990
Patching is basically the same thing, a good patch shouldnt be quick fixes, they should be fixes that carry over to the next year. If EA thinks like you, no wonder Madden is broken every year, they just pile quick fix on quick fix via the patches.
Umm...where was I talking about quick fixes? That's why I said focus on Madden 11 after Patch 2. So its not a bunch of quick fixes and they can have time to properly fix things.
# 59 BlueNGold @ 10/17/09 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by AboveTheRim
Dude I have a life, unlike you I have a life that does not revolve around operationsports and thoughts of Ian Cummings. To be honest I could careless if Ian comes to OS or replies to my post. The only members on this forum who make signifcant contributions to the development of Madden are the CD guys.

Many months ago before you joined OS, we were told Jostling would be in the game no matter what difficulty setting. There should be no excuse for this not being on All-Pro (most realistic setting). I hope this can be patched, doubt it will happen though
Yeah from that post you obviously have a very mature life when you have to tell another person they don't have a life. And just to let you know, I've been on OS longer than what it says under my name.
# 60 thudias @ 10/17/09 11:50 AM
Hmm...it sounds like I will have to re-do my sliders again after this patch. Especially if it wi be easier to get sacks and less interceptions...Looking forward to the Franchise Stat fixes as well.

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