NBA Live 10 News Post

The NBA Live 10 demo has been out for quite a while now, but with the release of Live 10 just a week away, we felt it was time to roll out some final thoughts on the demo.

Contributing to this roundtable: Steven Bartlett, Christian McLeod, TD St. Matthew-Daniel, Jayson Young.

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Game: NBA Live 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 48 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 Nature_Boy @ 09/30/09 01:27 PM
Good read.
# 2 Jamesmaster @ 09/30/09 01:30 PM
To each his own, but some comments seem questionable to say the least, especially the one about the lack of mid-game and the game being more arcade than sim.
I've been playing 2K8-9 and Live 08 for the last 2 years and I can easily say that Live 10 shapes up to be the most realistic bball game I've ever played. Finally a game that relies more on mid-range shooting than on easy points in the paint and dunks every 2 seconds.
# 3 The 24th Letter @ 09/30/09 01:35 PM
Good to finally read a honest, unbiased look at the game...we agree as well as disagree on some points...overall a great read...
# 4 Playmakers @ 09/30/09 01:40 PM
I agree with the guy St. Matthew-Daniel:

It still feels like a video game to me aswell because of the AI. They are lifeless. It might change next week but right now i thought these guys were honest with their opinion.
# 5 coachlenny @ 09/30/09 02:38 PM
I played Live on Monday at a Ciroc Event in Chicago. I played two full games. I have to say i was impressed at how the game flowed. The spacing was good on the floor and the controls i thought were outstanding. Visually the game looked very impressive meaning the game was much more alive than the usual dull feeling I had playing Live 09. It reminded me of 2k9 with the crowd going crazy but it seem to flow with the action. Gameplay wise I think the playcalling aspect really wins me over. With this game there seems to be more of a strategy than in any basketball game i have ever played. I played with the Bulls against the Spurs and the Cavs vs the Celtics. With both teams I worked the ball inside out and came up with good shots and won both games. My opponents tried to run and gun up and down the court and when that didnt work for them they said the game was wack and kept talking about how 2k was better.

I am not a 2k guy (absolutely hate isomotion) or a Live guy (bad animations and bad game flow) although I purchase the 2k game every year. But I will say after playing Live 10, I am going to buy this game. There is no doubt about it. It made me play a different type of basketball for a videogame. Im not saying it is the best because i still dont like the players bodies (too thin) and some of the players role players didnt seem to have their own swagger but this game seemed fresh and it sold me. All my friends a 2kers and have been a long time so i will be buying 2k10 (hate isomotion) but I will be purchasing the Live 10 game. I say give the game a chance this year, its not the dunkfest I thought it was going to be. But then again 2k9 was a dunkfest to me. Hopefully this will help some you guys i dont usually post but I thought that since I played, i can give you an idea of how the game went for me
PS: the replays looked incredible and when you get a fast break it just feels right
# 6 TreyIM2 @ 09/30/09 02:56 PM
I've been playing the demo like crazy, virtually everyday since it dropped and, at first, I wasn't really impressed because I noticed legacy issues with steal/rebound button lag and lack of responsiveness, "no look" steals, and slight robotic movement and, possibly, all the hype may have got the best of me but the more I played realized what EA did with this Live, more and more, which made me love the game.

The biggest addition, to me, is momentum on offense. It affects your shot, your movement where if you have to much of it going and you run into a player, u can lose the ball and, basically, forces you to play more controlled on O. It's not so much on D, though, but I do like how they force you to play good D and even holding the defensive assist button doesn't guarantee lock down D. YOU have to play D, knowing the player your controlling, your angles, the player your up against, where your help is, yada. I think A LOT of people aren't getting that and then they make statements that the game is "arcadish". No, it's not arcadish. People are just used to the past and status quo and can't get their heads around deeper b-ball game play.

The Live 10 demo made me officially retire from NBA2K. Live 10 is fresh, evolutionary, I have more control than ever and it's progressive and as for the CPU defensive faux paus, I credit that to the fact that DNA is not being fully implemented plus, it's just a demo. We won't see that in full glory til regular season starts so I give the CPU a pass. I just hope some of the responsiveness is improved upon in the retail version. Can't wait til Tues!!
# 7 JkA3 @ 09/30/09 03:08 PM
That was a good read. Seemed unbias too, which is nice.
# 8 Muzyk23 @ 09/30/09 03:11 PM
'court spacing seems off' - it's because of the cam angle..he should know better
# 9 str8artist @ 09/30/09 04:26 PM
Good read!!! Good point of views.. They held no punches.
# 10 CX1329 @ 09/30/09 05:31 PM
To say Live isn't sim this year is to be in denial, simple as that. To me, both 2K10 and Live 10 are equally sim, and the best game will be determined by other factors.
# 11 ehh @ 09/30/09 05:45 PM
Christian McLeod: In addition, court spacing seems off, and I still do not like the game's rebounding and blocking animations. However, my biggest issue is that the game still feels very arcade-like, with success being determined by your ability to attack the paint even on the higher difficulty levels. I am looking forward to playing the final build with and against a team like the Pistons in order to see whether or not their dynamic style makes it possible to establish a solid mid-range game.
Couldn't disagree with that more.
# 12 CX1329 @ 09/30/09 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by ehh
Couldn't disagree with that more.

I feel the opposite of what he does. On higher difficulty levels, attacking the paint too often will result in numerous missed shots, not to mention blocks, even with star players like Kobe.

As a result, only a tiny minority of my points are scored in the paint. In my last game, out of the 16 points I scored, only 2 were points in the paint. I very much prefer taking shots from the perimeter.
# 13 MrSimCity @ 09/30/09 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by Playmakers
I agree with the guy St. Matthew-Daniel:

It still feels like a video game to me aswell because of the AI. They are lifeless. It might change next week but right now i thought these guys were honest with their opinion.
Lol you can just call me TD or Eagle

But yeah, sometimes the Retail version might be significantly better in terms of AI and such
# 14 jyoung @ 09/30/09 06:53 PM
The great thing about Live this year is how it actually punishes you for overdribblilng on All-Star difficulty and higher.

If you go around spamming the jukes, spins and crossovers, you will get ripped by the CPU or end up colliding with another player and losing the ball.

I also love how, if you try to go baseline and get cut off, you end up colliding with the CPU and lose the ball out of bounds. This is one of those cheese strategies that has worked way too well in all basketball games this generation, and it's awesome to finally see the baseline drive cheese go the way of the dinosaur.

As someone else mentioned, the best way to succeed on offense in Live is to run plays, and that is the first time I can truthfully say that about a basketball video game.

Hats off to the Live team for finally making a basketball game where the offense and defense are well-balanced instead of the glorified "HORSE" game we've been getting from both companies over the past couple of seasons.
# 15 tcain80 @ 09/30/09 07:13 PM
Yeah, the only thing I'm not a huge fan of is the graphics. Though, it could just be the Lakers stadium because some of the videos I've seen look awesome.
# 16 RayDog253 @ 09/30/09 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by fjccommish
I think Live could benefit from a limited turbo like 2K10 has.
I disagree, because Live's momentum system really makes it hard to just run around all crazy in this game especially on defense. I had a play in the demo earlier where I tried to help off of Fish, they kicked it back to him, but I couldn't just turn on a dime and get back. My player had to pivot first and change his momentum so Fish ended up with a pretty clean shot(all while holding turbo).
# 17 tabulaRasa @ 10/01/09 03:48 AM
"Overall, it’s a solid improvement, but like I say all the time, I’m a baller before a gamer. NBA Live 10, based on the demo, is a videogame first and a basketball game second."

My thoughts too.
# 18 texasgmr @ 10/01/09 02:13 PM
Great job guys!
# 19 Pared @ 10/01/09 04:32 PM
Once again, a thread discussing one specific thing, in this instance the NBA Live demo, turns into a bash fest from both sides.

Post on the article, discussing the demo. Any posts off-topic will be deleted.

This thread is already a train wreck.
# 20 jdareal21 @ 10/02/09 06:55 AM
Personally, I like the way you initiate the post game, it just feels more natural, without having to press a button you can just slowly get into position and your player does his thing. I also prefer how the teams seem to run plays, that they really run, without me having to set it up

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