NBA 2K10 News Post

When most people look at the future of one of their favorite sports titles, they obviously want it to improve on a yearly basis so they don’t feel like they're playing the same game with updated rosters. One way we can help developers avoid this issue is by outlining the flaws that need fixing.

I previously talked about some necessary improvements that need to be made to the NBA 2K series to take it to the next level. But that was just a taste of what was to come. So without further delay, here are the top 20 ways NBA 2K can improve its game on the court.

Twenty Ways to Improve NBA 2K on the Court

Game: NBA 2K10Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
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# 21 BlackRome @ 09/24/09 07:57 PM
The Jump Pass.

It was unstoppable last year.

I hardly ever seen a pass thrown away when people abused it.

I hope they tuned it down back to the 2k8 level.
# 22 Kushmir @ 09/24/09 08:18 PM
LOL! no apology necessary dude..its all love. it did say twenty, right?

and CourtVision we aren't saying these issues are still in 2k10...but that they've been issues since next gen...that's all. hopefully they're all fixed!
# 23 lv2bll @ 09/24/09 08:18 PM
Originally Posted by swiftychampleone
Well lv2bll, I would definitely agree that Live was literally shot in 07-09. As a matter fact, I hate when people yell Live is back when it should have been at this point a year or two ago. The last good hoops title was NBA 2K7. I don't care what anyone says, 2K9 was broken. Would you agree? I also remember DaCzar summation of control in both games. Live has better control. Players in 2K were sliding. Player movement should be the base of any sim-sports game.

I thought I would see help defense in this article. What about that?
i was just being sarcastic(comic relief) but on the real i have yet to see a top # list for nba live for unknown reasons. Maybe 2k fans are more critical of their games because they know that 2k strives for authenticity and we seem to never be happy with what we've got!
# 24 ffaacc03 @ 09/24/09 09:55 PM
Great article ... when might we get the next ?
# 25 swiftychampleone @ 09/24/09 11:31 PM
Oh I know you were sarcastic, lol! But listen lv2bll. Someone on the forum has a signature that clearly shows what the issue is. EA and 2K walking a tightrope, striving so hard to create a perfect balance of sim and fun in a hoops game. When either one falls of the rope, instead of us of catching them and appreciating what they tried, we'll step back and tell them bad they messed up. We're all guilty of dissing the devs.

What trips me out is that I feel that the technology is there and these supposed to be QA teams let these games come out without truly testing them. There shouldn't be people who like basketball help create the game. There should be people who know basketball help make the game.
# 26 LA_All_Day @ 09/24/09 11:41 PM
#11 is the most important one
# 27 LA_All_Day @ 09/24/09 11:42 PM
Originally Posted by LA_All_Day
#11 is the most important one
they gotta get rid of that damn animation
# 28 moemoe24 @ 09/25/09 12:10 AM
This game, like all other sports games, has taken a back seat to MLB The Show. Once you see how much time and effort was put into that game you realize that these other sports games just dont stack up. The Show has set the bar too high for these others to get to.
# 29 HMcCoy @ 09/25/09 12:13 AM
# 30 Tubaker @ 09/25/09 01:08 AM
If the 2k10 players moved like the Live 10 players, 2k might have the best sports game ever. 2K does a lot of things right, but there players glide on the court like its ice, and I never really feel like the player is going where I want them too .. to animation heavy.
# 31 jordankobewade7 @ 09/25/09 01:13 AM
Over-the-back fouls are already in the game,they have been since CH2k8 at least.which I can vouch for since I still play it to this day,haven't stopped since it came out...I think everything that's in CH is in nba2k so that's covered...as far as the not being able to see the whole court,I hate that too...itvsucks to not be able to see outlet passes on drives where the defense helps,or on double teams...and I totally agree about both games having good points that the other doesn't hav...that's exactly y I'll b getting both this yr =)
# 32 tril @ 09/25/09 01:16 AM
simply put, these features already exist in the game. was there a significant difference between 2k9 PC version and the console version.
# 33 lv2bll @ 09/25/09 01:31 AM
Originally Posted by swiftychampleone
Oh I know you were sarcastic, lol! But listen lv2bll. Someone on the forum has a signature that clearly shows what the issue is. EA and 2K walking a tightrope, striving so hard to create a perfect balance of sim and fun in a hoops game. When either one falls of the rope, instead of us of catching them and appreciating what they tried, we'll step back and tell them bad they messed up. We're all guilty of dissing the devs.

What trips me out is that I feel that the technology is there and these supposed to be QA teams let these games come out without truly testing them. There shouldn't be people who like basketball help create the game. There should be people who know basketball help make the game.

We as a gaming(every gamer) community are so nitpicky of what we think is entitled to us which is wrong. These guys are trying there best to bring out a product which is better than before and that is good enough for me because it is very difficult to work with the tech. This is why the cry 3 engine which is still a work in progress has already taken 3 years just to create for the consoles. The engine which the game uses is bigtime tech in which the game is cached,processed, and rendered from. With the current engine i think 2k has 2-3 solid years before its considered obsolete so lets not be so critical
# 34 Kushmir @ 09/25/09 07:15 AM
Originally Posted by tril
simply put, these features already exist in the game. was there a significant difference between 2k9 PC version and the console version.
Tril....yes there WAS a significant difference in the PC version and console version if you had over-the-back fouls and many of the other things mentioned above.
# 35 moemoe24 @ 09/25/09 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by Smokez4DAyz
Another weak attempt of bashing the best game. Listen up, nba 2k has no competition, so to gripe or argue is stupid, its like critquing a model. Stop it. If you don't like 2k, go buy another bball game, but this is the second article of fictious garbage. I wish I could play vs you right now, I would bust yo *** with the bucks, you take lebron or kobe. I will show how to play. 1000 things are needed to improve that other bball title, that amazingly copied all of 2k7 aand 2k8 gameplay....losers.
You are mad at this guy for saying what needs to be improved on so you wish you could bust his azz in 2K10?? Funny stuff, tough guy.

Anyway, saying 2K10 is the best NBA game out is like saying Tiger Woods golf is the best golf game. It's easy to say that when there isnt any competition. 2K9 was full of flaws that made the game unplayable. They absolutely need to improve this game before it can be considered a great game. And by the way, bragging about it being better than Live is ridiculous....NBA Live, since the next gen consoles came out, has been horrible.
# 36 Kushmir @ 09/25/09 08:07 PM
LOL! i concur....aren't internet muscles the worst?

calm down BIG GUY....I love the game--and i totally agree with you that its the best NBA game. it's only an opinion. don't beat me up with your USB or anything....
# 37 str8artist @ 09/28/09 10:50 AM
Nice read.... I hope someone important at 2k reads this.
# 38 toolified @ 10/05/09 06:50 AM
i 100% agree with moemoe24 and Kushmir. 2K9 is clearly a great game, but that doesnt mean that it cannot be improved upon. It most certainly has flaws that need to be fixed but that is by no means taking the piss out of it. how would anything or anyone in the world improve if people didn't critique it and pick out problems in order for improvements to be made?

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