Madden 2010 News Post

Quick sneak peek:

- First title update is done, awaiting approvals from 3rd party manufacturers...expected this week. Some good fixes in there - from gameplay to online to online franchise. Full list coming very soon.
- Second title update is in progress. Top issues in development? Blocking, coverage of flat routes, def pursuit, franchise sim stats, replay length, CPU AI, and more.
- Broadcast cam is going to be in the first title update

I don't want to ruin all of it...but I did answer a bunch of the questions (in video format) and I'm recording more each day. It's easier than writing.

On a side note, I've seen some posts of guys asking why I don't just answer questions now here in the forums...acting like I'm disappearing or just using this as a placebo. I actually DO plan on getting back headfirst into the forums, but being that we are right here in the thick of launch with a lot of active Madden gamers, we're trying to communicate to as wide of an audience as possible. The reason we're doing this in blog/video form is so we can share the answers with our entire community - not just here at OS. Ideally we can even push these videos to the online hub when you log in on your console. It's just if I am going to spend 4 hours at home answering questions - i'd rather it reach half a million Madden fans instead of a few hundred.

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Member Comments
# 101 TreyIM2 @ 09/09/09 01:17 PM
As much as I want to speak on the whiners and complainers, I will refrain....

Ian - Sounds good. The real goods sounds like it's going to be in the 2nd patch. I hope you guys touched on some of the things in my breakdown of the game that I blogged for you and put on the feedback site. I have a few more things that I never posted but I really dig the game so much that it doesn't matter, right now. I will update my list in the next day just in case those things were not already mentioned.

Not to gush on ya, Ian, but I like what you're doing. People can hate on anyone about any little thing cuz it seems easier to do, in this society, but as a man to another man, you are really bringing much to the Madden table and breaking your neck for the best of everyone. I appreciate you for that and hope you can continue to turn this franchise around. Best wishes. Peeeaaazzzz...
# 102 MeanMrMustard @ 09/09/09 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by CFav
Have some class? Have you actually read what people's posts have been on here? SOME people here on are not happy about having to wait until the second patch to start their respective franchise modes due to various issues that wont be addressed until the second patch. They have valid points and opinions.

I think you need to have a little class by respecting other folks concerns. It's not as if they were disrespectful towards anyone, unlike your post.
Well, it was directed more towards the minority than the majority. I agree with you, these are legitimate concerns and people have a right to their opinion. I'm right there with everyone in wanting sacks, stats, and flats fixed. But there are quite a few who have been very disrespectful in mouthing off every time they see Ian anywhere near the boards. I mean, it's one thing to let him know what concerns you have with the game. It's another thing entirely to belong to the segment that rips him for going on vacation and acts like he should spend every waking hour serving our needs.

I interpreted the comment I was replying to as belonging to the latter category (though, again, the vast majority of comments, esp. in this thread, have been cordial). I apologize if that was not the case. Maybe the whining in other threads has made me assume the worst of people.

Anyway, I'll apologize and move on. This particular conversation isn't really going anywhere any of us wants to be.
# 103 adub88 @ 09/09/09 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by ronyell
i appreciate the update & info but this just reminds me why i HAVE NOT bought madden until this year & end up trading it in in October when i do cop it.

Not to bash the game or anything but i always have this built up anticipation for it because i love football and EA has the only football game on the market thats playable & i expect so much.

then i buy it upon release & instantly realize that they have not fixed everything out of the box... THEEEENNNN i have to wait about a month or 2 for the game to be where it should have been when it was released & by this time NBA2k has been released and since i never got a chance to dive into Madden because of things that should not have to be patched, i get consumed by my current hoops game (NBA2K)

Man, I echo everything you just said. 2K10 is around the corner and if the game doesn't get better through the patches, it's going back to gamestop. It just sucks cause I love football so much. One thing I just cant get with is the running animations or jogging animations I should say. It can't be fixed in a patch and I just can't ignore it. I hope massive work goes into locomotion for Madden '11.
# 104 Rbk @ 09/09/09 01:40 PM
So what's the time frame for patch 2?

October somethime?
# 105 teambayern @ 09/09/09 01:47 PM
This sounds great, thanks Ian. But when you look at flats, be sure to look at drags, slants, and ins as well, because the zone depth problem pervades hook zones and deep zones in addition to flat zones.
# 106 Random Hero @ 09/09/09 01:48 PM
Glad to hear the news. I already have a franchise started but I may start a new one with the second patch. I'm just excited the stuff is going be fixed. Nice job.
# 107 mavfan21 @ 09/09/09 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by EvanRG
Nice timing... but by the time the 2nd patch comes out with the flats fix, It'll be half way through the NFL season practically and NBA 2k10 and Live will be released....

You're right they shouldn't even bother. Great attitude.

It won't be halfway through the season first of all and second of all if you prefer those hoops games you wouldn't be playing Madden anymore anyway, so who cares?
# 108 RubenDouglas @ 09/09/09 01:53 PM
Can't wait... Thanks for sharing
# 109 prettyrik @ 09/09/09 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by phillyax
As long as the issue with not getting enough sacks with an OLB in a 3-4 and the QB getting rid of the ball right before a sack everytime is fixed in this first patch, I'll be a happy camper.
+1 It's technically intentionally grounding if there's no recevier near by and a bail out for Vick jocks to not get a sack or any type of penalty.
# 110 kt-od @ 09/09/09 02:12 PM
I posted this in another thread, but in one of the AFL DLC pics the yard markers are back in the playcall screen. I wonder if this is in the first patch.

# 111 rudyjuly2 @ 09/09/09 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by roadman
Where is Tibouran/Madden making all this money? Maybe it's from the other games, but certainly not Madden.
How can you say EA doesn't make money on Madden for next gen? EA makes a ton of money on Madden. Ian even said so on OS in a post a long time ago. Even though EA hasn't done well financially the last couple years, it's not Madden that is hurting it. Madden is a cash cow on all systems.
# 112 roadman @ 09/09/09 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by rudyjuly2
How can you say EA doesn't make money on Madden for next gen? EA makes a ton of money on Madden. Ian even said so on OS in a post a long time ago. Even though EA hasn't done well financially the last couple years, it's not Madden that is hurting it. Madden is a cash cow on all systems.
I can say it because for the last 5 years, Madden sales have declined each year? If sales are declining in each year, how do you make money off of declining sales?
# 113 OG_McNabb @ 09/09/09 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by DickDalewood
I'm in game 14 of my franchise with the Bears and have NEVER seen this happen.

Any idea what causes it?
Yeah I've NEVER seen that as well. I was wondering the what in the world he/she was typing about. Players disappearing?
# 114 rudyjuly2 @ 09/09/09 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by roadman
I can say it because for the last 5 years, Madden sales have declined each year? If sales are declining in each year, how do you make money off of declining sales?
If you make a million dollars and your profit drops 10%, is it safe to assume you are losing money now? Of course not. Overall sales numbers have declined although next gen prices did go up a bit. But no matter how you look at it, Madden still sells millions of games. Most game developers would kill to sell a few hundred thousand. Even with the NFL costs, I don't see how you lose money when you still sell around four million games. And Ian flat out said on OS that Madden makes money.
# 115 Fu Man Ching @ 09/09/09 02:35 PM
I'm glad that we finally got some news. Bold move also stating that you will fix sim stats and some other things in the second patch. If these problems are fixed then everyone will have nothing to complain about. I was disappointed with the lack of info and rightfully so. This is Madden time for me. Some might be able to play this game all year but there is something about starting a franchise with the game still feeling fresh and while the real NFL season is still young. I think that is why people are getting frustrated. IT has become the norm to have a game with GLARING issues arrive on ship date to us fans. That is getting old. hopefully this will be the last year as it seems you finally have the next gen title going in the right direction. I commened you on your hard work but you should understand why people are venting so much. I understand some take it way too far. Thanks Ian and the rest of the Madden team for making me enjoy a football video game again.
# 116 The GIGGAS @ 09/09/09 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by rudyjuly2
If you make a million dollars and your profit drops 10%, is it safe to assume you are losing money now? Of course not. Overall sales numbers have declined although next gen prices did go up a bit. But no matter how you look at it, Madden still sells millions of games. Most game developers would kill to sell a few hundred thousand. Even with the NFL costs, I don't see how you lose money when you still sell around four million games. And Ian flat out said on OS that Madden makes money.
Yup. Declining profits are still profits.
# 117 JohnDoe8865 @ 09/09/09 02:38 PM
Thanks for the update Ian.
# 118 rudyjuly2 @ 09/09/09 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by fjccommish
"Maybe he's referring to them being subbed out due to fatigue? In which case they will obviously be put back in eventually. Maybe he doesn't realize that's what's happening?"

No, there are other threads on the problem. Starting players disappear in the second half. They aren't injured, they're just out of the game for the entire second half. It's not fatigue. A starting QB/RB/DT/WR isn't fatigued after half time and for the whole second half.

Often the second stringer will also disappear (be taken out of the game) and the third stringer will play for an entire half or 4th quarter.
I had read about this in NCAA. I didn't realize this was a Madden issue as well. Still waiting for my game SI!! Due to progressive fatigue, you can't set your "sub in" setting to 100 or this will happen.
# 119 TreyIM2 @ 09/09/09 03:16 PM
The video blog is actually up - http://insideblog.easports.com/archive/2009/09/09/madden-nfl-10-faq.aspx
# 120 maddcatt @ 09/09/09 03:23 PM
Is it me !! but last I knew the NFL season has not even started yet and sooo many people are complaining that the season will be just about over when the 2nd patch !! is released.....Not the 1st patch !!

I hardly think that the season will not even be into it's 4th week by the time the 2nd patch is released......What's sooo bad about that if they get it right ?

I think it's a great idea releasing this game a month early and have the whole Madden community be the beta testers for a few weeks, then post all there legit complaints and have EA work out any issues and glitches that are fixable.

Jeeeez Madden 10 has it's issues like any other Madden in the past, but there is easily enough enjoyment in this game " out of the box " to hold you over until EA releases it's patches......Especially !! Knowing it's probably going to be even more enjoyable to play all year long

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