Madden 2010 News Post

Quick sneak peek:

- First title update is done, awaiting approvals from 3rd party manufacturers...expected this week. Some good fixes in there - from gameplay to online to online franchise. Full list coming very soon.
- Second title update is in progress. Top issues in development? Blocking, coverage of flat routes, def pursuit, franchise sim stats, replay length, CPU AI, and more.
- Broadcast cam is going to be in the first title update

I don't want to ruin all of it...but I did answer a bunch of the questions (in video format) and I'm recording more each day. It's easier than writing.

On a side note, I've seen some posts of guys asking why I don't just answer questions now here in the forums...acting like I'm disappearing or just using this as a placebo. I actually DO plan on getting back headfirst into the forums, but being that we are right here in the thick of launch with a lot of active Madden gamers, we're trying to communicate to as wide of an audience as possible. The reason we're doing this in blog/video form is so we can share the answers with our entire community - not just here at OS. Ideally we can even push these videos to the online hub when you log in on your console. It's just if I am going to spend 4 hours at home answering questions - i'd rather it reach half a million Madden fans instead of a few hundred.

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Game: Madden NFL 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 76 - View All
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Member Comments
# 41 jgarcia @ 09/09/09 04:49 AM
thanks for the update Ian
# 42 booker21 @ 09/09/09 05:27 AM
Please fix the lack of sAcks, specially on 3-4 d. And for none user control players.
# 43 MarvellousOne @ 09/09/09 06:35 AM
Nice to hear they are finally fixing some issues, but I still probably going to keep madden shelved until that second patch comes out, franchise offline really needs to be fixed before I pick this back up again...kind of killed my fun for the game for now. But great news all in all.
# 44 R9NALD9 @ 09/09/09 06:44 AM
Originally Posted by Ian_Cummings_EA
Quick sneak peek:

- First title update is done, awaiting approvals from 3rd party manufacturers...expected this week. Some good fixes in there - from gameplay to online to online franchise. Full list coming very soon.
- Second title update is in progress. Top issues in development? Blocking, coverage of flat routes, def pursuit, franchise sim stats, replay length, CPU AI, and more.
- Broadcast cam is going to be in the first title update

I don't want to ruin all of it...but I did answer a bunch of the questions (in video format) and I'm recording more each day. It's easier than writing.

On a side note, I've seen some posts of guys asking why I don't just answer questions now here in the forums...acting like I'm disappearing or just using this as a placebo. I actually DO plan on getting back headfirst into the forums, but being that we are right here in the thick of launch with a lot of active Madden gamers, we're trying to communicate to as wide of an audience as possible. The reason we're doing this in blog/video form is so we can share the answers with our entire community - not just here at OS. Ideally we can even push these videos to the online hub when you log in on your console. It's just if I am going to spend 4 hours at home answering questions - i'd rather it reach half a million Madden fans instead of a few hundred.
Thanks for letting us know Ian
And thanks for clearing the differences between the two patches up. Now I know that I can throw my copy of Madden 10 into my game shelve and leave it there untill patch 2 arrives.
# 45 DrewBledsoe @ 09/09/09 06:50 AM
Ian, no offence, but do you realise how few games are actually played on line? You said yourself that u'd rather reach 1/5 million guys rather than 100, highly commendable.

But why then does everything seem geared to player vs player type gameplay? Is it because that's all you guys play? (and therfore you scew as the norm). Again, no offence, but player vs cpu is probably at least 95% of all games played. That's what the game should be based around, the rest should just be a entertaining option....
# 46 PGaither84 @ 09/09/09 06:55 AM
Thanks for dropping that info on us Ian. I look forward to the new blog and both patches. It looks like after patch 2 comes out, Madden 10 may become a true year-round game for me. I thought it would be at first but there are three big issues that kill user/computer games that can't be "fixed" with sliders.

1.) Computer decision making while passing.
-We went from robo QB to stupid QB. With Accuracy sliders and drops improved, I'd almost rather have robo back because with lowered accuracy, at least it will throw under/over passes and drops will increase with lowered catch sliders.

2.) Computer Blitzes too much.
-This leads to predictable Defensive play by the computer and makes playing QB all that much easier. When running, you get mor big plays because a single broken tackle or good block will spring you into the secondary. These are the risks of blitzing in football, and that's fine, but because the computer takes these risks so often, it leads to blowouts for the user because we know on most every play the blitz is coming and how to deal with it.

3.) Pursuit angles.
-Looks like you are at least fixing this and this will go a long way to improving online play as well. You already understand why his is a problem. Thank you.

With these three issue fixed, I honestly think that with custom sliders this game can truly shine.

Thank you again Ian.
# 47 TracerBullet @ 09/09/09 07:09 AM
I just can't wait till the holding on FGs is fixed. Cost me a game for the division lead against the Cardinals today in my franchise.
# 48 PGaither84 @ 09/09/09 07:25 AM
Originally Posted by ufgators253
I just can't wait till the holding on FGs is fixed. Cost me a game for the division lead against the Cardinals today in my franchise.
This is fixed in patch 1.
# 49 carnalnirvana @ 09/09/09 07:39 AM
another year and another 2 patches that does NOTHING for the real reason this game does not play good football

at some point can it be programmed or patched where the CPU uses its STAR OR 99 rated guys 99% OF THE TIME

i will agree that there are broken areas in the game that needs to be adressed ASAP.....

BUT come on, when i put on the pats game on sunday or the colts game later the first thing i am going to hear is " how can they stop the brady moss combo or the manning wayne connection"

the falcons game " how are they going to stop turner and the play action to white "" the main guys ON OFFENSE....

this is sim, doubling or gambling to stop dominant guys freeing up role players to step up and make plays.....

why do i have to double J. urban and Becht to get the QB to pass to Fitz or boldin

i know playing Qb is about finding the open man BUT WHY IS the slot Wr and TE always open first they get the sexy routes while boldin and fitz run 8yd curl patterns and this happens 10+ times a game....why am i the only person who notices this

# 50 Guffers @ 09/09/09 08:15 AM
Originally Posted by pjv31
Great news. Pretty much everything everyone wanted fixed. The game might actually deserve the good reviews it got after both patches are out.
Absolutely, the only other issue I can think of is auto replay frequency. I don't expect the missing slider to be added but it would be nice if they triggered on ALL scoring plays. Thank you Ian for keeping us informed.
# 51 ch46647 @ 09/09/09 08:32 AM
Good to see you back Ian! I am glad all the recent negativity around here hasn't run you away from the forum.

I remember last year you guys put a "rush" on one of the patches so that once you submitted it for review it was pushed through a lot quicker. I was curious if you will be doing this for patch 2 because it seems like a majority of people will be waiting until then to really start up their franchise?
# 52 Hova57 @ 09/09/09 08:39 AM
i wonder if they r using parts of the ncaa patch?
# 53 booker21 @ 09/09/09 08:42 AM
Originally Posted by Hova57
i wonder if they r using parts of the ncaa patch?
well they share some issues so i guess they do.

reciver going always to the right after bump is one example
# 54 Steve_OS @ 09/09/09 08:45 AM
Looking forward to the patches, thanks for the heads up Ian.
# 55 ACardAttack @ 09/09/09 08:56 AM
Can't wait to hear how well these work...looks like I might be buying Madden this year
# 56 Jono078 @ 09/09/09 09:06 AM
Woohoo sim stats fixed!
# 57 RavensFan2k3 @ 09/09/09 09:20 AM
Yes, I'm very excited to get patch 2 now....but damn, i wonder when thats even gonna come out
# 58 Jump @ 09/09/09 09:21 AM
Patch 2 looks good.

No mention of the lineman's ratings meaning absolutely nothing has me a bit worried.
# 59 lolfalconsbeatu @ 09/09/09 09:28 AM
All im really worried about is the nano blitzes, similar to '08
# 60 Deegeezy @ 09/09/09 09:32 AM
Disappointed to hear that the issues involving the flats being uncovered didn't make the cut.

Glad to hear it's being addressed though.

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