NBA 2K10 News Post

ESPN's Jon Robinson sees evidence of greatness in the upcoming NBA 2K10.

"When the "NBA 2K10" producers announced that they were lowering the player ratings in their game across the board to better separate the superstars you cheer from the bench players doing all the cheering, all you have to do is look at Jerome James and his embarrassing 42 overall to know they weren't messing around. Other ******ties of the ratings game include Adam Morrison (crashing hard to a 55 overall) and even former 2K Sports spokesman J.J. Redick, who despite showing some flashes in the postseason, drops to a 52.

But the change in attitude over the ratings isn't the only aspect 2K Sports was looking to adjust, as in speaking to the game designers, they look back to "NBA 2K7" as still being the best in franchise history. "When fans talk about 'NBA 2K,' they always go back to '2K7,'" says producer Rob Jones. "After they see what we've done with 'NBA 2K10,' they won't need to talk about any of our older games. '2K10' is going to be the game everyone talks about from now on."

Game: NBA 2K10Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 nogster @ 08/31/09 05:41 PM
this could be the 1st game since 2ks debut that i may not touch the ratings/tendencies and let 2k do their thing.
i hope anyway.
if 82games is implemented correctly. i shouldnt have to..
# 2 Tha_Kid @ 08/31/09 05:44 PM
It was already confirmed that the D-League would be in the Association, but it was nice to confirm that you can send down your rookies and play in those games to develop them. The demos this year will hold more weight than ever.
# 3 Stumbleweed @ 08/31/09 05:46 PM
This sounds good, and I trust Jon Robinson a lot more than most other sports game reviewers. I was happy that he mentioned how nice the halfcourt movement is.. too bad he didn't mention anything about the help defense really, since that was the primary concern Chase voiced on the build he played. Glad to see a very positive review on a more recent build though. Wait and see, wait and see.
# 4 tcnumba10 @ 08/31/09 05:48 PM
Nice to see that the team at 2K Sports acknowledged the fact that NBA2K7 was the best basketball game they've developed so far and that they will make 2K10 the game people will talk about now.
# 5 Altimus @ 08/31/09 05:48 PM
Is it October yet?

Wait is going to be brutal.
# 6 FlyRice @ 08/31/09 05:51 PM
Wish we could see this stuff in action instead of reading it.
# 7 nccomicfan @ 08/31/09 05:52 PM
2k7 is the best sports title I have ever played(caveat:tomorrow The Show arrives from gamefly), so if 2k10 is better than 2k7, I may play that for years

I did a spit take at the mention of a 42 rating
# 8 TheBadazz @ 08/31/09 05:55 PM
Wow great preview. Man, my combine guy has a better rating than Jerome James. Sweet.
# 9 chadskee @ 08/31/09 05:55 PM
I liked how he explained how the computer was constantly cutting and setting picks and playing intelligently.

It's pretty bold of Rob Jones to say nobody will talk about 2k7 anymore.
# 10 TheSolutionKMH @ 08/31/09 05:55 PM
2k10 is coming with some serious SMOKE. so much smoke its clouding the competition in my memory bank. whats the name of that game? i cant remember for nothing
# 11 and1product @ 08/31/09 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by nogster
this could be the 1st game since 2ks debut that i may not touch the ratings/tendencies and let 2k do their thing.
i hope anyway.
if 82games is implemented correctly. i shouldnt have to..
Even though I enjoy up****** my roster and player tendency, you might be right. And this is scary. I don't know, I have a lot of fun tuning the ratings and tendency and then watching it play. It makes me feel good inside. But with them actually using 82games stats , I may not have that option. It is good and bad.
# 12 Bornindamecca @ 08/31/09 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by nogster
this could be the 1st game since 2ks debut that i may not touch the ratings/tendencies and let 2k do their thing.
Don't even joke around like that, man.
# 13 theenemy @ 08/31/09 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by nogster
this could be the 1st game since 2ks debut that i may not touch the ratings/tendencies and let 2k do their thing.
i hope anyway.
if 82games is implemented correctly. i shouldnt have to..
Man, do you really believe that you wont touch the ratings/tendencies?
# 14 Parasight @ 08/31/09 06:02 PM
For gamers looking to take control of their favorite team and make sure they don't select back-to-back point guards in the first round of the draft, there is Association mode.
Nice shot at Minnesota there.

Hearing about facial animation is a relief, because the screenshots still show some dull faces. I love hearing about the wider ratings spread, and that the ratings team isn't afraid to give some players ratings they deserve. I hope Marcus Banks ends up with a ~40 rating.
# 15 Kushmir @ 08/31/09 06:02 PM
so much for the "I wonder if Live is gonna be able to compete?" rhetoric...

looks like another 1st round K.O.

the off-ball movement, errant passes, defensive rotations and 82 games.com just might put this game over the top.
# 16 Kully @ 08/31/09 06:03 PM
I'm not completely sold on 2K until I see these improvements on video.
# 17 23 @ 08/31/09 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by Altimus
Is it October yet?

Wait is going to be brutal.
Man tell me about it...hoops season cannot come fast enough!

This is going to be a great year for us as basketball fans.

Im taking vacation when the games drop
# 18 23 @ 08/31/09 06:06 PM
Originally Posted by Kushmir
so much for the "I wonder if Live is gonna be able to compete?" rhetoric...

looks like another 1st round K.O.

the off-ball movement and 82 games just might just put this game over the top.
Please stop the fanboyism and just post on NBA 2k. This is exactly how the garbage starts
# 19 Ermolli @ 08/31/09 06:13 PM
Great preview, 36 days seems to be eternal
# 20 chrisc50 @ 08/31/09 06:14 PM
When fans talk about 'NBA 2K,' they always go back to '2K7.' After they see what we've done with 'NBA 2K10,' they won't need to talk about any of our older games. '2K10' is going to be the game everyone talks about from now on.
"NBA 2K10" producer Rob Jones
I like this souds great to me, this is like a promise that 2k10 will be the Great of greats in NBA games.

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