NBA 2K10 News Post

IGN has posted their hands-on preview of NBA 2K10.

"The NBA 2K series has been pummeling NBA Live into the ground over the last few years. There's no doubt that Live is looking stronger than it has in a long while this season, but NBA 2K is aiming to raise the bar even higher with NBA 2K10. I recently spent some time at Visual Concepts to get my hands on a preview build of the game. And yes, I beat both developers that I played – though they always go easy on us journos.

The first and probably most important new addition to the 2K formula is called NBA Today. It's both a small mode in the game and a feature that permeates just about every other game you'll play. From the main menu clicking on NBA Today will bring you to a list of real NBA games that are set to take place. For our purposes – and since the NBA season hasn't started yet – we were treated to a list of pre-season games. NBA Today not only keeps up with the current NBA schedule, but it also has an effect on things like franchise mode."

Game: NBA 2K10Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
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Member Comments
# 81 bateman11 @ 08/19/09 11:22 PM
Originally Posted by jmood88
Why did you quote me?
why you so defensive?
# 82 Goffs @ 08/19/09 11:23 PM
Lol ign
# 83 jmood88 @ 08/19/09 11:27 PM
Originally Posted by bateman11
why you so defensive?
I'm not defensive at all, his response had nothing to do with what I said.
# 84 ProfessaPackMan @ 08/19/09 11:35 PM
LOL Why do some of ya'll let 2K frustrate you when it's the same **** every year? Guess I can understand when one parent is spoiling you with no end and the other parent is making you be patient. But then again, that's how it is EVERY year lol.

Like DC said, ya'll better start keeping low expectations when it comes to info 2K is releasing and the TYPE of info they release lol.
# 85 KaptnKirk12 @ 08/19/09 11:36 PM
Being able to save in the middle of games is going to be awesome. I'll likely be able to complete an entire 82 game season with 12 minute quarters now. Now if they have the same "Super Sim" feature in the Association mode that's in My Player, I'll go crazy.

Good info, not sure if I like the dumbed down idea of iso motion, I've always enjoyed the challenge of having to practice the moves to be good at them, I'm already seeing "cheese" if the spin move is even easier to perform.

Good info though, and solid screens. Can't wait for some more.
# 86 TheSolutionKMH @ 08/19/09 11:42 PM
oh yeah another good year of 2k basketball. now we get in-game SAVES. thats hot
# 87 Goffs @ 08/19/09 11:42 PM
Knowing 2k I'm sure the old iso contols could be still optional in the menu....
# 88 Parasight @ 08/19/09 11:48 PM
As a 2K fan since 2K3, I must say that it's beginning to feel like 2K is running out of juice. The improvements this year SOUND unimaginative and are more like side-steps. The fact that they didn't even fix defensive rotation as one of their first goals is a major concern. I think 2K is becoming less and less motivated to deliver. 2K9 was a major disappointment in my eyes, and basically "won" the battle against Live simply because of how BAD Live 09 was, instead of how good 2K9 was. I'm hoping Live 10 kicks them in the ***, so the 2K team wakes up and gets their act together.

Disclaimer: All of this is tentative and could easily change given a long enough look at this year's gameplay.
# 89 TheSolutionKMH @ 08/19/09 11:48 PM
Originally Posted by KaptnKirk12
Being able to save in the middle of games is going to be awesome. I'll likely be able to complete an entire 82 game season with 12 minute quarters now. Now if they have the same "Super Sim" feature in the Association mode that's in My Player, I'll go crazy.

Good info, not sure if I like the dumbed down idea of iso motion, I've always enjoyed the challenge of having to practice the moves to be good at them, I'm already seeing "cheese" if the spin move is even easier to perform.

Good info though, and solid screens. Can't wait for some more.
to be honest i never did liked when the isomotion got moved to left analog. i love the shot stick to death but i hated that they moved the isomotion i just learn to deal with so im interested as to how this new iso is implemented.

my guess for the change of isomotion is because ALOT of consumers switch over to the A configuration setup. i mean alot, ALOT. the people that switch to A are for more than the people that use default. so even tho the hardcore people may hate it, this is the best move for 2k to do.
# 90 TheSolutionKMH @ 08/19/09 11:51 PM
Originally Posted by Parasight
As a 2K fan since 2K3, I must say that it's beginning to feel like 2K is running out of juice. The improvements this year SOUND unimaginative and are more like side-steps. The fact that they didn't even fix defensive rotation as one of their first goals is a major concern. I think 2K is becoming less and less motivated to deliver. 2K9 was a major disappointment in my eyes, and basically "won" the battle against Live simply because of how BAD Live 09 was, instead of how good 2K9 was. I'm hoping Live 10 kicks them in the ***, so the 2K team wakes up and gets their act together.

Disclaimer: All of this is tentative and could easily change given a long enough look at this year's gameplay.
2k9 is a great game, the only real downfall to 2k9 was online play and thats irrelevant to judge a game cause online play in sports games has been mediocre at best overall
# 91 Onpoint17 @ 08/20/09 12:04 AM
This all sounds fantastic to me. I never really got the hang of ISO-motion so I'm glad to hear that they're dumming it down this year. But from what they're saying about the My Player mode and no contract negotiations, etc. this is starting to sound like a mode that I'm going to skip. I only play Association mode anyway, but I was thinking of trying the My Player until I read the previewer's comments.
# 92 raashun @ 08/20/09 12:08 AM
It was clearly stated that this was an early build. I don't understand why some people are being so negative.
# 93 SageInfinite @ 08/20/09 12:11 AM
Originally Posted by ProfessaPackMan
LOL Why do some of ya'll let 2K frustrate you when it's the same **** every year? Guess I can understand when one parent is spoiling you with no end and the other parent is making you be patient. But then again, that's how it is EVERY year lol.

Like DC said, ya'll better start keeping low expectations when it comes to info 2K is releasing and the TYPE of info they release lol.
Co-Sign. I just don't get it.
# 94 aholbert32 @ 08/20/09 12:12 AM
Originally Posted by GSW
but monta doesnt use crossovers like that to break his man down...he doesnt have handles liek that.. he has one basic right to left cross but hes not an "ankle breaker"

hes just fast and runs past people. and elevates quickly.

Cut and weave doesnt automatically mean crossovers. I took it to mean that he used his speed to cut through the D.
# 95 ai2k2 @ 08/20/09 12:55 AM
I was a little excited. Until I read the article. It did nothing for me.
# 96 nccomicfan @ 08/20/09 01:06 AM
I may invest 20 bucks again this year for the PC version, but there's not a single thing in this preview that shows me it's worth a 60 dollar PS3 purchase
# 97 TheBadazz @ 08/20/09 01:34 AM
I been a fan since 2K (like who really cares...). I'm alright as long as they don't change too much at once, unless it improves gameplay. Remember 2K3? Now remember 2K4-5. Those games sucked because they changed so much and made gameplay worse. Isomotion then was a joke. The dunks were horrible (looked like you was dunking on a 9 ft rim). I could go on and on. Now remember 2K6? It's was different in a good way. I hope 2K10 is like that.
# 98 jfsolo @ 08/20/09 01:38 AM
Thank goodness that Live is shaping up to be a great game as well this year, so that all these Chicken Little's can have somewhere to go instead of staying here and crying all Fall.
# 99 tril @ 08/20/09 01:56 AM
I like the turbo boost/defensive pressure feature. Thats a good addition in how its implemented.
However, the game seems to offensive focused. hopefully they'll address the defensive aspects of the game the next go round.

2k9 pc was a great game so my expectations arent that high for this year's version. In addition, Live also seems promising.

it wont be a bad thing to have 2 solid games. It also sounds like they will be very similar. Wang is turning nba live into "nba 2klive".
# 100 tongefactor40 @ 08/20/09 02:37 AM
Haha stunning. The biggest problem last year was on the defensive side of the ball; seems like it should have been the FIRST thing they started working on, instead of trying out yet another feature (My Player) from the ground up - which never works the 1st time around.

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