NHL 2K10 News Post

2K Sports has just posted another NHL Developer Insights. This one going over the improved AI in NHL 2K10.

"I enjoyed reading the feedback from the first few insights by Abe and myself. I am back now to explain what is new with AI. One of the compliments our hockey series always gets is that it feels organic. You don’t get that “scripted” feel when playing it. However, it has often seemed too chaotic at the same time; too many players would end up in the same spot, d-men were too worried about attacking the puck carrier rather than staying in position. So this year our biggest goal was to keep that natural feel while also giving players better assignments on the ice at all times. Whether it is on the puck, off the puck, on offense or defense, everything you see AI players do will be much smarter this year."

Game: NHL 2K10Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 23 - View All
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Member Comments
# 41 Flyermania @ 08/16/09 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by Eddie1967
I would add him to the "can't rent or by the game list". 3 years of trolling and being on my tail (see his negative posts towards me today, yesterday and every other day but oh no that's not trolling)because I like the game and now he's in their corner.

Oh well, I like what we are seeing so far and there are 4 more weeks to get some more great info before the release. Looking forward to another week of solid information.
They why not put him on ignore rather than crying wolf all of the time? To be honest Eddie, so many of your comments show such blind allegiance to 2k that it almost wills people to post a response.
# 42 Eddie1967 @ 08/16/09 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by Flyermania
They why not put him on ignore rather than crying wolf all of the time? To be honest Eddie, so many of your comments show such blind allegiance to 2k that it almost wills people to post a response.
So my blind allegiance forces people to make comments? Meaning they can't help themselves from doing so? I also have a blind allegiance to Andis clippers, anything Nissan, bottled water, New Balance running shoes, Verizon wireless, the United States Air Force, pleated pants with cuffs on the bottom, grand biscuits, breyers butter pecan ice cream, Garden of life vitamins, the state of New Jersey, etc. It's weird how some will dislike the fact that someone else is happy with something whether it's video games or something more important. I have never understood that.

I'm no saint and I have my moments but man I never jump on people for liking something. In the past I would respond when reading his repetitive I hate 2k hockey because blah blah blah and then something about game fly. He still post the same things no what info comes out, but I have learned not to respond any more. Like you said, you all have accepted me and my ways and I have accepted his (I guess). I only respond if he attacks me and that's what he did today.

No big deal though, this forum is great and I'm having a good time, and I'm looking forward to a great hockey game this September.
# 43 Eddie1967 @ 08/16/09 09:59 PM
Originally Posted by Scottdau
Personally I really think this is all misunderstandings. My students get in these all day. Some times I break them up before I have to push a code. So I think we are all adults and can be respectful to each other before a mod comes in here. Don't you guys think so?
I agree, It's great to be able to come here and talk about video games. No reason to fight about who likes what, etc. I say to each his/her own.
# 44 Eddie1967 @ 08/16/09 10:37 PM
Originally Posted by baa7
Nobody on OS should have to explain and/or defend their preferences and be subjected to scrutiny because of it. Yet that's what happens with some people and it's not right. And besides, as Eddie has pointed out, the EA forum has a handful of guys who defend that game no matter what. And they can be pretty rude and aggressive about it, unlike Eddie. More people need to learn to keep their fingers off the keyboard if they don't agree with what they're reading IMO.
My man baa, I'm no saint that's for sure, but what you said is 100 percent true.
# 45 Eddie1967 @ 08/16/09 11:03 PM
Originally Posted by Scottdau
I love you Baa, but when you are the voice of reason God help us all. Hell of a post though! And I totally agree. Group hug!
LOL, I was thinking the same thing. It wasn't to long ago that baa would get under my skin. My how times have changed.
# 46 Flyermania @ 08/16/09 11:29 PM
All well and good but on the same token, Realm or anyone else should be able to post their thoughts and opinions without being accused of being a troll or having some agenda.

Not everyone is going to be 100% happy with this game, or satisfied because the presentation is improved. Last I checked that's why they call it a discussion forum.
# 47 Eddie1967 @ 08/17/09 12:09 AM
Originally Posted by Scottdau
I still love you though. It is all good. I have some great faith in this game. I don't know why. I guess because I love it already. So if it is all gameplay I will be very happy for you guys too. I can tell that they have enough "Little Things" for me and Eddie.
They sure do. Hurray for the little things, lol.
# 48 Eddie1967 @ 08/17/09 12:13 AM
Originally Posted by baa7
Your 2K enthusiasm used to bug me, it's true. But looking at the state of the world these days, some guy who's happy with the video game he's playing is about last thing I need to be getting upset about.
Yeah I remember those days. But of course you would disarm me with jokes and that was the end of the argument. People usually get fed up with my enthusiasm usually around release time for 2k games, lol.
# 49 slickdtc @ 08/17/09 08:46 AM
I don't think RealmK is a troll at all. I've seen him at 2khockey.net and around here so I know he loves his hockey and his NHL video games. And though he seems to take a negative approach (not completely unwarranted, either) to many things, the dude can be flat out right and he won't sugarcoat anything. I know the guy just wants the series (check that: NHL games) to be the best they can be. Meanwhile, Eddie is a guy who'll defend NHL 2k to the death. The dude loves the game and he might not be as hardcore as other users, he's allowed to be in love with the series if he wants. As long as people post constructive criticisms or intelligent positives, then we shouldn't have a problem.

We should never "not like" a user or throw out insults just because we disagree with them. I know me and Baa7 aren't on the same page regarding puck size in NHL 2k10, but I also know that I agree with a ton of what Baa7 posts. We had a disagreement, I never took it personal, and now we're back to talking about NHL 2k. As it should be. That's why I hate the ignore feature. If I had taken that disagreement personal and put him on ignore, I would've missed out on all his other great opinions.

I think we have a pretty solid little base here. I like it that it's just a couple of guys with a few randoms thrown in from time to time. This is quite rare for as big as OS is. Let's just keep it intelligent and hope for the best for this series and for NHL video games in general in the future.
# 50 Flyermania @ 08/17/09 09:08 AM
Originally Posted by Scottdau
Agree, but it is tough with some. When you have some guys come in here and talk "constructive criticism" And then go into the EA's thread all talk nothing, but how that game is going to owned! It is funny at least to me. If Realm ends up liking this game better than NHL10 then I believe hell just froze over! But I agree.
Scott, I don't know how long you've played hockey games or what forums you frequent, but EA was torn a new one all of the time up until NHL 07. It was ugly and ten times worse than any negative criticism that 2k receives. And you know what? It was well deserved. IMO EA has made some fantastic strides with their game since they went next-gen, so their critics have been silenced to some degree.

Is their game perfect? Far from it. Look at the uproar NHL 09 received before the two patches that dropped for it. I can tell you from playing NHL 10 that it is improved in many areas...but still far from a perfect hockey game.

I've seen Realm post over at 2khockey for years...the guy has no loyalty to any brand --- he is loyal to the better game. He's played both and has some great feedback, both good and bad.

I know you and Eddie have issues with the negative feedback at times, but I've received several emails from Ben Bishop over the years over at 2khockey.net thanking me for my feedback, comments, and comparisons to other hockey games. As long as it's presented in a mature fashion, they really do appreciate it as it helps them improve their game.
# 51 tabulaRasa @ 08/17/09 09:34 AM
Originally Posted by baa7
Your 2K enthusiasm used to bug me, it's true. But looking at the state of the world these days, some guy who's happy with the video game he's playing is about last thing I need to be getting upset about.
Haha, so true

Anyhow, will buy both games this year. Skipped 2k9 after the demo, but I think it will be a good year for hockey this year
# 52 slickdtc @ 08/17/09 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by RealmK
For sure, the game can't get much worse than 2k9 was for the majority of us. I do hope for 2k11 they get a writer to listen to an actual hockey broadcast or two and rewrite the terrible commentary though.
Maybe that's just it. Could it be that this year they're focusing on getting the gameplay, which we can pretty much all agree is #1 on the priorities list, completely set, then next year and beyond, they start making the game a bit more sexy.

Who knows though. They're saying they've improved in pretty much every area that they needed (nice game introductions, all the gameplay improvements, better graphics overall).
# 53 TIm @ 08/17/09 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by slickdtc
Maybe that's just it. Could it be that this year they're focusing on getting the gameplay, which we can pretty much all agree is #1 on the priorities list, completely set, then next year and beyond, they start making the game a bit more sexy.

Who knows though. They're saying they've improved in pretty much every area that they needed (nice game introductions, all the gameplay improvements, better graphics overall).
I agree with this... I want better AI and gameplay before anything else...If they could get that game with higher levels or a good sliderset, I am o.k with a bland hockey game... well not bland but you know what I mean... IMO 2k5 football was going for a all around game..Game was FAR from perfect but I had a good feeling about that game and they had a good base to work out of.. Then they could've tackled the AI and gameplay or was on their way to anyways.. With Hockey or anygame though, I think gameplay and AI should be first on anyones list.
# 54 Eddie1967 @ 08/17/09 06:31 PM
Originally Posted by slickdtc
I don't think RealmK is a troll at all. I've seen him at 2khockey.net and around here so I know he loves his hockey and his NHL video games. And though he seems to take a negative approach (not completely unwarranted, either) to many things, the dude can be flat out right and he won't sugarcoat anything. I know the guy just wants the series (check that: NHL games) to be the best they can be. Meanwhile, Eddie is a guy who'll defend NHL 2k to the death. The dude loves the game and he might not be as hardcore as other users, he's allowed to be in love with the series if he wants. As long as people post constructive criticisms or intelligent positives, then we shouldn't have a problem.

We should never "not like" a user or throw out insults just because we disagree with them. I know me and Baa7 aren't on the same page regarding puck size in NHL 2k10, but I also know that I agree with a ton of what Baa7 posts. We had a disagreement, I never took it personal, and now we're back to talking about NHL 2k. As it should be. That's why I hate the ignore feature. If I had taken that disagreement personal and put him on ignore, I would've missed out on all his other great opinions.

I think we have a pretty solid little base here. I like it that it's just a couple of guys with a few randoms thrown in from time to time. This is quite rare for as big as OS is. Let's just keep it intelligent and hope for the best for this series and for NHL video games in general in the future.
Great post. I agree with all have a right to gripe or praise these video games. I love these forums.
# 55 Eddie1967 @ 08/17/09 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by Flyermania
Scott, I don't know how long you've played hockey games or what forums you frequent, but EA was torn a new one all of the time up until NHL 07. It was ugly and ten times worse than any negative criticism that 2k receives. And you know what? It was well deserved. IMO EA has made some fantastic strides with their game since they went next-gen, so their critics have been silenced to some degree.

Is their game perfect? Far from it. Look at the uproar NHL 09 received before the two patches that dropped for it. I can tell you from playing NHL 10 that it is improved in many areas...but still far from a perfect hockey game.

I've seen Realm post over at 2khockey for years...the guy has no loyalty to any brand --- he is loyal to the better game. He's played both and has some great feedback, both good and bad.

I know you and Eddie have issues with the negative feedback at times, but I've received several emails from Ben Bishop over the years over at 2khockey.net thanking me for my feedback, comments, and comparisons to other hockey games. As long as it's presented in a mature fashion, they really do appreciate it as it helps them improve their game.
Hey whatever helps improve the game is fine with me. I don't have a problem with criticism (anymore). I like a lot of games that people criticize but sometimes it just seems over the top in the 2k forums but I have learned to accept that. I'm happy that there are possibly 2 great games of hockey being released this year. If the negative feedback helped that then fine, keep it coming. Anything to make both games the best they can be.
# 56 Flyermania @ 08/17/09 07:40 PM
Eddie and Scott, do you guys play online at all?
# 57 Eddie1967 @ 08/17/09 08:36 PM
Originally Posted by Flyermania
Eddie and Scott, do you guys play online at all?
Oh Yeah!
# 58 slickdtc @ 08/18/09 11:12 AM
Originally Posted by TIm
I agree with this... I want better AI and gameplay before anything else...If they could get that game with higher levels or a good sliderset, I am o.k with a bland hockey game... well not bland but you know what I mean... IMO 2k5 football was going for a all around game..Game was FAR from perfect but I had a good feeling about that game and they had a good base to work out of.. Then they could've tackled the AI and gameplay or was on their way to anyways.. With Hockey or anygame though, I think gameplay and AI should be first on anyones list.
Originally Posted by RealmK
Indeed, I hope that ends up being the case. Like I said, I can deal with another year of bad commentary if the gameplay is finally back on track. Its similar to where I think NHL10 is at, they spent alot of time getting the rest of the gameplay there, board play, goalies, passing etc. So next year they can focus on blowing out the presentation. It very well could be that 2k was able to do that this year. If nothing else, their arena's alone blow EA's out of the water.
Whenever I think of gameplay first, then presentation second, I think of NHL 2k3. Though I don't own the game anymore, my memory says that the presentation was actually serviceable. They had some ESPN overlays, a pregame introduction (they even said the player names, if I recall correctly), and I can remember the goal scoring cut scene (I think they were real time, actually). 2k3 is positively the benchmark for me for NHL games. I really think 2k10 is going to get as close to 2k3 as we've seen so far for a number of reasons. For one, it's VC making the game. So while it's not Treyarch, VC was teamed with Treyarch in producing that game (while Kush came from out of nowhere for the 2k4-2k8 games) and I think they've learned something from that. And again, the 2k series is the ugly stepchild and can't rest on its laurels like they were in 2k3 making their debut on all the systems and really trying to establish themselves. When the series had that success, I think they shifted to being complacent and just making the game look good instead of really refining the great core gameplay mechanics they had.

I really do think we're in for something good this year. I think the core gameplay for 2k10 is going to be some of the best playing hockey we've had in this series. But it's still going to be 2k hockey, so if you just don't like that feel, you're not going to like this release anymore then the previous ones. That's just the vibe I'm getting from all this prerelease stuff. As always, it'll come down to sitting down and playing the game. I'd love to see 2khockey.net get a hands-on opportunity with the game because we know WAZ & Co know what that 2k2/2k3 era felt like and I'd really trust their opinion if they said it's back to those roots.

We'll see in mid-September. I haven't been this amped for a release date, regardless of sport, in a longggg time.
# 59 Money99 @ 08/18/09 01:46 PM
Great post slick. Especially the comments on the feel of 2K hockey compared to EA.

EA has a great advantage in that, for the most part, all of their hockey games have 'felt' the same since 92. The graphics, AI, etc have all been improved but the game still looks the same to some degree from years back.
That's not a bash on EA by any means, but they've been able to build a comfort level with their consumers because of it.

It's for that exact reason why I took me quite a while to enjoy 2K2. It moved, looked and played so different than any other hockey game I've ever seen.
I hated it at first to be honest. But as I dug deeper, I started to appreciate the nuances of the game.
And then when 2K3 came out I was in heaven. Absolute hockey heaven.

I really hope that 2K can return to that level of hockey. Where the AI is slick and makes the user pay for mistakes. Where we won't feel cheated with artificial CPU boosts or cheats.
And I hope that if 2K10 really is a great game, that more of the hockey community gives it a chance.
I raved about 2K3 to all my friends and when they finally got down to playing it, they loved it. In fact, it was the only thing we played when the guys came over.
# 60 onlybygrace @ 08/18/09 04:34 PM
Hey Flyboys...what goalie edits were done to come up with that stuff???

I still have my copy of 2k3 and would like to mess with it sometime.

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