NHL 2K10 News Post

2K Sports has just posted another NHL Developer Insights. This one going over the improved AI in NHL 2K10.

"I enjoyed reading the feedback from the first few insights by Abe and myself. I am back now to explain what is new with AI. One of the compliments our hockey series always gets is that it feels organic. You don’t get that “scripted” feel when playing it. However, it has often seemed too chaotic at the same time; too many players would end up in the same spot, d-men were too worried about attacking the puck carrier rather than staying in position. So this year our biggest goal was to keep that natural feel while also giving players better assignments on the ice at all times. Whether it is on the puck, off the puck, on offense or defense, everything you see AI players do will be much smarter this year."

Game: NHL 2K10Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 23 - View All
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Member Comments
# 61 onlybygrace @ 08/18/09 04:46 PM

Good stuff. Maybe some day I'll resort to that game.

There was no backwards skating on D that year, right???
# 62 Money99 @ 08/18/09 04:51 PM
What was very strange was the fact that the goalies were perfect in the PS2 version. No edits needed whatsoever.
When I sold my PS2 for an Xbox and played 2K3, I was amazed at the difference.
# 63 slickdtc @ 08/18/09 06:48 PM
Yeah, no backwards skating then. It was automatic. Might've been better, I remember it being less clunky. We just WANTED the control of backwards skating, though we may have never actually needed it, especially since it was so badly implemented.

I have to admit, I get on the 360/PS3 versions of NHL games for really not improving all that much from that era. But they have definitely made leaps and bounds in the animations and (of course) graphics department. There was a lot of awkwardness in 2k3, to be sure. I think we can probably judge it more objectively now though, because it's old so the graphics aren't what matters anymore. But I hear so many complaints about the current games having bad player models, ugly goalies, etc. We should revisit some of these more current games, throw out any problems we had with graphics (because it'll be outdated and we won't care), and see where we stand. We may just find some beauty beneath the ugly. Though the people around here mostly care about the core gameplay and not the graphics anyway.

Awesome 2k3 videos, Daflyboys. I really do have to pick it back up. I've tried. Once a walk-in, but a kid was manning the counter and couldn't find it (online said it was in stock though). The other time I called in and they had me on hold for 20 minutes before I just accepted that they weren't going to talk to me and just hung up. GameStop, folks.

Originally Posted by RealmK
It didn't help with the first few next gen versions pretty much being just last gen ports with a gimick or two added for good measure. (cinemotion, play off beards, zamboni racing etc) They had really gotten away from what made the early versions of NHL2k the great games that they were, and that was making a great simulation game of the actual sport.
Definitely. There's no doubt they tried to get more fans by having these stupid casual things that eventually end up out of the game in a year or two. If there's one good sign, it's that they aren't pushing playoff beard/zamboni/cinemotion type things this year. I think that's a very telling sign. Instead we're seeing stick lifts (a nice bullet point feature but directly releated to gameplay), retooled AI, and strategies that actually work. We're getting meat and potatoes stuff instead of all that fancy BS that really doesn't attract any casual gamers and only turns off the hardcore gamers.

But like I said before, the 2k hockey feel will still remain. A lot will change, but they can't make a completely new game in one year. So I'm not going in expecting a completely different game; a game that has a lot of improvements, a lot of tweaks though is what I'm going to be looking to. And honestly, I think that will be more then enough. I've played this series long enough to like that core 2k hockey feel so if they got rid of that, I think I might actually be a bit peeved.
# 64 Eddie1967 @ 08/18/09 11:39 PM
Originally Posted by Scottdau

I teach at J Hall, so I don't fail kids. I am OK teacher their test scores have gone up. Which is really good for me. Even though I am not held accountable for their progress. I don't have them that long. My strengths are being a facilitator and classroom management. I am the best at that. Don't know why just I am. Any way I am still pumped for this game and daflyboy I like you. I really do you.

That explains why your so calm all of the time.
# 65 TIm @ 08/24/09 06:15 PM
When do you think the new developer insight will drop??? It is supposed to be today... Maybe if a few hours??
# 66 savoie2006 @ 08/25/09 04:41 AM
The next Insight will drop Tuesday and concerns Graphical Improvements.

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