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Okay so the patch was released Thursday, makes sense now.
I guess maybe my problem then is this: I didn't get my router until Friday night. I was never online Thursday with my PS3. So was the patch just available for download for a day? I wasn't able to get it the day it was released, but I figured I'd still be able to get it shortly thereafter. I never get the update prompt, though. Is it still available?
My bad if I'm making this harder than it needs to be!
I guess maybe my problem then is this: I didn't get my router until Friday night. I was never online Thursday with my PS3. So was the patch just available for download for a day? I wasn't able to get it the day it was released, but I figured I'd still be able to get it shortly thereafter. I never get the update prompt, though. Is it still available?
My bad if I'm making this harder than it needs to be!

No, it's not out just for a day. If you don't have the update on your HDD it should prompt you when you start up the game. That's weird that it doesn't. Double check under your Game Data Utility and just make sure it's not there. You could have downloaded it, and not realized it. It could happen.

Okay thank you!
I wasn't aware of the game data utility - is that in the actual NCAA 2010 menus when I finish loading the game? Or is that found in the main operating system screen?
I wasn't aware of the game data utility - is that in the actual NCAA 2010 menus when I finish loading the game? Or is that found in the main operating system screen?
Okay PS3 owners you've had patch #1 for a few days now. Are your positive impressions from earlier in this thread still holding true? Is the honeymoon over or is the patch truely making the game that much better?

To answer your Q, I find the cpu has NO luck running the option against me... but I play a lot of cover 2 zone and have fast CB's so maybe that helps me.
I have these posted elswhere but here are my sliders I am using... this may be useful for you.
QB acc 40 / 40 (you may want to go 35 for cpu)
Pass blk 50 / 10
Receiving 45 / 45 (you may want to go to 50)
RB 50 / 60
RB block 50 / 50
pass covg 65 / 60 (I loved hum from 65 to improve cpu passing)
pass rush 100 / 55
Int's 20 / 10
Rush D 10 / 40
Tackling 50 /50
I used these today Idaho (me) versus Ohio St.
28-18 Ohio St.
* Ohio had 495 yards offense versus my 196
* it was close because of the 2 pics and three fumbles
P.S. for penalties don't move holding pass 55 (50 recommended) as the penalties are non-stop. As well, don't waste your time with auto-subs as they are not working properly.
what are your %?
i was thinking of going 5 or 10 since IRL most incomplete pases are Overthrowns/underthrows, would this make it unplayable?
# 389
Anaxamander @ 07/20/09 10:15 PM
The sliders make the game much, much better than it was before. The CPU actually has a run game and the user gets a pass rush. Those were the 2 major problems pre-patch in my opinion.
Well, I have since set mine to 10/10 and am seeing great things.
I don`t remember who said but they were able to throw a bomb even with acc at 0.
could you explain?

But i hate if i set QB acc at 0 and i`m unable to throw over 20yds pass

Accuracy does not affect distance and as far as I can tell it doesn't even affect the speed of the pass.
I was skeptical about dropping QB accuracy below 25 for either me or the CPU. I voiced that in my Varsity sliders thread. However, even at 25 both QB's were too accurate. I dropped to 10 and am really happy.
I like to see errant passes without a reason. It happens in real football. I want it to happen in my games. It does and I love it.
You could take your favorite strong armed QB and try QB accuracy at 10 and check for yourself if you can still throw deep. You may be surprised. Check that: you WILL be surprised.
I need some help with the sliders.
Can some people that have theirs set correctly/realistically please post them?
Can some people that have theirs set correctly/realistically please post them?
Is the 360 Patch out yet? I know Tuesday was the "estimate," but am at work so I can't try it.
# 398
Flightwhite24 @ 07/21/09 12:27 PM


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