Madden 2010 News Post

Game: Madden NFL 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 76 - View All
Madden NFL 10 Videos
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# 101 Zedox @ 07/11/09 02:51 PM
I haven't posted in a while...lol but oh well. Good job EA. Now, I know you guys don't have it this year...just gimmie Sportscenter. That's it. Weekly stats, maybe some "aww he's not doing good the past couple weeks", some injury reports, someone wanting a trade. But really, you can copy Sportscenter from NFL 2K5 and I won't complain at all (of course you'll have others who will) even though I would want more than just that. Sportscenter, especially for franchise. That and keep working on gameplay and we'll be in good relations. Sexual even...just kidding...lmao.
# 102 Pared @ 07/11/09 02:52 PM
If he doesn't address it, he doesn't address it.

When you start posting about it in multiple threads, it can be considered spamming or trolling.

And this thread is a perfect example.

Instead of discussing the video, you're derailing yet ANOTHER thread.

There are guys that want to discuss the video. You've put it out there already what a broadcast camera would mean to you. Again, there is an ENTIRE THREAD for this. There is no need to continue to belabor the point.
# 103 pepp32 @ 07/11/09 02:53 PM
I've just entered the house of EA ,and Ian, "I love what you've done with the place!" Now, "Pylon" animations, pre/halftime/pstgame shows and new commentators along with new running animations and this could be hands down one of the BEST SPORTS SIMULATORS OF ALL TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aside from all that, this years model looks fantastic. Great Job Ian. See you online Augest 14th!
# 104 harnalien @ 07/11/09 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by Tarheel
Have you checked your blood pressure today?
well, this thread was nice while it lasted, lol!

To try and stay on topic; I am looking forward to what the final product looks like so true opinions can start to flow. I am sure this has been a big undertaking for the group if they are truly fixing old issues.
# 105 Jamin23 @ 07/11/09 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by Scottdau
But you are not so I think you might want to just drop it. Also, I love what I am seeing. This game is going to be sick! I want to thank SCEA Th Show for setting the bar and for Ian and his crew accepting the challenge. This game is doing what the Show is doing for baseball. Great job guys. Now I am even more pumped for this game!!!
And I hope other sports games follow what those two games are doing.
# 106 countryboy @ 07/11/09 04:33 PM
to get things back to the topic at hand....

its amazing how these little details(chain gang, refs on field, crowd shots, kickers warming up, etc...etc..etc..) can completely "pull" the user into the game, making the user feel that they are not only playing a football game, but they are "part" of the football game.

Well done dev team...well done.
# 107 Tomba @ 07/11/09 04:35 PM
I'm estatic and i think Ian has done a fantastic first year job with the game being at the healm...
# 108 countryboy @ 07/11/09 04:37 PM
Originally Posted by Scottdau
Those injuries screen shots were fantastic!
until its one of your main guys going down.
# 109 countryboy @ 07/11/09 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by Scottdau
That is what I like to call "restartthegame"
# 110 SouthernBrick @ 07/11/09 05:15 PM
Originally Posted by Scottdau
That is what I like to call "restartthegame"
# 111 Droopy03 @ 07/11/09 05:57 PM
i like this Ian I can't wait to get the game and see what the 2k haters is going to have to say.

I'm saying it "this is going to be the best football game ever made (and not only madden football games)"

can't wait to see what the 2k fans have to say.

The only thing people are going to hear is it took Madden 5 years to get it her.
# 112 countryboy @ 07/11/09 07:12 PM
Scott no word that I know of when the demo is actually going to be available for download.

If you pre-order from Gamestop you'll receive, on the 15th, a code that can be used to download the exclusive demo that Gamestop has that is a rematch of the SuperBowl from last year and includes 4, 5-minute quarters.

If you wait and download the one thats available to the public without the GS code, then I believe its like last year and is the Madden Moment type deal.
# 113 countryboy @ 07/11/09 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by Scottdau
Ok so if someone gives me their code would that work? Or do I need to get my own!
you need to get one of your own.
# 114 MattIntellect @ 07/11/09 08:52 PM
Originally Posted by yancygreen
Interesting, but for those of you who saw that, ask yourself this? If they REALLY wanted to capture the atmosphere of a TV broadcast, then they should have more camera angles to play from! Maybe a "Broadcast Camera" Am I wrong on this? The last gen games you could at least play from "demo", "sideline", angles and more and hey remember Sega/2K sports had a "broadcast" camera angle and slightly cheesy (but actually very interesting and original "1st person camera". Even NFL Head Coach 09 has different camera views. Her's to hoping that maybe the developers listen to the fans/buyers and maybe add a downloadable patch to the game to get different camera angles. This should be done for NCAA also. What do you guys think?
Originally Posted by Tarheel
Not only do I want to see what I see on Sunday, I also want to see it the way I see it on Sunday.
Originally Posted by Tarheel
Still gotta include that broadcast cam though....
This is the last time I say this. The broadcast camera is in the game, but is not available because of bad bugs. Ian will fix it through a patch. Read this:

Originally Posted by MattIntellect
Ian already said that he'll try to unlock the Broadcast cam via a patch. It's in the game though.
Here's a link: http://www.operationsports.com/forum...ans-unite.html
Note: Read the OP.
# 115 pepp32 @ 07/11/09 09:24 PM
The Demo will be available for down load July 23rd per Madden10.com.
# 116 jets10 @ 07/11/09 10:09 PM
it's all cool and all but one thing i noticed from one of those gameplay vids.

the game was played in freezing weather, players are wearing long sleeves and you can see their breaths in the air.

one player gets injured and the trainers come out to check out on him

the trainers are wearing short sleeve shirts...

does anyone know if that has been fixed?

also that post game interview stuff with the players. is that an actual interview like in nfl 2k5 or just a scene and the commentators will just say stuff?
# 117 casvdry @ 07/11/09 11:26 PM
If I'm right, Josh and Ian came from the HC 09 area to take over Madden (Maybe a little off?) If that's the case just give it a little time. Outside of on the field graphics HC 09 had an awesome UI and experience.
# 118 thorhawk @ 07/12/09 02:26 AM
Vid looks great...only problem is the 49ers kicker is shown kicking with his right leg, when he actually kicks with his left.
# 119 pepp32 @ 07/12/09 02:57 AM
There are 2 demos slated to be released though I'm not sure if it will be at the same time. There is a superbowl demo from last years teams with 4 quarters at 5 min per quarter(that one I'm almost sure you have to pre-order in order to get and is sheduled for July 23. Then there is a Cowboys vs eagles demo as well which i think you dont have to preorder to get but dont know if it will be released with the superbowl demo on the 23rd....my guess is maybe a week later.
# 120 bababooey76 @ 07/12/09 03:14 AM
Really impressive video. I am really looking forward to this.

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