Madden 2010 News Post

Destructoid has the scoop.

"GameStop has just announced that pre-ordering Madden NFL 10 for the Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3 will net its customers an exclusive demo of the title. The demo will features four five-minute quarters, with the Arizona Cardinals and Pittsburgh Steelers as the playable teams. Codes for the pre-order demo will hit stores by July 15, and the demo is slated to go live by the end of July."

Game: Madden NFL 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 76 - View All
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Member Comments
# 601 Broncos86 @ 07/22/09 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by tonedeaf
When do we put the code in? Do we really have to wait until 9:00pm on Thursday night? Its gonna be a long day tomorrow if thats the case. It will be the worst day of work this week.
That's what I'll be doing. 9pm ET.
# 602 Texans989 @ 07/22/09 07:04 PM
itll be up by 9 o clock maybe earlier. i think itll go up earlier, they just say 9 o clock just in case they have some problems or somethin. and it makes them look better if they put something out before the time they say cuz then it makes people happier. If they said at noon, but it went up at one in the afternoon, people would be mad lol
# 603 CanesFan5 @ 07/22/09 07:19 PM
Doesn't look like I'll be getting one. Any chance of getting one after the private demo releases?
# 604 JB0B0 @ 07/22/09 07:35 PM
my gamestop still doesn't have it. every other gamestop in the area has it though...I'm about to go on a rampage
# 605 Kevin26385 @ 07/22/09 07:37 PM
For the people who entered in the contest over on www.thesportsgameguy.com I just want to let you know that I will be announcing the winners in 25 minutes!!
# 606 BroMontana82 @ 07/22/09 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by CanesFan5
Doesn't look like I'll be getting one. Any chance of getting one after the private demo releases?
why not? i just went and got another for someone at my store. i walk in and ask for the madden demo code. the guy said sure and hands it to me. no questions asked. didn't show him my receipt, didn't even mention the word "pre-order." if you can get to any gamestop, just ask. seems to be working a lot for people.
# 607 Blaz3DRa1n @ 07/22/09 08:04 PM
if its true about, if u enter the code early it wont work when the demo comes out, im goin to go be pissed
# 608 SmashMan @ 07/22/09 08:10 PM
Originally Posted by Blaz3DRa1n
if its true about, if u enter the code early it wont work when the demo comes out, im goin to go be pissed
I really doubt your code would be screwed up, but I have to ask...why do you even enter the code when you know the demo isn't up?
# 609 swaldo @ 07/22/09 08:23 PM
I pre-ordered online for the 360 version and wanted to see if I could scam a PS3 version from my local Gamestop. I thought this might help me make a decision on which console to purchase for if I end up buying Madden 10.

I printed my online receipt and had it ready when I asked the clerk for a PS3 code. He asked me if I pre-ordered it and I said yes. He went to his computer to ring up my info but I stopped him stating I have the receipt with me. I showed it to him making sure to cover the part where it said "XBOX 360" and pointed to the area where it showed the in-store pick-up address. He said "OK, here you go" and hands me the code.

When I got home I wondered why the demo card was so thick and why is it wrapped in plastic? So I cut open the plastic and there were 5 demo codes in it! Heh. I already gave out the extra codes to people asking for one - gotta help out my fellow OS'ers. And to the 5 poor souls I screwed out of a code in my town - enjoy your coin flip & kickoff practice playing 1 minute quarters!

The whole point of this is to check your code - if it's wrapped in plastic crack that baby open.
# 610 BroMontana82 @ 07/22/09 08:36 PM
you really gotta appreciate how clueless some of these gamestop people are. seriously, what a joke this entire code thing is...
# 611 Blaz3DRa1n @ 07/22/09 08:42 PM
idk once i got it i didnt kno wen to put the code in cuz i was so eager 2 play
# 612 yh006866 @ 07/22/09 08:48 PM
If any one has extra xbox code
then please pm me

# 613 BigPoppa17211 @ 07/22/09 08:51 PM
Sorry if this has been asked in an earlier post (not reading 65+ pages), but does anyone in Canada have a code yet?

I've checked a couple different EB Games and the all look at me like i have 2 heads or something.

Just wondering if we are able to get the codes as well. Thanks.
# 614 Rebel10 @ 07/22/09 08:53 PM
Originally Posted by CardsFan52
If you live in AZ does that mean we download at 7 pm?
If where you live is Mountain time, yes. I dunno if parts of Arizona are Pacific time zone... doubtful.

EST = 9:00
CST = 8:00
MNT = 7:00
PST = 6:00
# 615 Kevin26385 @ 07/22/09 08:55 PM
I realize not everyone will have the Gamestop demo tomorrow so I will be recording a full game to show off to everyone.

Also why do people think its coming out at an exact time..It says BY 9 PM EST doesn't it? It could come out at anytime tomorrow
# 616 crob8822 @ 07/22/09 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by bases1616
All of Gamestop's demo codes or whatever promotion they are doing for a game is always limited quantity. If you want something bad enough just make sure you are one of the first ones to grab one. There are have been plenty of times I waited until after work to pick up a game with a free promotion and that item was all gone when I got there.
You know I am curious, while reading some of the threads, I noticed that some people received a pack with five codes listed. I wonder if the people in the store were to open each pack and give 1 set of codes per person. This maybe the reason for some people not receiving theirs. I am just curious. I did not order the game from gamestop not that I never shopped there but I am a patient person and can wait until aug the 14th for the game to ship. I guess I am putting off my worst fear that the game will bomb? besides the online demo with one minute quarters will be just a snack especially since it is the Cowboys vs. Giants.
I am hoping that the GS demo does work because all of the os guys will be able to give some feedback about the experiance with the game.
# 617 XxMad-CowxX @ 07/22/09 09:00 PM
I've given away my last PS3 demo code, if anyone else was interested, sorry.
# 618 HolyCrap @ 07/22/09 09:05 PM
i have 4 extra codes for PS3 if anyone needs one just PM me
# 619 NorrinRadd12 @ 07/22/09 09:05 PM
Buying the game at Best Buy with a gift card. If anyone has an extra 360 code it will be much appreciated. PM me.
# 620 swaldo @ 07/22/09 09:09 PM
In Gamestop's defense the fact that there were 5 codes wrapped in one card was not immediately obvious. I was expecting a card with a demo code on it and had to do a double take. It was like "Why would EA spend so much money on such thick, fancy demo cards with each being individually wrapped?"

Looking close at the thickness of the card it appeared there may be something inside. I thought it would be info about the game or maybe a control guide. When I opened the plastic to find 5 codes I thought "Wow! How many people are going to get screwed out of a code because of this? How many Gamestop employees are handing out 5 codes thinking it's only 1 - and how many customers only think they have 1 code and not 5."

Eh...well at least I'm set to go. I just wish I knew exactly what time to order the pizza.

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