Madden 2010 News Post

EA just posted part 2 of their Madden NFL 10 Franchise Mode improvements Q&A.

"I’m Josh Looman, senior designer for Madden NFL 10 and the guy who had the privilege of tuning franchise mode this year. I thought I’d sit down and answer a lot of the questions I’ve received about franchise mode and the changes we made this cycle. As I’ve mentioned before (in this blog), my goal was to clean up the logic and get this mode back to where it needed to be. I’ll repeat my favorite analogy for those of you who haven’t heard it before: If you found out you had termites in your house, would you build on another addition or clean up the foundation so that you could build on the house in the future? That was exactly our attitude and my sole focus since I joined the Madden team halfway through the development cycle. I enlisted the help of one of my top programmers from NFL Head Coach ’09 (Jeff Keyek) and worked with the rest of the Madden team to address many of the core aspects of the mode that really needed fixing."

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Member Comments
# 1 NoFear @ 06/16/09 05:00 PM
Sounds good, I can't wait to play Franchise mode.

Only problem is, there was a lot more questions asked, I'm guessing he only answered the one's that he could say yes to? We'll see.
# 2 MattIntellect @ 06/16/09 05:01 PM
You beat Ian too it Turfguy. You know he was about to post it.
# 3 Matrix-Monkey @ 06/16/09 05:02 PM
Would it have been that difficult to include a screenshot of the new scouting screen and the draft screen?

Very little new info as well =/.
# 4 turfguy23 @ 06/16/09 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by MattIntellect
You beat Ian too it Turfguy. You know he was about to post it.
hey, timing is everything.

The draft is gonna be sweet this year. 32 different hand made draft classes. Finally we get to find our "diamond in the rough" in the late rounds.

And the progression sounds like it is going to be great. If I take my 5 round pick DE and he has 8 sacks as a rookie he should see a ratings boost. I love how stats finally mean something. It will really feel like you've "earned" the progression and not just "hoped" for it.
# 5 countryboy @ 06/16/09 05:05 PM
Q: Will you marry me?
A: No.

Who asked this question? LOL

Sounds good...hopefully it plays out as well as it reads.
# 6 BenjiA @ 06/16/09 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by Matrix-Monkey
Would it have been that difficult to include a screenshot of the new scouting screen and the draft screen?

Very little new info as well =/.
exactly. I'm disappointed, too. Why no info about Draft Presentation and some screens of it??????

# 7 lgxjames @ 06/16/09 05:10 PM
# 8 ZoneKIller @ 06/16/09 05:11 PM
I just want to know if I can get fired.
All those questions and he had to throw in the question Will you marry me.
I thought we already knew the stuff he answered basically didnt we?
# 9 turfguy23 @ 06/16/09 05:12 PM
Q: Since two-back systems are in vogue, will running backs split carries a la Carolina, Tennessee, etc.?
A: Yes. This is all determined by the RB sliders in your coach options. We have logic that determines how carries will be split later on in franchise. If you have two 90 overall running backs, they will split carries.

Anyone understand the "RB split carries" logic?

Do we adjust the slider for the CPU?

What does later on in franchise imply? Need more details but I guess we'll find out in August. They can't give us the game right now. The franchise improvements look very promising.
# 10 Matt Diesel @ 06/16/09 05:12 PM
30 UFA, ouch. Otherwise, piqued my interest even more.
# 11 BenjiA @ 06/16/09 05:12 PM
PLEASE give us some DRAFT PRESENTATION info!!!!
# 12 thudias @ 06/16/09 05:13 PM
Impressive...I am totally stoked...
# 13 MelMan1486 @ 06/16/09 05:14 PM
"Q: How often does progression take place and will season performance effect it? (yearly, quarterly, every game, etc.)
A: All of the tuning this year was done to make the progression system from ’09 playable. Last year, players rarely progressed and if they did, they didn’t go up much. We fixed those problems and I’m seeing what I expect when I get to the offseason after having good seasons with my players. In the future, we’ll look into using a progression system similar to the one we used in NFL Head Coach ’09. It allows for more flexibility than the system we’re working with now.
To answer your question:
Season performance has a huge impact and progression happens in the offseason"

Looks like I'm simming the preseason once again... (sigh), oh well still looks promising. I hope it works the way he makes it seem like it's going to.
# 14 PlatooN @ 06/16/09 05:15 PM
Q: Will it be fun enough to play more than 2 seasons?
A: Yes. And that was my goal this year!

thanks Josh

i'm pumped to get into these draft classes.
# 15 turfguy23 @ 06/16/09 05:15 PM
Q: How will the scouting process work for rookies pre-draft and how is it different from the last few iterations of Madden or similar to HC?
A: Scouting is different than it was in ’09. This year you pick the players you want to scout and each week a piece of information is unlocked about them. At first, the information will be a bit vague. You’ll see comments like, “His awareness is less than an 80.” Once you scout the player a few more weeks, you’ll clear up the vague comments and see something along the lines of, “Ok, we’re sure that his awareness is a 76.”
This will help you get a total picture of the player. Since you also have an idea of what his potential is, you can combine the information to determine if the player has high potential and if he’s able to be more than a project. Just because a player has high potential doesn’t mean that he’ll be a productive player for a while. You may draft players in the 7th round with high potential but they’ll come in at 59 overall. So it could take years for them to be ready to play significant roles. If you do your homework, you can find the Marques Colston’s of the Draft. Players with high potential and high overalls that can contribute right away. I spent a lot of time tuning the draft classes so that there are really busts and gems in the draft now. You may draft a LT who comes out at 80 overall but has a potential of 81. Or you may draft a QB in the 6th round who has a 99 potential and a 78 overall rating ala Tom Brady.

This alone will take me to year 30 for the first time and leave me wanting 60 year franchises (with Brett Favre still playing, lol). This is the bread and butter for franchise heads. The "building" of a team over multiple seasons.
# 16 Cusefan @ 06/16/09 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by fourthreemafia
Confirms what I thought.

Franchise mode will have better logic and should be a better experience overall, but in the end, didnt really get the facelift it needed.

And while I did like alot of the answers, this one irks me...

Can someone please tell me how many former players become coaches? I can understand as positional coaches, but Ive always hated that you seen top players become head coaches in the game, when that never really happens.

Either way, looks like Ill be renting Madden this year. Looks alot better, for sure, but this blog pretty much made up my mind.
If this is a game killer for you, you may have OCD...
# 17 bcruise @ 06/16/09 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by turfguy23
Q: Since two-back systems are in vogue, will running backs split carries a la Carolina, Tennessee, etc.?
A: Yes. This is all determined by the RB sliders in your coach options. We have logic that determines how carries will be split later on in franchise. If you have two 90 overall running backs, they will split carries.

Anyone understand the "RB split carries" logic?

Do we adjust the slider for the CPU?

What does later on in franchise imply? Need more details but I guess we'll find out in August. They can't give us the game right now. The franchise improvements look very promising.
I thought he explained that pretty well....by "down the road" he's talking about backs who progress to 90 later on in the franchise. He's saying the logic will recognize that and split the carries if there's more than one 90 on a team.

....I think.
# 18 xanmank @ 06/16/09 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by Canadeion
Hundreds of questions asked....

14 answered.

Very disappointed.

Franchise still looks good and all that, but there were some really good questions asked that he didn't even come close to touching on.

Oh well, he's doing more than they did last year.

Seriously. Only 14, cuz the last two really weren't even legit questions.

I mean, i didn't expect him to answer everything, but I wanted at least 10 more questions answered than that. How can this be interpreted any other way than only answering questions that were positive. He didn't want a bunch of answers to be "Nope.Maybe next year."

I desperately hope we get another blog showing the draft presentation, new scouting system and anything different about the off season.

FA signing, contract negotiations and trading have been EXTREMELY BROKEN for a long time. It should be like Head Coach where you can't take advantage of the computer or sign every single FA you want. IS THIS FIXED??!?!?!????

# 19 JAKEHB20 @ 06/16/09 05:17 PM
good blog, got me even more pumped for the game.
I was a tad bit disappointed because I was looking for some more info on the Draft, especially presentation.
# 20 bigjuice504 @ 06/16/09 05:19 PM
It looks a whole lot better than last years madden franchise mode.

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