Madden 2010 News Post

EA just posted part 2 of their Madden NFL 10 Franchise Mode improvements Q&A.

"I’m Josh Looman, senior designer for Madden NFL 10 and the guy who had the privilege of tuning franchise mode this year. I thought I’d sit down and answer a lot of the questions I’ve received about franchise mode and the changes we made this cycle. As I’ve mentioned before (in this blog), my goal was to clean up the logic and get this mode back to where it needed to be. I’ll repeat my favorite analogy for those of you who haven’t heard it before: If you found out you had termites in your house, would you build on another addition or clean up the foundation so that you could build on the house in the future? That was exactly our attitude and my sole focus since I joined the Madden team halfway through the development cycle. I enlisted the help of one of my top programmers from NFL Head Coach ’09 (Jeff Keyek) and worked with the rest of the Madden team to address many of the core aspects of the mode that really needed fixing."

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Member Comments
# 101 Broncos86 @ 06/16/09 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by 18manning18
Now that you mention it the interface really does make it seem like a completely different experience. It was so bland last year, now it has some life and all the info really is easily accessible. I can't wait, hopefully ncaa is gonna be good so that can hold me for a month.
I'm glad somebody else pointed this out. Getting news and top stories brought to the forefront will make franchise mode come to life, and make franchise feel more like a living, breathing league.
# 102 clemsonfan @ 06/16/09 06:54 PM
This is hillarious. On the NCAA board they whine about EA adding new features like Season Showdown instead of fixing the basics and stuff that doesn't work. Here people whine about them fixing the foundation and things that don't work and not adding enough new features.
# 103 clemsonfan @ 06/16/09 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by Broncos86
It's because of the communication that EA opened with the community. Suddenly, people gained a false sense of empowerment. What was originally a great bonus to talk to the devs turned into a method of demands. Once you open the channel of communication, and people get over the "new toy" effect that it caused, empowerment kicked in.
Quoted for truth.
# 104 dbeth @ 06/16/09 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by ghostlight85
These boards weren't always like this, were they? At least, it didn't feel like it a few months ago. It felt like there were real conversations about how gaming could and should be. Now there's just whining. And

"ZOMG why cant we has XX feataure. 2k woulda had it by now. ZOMG, IAN = SO SLOW LIKE A TURELT.

GAME KILLERZ, you wont be get my $60"
Such is the case as we get closer to release. I don't think I want to be near this forum from about August 14-20th.

It's amazing how people get their undies in a bundle over the littlest pic or tidbit. No way some of these people could've survived pre-internet and only getting their info from EGM, GamePro, or any of the ol' gaming mags.
# 105 Deegeezy @ 06/16/09 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by clemsonfan
This is hillarious. On the NCAA board they whine about EA adding new features like Season Showdown instead of fixing the basics and stuff that doesn't work. Here people whine about them fixing the foundation and things that don't work and not adding enough new features.
We got it good over here man...At least on Madden we don't have the problem of half of the league's rosters are from last year or teams not having any rookies.
# 106 turfguy23 @ 06/16/09 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by Phobia
I am disgusted with how sad the madden boards are. People over here do nothing but just complain complain complain. Waste of time even coming here reading the post after post after post of just flat out crying over the smallish crap.

In my opinion Franchise looks great by what they are showing and talking about.

He even made a point to say they are working on the FOUNDATION first. So not to expect major changes, just simple fine tunings.

But hey keep on crying guys...............
I completely agree.

We get new information about the game and %90 of the posts in this thread are whining about "not getting enough information."

It's like watching ESPN and wanting the highlights of a game but instead all you get is Brett Favre, Plaxico Burress, Stallworth, Sammy Sosa on Steroids, and a bunch of other crap.............instead of the highlights and scores. It's like MTV (music televisions)......with NO MUSIC. I don't understand it. It's a video game. The internet is one of the greatest inventions of all-time and yet it seems to be one of the most culturally destructive tools of all-time. Look, now I'm getting off-topic replying to this stuff.

Why not talk about the game? That's what we're all here for.

It's a privelage to get this kind of information. Not a right. EA doesn't have to do any of this for us, but they CHOOSE TO. Be thankfull for ANY INFORMATION YOU GET!
# 107 TyghtWork @ 06/16/09 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by clemsonfan
This is hillarious. On the NCAA board they whine about EA adding new features like Season Showdown instead of fixing the basics and stuff that doesn't work. Here people whine about them fixing the foundation and things that don't work and not adding enough new features.

Sad But true....LMAO
# 108 CKW11 @ 06/16/09 07:08 PM
I would still like to know something about the tweaks done to imported draft classes.
# 109 Matt Diesel @ 06/16/09 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by CKW11
I would still like to know something about the tweaks done to imported draft classes.
Im probably wrong per usual, but I wasnt aware that you could import draft classes into 10. I thought it was all the hand-crafted draft class business.
# 110 Broncos86 @ 06/16/09 07:15 PM
Originally Posted by Matt Diesel
Im probably wrong per usual, but I wasnt aware that you could import draft classes into 10. I thought it was all the hand-crafted draft class business.
Negatory, draft classes can still be imported from NCAA.
# 111 CKW11 @ 06/16/09 07:17 PM
Originally Posted by Matt Diesel
Im probably wrong per usual, but I wasnt aware that you could import draft classes into 10. I thought it was all the hand-crafted draft class business.
They are cause a in the first franchise blog one of the points was "Import Draft Class Tuning"
# 112 Warren_Peace @ 06/16/09 07:18 PM
Sounds like I'll be playing Franchise alot longer this year. This might keep us married guys out of trouble cause 09 got me in trouble cause it sucked so bad! Lol!
# 113 Glorious Arc @ 06/16/09 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by fourthreemafia
Confirms what I thought.

Franchise mode will have better logic and should be a better experience overall, but in the end, didnt really get the facelift it needed.

And while I did like alot of the answers, this one irks me...

Can someone please tell me how many former players become coaches? I can understand as positional coaches, but Ive always hated that you seen top players become head coaches in the game, when that never really happens.

Either way, looks like Ill be renting Madden this year. Looks alot better, for sure, but this blog pretty much made up my mind.
I could have sworn that like half the head coaches/positional coaches in the NFL currently have played in the NFL before...? Some not as good as others but they have played before. I may be wrong because I dont really have any hard facts to back that statement but it just seems like every coach that is in the NFL is either related to an NFL player/coach or used to play in the NFL.
# 114 Matt Diesel @ 06/16/09 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by Broncos86
Negatory, draft classes can still be imported from NCAA.
See, I told you I was wrong. That makes it even better. I thought we were restricted to the hand crated classes. Thanks for clearing it up.
# 115 AndyBernard @ 06/16/09 07:26 PM
Originally Posted by clemsonfan
This is hillarious. On the NCAA board they whine about EA adding new features like Season Showdown instead of fixing the basics and stuff that doesn't work. Here people whine about them fixing the foundation and things that don't work and not adding enough new features.
# 116 AndyBernard @ 06/16/09 07:27 PM
Originally Posted by fourthreemafia

And you can "laugh at me" all you want. I dont really put too much stock in the opinion of a guy who spends most of his life online talking about video game football.

......................... you're on the same site?
# 117 ZoneKIller @ 06/16/09 07:33 PM
I remember last year when every1 was excited about the upcoming
franchise blog and they got very discouraged when they posted this http://games.easports.com/madden09/fullsite/blog.jsp

I fell the same way now as none of the real big time questions was not answered
# 118 eaglesfan27 @ 06/16/09 07:44 PM
If the draft and trade logic are really tightened up and the stats are realistic (with backup RB's getting realistic carries/yardage), I'll be happy with all of the upgrades to franchise for this year and it sounds like that is happening.
# 119 Glorious Arc @ 06/16/09 07:48 PM

I personally feel that stat based progression is completely wrong in the first place. The fact that they are still going down that path makes it all wrong period. Stats should only be a small part of progression. Training camp, coaches, playing time, stats, age, potential, playbook/system, and players work ethic should all be big factors to how quickly and well a player grows.(there may be others but those are just examples)

Another way to look at this is to check out the Broncos team of old. Almost every single starting RB that has played a full season has rushed for over 1000 yards every season and almost every single back runs for over 4.0+ yards per carry. That would make them great RBs under this current system of stat based progression. But IRL only one of those RBs went on and continued to produce at anywhere near the same level.
# 120 Glenn33 @ 06/16/09 08:00 PM
Originally Posted by Broncos86
It's because of the communication that EA opened with the community. Suddenly, people gained a false sense of empowerment. What was originally a great bonus to talk to the devs turned into a method of demands. Once you open the channel of communication, and people get over the "new toy" effect that it caused, empowerment kicked in.
I agree with this guy.

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