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Also the new drop down "Ignore User" button is hella nice.
your signature says that you hate the game...thus no point of talking to you about it.
# 104
countryboy @ 06/12/09 01:05 PM
Just a hunch...

And if not, I've been working on the rosters via a spreadsheet.

# 106
legendkiller5 @ 06/12/09 01:08 PM

I posted a few days ago saying people need to chill with the personal attacks on EA employees. I think that is inappropriate and I'm sure it drive you crazy.
That being said, I think that the roster issue was the final straw for many people. Right or wrong, many people feel that "hardcore" additions that have been missing on next gen consoles such as formation subs and custom playbooks didn't make it into the game because time was spent on a "gimmick" (Season Showdown). Ever since NCAA 07 many people have been requesting that these "old" features be put back into the game.
Whether or not Season Showdown took up time and resources that could have been used to bring last gen features to the 4th installment of NCAA on the 360 is irrelevant. That is the perception people have and perceptions are more important than reality.
When we didn't get those features and then the roster issue appeared it was disappointing. Some people should of handled the disappointment better.
But I think it is hard to convey the frustration of still playing NCAA 06 so that we can have all the features that didn't make it into NCAA 07, 08, 09 and 10 on next gen consoles.
Love the new animations. I'm definitely ready to just sit down and play this thing.
# 110
legendkiller5 @ 06/12/09 01:32 PM
Yeah, I may be out of line at times, but the last few years, I haven't said anything or when I did, I offered constructive criticism without going on rants or tirades or putting certain emphatic statements in my signature.
But after four years in a row of these omissions after I ignored them in previous installments and last year offered c.c. as well as many, many other ncaa fans on OS, Utopia, IGN and everywhere there is a ncaa community, and although I'm happy we got teambuilder (even though I will rarely use it, I know it was a HUGE wish for many ncaa fans, and I am excited for those teambuilder fans and hope they enjoy it fully) and all the other improvements, I can't help but to feel ignored and disappointed.
Maybe b/c it doesn't both too many other ncaa fans, but the omissions greatly effect me, my program and the way I can run my offense. The shear number of packages Mizzou runs is almost infinite, but it is impossible to replicate that b/c we don't have formation subs. This along with a lack of updated equipment, team entrances, improved presentation and other features may seem unimportant to other games, maybe more than some. But does that make these omissions less important than teambuilder? or progressive lighting? Just b/c I probably will use teambuilder once or twice doesn't mean it's less important than things I want, and I would hope others felt that way, regardless of what side of the fence you're on.
All I know is if there was some omissions that greatly affected your team, a lot of you who ridicule us for complaining over minute things such as facemasks, would be on here complaining just as much. But...if it doesn't affect me, why should I care?
The roster situation doesn't bother me that much, b/c I know EA will probably take care of that before 7/14, and I think a lot of people blew it out of proportion, but I feel many people felt it to be the last straw. The roster situtation on its on may not have caused an uproar from the community, but combine that with the other flaws of this year's game and huge omissions, it was the last straw for many.
Honestly I don't care if any of you users care what I think, what I'm complaining about, or what I want in the game, b/c you aren't making the game. I've been biting my tongue for a couple years now, but after four years of these omissions, I'm not going to bite my tongue any longer. You can say I'm acting like I'm 12 or not offering any c.c., but I did last year....and look what it got me.
But after four years in a row of these omissions after I ignored them in previous installments and last year offered c.c. as well as many, many other ncaa fans on OS, Utopia, IGN and everywhere there is a ncaa community, and although I'm happy we got teambuilder (even though I will rarely use it, I know it was a HUGE wish for many ncaa fans, and I am excited for those teambuilder fans and hope they enjoy it fully) and all the other improvements, I can't help but to feel ignored and disappointed.
Maybe b/c it doesn't both too many other ncaa fans, but the omissions greatly effect me, my program and the way I can run my offense. The shear number of packages Mizzou runs is almost infinite, but it is impossible to replicate that b/c we don't have formation subs. This along with a lack of updated equipment, team entrances, improved presentation and other features may seem unimportant to other games, maybe more than some. But does that make these omissions less important than teambuilder? or progressive lighting? Just b/c I probably will use teambuilder once or twice doesn't mean it's less important than things I want, and I would hope others felt that way, regardless of what side of the fence you're on.
All I know is if there was some omissions that greatly affected your team, a lot of you who ridicule us for complaining over minute things such as facemasks, would be on here complaining just as much. But...if it doesn't affect me, why should I care?
The roster situation doesn't bother me that much, b/c I know EA will probably take care of that before 7/14, and I think a lot of people blew it out of proportion, but I feel many people felt it to be the last straw. The roster situtation on its on may not have caused an uproar from the community, but combine that with the other flaws of this year's game and huge omissions, it was the last straw for many.
Honestly I don't care if any of you users care what I think, what I'm complaining about, or what I want in the game, b/c you aren't making the game. I've been biting my tongue for a couple years now, but after four years of these omissions, I'm not going to bite my tongue any longer. You can say I'm acting like I'm 12 or not offering any c.c., but I did last year....and look what it got me.
I realize some people can be overly negative but I don't like filtering the forums too much. There has to be a happy medium where the developers can interact AND we still keep the framework of a forum where people can freely discuss the positives and negatives. The Show forum evolved to the point where some posters didn't want to see any negatives in case they frightened away the developers and it created a mess imo. Even though most people actually loved the game, there became huge infighting over any critical post. There has to be an outlet for people.
That said, if the developers do come to OS, I do think you have to be ALL IN. As soon as a developer starts to interact, people start expecting answers to questions in a reasonable time frame. The Show developers interacted a lot prior to release and then after release it seemed only Russell was around and he refused to answer many questions at all about glitches or problems. I still have yet to read a single Show developer respond to why the DH fatigue was broken. When the info well runs dry, people get ticked. Ian comes to OS all the time on the Madden boards and I know he gets frustrated at times. But the masses are more patient as well because they understand the process a bit better, feel involved and educated in the process the entire time. The NCAA forums haven't had that level of interaction and nobody here knows if our concerns are being considered or what is going on. It's the unknown that creates the most frustration rather than the truth.
Just my two cents.
# 114
moylan1234 @ 06/12/09 01:56 PM
Any chance you can elaborate on the shotgun snaps? in the vids i've seen some off target to the left and some to the right which I absolutely love. will these be completely random? will some miss high and low? will some get by the QB?
# 115
Maximus205 @ 06/12/09 02:02 PM
Couple nice ani's but when it said Gang tackles I didnt see any. Only 2 men tackling 1 guy. Was this a glitch?
Someone brought this up awhile ago, but it needs to happen. Stop developing sports games on an annual basis. We no longer need it in 2009 or going forward. We have brand new technology that is getting more and more complicated to develop for, so if you have to build a sports game from the ground up, as EA did in 2006 or 7, it is IMPOSSIBLE to make a game without serious flaws in just one year.
It is time where sports developers take two years to develop a game. DLC is available at the drop of a hat. Instead of rushing to develop NCAA '11, why doesn't EA devote 95% of their time to NCAA '12 and addressing most of the concerns and then give us animation tweaks, roster and uniform updates via DLC. And for those out there who do not have a fast internet connection or play online at all, then maybe EA could just make a disc with just the new content on, send it out to game stores and the kids could pick it up there for the same price.
I think the age of developing sports games on a yearly cycle is more of a headache than it needs to be. Because of the increasing technology, games take a lot longer to develop. I don't think that the idea of releasing uniform/animation/roster updates every down year is an unrealistic proposition. It could be done and it would work. I guarantee there are hundreds upon thousands, if not millions of people out there who will pay upwards of $10 a pop for accurate updated rosters, $7-10 for uniform and equipment updates of EVERY player, $7-12 for animation or gameplay updates on the off-year. Of course, this is purely speculation, but game companies could do market research and find out for themselves.
I think that until this is the precedent for sports games, there will be these headaches and false promises EVERY SINGLE YEAR. It is just a shame that licensing contracts with the leagues may be preventing this and may be requiring a game to come out every year. I don't know, I'm not a lawyer.
But until this happens, we will continue to hear the same garbage every year. And also, All-Pro 2K8 had over two years to develop, OF COURSE it would have better animations and engine than the EA games that year bc EA already had an engine in place and were trying to work with that on a yearly cycle. And there won't be another All-Pro until NEXT YEAR, which means they will have had THREE YEARS to work on the next one. Big advantage in making a great game.
Just my two cents. Carry on.
It is time where sports developers take two years to develop a game. DLC is available at the drop of a hat. Instead of rushing to develop NCAA '11, why doesn't EA devote 95% of their time to NCAA '12 and addressing most of the concerns and then give us animation tweaks, roster and uniform updates via DLC. And for those out there who do not have a fast internet connection or play online at all, then maybe EA could just make a disc with just the new content on, send it out to game stores and the kids could pick it up there for the same price.
I think the age of developing sports games on a yearly cycle is more of a headache than it needs to be. Because of the increasing technology, games take a lot longer to develop. I don't think that the idea of releasing uniform/animation/roster updates every down year is an unrealistic proposition. It could be done and it would work. I guarantee there are hundreds upon thousands, if not millions of people out there who will pay upwards of $10 a pop for accurate updated rosters, $7-10 for uniform and equipment updates of EVERY player, $7-12 for animation or gameplay updates on the off-year. Of course, this is purely speculation, but game companies could do market research and find out for themselves.
I think that until this is the precedent for sports games, there will be these headaches and false promises EVERY SINGLE YEAR. It is just a shame that licensing contracts with the leagues may be preventing this and may be requiring a game to come out every year. I don't know, I'm not a lawyer.
But until this happens, we will continue to hear the same garbage every year. And also, All-Pro 2K8 had over two years to develop, OF COURSE it would have better animations and engine than the EA games that year bc EA already had an engine in place and were trying to work with that on a yearly cycle. And there won't be another All-Pro until NEXT YEAR, which means they will have had THREE YEARS to work on the next one. Big advantage in making a great game.
Just my two cents. Carry on.
^ TheTodd84. I understand your thought, but this will not happen in our lifetime. It just won't.
You are probably right J-Unit, it is just a damn shame that it won't. Bc I know, I, for one would gladly pay $60 in incremental downloads per year for updated rosters and equipment. Maybe I am alone on that, bc how I see it is that I would be paying $60 anyway for a game that is essentially a roster update with a few tweaks.
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