Madden 2010 News Post
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Ok sir we will all stop discussing it as you wish, right away!
# 104
MattIntellect @ 05/30/09 03:54 PM
# 106
Potatoes002 @ 05/30/09 05:22 PM
I cant wait to buy a neon green Trufant jersey!
I cant wait to buy a neon green Trufant jersey!
# 108
Potatoes002 @ 05/30/09 05:31 PM
I think the reason behind the jerseys is from how well the Seattle Sounders pulled it off and their jerseys look great......Now if only the Mariners would go back to teal alternates from the Griffey, Arod, and Randy Johnson days I would be stoked
Lime green never, ever looks good. It's bad enough as a secondary color, but as a primary color it's an abomination.
Me, I don't have a problem with the red circle. Personally, I want to play Madden with all the indicators off, including the ones under the players feet. It's probably to help out with defense and user-catching.
As for the lime-green jerseys, it would be cool if the lettering was blue and there were some lime-green pants to go with it. Otherwise, Pall Allen screwed up, big time...
# 113
Potatoes002 @ 05/30/09 08:42 PM

The lack of momentum in Madden at times just makes the game feel and look so weird. In this video, at about 2:31 when Owens is tackled, there is a defensive player to the left of him who gets hit, there's a short delay, then he's magically thrown to the left matrix style. Just looks weird. Many of the jukes and animations after catches look the same way to me. Like they couldn't possibly happen, and they don't look fluid at all.
I hope next year they add in momentum/physics, and start working on an new animation / rendering engine that could ideally be ready by Madden '12 to address the missing frames and missing transition animations. I honestly feel the last one is going to be a tough sell internally, since they eat their own dog food (use the same engine across products/teams), and EA may just say what we have is 'good enough'.
I hope next year they add in momentum/physics, and start working on an new animation / rendering engine that could ideally be ready by Madden '12 to address the missing frames and missing transition animations. I honestly feel the last one is going to be a tough sell internally, since they eat their own dog food (use the same engine across products/teams), and EA may just say what we have is 'good enough'.
Oh man... another video that doesn't make me wanna get it.
What kills me is that ppl are saying that it's not the final build and the game will be better and blah blah blah..... Here is something to shut y'all up: A company will show you a game if they're comfortable with what it looks and plays like... Period! The game will be just like that video with only a few (and I mean few) minor tweaks.
What kills me is that ppl are saying that it's not the final build and the game will be better and blah blah blah..... Here is something to shut y'all up: A company will show you a game if they're comfortable with what it looks and plays like... Period! The game will be just like that video with only a few (and I mean few) minor tweaks.
# 118
Potatoes002 @ 05/31/09 03:31 AM
# 119
TheWatcher @ 05/31/09 09:15 AM
This is not a gamekiller, but it doesn't line up with what was said to be the goal. Just the mere size of it almost makes you think it's a joke.
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