Madden 2010 News Post

EA has just posted another Madden NFL 10 blog. Ian talks about revamping how injuries work.

"Welcome back Madden faithful, it’s Monday and that means it’s time for another blog! This week we wanted to go into some depth about a new feature you can expect to see in Madden NFL 10: our revamped injury system. Hopefully this new addition is just one (of many) that continues to prove that we are focused on delivering an authentic NFL experience to our fans – and that while we are still ensuring to innovate in every single iteration, that innovation has to come inside of what’s core to NFL simulation football. As we said in our [mission statement] way back in January, we aren’t about gimmicks, we are here to create an authentic representation of the sport. “Everything You See On Sunday, See It In Madden NFL”…injuries are a major part of that.

Along with the obvious concern for the well-being of the athlete, there are also typically very major ramifications to the team when a player gets hurt. How serious is the injury? Can the player continue to play hurt even with the risk of re-injury? How well can his backup fill in if he is out? How will the team adjust to continue without him? Will their opponent exploit the loss of the starter? We wanted to emulate all of this strategy, suspense, and emotion behind injuries in Madden NFL 10."

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Member Comments
# 141 Maelstrom-XIII @ 05/19/09 02:35 PM
I haven't played HC 09, but you guys seem very enamored with this health system...I think I get the gist of it from other posts in other threads...sounds like an interesting system.

I just hope to hear SOMETHING about franchise...I feel like Josh abandoned us...
# 142 TheWatcher @ 05/19/09 03:05 PM
Is it just me or do the Packers look really washed out? I thought the same thing about 09. It's like their yellow/gold sections all have a touch of blue or green on them.

I don't know... I guess I just don't like how the lighting effects some things in Madden. 07 really nailed that perfectly, however.
# 143 AC IS ART @ 05/19/09 03:25 PM
I don't like the lighting/color tone of the game either. Several teams just don't look right to me. Vikings purple looks too washed out, Eagles green doesn't look right, and none of the white uniforms in this game look white enough. Also none of the stadiums (minus the Colts) grass looks green enough.


While this is alittle too much contrast, 1:00 games need to look more like this in 10'. The field actually looks like grass, there is more discrepancy between sunlight and shadows, and the white unis are more pronounced.
# 144 BrianFifaFan @ 05/19/09 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by countryboy
LMFAO!!! Only you BriFi...only you.

Just trying to lighten the mood. People have gotten waaay too serious and critical. IMO this game will rock. I'm really stoked. Now where was I? Oh yeah, the injury will come back "Abdominal strain, 2 quarters." It was a really big burrito....
# 145 maddenps2 @ 05/19/09 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by BrianFifaFan
People have gotten waaay too serious and critical. IMO this game will rock.
You always talk about how awesome madden is, year after year, Last yearr you talked up how awesome madden was. I don't think it's possible for you ever to feel any different. What would it take you to feel madden isn't up to par?
# 146 maddenps2 @ 05/19/09 06:38 PM
Cool additions to the injury system, weren't alot of these features in tecmo superbowl 20 years ago?
# 147 BrianFifaFan @ 05/19/09 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by maddenps2
You always talk about how awesome madden is, year after year, Last yearr you talked up how awesome madden was. I don't think it's possible for you ever to feel any different. What would it take you to feel madden isn't up to par?
If we're gonna get the facts straight, I haven't said that 09 was awesome. I said that Ian being here gave me a great sense of hope for 10 and beyond. I wasn't too happy that Franchise got no love, but was able to give 09 a pass, seeing as Ian came on mid-cycle. I was always more about 10 than 09. I was just saying that 09 was gonna be what it was, and it was pretty much just that. And checking my gamer card, I haven't played a game of Madden09 since 10/8/08. I just quietly sold the game without a lot of fuss and went off to play my Fifa09, which I mention every chance I can get as being a game that Tiburon should really look at for inspiration. And guess what? They did.

I said one time in a post that I'd be happy if they basically took the best parts of Fifa09 and strapped Madden onto it. They have and then advanced it way past what even Fifa has. P.A. check. Tackling, big check! Presentation, really thinking this will be a huge check, as well. And my respect for Ian and his commitment has grown big time since he showed up. The dude is a workaholic who wants nothing more than to give us a primetime title in 10. Even if something won't make it that we really want, he's up front about it. If something needs to and can be changed and the more observant of us call him on, he fixes it. Heck, I spent so much time as a mod trying to protect him from haters, the dude didn't even want it. He wanted honest feedback and I think that I actually was hurting what he wanted. So I did a crappy job as a mod.

I'd love to say that I'd like Madden to fail; after all I was totally hating EA post Black Friday. I still have both a copy of 2k5 and an Xport. And after 09 wasn't my cup 'o tea, I played it when I needed a football fix. But most of my gaming has been with Fifa09, about a thousand matches worth, so far. And I even went away from posting and pretty much back to lurking, post my demise as a mod. But I've been following and watching and each blog or tidbit really gets me feling that special feeling that made me go out and buy an Xbox for 2k5 and when I saw the 09 vids for Fifa.

I've never expected to get that one Madden that makes me say "OK, I can retire now." Every year and every console I just want to see the game progress toward realism. And the jump for me this year is huge. All my old favorite features seem to be coming back in spades, along with new tech that gets my inner geek salivating. I don't understand how some of this stuff gets met with "meh." The gang tackling alone made me drool when I saw it. And the presentation stuff that trickles out makes my single player, Dynasty-loving self just shed a small tear. But I do love the guys who are saying "hey, that ain't right." I have a lot of the same feelings, I'm just not of the style to call the developers out in a critical way. I try to make comments about the feature in the context of a person who is grateful what what has been accomplished in such a small amount of time. Also, I'm smart enough to know that I know what I know and what I don't. Most of the time I'll have ideas that the real football heads like LBzRule or AJ can express in far more detail with deep football knowledge to back it up. I'd end up like the dude on the ESPN commercial talking out the seat of my pants. The best I can do is relate experiences that I've had with other games and my interpretation of how a game should feel to be sim and fun.

Hey, I can say that I've done my best to contribute. And I did get my RS DL moves in the game. Just not exactly how I wanted, it seems. I had a few good ideas and a few bad. I left for a while and have had some guys who liked me and thought I had good ideas, many who didn't . At the end of all of this, I'm hard pressed to get overly critical about this. All I really want is a great NFL game. As we all do. I'm not gonna break my creed of "treat others as you'd like to be treated" to look cool. That kinda kills the whole point of why I'm gaming in the first place, and on OS also, to have a good time and ,hopefully, find a few new friends. Come August I'm gonna do my darndest to enjoy this game to it's fullest. But, come October, I'm really hoping that Fifa Team has raised the bar yet again. And that the battle will ensue once more for my gaming affections.....

P.S. NCAA is the game that I would be more prone to be disappointed in. They really didn't progress the game in relation to what I'm looking for. So I just might not buy it. EA has enough games that have really reached for the heights that I'm just not feeling the effort with NCAA. Possibly "no sale", I'll just buy Fight Night RD4, instead. No fuss, no muss....
# 148 mwjr @ 05/19/09 09:23 PM
I'm curious:

Will the trainers have a rating?
If so, will their ratings affect (a)how quickly an injury is diagnosed (i.e. a low-rated trainer would take a few plays longer to determine the severity) and (b) how accurate/on-target they are with their prognoses?
# 149 SouthernBrick @ 05/19/09 09:49 PM
Originally Posted by mwjr
I'm curious:

Will the trainers have a rating?
If so, will their ratings affect (a)how quickly an injury is diagnosed (i.e. a low-rated trainer would take a few plays longer to determine the severity) and (b) how accurate/on-target they are with their prognoses?
Seems doubtful.
# 150 boritter @ 05/19/09 11:38 PM
I wish NCAA had this as well.
# 151 texbuk84 @ 05/20/09 02:26 AM
Please Ian give us the demo in June. I can't wait till 8-14-09. i need my 2010 football fix now. especially with this injury system and how hard you guys are working and being available to the community.


# 152 SouthernBrick @ 05/20/09 02:35 AM
Originally Posted by Grydnt Vektr211
Please Ian give us the demo in June. I can't wait till 8-14-09. i need my 2010 football fix now. especially with this injury system and how hard you guys are working and being available to the community.


Agreed but, I think I can wait plus the demo probably wouldn't be that good right now anyway. Fight Night 4 will keep me busy until madden comes out.
# 153 TheWatcher @ 05/20/09 09:33 AM
I have a few more thoughts about this injury vid:

1. The ref looks kinda weird just standing by swinging his arms. He doesn't seem to even be acknowledging the injury. He should be turned facing it at least. Also, I think for next year we need new idle animations. Guys just standing swinging their arms is a bit weird.

2. Of course the players should be more in-tune to the injury situation.

3. A poster on PastaPadre made an excellent point when he said: "dammit. i thought they said the sidelines would hav high res players and kickers warming up. the only thing i saw different was the low res coach pacing along the low res players."

Coach Raisin Head strikes again.

I see that the injury sequence is not a cutscene and for the most part that's okay. But the low-res situation kind of hurts things. Can DOE effects take over here? It may be a stretch because of the distance though.
# 154 Da Bears @ 05/20/09 10:16 AM
Anyone else notice that the refs mouth don't move when they talk.
# 155 Smoke316 @ 05/20/09 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by Da Bears
Anyone else notice that the refs mouth don't move when they talk.
good catch Bears.. i did notice it too.. although it isnt a big deal to me i could see people having a problem with it since we are directly looking at the ref when he makes the call
# 156 green94 @ 05/20/09 11:41 AM
This injury blog + comments made on that EA Radio show have me floored right now. It truly is amazing to me at this point how many things they have crammed into Madden 10 and it seems like they aren't even done yet.

I'm beyond pumped at this point
# 157 SageInfinite @ 05/20/09 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by TheWatcher

I see that the injury sequence is not a cutscene and for the most part that's okay. But the low-res situation kind of hurts things. Can DOE effects take over here? It may be a stretch because of the distance though.
Yea this would be a great opportunity to use the broadcast style cam(sideview) zoomed in for injuries so we can see all the action but not the sidelines. As it stands now the camera view is too low and not zoomed in enough. so either they should use different angles and zoom in, or keep that angle and zoom in and let the depth of field work its magic.
# 158 asu666 @ 05/20/09 04:46 PM
Finally, trainers and the cart. Thank you
# 159 Da Bears @ 05/20/09 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by Smoke316
good catch Bears.. i did notice it too.. although it isnt a big deal to me i could see people having a problem with it since we are directly looking at the ref when he makes the call
Yea it's not that big of a deal.I guess they can fix it,but will they......NO.LOL
# 160 c dizzy m baby @ 05/21/09 04:37 PM
Originally Posted by c dizzy m baby
Donny Speaking of long injuries in franchise mode will there be injuries that take longer than one season, but not career ending? Examples of this would be Michael Bush's broken leg at the start of his senior year in college (that he started his rookie year on the PUP list), Oren Oneil's nasty knee injury in preseason (there is a high chance he will start the year on the PUP list, especially with the signing of Zo Neal.), and Cadilac Williams. It would be cool to see and to have to make use of the PUP list.
I said this in another thread, but Ian also will you be able to hide smaller injuries online, like real players do all the time? Like if a RB just has a tweaked knee I'd still like to see all the affects you have added, risk of re-injury, new animations, etc. But I hope the a big deal isnt made out of it on my opponents screen also. Like a big pause that shows if I want to put in my back up.

A great example of this is the Super Bowl Terrell Davis and the Broncos were in against the Packers. He had terrible migraines but the the Packers didnt know it. He was hurt and couldnt run as effective and even said he couldnt see. Shanny said to him something like we need you in there, where not going to give the ball to you but we need you in there to make them believe we are going to run the ball on a play action. This is from the NFL Network show about the super bowls.

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