Madden 2010 News Post

I think more and more videos are going to be coming out by our marketing department and from preview events...just wanted to let you guys know what's missing from the feature still that we are working on (this also is a bit of a response to apex and co. and their critiques).

The biggest missing feature is probably carrying through velocity from original animations -> PRO-TAK. You can see that on the Lendale White video...meaning that when players transition from a normal mocap tackle into PRO-TAK stuff their velocities get zeroed out (meaning they stop in place). This will definitely be addressed before we ship...our goal is that you don't even notice the transition from one to the other...it should just look like another guy added on seamlessly. This is causing a lot of the feeling of "it needs more umph"...

Second biggest is the "warping" into the PRO-TAK multi-man stuff. This hasn't been tuned really so guys are just 'suction-ing' like magnets to the ballcarrier. Also when the guys add on the goal is that they drastically effect the pile's velocity and positioning and stuff...right now they just attach and that's about it. Again when the feature is actually done you should feel a lot more 'power' when these guys hit the pile.

The "endless chopping" stuff is often turned on for demo purposes...this will really not happen in the game when it ships...you'll see a guy drive forward and they'll then get pushed to fall forward or backward (or sideways or whatever) way quicker than just standing up chopping their feet.

Lastly, we really don't have barely any animation variety in there yet. We're looking to at least add quadruple the amount of stuff to keep it fresh. We've built some new tech this year that basically swaps the animation banks for each PRO-TAK set of animations after they play (moving them to the end of the list after they do), but up until basically today we haven't had the variety to swap. That will be coming very soon as well.

So anyway, I don't want to act like I don't want feedback from you guys as you see the new stuff...all of it is valuable and please keep posting...but I also wanted to let you know what we're currently working on. We definitely aren't going to be spending our whole cycle on this tech to have it not come out looking perfect. We just have to balance the needs of marketing to show stuff early even when it's not done.

- Ian

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Madden NFL 10 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 mngophers21 @ 05/09/09 02:22 PM
Can't wait, great job!!
# 2 Maximus205 @ 05/09/09 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by Ian_Cummings_EA
I think more and more videos are going to be coming out by our marketing department and from preview events...just wanted to let you guys know what's missing from the feature still that we are working on (this also is a bit of a response to apex and co. and their critiques).

The biggest missing feature is probably carrying through velocity from original animations -> PRO-TAK. You can see that on the Lendale White video...meaning that when players transition from a normal mocap tackle into PRO-TAK stuff their velocities get zeroed out (meaning they stop in place). This will definitely be addressed before we ship...our goal is that you don't even notice the transition from one to the other...it should just look like another guy added on seamlessly. This is causing a lot of the feeling of "it needs more umph"...

Second biggest is the "warping" into the PRO-TAK multi-man stuff. This hasn't been tuned really so guys are just 'suction-ing' like magnets to the ballcarrier. Also when the guys add on the goal is that they drastically effect the pile's velocity and positioning and stuff...right now they just attach and that's about it. Again when the feature is actually done you should feel a lot more 'power' when these guys hit the pile.

The "endless chopping" stuff is often turned on for demo purposes...this will really not happen in the game when it ships...you'll see a guy drive forward and they'll then get pushed to fall forward or backward (or sideways or whatever) way quicker than just standing up chopping their feet.

Lastly, we really don't have barely any animation variety in there yet. We're looking to at least add quadruple the amount of stuff to keep it fresh. We've built some new tech this year that basically swaps the animation banks for each PRO-TAK set of animations after they play (moving them to the end of the list after they do), but up until basically today we haven't had the variety to swap. That will be coming very soon as well.

So anyway, I don't want to act like I don't want feedback from you guys as you see the new stuff...all of it is valuable and please keep posting...but I also wanted to let you know what we're currently working on. We definitely aren't going to be spending our whole cycle on this tech to have it not come out looking perfect. We just have to balance the needs of marketing to show stuff early even when it's not done.

- Ian
Thats what I told them on the youtube. Thx for addressing this so fast. Ncaa devs need to take notes.
# 3 Rashad19 @ 05/09/09 02:25 PM
Thanks for the heads up Ian!! The work you and your team is putting into this game is much appreciated!!
# 4 tyler289 @ 05/09/09 02:26 PM
Good stuff, thanks. I'm excited for how the final product will look.
# 5 rckinAPhilliezhat @ 05/09/09 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by Ian_Cummings_EA
I think more and more videos are going to be coming out by our marketing department and from preview events...just wanted to let you guys know what's missing from the feature still that we are working on (this also is a bit of a response to apex and co. and their critiques).

The biggest missing feature is probably carrying through velocity from original animations -> PRO-TAK. You can see that on the Lendale White video...meaning that when players transition from a normal mocap tackle into PRO-TAK stuff their velocities get zeroed out (meaning they stop in place). This will definitely be addressed before we ship...our goal is that you don't even notice the transition from one to the other...it should just look like another guy added on seamlessly. This is causing a lot of the feeling of "it needs more umph"...

Second biggest is the "warping" into the PRO-TAK multi-man stuff. This hasn't been tuned really so guys are just 'suction-ing' like magnets to the ballcarrier. Also when the guys add on the goal is that they drastically effect the pile's velocity and positioning and stuff...right now they just attach and that's about it. Again when the feature is actually done you should feel a lot more 'power' when these guys hit the pile.

The "endless chopping" stuff is often turned on for demo purposes...this will really not happen in the game when it ships...you'll see a guy drive forward and they'll then get pushed to fall forward or backward (or sideways or whatever) way quicker than just standing up chopping their feet.

Lastly, we really don't have barely any animation variety in there yet. We're looking to at least add quadruple the amount of stuff to keep it fresh. We've built some new tech this year that basically swaps the animation banks for each PRO-TAK set of animations after they play (moving them to the end of the list after they do), but up until basically today we haven't had the variety to swap. That will be coming very soon as well.

So anyway, I don't want to act like I don't want feedback from you guys as you see the new stuff...all of it is valuable and please keep posting...but I also wanted to let you know what we're currently working on. We definitely aren't going to be spending our whole cycle on this tech to have it not come out looking perfect. We just have to balance the needs of marketing to show stuff early even when it's not done.

- Ian
thats great news! So I guess that means the players not having colored cleats and long socks is just for marketing? but when the game ships they will have colored cleats and long socks? This is the best news i've heard today! Thanks Ian lol
# 6 THUG-Z @ 05/09/09 02:27 PM
It sounds interesting so far. I'll wait to see the upcoming videos and the details regarding tackling.
# 7 bowdown2shadi @ 05/09/09 02:28 PM
Thanks Ian
# 8 Maximus205 @ 05/09/09 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by THUG-Z
It sounds interesting so far. I'll wait to see the upcoming videos and the details regarding tackling.
^^and this. before we start assessing.
# 9 Vikes1 @ 05/09/09 02:31 PM
Thanks as always Ian, for keeping us informed.

Gotta dig a guy who bothers to post on the weekend.
# 10 Nature_Boy @ 05/09/09 02:32 PM
Thanks for the updates.
# 11 shift9k @ 05/09/09 02:37 PM
Nice. Thats what I wanted to hear, you guys just addressed or are addressing some huge issues. This will probably put a rest to some of the pro-tak hate talk. I wasnt sure before either. And those were my chief concerns. Good luck to you and your team. Good Job.

Also I think it'd be cool if you could hit stick the pile. I dont know if you can do that or if this has already been talked about, but it'd be nice to come clean up the entire mess with a big hitter. Now the only thing is its gotta look and feel like a big clean up. Not just everyone falling.
# 12 Valdarez @ 05/09/09 02:38 PM
Ump... umpf...

Originally Posted by Ian_Cummings_EA
This is causing a lot of the feeling of "it needs more umph"...
Finally, someone knows how to spell umph right!

Makes sense, I just made a post about posting incomplete in game footage. I want to see the new features as soon as possible, but when it's actual game play footage, IMHO it needs to look as close to perfect as possible, otherwise it's going to cause a lot of unnecessary churn.
# 13 AndyBernard @ 05/09/09 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by Ian_Cummings_EA

Lastly, we really don't have barely any animation variety in there yet. We're looking to at least add quadruple the amount of stuff to keep it fresh.
would you mind elaborating on that?
# 14 Valdarez @ 05/09/09 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by AndyBernard
would you mind elaborating on that?
I imagine that's in reference to how the runner runs, how the tacklers hit/attach to the pile, and how the tacklers hold on. So far all the footage of ProTak has pretty much looked the same.
# 15 shift9k @ 05/09/09 02:56 PM
Yea, there is far too much love in the gang tackles. They need to be nastier.
# 16 Valdarez @ 05/09/09 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by shift9k
Yea, there is far too much love in the gang tackles.
I thought backbreaker's animation technology looked sexy, but the group hug man love seen thus far in ProTak is all kinds of the wrong type of sexy.
# 17 icomb1ne @ 05/09/09 03:02 PM
So...how about using this tech to add some double teams on passing plays. If that's not in, I'm not buying
# 18 adembroski @ 05/09/09 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by Valdarez
I thought backbreaker's animation technology looked sexy, but the group hug man love seen thus far in ProTak is all kinds of the wrong type of sexy.
Maybe you can answer this...

My issue with Backbreaker clearly is not the collisions. Those are positively awesome, obviously... but how do you sit back and let slide the fact that every tackle we've seen is a highlight reel Blitz looking tackle in which the defender nearly always leaves his feet to make it even if he's in a fine position to earhole the guy?

Yes, the way to bodies react is realistic, but the tackles themselves are quite not.
# 19 icomb1ne @ 05/09/09 03:04 PM
Originally Posted by Valdarez
I thought backbreaker's animation technology looked sexy, but the group hug man love seen thus far in ProTak is all kinds of the wrong type of sexy.
# 20 Hotlanta @ 05/09/09 03:04 PM
Thanks for the heads up. I'm excited to see how the finished version of Pro-Tak will play out from the adjustments still being made mentioned.

Still waiting to see a example of someone breaking out of one those.

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