Madden 2010 News Post

I think more and more videos are going to be coming out by our marketing department and from preview events...just wanted to let you guys know what's missing from the feature still that we are working on (this also is a bit of a response to apex and co. and their critiques).

The biggest missing feature is probably carrying through velocity from original animations -> PRO-TAK. You can see that on the Lendale White video...meaning that when players transition from a normal mocap tackle into PRO-TAK stuff their velocities get zeroed out (meaning they stop in place). This will definitely be addressed before we ship...our goal is that you don't even notice the transition from one to the other...it should just look like another guy added on seamlessly. This is causing a lot of the feeling of "it needs more umph"...

Second biggest is the "warping" into the PRO-TAK multi-man stuff. This hasn't been tuned really so guys are just 'suction-ing' like magnets to the ballcarrier. Also when the guys add on the goal is that they drastically effect the pile's velocity and positioning and stuff...right now they just attach and that's about it. Again when the feature is actually done you should feel a lot more 'power' when these guys hit the pile.

The "endless chopping" stuff is often turned on for demo purposes...this will really not happen in the game when it ships...you'll see a guy drive forward and they'll then get pushed to fall forward or backward (or sideways or whatever) way quicker than just standing up chopping their feet.

Lastly, we really don't have barely any animation variety in there yet. We're looking to at least add quadruple the amount of stuff to keep it fresh. We've built some new tech this year that basically swaps the animation banks for each PRO-TAK set of animations after they play (moving them to the end of the list after they do), but up until basically today we haven't had the variety to swap. That will be coming very soon as well.

So anyway, I don't want to act like I don't want feedback from you guys as you see the new stuff...all of it is valuable and please keep posting...but I also wanted to let you know what we're currently working on. We definitely aren't going to be spending our whole cycle on this tech to have it not come out looking perfect. We just have to balance the needs of marketing to show stuff early even when it's not done.

- Ian

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Member Comments
# 21 MattIntellect @ 05/09/09 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by rckinAPhilliezhat
thats great news! So I guess that means the players not having colored cleats and long socks is just for marketing? but when the game ships they will have colored cleats and long socks? This is the best news i've heard today! Thanks Ian lol
You are very sarcastic!
# 22 Valdarez @ 05/09/09 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by adembroski
Maybe you can answer this...

My issue with Backbreaker clearly is not the collisions. Those are positively awesome, obviously... but how do you sit back and let slide the fact that every tackle we've seen is a highlight reel Blitz looking tackle in which the defender nearly always leaves his feet to make it even if he's in a fine position to earhole the guy?

Yes, the way to bodies react is realistic, but the tackles themselves are quite not.
This is the second thread you've tried to make this point in, and you're still incorrect and misrepresenting the game. Have you even watched the videos I have posted?

If this video doesn't changed your mind, then nothing I say is going to --> http://www.walsh-designs.com/bfl/ps3...s/GEDC1872.MOV
# 23 polamalu82 @ 05/09/09 03:08 PM
Ian, I was wondering if it will be possible when a guy is stood up to try and strip the ball out? This would help add to the "sim" of pro-tak.
# 24 rckinAPhilliezhat @ 05/09/09 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by MattIntellect
You are very sarcastic!
lol Just tryna throw a hint or two.
# 25 SageInfinite @ 05/09/09 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by adembroski
Maybe you can answer this...

My issue with Backbreaker clearly is not the collisions. Those are positively awesome, obviously... but how do you sit back and let slide the fact that every tackle we've seen is a highlight reel Blitz looking tackle in which the defender nearly always leaves his feet to make it even if he's in a fine position to earhole the guy?

Yes, the way to bodies react is realistic, but the tackles themselves are quite not.
It's an arcade style game to me. I still haven't seen where people think this game is going to be a sim.
# 26 maddenps2 @ 05/09/09 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by adembroski
Maybe you can answer this...

My issue with Backbreaker clearly is not the collisions. Those are positively awesome, obviously... but how do you sit back and let slide the fact that every tackle we've seen is a highlight reel Blitz looking tackle in which the defender nearly always leaves his feet to make it even if he's in a fine position to earhole the guy?

Yes, the way to bodies react is realistic, but the tackles themselves are quite not.

That's why it's called a highlight video....
# 27 Wet Bandit @ 05/09/09 03:19 PM
It's very retty impressive just how involved the Madden guys have been with the community.
# 28 polamalu82 @ 05/09/09 03:20 PM

# 29 adembroski @ 05/09/09 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by polamalu82

Your mom is a Madden board.
# 30 dman1976 @ 05/09/09 03:24 PM
Thanks for the update, seems like a lot of tuning - hopefully you don't run short on time.:
# 31 polamalu82 @ 05/09/09 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by adembroski
Your mom is a Madden board.
Good one!!
# 32 tennesseetitans @ 05/09/09 04:09 PM
Thanks for the update, really put to rest a lot of my concerns regarding pro tak. Hope all the updates turn out well.
# 33 JohnDoe8865 @ 05/09/09 04:21 PM
Great post Ian. It's really swell of you to come back here on the weekend and post about some users' concerns. Appreciate it.
# 34 will12203 @ 05/09/09 04:25 PM
awesome news Ian :-)
# 35 Tyrant8RDFL @ 05/09/09 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by adembroski
Maybe you can answer this...

My issue with Backbreaker clearly is not the collisions. Those are positively awesome, obviously... but how do you sit back and let slide the fact that every tackle we've seen is a highlight reel Blitz looking tackle in which the defender nearly always leaves his feet to make it even if he's in a fine position to earhole the guy?

Yes, the way to bodies react is realistic, but the tackles themselves are quite not.
Just like EA its a Marketing thing. They want to WOW the audience.
# 36 Tyrant8RDFL @ 05/09/09 04:31 PM
Ian thanks a ton for the heads up, and this should eliminate any complaints.

I really respect how hard you guys are working on this Madden. I cant say enough how shocked I'am on how much your trying to implement in 1 year into Madden 10.
It's pretty amazing, again thxs
# 37 SageInfinite @ 05/09/09 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by Moostache
Oh, I am "wowwed" alright....

WOW (that looks bad)....

EGAD (they did WHAT to the ball???)....

DAMN (I wasn't seeing things, it really IS there...right next to the "Actual Gameplay Footage" watermark.)....

What do you think Ian? Can we get used selectable ball-glowing this year in Madden or what???
People are claiming the glowing red ball is a replay thing. I don't really understand what they are trying to convey with a glowing red football, but hey we'll see.
# 38 rsoxguy12 @ 05/09/09 04:41 PM
Thanks for the update Ian.
# 39 adembroski @ 05/09/09 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by hmoob
Lol, what cheap shots! Clearly you're a Madden fanboy, because you're uneducated in any game non-Madden.
That was a really lame response, man.
# 40 icomb1ne @ 05/09/09 04:44 PM

Backbreaker is football from the FUTURE!!!

That's why the ball is glowing and they wear funky uniforms. I would know, I've been to the future and the ball definitely glows.

On the other hand, the tackles in my opinion still look over the top like the ball carrier is just a ragdoll. In the future, that's not sim.

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