Madden 2010 News Post

EA has posted another Madden NFL 10 blog. This time Ian takes a deeper look into PRO-TAK.

"Welcome back to another Monday blog Madden fans! Talk about an eventful couple of weeks in Madden-land…our first Season Preview event on Thursday 4/24, our cover athletes revealed on Friday 4/25 (including a cool guest appearance by Larry Fitzgerald on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon), the NFL Draft, and last week we even released a blog on the Wildcat formation. We’re hard at work trying to finish the game while still balancing our media release schedule, so with this week’s blog, it seemed like a good opportunity to dive deeper into one of our most important gameplay features for the year: PRO-TAK."

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# 161 TombSong @ 05/05/09 12:38 AM
Ignoring the animations,

If the control of the steering of the tackles and the interaction of the OL vs DL can be controlled in a way that:

A. My control + my better rated player gives me a worthwhile option to dominate that match up and impact the game in my favor.

B. Can be countered fairly and in a way that makes sense and does no unbalance the game in a exploitable way.

Then this "Pro-Tak" Is indeed gonna be a great feature in madden.

It looks very promising.

My current issue with it(barring the disclaimed not so great animations) is first contact does not appear to be based on any physics. It looks to be based on the the "event" of contact which then triggers motion capped animations of the start of a gang tackle. Then based on who adds on and from which direction determines the next round of mo cap and which direction the animation will play out.

I am not gonna say thats whats 100% going on, it just looks that way the ravens vid really makes it look that way.

I wont rag on it if it some how tricks my mind into thinking my players are the cause of the events I am seeing happening when actually playing it, but that cant be said till we play it and the vids which have been disclaimed are telling me otherwise.

If a full time "runtime" method is not what works then maybe all initial contact by any player to another player should be runtime physics based to start the players/pile moving in the right/make sense/looks right/looks real/looks believeable direction then hook all your appropriate "mo caps" to it. This type of calculation on physics at runtime would only have to involve players that collide with the ball carrier.
# 162 Lava @ 05/05/09 12:46 AM
Originally Posted by MCNABB51BOI
LOLOL only thing im flaming is a whooper playboy. lol i just really dont understand howthe uniform gets people so hyped up. on past gen i did like to throw on the blacks every now and then. or play in my throwbacks . but i never noticed if they didnt have a stripe placed in the right place ECT. if the gameplay isnt tight and i cant get a good game of madden in i wont even give a damn about a sock . how important is it to you ? do you want smooth gameplay of uniforms perfect
It's not the most important thing about the game to me, I thought I made that clear in my original post. It's the first thing I've ever pointed out that is uniform or equipment related. Of course gameplay is important to me and of course I want the overall game to be great, but if they can fix this flaw, which I'd imagine isn't a big one to fix, then why not?
# 163 MikaelB @ 05/05/09 01:15 AM
Originally Posted by Lava
It's not the most important thing about the game to me, I thought I made that clear in my original post. It's the first thing I've ever pointed out that is uniform or equipment related. Of course gameplay is important to me and of course I want the overall game to be great, but if they can fix this flaw, which I'd imagine isn't a big one to fix, then why not?
Yeah. Besides, it should be an easy fix. To have the stripes all the way instead of fading halfway over the helmet is actually pretty noticeable and I hope and think that it will be fixed.
# 164 Nza @ 05/05/09 01:31 AM
There's something wrong with that LenDale White and Ravens gang tackle video. I can't quite put my finger on it....

Oh right, Ed Reed didn't try to bend White backwards after the ball carrier was stopped
# 165 Lava @ 05/05/09 01:45 AM
That's cause he'd already taken CJ out and rendered our offense ineffective, haha.
# 166 Jump @ 05/05/09 02:54 AM
The OT/DE play looks sweet. I just hope they can replicate that with the 3-4 outside linebackers, or all this work would have been for nothing.

Pro Tak is looking good, as long it is tuned right. I just hope that single man tackles still happen enough, and that it is not impossible to single tackle the running backs.

The Steve Smith video has me a bit scared. It sounds as though Tiburon knows that it is a rare occurrence, but they still want people to see it happen. I hope they don't tune it so that kind of thing happens once a game on all pro.

And if they do I pray the sliders can change it.
# 167 djKianoosh @ 05/05/09 09:01 AM
Originally Posted by NoSubs
A player's weight doesn't make him better or worse? Try reducing the weight of your offensive line to 150lbs each. Then tell me if they are neither better nor worse.

If you have two linebackers, one is 260 lbs. and the other is 160lbs. All their other ratings are identical, now the lighter one will be worse at tackling. So he would not be worth the same amount in a trade or be as high on your depth chart. Therefore, it is accurate for him to have a lower OVR to reflect his lower usefulness, trade value, contract amount, etc.

There can be an ideal weight range for each position. If the player is above or below that range he will be docked points from his OVR to reflect his reduced usefulness.

This is why I've been suggesting (as others have too) to either get rid of the OVR altogether, hide the OVR rating, or give us the ability to establish our own OVR equation for each position. because some people like different things in different players.

this poster here wants big strong LBs. I may want fast and nimble. I should have my own OVR rating and he should too. and if we're playing a franchise online together (we can dream), then a trade between us would look slightly different to both of us, but it's all good cause we value things differently. this is completely true to life because every team in the NFL has their own "draft board" and their own list of priorities and ratings systems. let's see it in Madden!
# 168 djKianoosh @ 05/05/09 09:03 AM
Originally Posted by djKianoosh
One MAJOR thing he mentioned was that some teams are better at gang tackling than others. as an Eagles fan, I LOVE this. but, i'm real curious as to how they're going to implement this? Are there team ratings under the hood? is it possible to see these ratings, for example, in franchise? wouldn't it make sense to know, say 5-10 years into franchise mode, that your defense is good or bad at gang tackling?

any answer to this from the EA folks?
# 169 eagles410 @ 05/05/09 09:39 AM
okay, lets release some more information regarding franchise mode and information about the weekly highlight reels.
# 170 callmetaternuts @ 05/05/09 10:04 AM
Loving the way this feature is shaping up. Maybe the biggest addition to the game imo. Pro-Tak affects so many different areas (gang tackling, OL/DL etc).

Will we still be able to break out of tackles lie last year (or attempt to break out?)

Thanks for the blog Ian, awesome info.
# 171 greenegt @ 05/05/09 10:37 AM
Looks beautiful. Great job, EA!
# 172 Valdarez @ 05/05/09 11:04 AM
It's interesting that their real world example for Marion Barber has a helmet flying out of the pile. Not sure who it belonged too, but got me wondering if we'll see helmets popping off from inside the pile.
# 173 Da Bears @ 05/05/09 11:11 AM
Originally Posted by Valdarez
It's interesting that their real world example for Marion Barber has a helmet flying out of the pile. Not sure who it belonged too, but got me wondering if we'll see helmets popping off from inside the pile.

No,but I hope we will get it in soon.
# 174 XFLOutLaw @ 05/05/09 12:14 PM
Not to be a dick or anything but thats the Cheifs it even says it on the screen
# 175 Qb @ 05/05/09 12:27 PM
Sounds like a promising addition. I think Pro-Tak and re-worked player movement (ie, momentum/sense of weight/turn radius/etc) could be big steps forward if they are successfully implemented...
# 176 Maelstrom-XIII @ 05/05/09 01:10 PM
That Steve Smith vid was sick. Glad he's on my team.

But the Pro-Tak blog was kinda disappointing to me...I mean, it's great to see the gang-tackling in motion (or replay, as it were), but they didn't even touch on most of the stuff pro-tak is going to be used for (at least not vid-wise and such), even though we have been beaten over the head with it in every preview...I mean, we know what its being used for ad nauseum, and yet they only showed us gang-tackling. Don't get me wrong, I'm not gonna bite the hand that feeds...but I would've liked to see more..and perhaps from an in-game perspective...
# 177 larryfoot5050 @ 05/05/09 03:56 PM
why is lenwhale white well white?
# 178 thegame19991999 @ 05/05/09 11:33 PM
i have a playstation 2 will they get the same feature like all the rest. of the system and will there be better commentary also a much much improve franchise i am sick of the samething WE DEMAND BETTER

# 179 MCNABB51BOI @ 05/05/09 11:43 PM
Originally Posted by TheCreep
Playstation 2? You need to upgrade baby boy, I aint hatin, but its 2009 baby. I'm just playin with u.
UPGRADE?? what for the game is better on PS2 right now. graphics yea but gameplay PS2 allday
# 180 R9NALD9 @ 05/06/09 04:19 AM
the thing that worries me quite a lot regarding the PRO-TAK system is, when you watch the video where the Ravens stop the Titans at the goalline it seems as if the first tackler is holding the player up to force gang tackling...it doesn't seem very natural at this point. If the whole gang tackling concept is going to be forced it will be pointless and irritating, it should happen natural as it does in nfl 2k5. If a tackler is going to holp up the ball carrier just to show of gang tackling 50 times a game they should rather leave it.

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