Madden 2010 News Post

EA has posted another Madden NFL 10 blog. This time Ian takes a deeper look into PRO-TAK.

"Welcome back to another Monday blog Madden fans! Talk about an eventful couple of weeks in Madden-land…our first Season Preview event on Thursday 4/24, our cover athletes revealed on Friday 4/25 (including a cool guest appearance by Larry Fitzgerald on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon), the NFL Draft, and last week we even released a blog on the Wildcat formation. We’re hard at work trying to finish the game while still balancing our media release schedule, so with this week’s blog, it seemed like a good opportunity to dive deeper into one of our most important gameplay features for the year: PRO-TAK."

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Member Comments
# 1 Lodeus @ 05/04/09 05:57 PM
# 2 trentrud @ 05/04/09 05:57 PM
# 3 Dawkins#20 @ 05/04/09 06:01 PM
Just saw it it looks good, but i saw one thing i didn't like. In the ravens video we see Ed Reed come in at an angle which wasn't great and hold up lendale white on the goalline. From here i think white should have been able to push forward quite easily, before the others got there due to his size advantage and the angle of the tackle. I also wonder how often this will happen i don't want every tackle to turn into a multi man gang tackle
# 4 baumy300 @ 05/04/09 06:01 PM
Looks sweet!
# 5 Hotlanta @ 05/04/09 06:07 PM
Still reading but I'm pointing it out now!!

I saw new cleats (or a prototype) on B.Jacobs and what looks like an edit to lineman cleats on another Giant
# 6 Obelysk @ 05/04/09 06:08 PM
Can someone be so kind to copy and paste that here so that those of us who are at work can read it? Thanks
# 7 Ray52Lewis @ 05/04/09 06:09 PM
i was excited to see how big Ngata is, great job there lol, Also Ed Reed looked like Ed Reed, his body was perfect in proportion and it looked exactly like him from the body standppoint. Just hope the facial graphics are as good.

On the videos i like it but in real life it doesnt take 4 guys to tackles Jacobs. It takes 2 or 3 max but if he runs at a linebacker they usually get him down by themself. However it looks very good and im very please with Pro Tak!

YAH!!!! Im pumped for August
# 8 daplayawitdafunk @ 05/04/09 06:10 PM
It looks like everyone has on new cleats. Not exactly what I was looking for but, Ill take it at this moment. Anything is better than GREY and BLACK. Who wears grey cleats. Lendale has new cleats as well. They are a little blurry, they need some sharpness to the design.
# 9 J-Unit40 @ 05/04/09 06:10 PM
Looking good EA. Looking really good!

Good blog.
# 10 xxjgbxx @ 05/04/09 06:10 PM
i dont see ed reed standing up lendale white and although its cool to have gang tackling they shouldnt have it every play where someone takes 4+ players to bring him down or O linemen/D linemen coming over to push the pile it really only happens near the goaline, 3rd and short etc or when a big RB is in the game i just dont want to see chris johnson being held up by
# 11 ChicagoChris @ 05/04/09 06:12 PM
The Brandon Jacobs video looks outstanding.
# 12 Yeah...THAT Guy @ 05/04/09 06:14 PM
I'm worried about the Lendale White video. The way he was just stopped on a dime and such a poor angle is worrisome.
# 13 Dawkins#20 @ 05/04/09 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by xxjgbxx
i dont see ed reed standing up lendale white and although its cool to have gang tackling they shouldnt have it every play where someone takes 4+ players to bring him down or O linemen/D linemen coming over to push the pile it really only happens near the goaline, 3rd and short etc or when a big RB is in the game i just dont want to see chris johnson being held up by
Sorry it was #26 Landry i think. Just watch it before Ed Reed comes in, it just doesn't looke right there. Maybe i'm being picky. One thing i do hope they do is make it so that it doesn't always trigger for big backs and never for smaller backs. Small backs should use it too, but i should still be able to take a Patrick Willis and wrap up Brandon Jacobs in one hit and not always need back up
# 14 Ian_Cummings @ 05/04/09 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by Yeah...THAT Guy
I'm worried about the Lendale White video. The way he was just stopped on a dime and such a poor angle is worrisome.
Don't worry - we're still tuning it. I wanted to get you guys a blog but the feature is still very much work in progress (hence the disclaimer in the blog).

I wanted to put this out there and rely on you guys to know that you're looking at early software. The other option is you get no early looks ever again.
# 15 Lodeus @ 05/04/09 06:20 PM
Great blog Ian.
# 16 dougdeuce @ 05/04/09 06:21 PM
I love the improvement to D-line play as I almost always want to line up as a DE and switch with the progression of the play. I hated being stuck on the RT not being able to move at all, this improves that SOOO much!
# 17 K_GUN @ 05/04/09 06:21 PM
one other thing...

if White ran that 10 times & all 10 times were the same result I'd worry but keep in mind that there has to variance (variability) in sports (like OF'ers taking bad angles on fly balls-- sometimes it just happens)

Ian--if this is an 'epic fail' post....let me know
# 18 LBzrule @ 05/04/09 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by xxjgbxx
i dont see ed reed standing up lendale white and although its cool to have gang tackling they shouldnt have it every play where someone takes 4+ players to bring him down or O linemen/D linemen coming over to push the pile it really only happens near the goaline, 3rd and short etc or when a big RB is in the game i just dont want to see chris johnson being held up by
No need to worry there are still 1 on 1 tackles.
# 19 Scott @ 05/04/09 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by Ian_Cummings_EA
Don't worry - we're still tuning it. I wanted to get you guys a blog but the feature is still very much work in progress (hence the disclaimer in the blog).

I wanted to put this out there and rely on you guys to know that you're looking at early software. The other option is you get no early looks ever again.
Ian, take notice on that Steve Smith catch and run...A lot of us are wanting more "swag", notice how Smith slows down about 5 yards to the endzone...Give us some of that.
# 20 KANE699 @ 05/04/09 06:23 PM
Ratliff looks spot on in the cowboys video, all he is missing is tucked sleeves but his build and size is perfect!

I also saw what appeared to maybe be purple accents on Landry in the ravens video and those do look like new cleats on Jacobs.

My only complaint out of all of these is (may not even be a big deal, might of been just to show off the pro tak) but, on the goal line those gaps and holes are huge for Lendale to run through!

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