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Game: Fight Night Round 4Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 38 - View All
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# 81 aholbert32 @ 03/15/09 11:03 AM
Originally Posted by TequILLa
this is almost comical...no it is....lol funny stuff!

I know. The fact that you think an in ring ref is as important as smart CPU AI is hilarious. One of the most ridiculous statements Ive read on this board. LOL.
# 82 TequILLa @ 03/15/09 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by SHAKYR
I don't want to disrespect you, but you really are starting to sound like a spoiled woman that wants what she wants no matter the circumstances. The producers never told us it couldn't be done. they said, they didn't want to stay stuck or wasting time trying to make something work(referee), while they could be adding and tweaking something else(wishlist stuff). EA has not been working on this game for 4 years like you would be lead to believe.

EA Vancouver is a big company, but everyone there has their own projects. They have teams of producers and developers working on different games. I'm talking from being there and taking a tour around the place. I'm not just assuming what is going on there. One thing I do is ask questions from different people to see if what I was told adds up.
Your trying your best not to disrespect nobody, wow, so we both having this issue. I've been trying reply/comment in a respectable manner without this getting stupid. Arguing back and forth if a referee should be in the game, to the developers told me this, he said, she said, because of this, because of that. Where did I say EA was working on this game for 4 years, I could of sworn their was a studio switch because EA Chicago shut down, and there was a little down time in between and they got a all new team. Look man I not gonna sit here and argue with you or anybody that was at the community day, it's pointless, EA tells you something, you run with it. It's no different then when guys would go to Madden community day or Live Community day, with the mentallity like, "I was their I seen it and talked to the developers, so I know". I said time was probably the reason why it wasn't in, but somehow you didn't read that you skipped that.
# 83 TequILLa @ 03/15/09 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
I know. The fact that you think an in ring ref is as important as smart CPU AI is hilarious. One of the most ridiculous statements Ive read on this board. LOL.

Look here, in the sport of boxing when that bell sounds 3 men are in the ring, you have 2 boxers and you have one referee. That is the foundation of a boxing game, then everything comes behind it. You build a house you don't half do the fountain, of course we need a roof, windows and doors, let's finish the foundation first to 100% capacity, not 90%, then give this boxing game soul and character. I'm just a hardcore boxing fan aholbert, I mean hardcore to the bone gristle. It doesn't I'm not gonna the game because I will, it just irrating to hear someone yell "break" and he's not even their.
# 84 Gambeino @ 03/15/09 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by TequILLa
Look here, in the sport of boxing when that bell sounds 3 men are in the ring, you have 2 boxers and you have one referee. That is the foundation of a boxing game, then everything comes behind it. You build a house you don't half do the fountain, of course we need a roof, windows and doors, let's finish the foundation first to 100% capacity, not 90%, then give this boxing game soul and character. I'm just a hardcore boxing fan aholbert, I mean hardcore to the bone gristle. It doesn't I'm not gonna the game because I will, it just irrating to hear someone yell "break" and he's not even their.
I understand exactly where you are coming from, you might as well just leave it alone though on these forums and just ignore things people say. It's sad people can't respect someone elses opinions because they think theirs is the best or everyone thinks there Mr. Know it all, you just need to walk away, because every is starting to act like a female (no disrespect).
# 85 Darxide @ 03/15/09 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by TequILLa
Look here, in the sport of boxing when that bell sounds 3 men are in the ring, you have 2 boxers and you have one referee. That is the foundation of a boxing game, then everything comes behind it. You build a house you don't half do the fountain, of course we need a roof, windows and doors, let's finish the foundation first to 100% capacity, not 90%, then give this boxing game soul and character. I'm just a hardcore boxing fan aholbert, I mean hardcore to the bone gristle. It doesn't I'm not gonna the game because I will, it just irrating to hear someone yell "break" and he's not even their.
I'm a hardcore fan too, but I disagree that a ref in the ring during gameplay is THAT important. It's purely aesthetic. It wouldn't add anything of actual value to the gameplay.
# 86 Fresh Tendrils @ 03/15/09 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by aholbert32

You havent been posting at OS alot because many people complained about the lack of refs in Madden on this board. Thats what people do here. They overreact to any missing feature...no matter how small.
IIRC, somebody was mad at Madden for not having the right colored socks.

And for the record, if adding a ref were to compromise gameplay and its fluidity then I would rather there wouldn't be a ref in the ring with me.
# 87 Brandwin @ 03/16/09 11:43 AM
LOL wow... so a ref being in the game is a key feature? I agree with Fresh, it's not that big of a deal. Just like it wasn't a huge deal in Madden.
# 88 SageInfinite @ 03/16/09 04:27 PM
IMO it's not a huge deal, but when you go for years(Madden) without refs it becomes a problem for me.

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