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Game: Fight Night Round 4Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 38 - View All
Fight Night Round 4 Videos
Member Comments
# 21 SageInfinite @ 03/12/09 10:24 PM
Why does EA hate refs?
# 22 Darxide @ 03/12/09 11:27 PM
Originally Posted by SageInfinite
Why does EA hate refs?
Brizzo said they heavily considered adding a ref, but they decided against it for various reasons, mainly not wanting the ref to interfere with the different camera angles. Honestly, with the new physics, the ref might have actually hampered gameplay some. Still though, I would have liked to have seen a ref in there for realism purposes.
# 23 PRGUY85 @ 03/13/09 12:03 AM
Well if you want to see the ref in the ring the entire time, you could always play Prizefighter


scratch that.
# 24 SageInfinite @ 03/13/09 12:41 AM
Originally Posted by totalownership
See this leaves room for another developer to make a move. We all know from watching enough fights that the refs are TOTALLY a part of the action. Some ALOT more than they should be. This could be really fleshed out as different refs could have different personalities. You could have one ref who is notorious at stopping fights even if the other boxer could have gone on. Or refs who never let boxers do much infighting or .... well you know the list goes on. It could change your whole strategy to a fight knowing what kind of ref you got.
Great Idea. Why can't EA think of things like this? Just another reason why I don't think EA takes the sports they try to replicate seriously.
# 25 SageInfinite @ 03/13/09 01:48 AM
Originally Posted by totalownership
All developers think of things like this I'm sure sage. See the problem is they read this....

and then say why bother. Same reason why Madden is the way it is now. You have 95 out of a 100 people who think Madden can do no wrong and every other game stinks even if they played it or not and then EA decides "hey if the majority of our customers are dense enough to go along with it and defend our weak effort like someone's talking about their mother then why change it". Honestly I'd probably do the same thing. lol. I mean at some point professional pride would kick in and I'd have to put out the best I could do but for the meanwhile why not just cash the checks.

Thats what really irritates me about some statements people make. They'll defend garbage to the end and never admit when another product has some good selling points. This leaves developers puzzled. Do we actually change and make our product good or do we leave it be because look at all these guys online guarding it like it's their wives. I'll be the first to critize 2K's efforts in their games when they come up short in different aspects but I'll also give them props when it's deserved and I'll do the same with EA or Sony or whoever.
Another good post. See my problem with developers is, if they gave gamers realism from the get go and didn't cut corners with basics like refs and such we wouldn't have to have these discussions. For the life of me I just can't understand the design decisions. I guess they'd rather replicate every adrenal gland than have a ref in the ring or whatever.
# 26 SHAKYR @ 03/13/09 01:57 AM
Originally Posted by SageInfinite
Great Idea. Why can't EA think of things like this? Just another reason why I don't think EA takes the sports they try to replicate seriously.
The producers have a wishlist with this idea on it, and if you had listened to darxide they wanted to add it. I say you guys want to complain just to complain. I see someone complain about how slow the game is and then say if the referee was in the game it would be ok.....yeah, right! You definitely would be complaining. If you guys really know anything you would know that footage was in slow motion.

PS...many of you think the EA producers started on Fight Night Round 4 after Round 3, that's completely false. Remember EA Chicago closed. This game hasn't been in development as long as many of you think.
# 27 SageInfinite @ 03/13/09 02:10 AM
Originally Posted by SHAKYR
The producers have a wishlist with this idea on it, and if you had listened to darxide they wanted to add it. I say you guys want to complain just to complain. I see someone complain about how slow the game is and then say if the referee was in the game it would be ok.....yeah, right! You definitely would be complaining. If you guys really know anything you would know that footage was in slow motion.

PS...many of you think the EA producers started on Fight Night Round 4 after Round 3, that's completely false. Remember EA Chicago closed. This game hasn't been in development as long as many of you think.
I admit I just started following this game, so I wouldn't know if EA wanted this idea or anything. My only complaint was that there still was no ref in the ring, which for me is a problem. Other than that I have no complaints from the brief trailer.
# 28 SHAKYR @ 03/13/09 02:20 AM
Originally Posted by SageInfinite
I admit I just started following this game, so I wouldn't know if EA wanted this idea or anything. My only complaint was that there still was no ref in the ring, which for me is a problem. Other than that I have no complaints from the brief trailer.
If you have seen my on this or many other sites I have been pushing for realism. The producers want to give us as much as possible, The producers are genuine boxing fans too. They have been listen. I went to the EA Fight Night Round 4 Community Event and played the game. I sat and talked to the producers.

I don't know if you ever read this ....

"Fight Night Round 4 Brian"Brizzo"Hayes responds to the producers taking fans ideas,wishes and suggestion into consideration.

We looked at all the wishlists. I think it was POETIC that compiled every single wish ever into one big list and we looked at that one a lot. He can point you to it.

A while back I went through it line by line and tried to consolidate the similar ideas, toss out conflicting ideas, etc. Did some spell checking (lol). But we boiled it down to a one big list and stacked it up against our designs for FNR4 to see where we stood. IMO, we stood up pretty good, considering how big that list is.
I can't get into the specifics of what is in and out right now, but we are trying to grant as many wishes as possible. Pretty soon, we'll start dropping more info about features and you can see for yourself.

I gathered ideas from different Fight Night sites from all over the internet here's the wishlist....

http://www.operationsports.com/SHAKY...the-internet-/ "
# 29 sva91 @ 03/13/09 02:39 AM
Originally Posted by SageInfinite
Another good post. See my problem with developers is, if they gave gamers realism from the get go and didn't cut corners with basics like refs and such we wouldn't have to have these discussions. For the life of me I just can't understand the design decisions. I guess they'd rather replicate every adrenal gland than have a ref in the ring or whatever.
I too would like to see a ref in the ring, but at what cost? Just think of how insanely detailed the fighters look. Now add an equally impressive looking ref (has to look just a nice graphically or it would look really awkward) and now you have compromised most of watch your looking at on screen. Having a ref in any sports game doesnt really affect gameplay, its really just aesthetic.

Im not trying to defend the game, but how can some people think FNR3 was better looking visually? Just look at the color palette and lighting. FNR3 looked nice because the lighting and shadows were soo overdone. Kinda like a boxing version of 300. BTW game looks great.
# 30 NINJAK2 @ 03/13/09 02:51 AM
Originally Posted by allBthere
I was hoping for more 'gameplay' than them using effects and diff cameras and slo-mo etc...but it's marketing and creates more hype than what I wanted I guess. Slipping ali's cross was great and comming w/ the hook, although I wasn't digging ali's jab and cross animations - I'll have to watch again later. I think this game is one where you have to play it to believe it. I absolutely love the musculature mechanic, that's so sick.
co-sign on ali's jab. looks like they mo-capped dhalsim from street fighter. good graphics in fight night are a given. a.i. is where I will judge fn.
# 31 SageInfinite @ 03/13/09 03:42 AM
Originally Posted by sva91
I too would like to see a ref in the ring, but at what cost? Just think of how insanely detailed the fighters look. Now add an equally impressive looking ref (has to look just a nice graphically or it would look really awkward) and now you have compromised most of watch your looking at on screen. Having a ref in any sports game doesnt really affect gameplay, its really just aesthetic.

Im not trying to defend the game, but how can some people think FNR3 was better looking visually? Just look at the color palette and lighting. FNR3 looked nice because the lighting and shadows were soo overdone. Kinda like a boxing version of 300. BTW game looks great.
I guess that's where I differ from some. I would rather have the overall package than to have insanely detailed player models. I want to be immersed in the sport. I think overall EA has changed their ways for this year's batch of games, but it still doesn't excuse the fact that their direction has not been based on providing a realistic gameplay experience in the past. Also I agree, the game looks fantastic.
# 32 Shakedowncapo @ 03/13/09 04:46 AM
Lets be real here, having no ref won't stop anyone from buying the game...And thats where the problem lies. 95% of their base couldn't give a **** about some ref continually breaking up their boxing match where they just wanna brawl...It's always been EA's motto and frankly it will never change. We're just that 5% that cares about the real small aspects of boxing but guess what...They know were gonna buy it regardless..

Save the, "you're off base, they wanted to add it!" comment...When you see a trend from a certain company for this long, you no longer believe fluff talk.
# 33 Money99 @ 03/13/09 08:22 AM
Maybe Shakyr, Complex, Wepeeler or Darxide can comment better on this, but when I first saw this game in motion I thought it looked amazing. Way better than FNRd3.

I don't believe that video did it justice.

But we can go more indepth about the graphics and visuals on the 16th.
# 34 aholbert32 @ 03/13/09 09:35 AM
Originally Posted by Shakedowncapo
Lets be real here, having no ref won't stop anyone from buying the game...And thats where the problem lies. 95% of their base couldn't give a **** about some ref continually breaking up their boxing match where they just wanna brawl...It's always been EA's motto and frankly it will never change. We're just that 5% that cares about the real small aspects of boxing but guess what...They know were gonna buy it regardless..

Save the, "you're off base, they wanted to add it!" comment...When you see a trend from a certain company for this long, you no longer believe fluff talk.
I love boxing. I've played every boxing game in existence. I could give a **** if the ref is in the game or not. If you gave me a choice between having the game look and play better but no ref or having a ref but having to deal with some small graphical hitches....I'll take no ref.

A ref only comes into to play in three major situations: Breaking clinches, counting out a Ko'd fighter, and stopping fights. All 3 of those things can and have been done in games without refs.

If a missing feature or a glitch isnt big enough to keep you from buying the game...it must not be that important. I respect peoples right to mention missing features but like shakedowncapo said...you are all going to buy the game...ref or no ref.
# 35 Pappy Knuckles @ 03/13/09 10:01 AM
Hopefully we get some videos of people actually playing this soon. I really anxious to see how different/similar it is to Round 3. Can't really say much about the video other than it looks pretty good.
# 36 BezO @ 03/13/09 10:07 AM
If any sports video game needs refs, it's boxing. I can't think of another sport where the ref interacts with the participants more, often pulling & pushing them. And there's so much that could be accomplished with the ref. You could see him breaking up clinches, giving warnings, keeping an eye on a hurt fighter, counting, wiping off gloves, staying out of the way, ect.

For the guys that played, can we expect smoother punching? Was that 1, 2 by Ali typical of what you all saw? I know the clip was short, but I can't help but wonder what you guys are so excited about. Hopefully I'll find out soon.
# 37 aholbert32 @ 03/13/09 10:14 AM
Originally Posted by BezO
If any sports video game needs refs, it's boxing. I can't think of another sport where the ref interacts with the participants more, often pulling & pushing them. And there's so much that could be accomplished with the ref. You could see him breaking up clinches, giving warnings, keeping an eye on a hurt fighter, counting, wiping off gloves, staying out of the way, ect.
Do you really need a ref in ring for that? Cant all of that be done in cutscenes? I'm going to try a different approach and assume that the developers arent lying to us. If the game was going to take a graphical hit by adding a ref...im glad they didnt add one.
# 38 BezO @ 03/13/09 10:34 AM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
Do you really need a ref in ring for that? Cant all of that be done in cutscenes?
A cut scene, for most things, will never look as good as real time action. If someone gets hurt and is clinching often, I don't want cut scenes every 10 seconds. I want to see clinches broken in real time.

And cut scense can't be used for everything. The ref does stop the action with every interaction. I want to see a ref swat a glove, telling a boxer not to hold. I want to see him paying more attention to a hurt fighter. I want to see & hear him tell a hurt fighter he's going to stop the fight if he doesn't throw punches.

Originally Posted by aholbert32
I'm going to try a different approach and assume that the developers arent lying to us. If the game was going to take a graphical hit by adding a ref...im glad they didnt add one.
EA has been all style & little substance for quite some time, with the exception of FIFA & hockey(from what I hear). As good as the graphics are, I could care less about a graphical hit. IMO, smooth, varied animations do much more for looks than graphics. And from what I can tell, the punches still look quite stiff. Hell, I'd take a graphical hit for more fluid punching after seeing Ali's 1, 2.
# 39 aholbert32 @ 03/13/09 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by BezO
A cut scene, for most things, will never look as good as real time action. If someone gets hurt and is clinching often, I don't want cut scenes every 10 seconds. I want to see clinches broken in real time.

And cut scense can't be used for everything. The ref does stop the action with every interaction. I want to see a ref swat a glove, telling a boxer not to hold. I want to see him paying more attention to a hurt fighter. I want to see & hear him tell a hurt fighter he's going to stop the fight if he doesn't throw punches.

EA has been all style & little substance for quite some time, with the exception of FIFA & hockey(from what I hear). As good as the graphics are, I could care less about a graphical hit. IMO, smooth, varied animations do much more for looks than graphics. And from what I can tell, the punches still look quite stiff. Hell, I'd take a graphical hit for more fluid punching after seeing Ali's 1, 2.

Does seeing a ref really add that much to the game? Wiping a glove? Pulling two fighters apart? They dont even need a cutscene for breaks. They can just do it like they always have with a voice yelling "break" and the two fighters pulling apart from each other. Most people are happy with that.

What convinces me that this will be more substance than style isnt the trailer or previews or comments from the devs. Its the fact that 5 people here have played the game and loved it. There is also the fact that most of those 5 HATED FN3. So I'll trust their opinions.
# 40 DaveDQ @ 03/13/09 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by sva91
I too would like to see a ref in the ring, but at what cost? Just think of how insanely detailed the fighters look. Now add an equally impressive looking ref (has to look just a nice graphically or it would look really awkward) and now you have compromised most of watch your looking at on screen. Having a ref in any sports game doesnt really affect gameplay, its really just aesthetic.

Im not trying to defend the game, but how can some people think FNR3 was better looking visually? Just look at the color palette and lighting. FNR3 looked nice because the lighting and shadows were soo overdone. Kinda like a boxing version of 300. BTW game looks great.
I think that's the thing too. You add the ref and it's something more to process, taxing the framerate. If they have truly added a new physics system, where boxing is best represented, with inside fighting and proper collision detection, I'm willing to let go of there not being a ref in there.

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