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Can you believe that it is already March? March Madness is right around the corner, the NBA and NHL playoff chases are beginning to intensify, and the chill of winter will (hopefully) subside soon and give way to the warmth of spring.

And by now, many gamers are already playing the newest round of baseball titles for 2009, MLB 09: The Show and MLB 2K9 -- a sign that MLB Opening Day is on the horizon.

But because of the unfortunate gulf of quality between MLB 2K and The Show, there are probably many baseball fans, sports gamers and Xbox 360 owners presently battling with that ultimate question -- one that I have also been admittedly battling with. And that question is, "should I really spend hundreds of dollars on a PS3 just for one game?"

Read More - MLB 09: The Show - The System Seller?

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Game: MLB '09: The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSPVotes for game: 90 - View All
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Member Comments
# 61 Glenn33 @ 03/12/09 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by DrUrsus
In my opinion, MVP is one of the most overrated games. Not saying it isn't good, it was, but over time, it has gotten this "mythical" baseball status. Quite frankly, I liked High Heat 2005 (the one with Schilling on the cover) better. Sure, the graphics weren't as good, but you could really control rosters, and the game played great. If the graphics would have been good, people would be slobbering over that game still.
MLB 09 The Show blows MVP out of the water. Not even a competition in my opinion, but to each their own.
Co-sign BIG TIME!!!!
# 62 SBartlett @ 03/12/09 07:25 PM
# 63 Chip1010 @ 03/12/09 07:50 PM
There were several things about the PS3 that I was interested in -- Blu-ray, LittleBigPlanet, Metal Gear -- but I don't think I would have purchased one had it not been for baseball.

I was preparing to just take my lumps with 2K9 and just try to enjoy it, but after reading some of the reviews of both games and seeing The Show in action on an OS video, I said to hell with fiscal responsibility and made the jump. I haven't regretted it for a second.
# 64 punkologist @ 03/13/09 12:07 AM
exactly windu. I bought my PS3 for MLB 08 and I am glad I did.
I do enjoy Gran Turismo too, so it will be worth it when that comes out (when ever it eventually does!)
# 65 vick5 @ 03/13/09 12:13 AM
Just bought a 80 gb Ps3 and the show 09 today. Was upset it didn't come with any hd cables but I know the show will be worth it!
# 66 bobz99by @ 03/13/09 12:53 AM
I'm as a big a proponent of mlb the show as it gets...wrote a huge arse review of mlb 08 for psp on my blog...

but i'm not sure I can justify 300 dollars for a ps3 to play Mlb the show. Are all the graphics and sounds and bells and whistles reallly worth 300 bux. I mean isn't the core gamplay still the same whether its ps3, ps2, psp.

Recently, i played PES 6 (winning eleven) on my ps2 with a couple buddies and had as much fun as playing PES 2009 on my pc. At its core, the game is still similar.

I guess online play would be the one thing that ps3 has over the other two. I'm not sure though that i would utilize it that much. I mostly play road to the show.

Crysis blew me away with its graphics and I'm considering upgrading my comp to run it. But I'm not sure the graphics boost of psp to ps3 mlb is worth it. In some respects, psp road to the show is the most perfect iteration. Portable. Pick it up play a couple innings. Shut it off.
# 67 EnigmaNemesis @ 03/13/09 01:49 AM
Originally Posted by bobz99by
I'm as a big a proponent of mlb the show as it gets...wrote a huge arse review of mlb 08 for psp on my blog...

but i'm not sure I can justify 300 dollars for a ps3 to play Mlb the show. Are all the graphics and sounds and bells and whistles reallly worth 300 bux. I mean isn't the core gamplay still the same whether its ps3, ps2, psp.

Recently, i played PES 6 (winning eleven) on my ps2 with a couple buddies and had as much fun as playing PES 2009 on my pc. At its core, the game is still similar.

I guess online play would be the one thing that ps3 has over the other two. I'm not sure though that i would utilize it that much. I mostly play road to the show.

Crysis blew me away with its graphics and I'm considering upgrading my comp to run it. But I'm not sure the graphics boost of psp to ps3 mlb is worth it. In some respects, psp road to the show is the most perfect iteration. Portable. Pick it up play a couple innings. Shut it off.
IMO spending $300 on the PS3 for this game, and many other games out there, is more worth it than a PC for a mediocre (gameplay wise) game like Crysis.

If you ever played it, you would know. The gameplay is much improved on the PS3 version.
# 68 erod550 @ 03/13/09 05:45 AM
It's why I own a PS3. Bought it for The Show 07 and Gran Turismo 5, which was disappointing compared to Forza 2. The only games I own for the PS3 are GT5 and The Show 07, 08, and 09, and I don't regret buying the system for a minute.
# 69 EnigmaNemesis @ 03/13/09 05:49 AM
Originally Posted by erod550
It's why I own a PS3. Bought it for The Show 07 and Gran Turismo 5, which was disappointing compared to Forza 2. The only games I own for the PS3 are GT5 and The Show 07, 08, and 09, and I don't regret buying the system for a minute.

To be fair, it isnt the "real" GT5. That is coming supposedly end of this year. It was a "prologue" to the real game.

The real game I am eagerly waiting for as well.
# 70 DiddyGotGrillz @ 03/13/09 12:07 PM
Did the exact same thing bro....traded in a lot of old 360 games, including a 6 day old copy of 2K9, and paid $330 out of pocket.

That $330 wasn't just for The Show and a PS3.........it was $330 to ensure that I would NEVER have to play another 2K Sports games ever again. That, to me, is $330 WELL spent.
# 71 DiddyGotGrillz @ 03/13/09 12:09 PM
You are absolutely right....No question. I camparing them against each other, I DO believe that The Show has MANY similar components to MVP....but just 10000 times better EVERYTHING, hence "on steroids" comment.
# 72 DiddyGotGrillz @ 03/13/09 12:12 PM
Coming from a guy that has 200 wrapped up in a PSP and game....hahaha.
# 73 Shadymamba @ 03/14/09 03:53 AM
its funny you write this article i was telling my friend today, i cant play 2k anymore man im buying a ps3 and the show..honest so for me at least yep its a system seller
# 74 SD2240 @ 03/14/09 11:25 AM
It's a system seller because i just bought a ps3 for the show last night. And I sure am glad i did. The show is the greatest sports game ever. I just imagine what it would be like to get an nfl game from this team. I had been trying to play 2k9 on the 360 but its just cutting it. i have wanted a blu ray player again for a while but the show is what finally got me moving!
# 75 hi-teck @ 03/14/09 02:12 PM
I would say MLB The Show is the best baseball game I've played (loved Bases Loaded for Nintendo back in the day), but I didn't get the PS3 just for that game. I think there will be other criteria people consider when making the decision, such as it doubling as a blu-ray player since HD-DVD is dead. At least people will take solace that so far, Sony has showed it will continue to put in quality for the MLB The Show franchise, as I've played 07, 08 and now 09.
# 76 whosgotcha @ 03/14/09 07:11 PM
MLB The Show 09 is an amazing baseball game. It is an amazing sports game. To me out of basketball, football and baseball video games it's the best sports game out by far. In terms of visuals, animations, graphics, and details it may be one of the best games out period. But.....its not a system seller because it's......baseball. And bestball videogames do not have the vast audience of the other game genres. This game is so amazing that if it were a generic football game with all the same phenomenal aspects it would be a system seller in the U.S.
# 77 Bigtonyclark @ 03/15/09 01:14 AM
Placed my order for my 80 GB PS3 today.

Estimated arrival date is the 24th, though.....
# 78 WhiteMan22 @ 03/15/09 10:36 PM
No, def not for just one game. If you are looking to sell your 360 to get the Show, i will not stop you. I can see you doing that for the blue-ray and the other games listed. But for any hardcore sports fan, you are making the most stupidest decision ever. If you only play sports game, the 360 is the best sysytem. Madden, NHL(both), NCAA Football, NBA 2K are all better games on the 360 then the PS3. The only good PS3 sport game is the Show and maybe Tiger Woods. If anyone wants to argue with me my last statement, then go f*** yourself cause you know I am right.
# 79 corpkid12 @ 03/15/09 11:06 PM
I made the leap and haven't regretted it. The show is the best sports game I have ever played! As a 360 owner, I passed on a baseball game in 08 and after seeing 2k9's reviews, I wasn't missing another year of baseball!
# 80 carseller14 @ 03/15/09 11:45 PM
Just bought a PS3 this weekend simply for The Show. I have been playing 2k since 06 and this year it was just unbearable to play. I had never played The Show until this weekend and until then, I did not realize just how bad MLB 2k9 sucked. The Show is absolutely unbelievable. I play more baseball games than anything so this is like a dream come true. My only regret is that I paid $60 for 2k9. Now if I could learn how to hit on the show I will be okay.

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