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Can you believe that it is already March? March Madness is right around the corner, the NBA and NHL playoff chases are beginning to intensify, and the chill of winter will (hopefully) subside soon and give way to the warmth of spring.

And by now, many gamers are already playing the newest round of baseball titles for 2009, MLB 09: The Show and MLB 2K9 -- a sign that MLB Opening Day is on the horizon.

But because of the unfortunate gulf of quality between MLB 2K and The Show, there are probably many baseball fans, sports gamers and Xbox 360 owners presently battling with that ultimate question -- one that I have also been admittedly battling with. And that question is, "should I really spend hundreds of dollars on a PS3 just for one game?"

Read More - MLB 09: The Show - The System Seller?

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Game: MLB '09: The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSPVotes for game: 90 - View All
MLB '09: The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 41 qpc123 @ 03/11/09 09:25 PM
my roommate and i got together today and combined his Wii w/ games and accessories and some of my 360 games and a couple controllers, and we got a PS3, The Show 09 and an extra controller for $8 out of pocket. so i'd say yes it is a system seller.
# 42 umd @ 03/11/09 09:28 PM
just got home with mine an hour ago.
# 43 Brianz1234 @ 03/11/09 11:00 PM
The Show 09, Blu ray....Im sold...gettin my PS3 asap...I just cant play the MLB 2k anymore....MLB 2K is seriously killing XBOX 360 owners and baseball fans
# 44 Avii @ 03/11/09 11:23 PM
I know I'm gonna buy a PS3 to play thi. So yes, its been a system seller for me. And I skipped every single console since the SNES.
# 45 Tyrant8RDFL @ 03/11/09 11:26 PM
It was the only reason I bought a PS3 so your article holds truth to me.

I brought a PS3 for MLB 07, and never had any regret for it, and MLB09 is insane. I cant believe how authentic this game is. Its scary lol.
# 46 wtfrank83 @ 03/11/09 11:59 PM
Well, I just bought a PS3 to play this game so I guess it is a system seller.
# 47 Dfiant1 @ 03/12/09 12:25 AM
When deciding between getting a 360 and a PS3 when the new systems came out, I picked the PS3 because I love sports games and felt that MLB The Show was by far the best baseball game available. So it was definitely a system seller for me.
# 48 Turbo Lax 33 @ 03/12/09 01:02 AM
Tonight I went out and finally purchased a PS3. I bought it for one reason, MLB 09 The Show. After reading the reviews, the forum posts and watching the videos I was sold. I am a video game sports nut and there was no way I could stomach another year of MLB2k9 on my 3rd xbox (rrod). I now have both systems and can enjoy any of the exclusive titles that hit either. However, there was only one reason I bought the ps3 right now and that was for the Show!!
# 49 umd @ 03/12/09 02:55 AM
After 4 hours of The Show - this game is what next gen sports should be. It puts most other franchises to shame. EA should be ashamed of next gen Madden and 2k should be ashamed of MLB2k.
# 50 BombshellRocks @ 03/12/09 04:04 AM
I would have to throw my hat in and say it's definitely a system seller. I own a 360 and up until this point I would never have even entertained the thought of purchasing a PS3.
Sure Uncharted looks fantastic, as does Killzone 2. I'd even love to have a blue-ray player for my HDTV. But to tell you the truth I am content for now with the upscaling the 360 does with my DVDs and I've always hated the Playstation controllers.

With 2k officially ****ting the bed with their lackluster baseball offering this year and after reading the glowing reviews about The Show, I actually got the itch to purchase a PS3. I haven't pulled the trigger yet, but man... this game looks too good to pass up.
I was a huge MVP 05 fan and played an entire season without simulating a game. It was one of the best sports games I've ever played and this looks to be an even better experience.
# 51 DiddyGotGrillz @ 03/12/09 10:23 AM
I officially am now a PROUD owner of a PS3. I bought it ONLY for The Show. I bought it last night. I can tell ya, It was money WELL spent to know that I will NEVER have to play another 2K Sports game.
# 52 DrUrsus @ 03/12/09 11:03 AM
I bought a PS3 just for The Show series, but I'm rich
# 53 uncguy @ 03/12/09 11:43 AM
Just ordered a PS3 from Dell - will be for The Show only...

For me it was a combination of seeing how awesome the Show is...and playing a terrible 2K9 game on the 360...
# 54 DiddyGotGrillz @ 03/12/09 12:05 PM
The Show is MVP '05 on Steroids.....too soon?
# 55 damarsh1 @ 03/12/09 12:22 PM
This is definately a system seller for me!!! I am on my to the store to buy one now!!!
# 56 coachpars @ 03/12/09 01:56 PM
Just got it!!! downloading all sorts of stuff as I type. I tryed to like 2k9 and played the heck out of it since release, It just got to the point that it was too much trouble just to get it to play a real game of baseball. last night was the last straw, so I went out and traded in some old games and my back up 360. Out of pocket w/show 340!!!I sure hope it worth it. Update done, here we go....
# 57 DrUrsus @ 03/12/09 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by DiddyGotGrillz
The Show is MVP '05 on Steroids.....too soon?
In my opinion, MVP is one of the most overrated games. Not saying it isn't good, it was, but over time, it has gotten this "mythical" baseball status. Quite frankly, I liked High Heat 2005 (the one with Schilling on the cover) better. Sure, the graphics weren't as good, but you could really control rosters, and the game played great. If the graphics would have been good, people would be slobbering over that game still.
MLB 09 The Show blows MVP out of the water. Not even a competition in my opinion, but to each their own.
# 58 DrUrsus @ 03/12/09 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by coachpars
Just got it!!! downloading all sorts of stuff as I type. I tryed to like 2k9 and played the heck out of it since release, It just got to the point that it was too much trouble just to get it to play a real game of baseball. last night was the last straw, so I went out and traded in some old games and my back up 360. Out of pocket w/show 340!!!I sure hope it worth it. Update done, here we go....
It is. Now you can play the PS3 exclusives or buy EA and 2K games for it (although I think the 360 versions are better most of the time).
Plus, now you have a system in case you get the RROD (I have 2 360s).
# 59 Coach3K @ 03/12/09 02:53 PM
I can see this being the case with a few harcore fans...and those who have other circumstances where they're "this close" to getting one anyway - i.e. the deciding factor.

My roommate just got a 42-inch LCD in his room and has talked about a DVD player for it. He's tossed around the idea of just getting an up-converting standard DVD player, but he's also discussed a Blu-Ray player.

After having him wander into my room last night and stand there watching me play through my RTTS for about a half hour...I am pretty sure Sony's going to be getting another system moved very soon.
# 60 coachpars @ 03/12/09 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by DrUrsus
It is. Now you can play the PS3 exclusives or buy EA and 2K games for it (although I think the 360 versions are better most of the time).
Plus, now you have a system in case you get the RROD (I have 2 360s).
Ok.. Im a bit overwhelmed I dont know where to start, any tips or threads to find the best way to learn this game. what level,views,cpu asssits, etc...I think Im in love....Thanks to community for opening my eyes and wallet(lol) to this masterpiece...

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