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Can you believe that it is already March? March Madness is right around the corner, the NBA and NHL playoff chases are beginning to intensify, and the chill of winter will (hopefully) subside soon and give way to the warmth of spring.

And by now, many gamers are already playing the newest round of baseball titles for 2009, MLB 09: The Show and MLB 2K9 -- a sign that MLB Opening Day is on the horizon.

But because of the unfortunate gulf of quality between MLB 2K and The Show, there are probably many baseball fans, sports gamers and Xbox 360 owners presently battling with that ultimate question -- one that I have also been admittedly battling with. And that question is, "should I really spend hundreds of dollars on a PS3 just for one game?"

Read More - MLB 09: The Show - The System Seller?

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Game: MLB '09: The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSPVotes for game: 90 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 madcap08 @ 03/10/09 08:16 PM
Originally Posted by rudyjuly2
It can be a system seller for the hardcore baseball fan with a nice wallet. It can certainly be a system seller for those that haven't made the leap to next gen yet and like baseball. For exclusive sports gaming fans (dying breed), the PS3 offers every choice + the Show.
I've found this to be the case with a couple of my friends. they were looking to take the next gen plunge, and they used the release of MLB 09 as their excuse to do so.
# 22 SoxFan01605 @ 03/10/09 08:16 PM
I think in the most general of senses, it's likely not a system seller often. Sure, here you read about it all the time. The average gamer out there isn't drooling over all things sports-gaming though and likely based their purchase on other potential "system sellers" like MGS4, Uncharted, the blueray player, etc.

Despite that, I will say that it was purchase accelerator for me. I planned on buying a PS# anyway, but I rushed my purchase for a "next gen" copy of The Show last year...had to have my baseball title.

Turns out, it was a great decision as they stopped making PS3's backwards compatable and I have several PS2 games (and even a couple PS1 games...hard to believe, but true) that I still pop in.

Bottom line is the PS3 is a great system and The Show is a great game. If you love baseball and can afford it, why not?
# 23 EnigmaNemesis @ 03/10/09 10:35 PM
Originally Posted by gbx34

It was talked about coming to 360, but hasn't yet.

It was hoped by 360 fan blogs only, was shot down EVERY time by Kojima himself. Said it wont happen.

But yet the internet keeps on spinning.
# 24 bravosfan @ 03/10/09 11:13 PM
Wouldn't own a PS3 if not for The Show, so it was for me.
# 25 green94 @ 03/10/09 11:49 PM
Didn't read the article, I will when I get some time, but...

YES, this is a system seller for any pure baseball fan.
# 26 Ty @ 03/10/09 11:53 PM
I bought a PS3 for this game. I also picked up LittleBigPlanet.
# 27 bears5122 @ 03/10/09 11:56 PM
I bought my PS3 just for this game too (although Blu-Ray was an added touch).
# 28 WazzuRC @ 03/11/09 12:17 AM
I'll probably cave within the next few days and get a PS3, The Show, and Uncharted.
# 29 umd @ 03/11/09 12:44 AM
My brother wants blu-ray. We both want The Show. So it's a system seller for us. Getting mine tomorrow after work pretty much just to play this game. It may be the only PS3 game we own until next year. Everything else will be 360 most likely.
# 30 rckabillyRaider @ 03/11/09 01:02 AM
system seller for me. Just got it a few weeks ago for bluray and then bought the show. I since have purchased Little Big Planet and my GF and I have lots of fun on that ps3 exclusive as well. I will probably also get Killzone 2 cuz the demo is crazy!!
# 31 Sacrafice @ 03/11/09 01:20 AM
Originally Posted by dmrich28
no IMO, it's not a "system seller"

*close*, but work to be done..still love it tremendously!!. I have about 30 things I'd like for music/atmosphere alone, and about 10 for game play so (even though they wouldn't listen to most) to approve or add, so nothing is ever perfect.

Last time I've have seen another close to an all out game "out of box" was Nascar Racing 2003 Season, still being used a lot 7 years later (and still being tweaked ut its PC)

This is the 2nd best sports title ever in my eyes! NASCAR Racing 2003 Season is 1000 times better than this. 7 years still going strong and costs more to buy now than at release. Being able to drive any season from 1980 to present with some 70's years mixed in there all authentic cars... yeah... No racing game will ever come within a eye lash.

But the game we are here to talk about, the show 09 has got all the goods and then some. For a console sports title it will be 7 years before we see anyone come close to what the show 09 is and can only imagine what 09 will become in that same time frame. It took 4 years to surpass MVP 05 and my golly they shot right past it.

If I wasn't a Sony fanboi to begin with and all my Madden league buddies weren't Sony fanbois I would buy a PS3 just for this game!!!!
# 32 Bamafan3723 @ 03/11/09 02:18 AM
I bought a PS3 last week just for The Show. Loving every minute of it!!!
# 33 OSUFan_88 @ 03/11/09 02:28 AM
No, the RROD is a PS3 seller, though.
# 34 WazzuRC @ 03/11/09 02:43 AM
I should have clarified early. While I'm basically purchasing it for The Show at the moment, sooner or later I was bound to get one.

The Blu-Ray player is definitely an upgrade for me...seeming how it's going to be the next format of the future. Plus, obviously The Show, God of War, Killzone, and Uncharted for the system.

I like the term "accelerated system seller." I probably wouldn't have purchased it until next year but now I'll probably end up getting it simply for the Show this year in about a week.
# 35 rbaker1979 @ 03/11/09 03:04 AM
It was a system seller for me.

I had a hard time justifying it at first since there are really no other PS3-exclusive games besides MLB09 that truly interest me, but I talked myself into it since baseball games are my favorite and I was tired of settling for the mediocre MLB2k series.

Plus the Blu-Ray player will come in handy one day (when I get out of the 90s and buy an HDTV), and if I get sick of it before then, the resale value should be decent since people want Blu-Ray players.
# 36 DoNutToucH @ 03/11/09 06:34 AM
For any true baseball fan that wants to play a genuine good game of baseball, then it is a system seller. I would have bought the PS3 if I had money at the time just to play the show, but didnt have money as I was still in college. Fortunately my GF bought me one for my birthday and was just in awe the first night I played the game. She wanted it for blu ray movies but I wanted it for the Show - go figure... But the 2k series simply does not represent a good game of baseball. After waiting year after year for a good game from 2k I just got fed up.

Unfortunately now a days, spending $500 on video game system seems absurd, especially in these tough economic times with people losing their jobs and all. In the end, I doubt playstation will ever gain its dominance with the PS3 as the xbox360 already has a huge customer base, even if xbox 360s have the so RROD.
# 37 Eski33 @ 03/11/09 02:44 PM
The Show is the reason I bought a PS3. I enjoyed it on the PS2 and the game has not disappointed.

However, if anyone is going to buy a PS3 they should know that there are solid exclusive titles such as:

1) Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
2) Metal Gear Solid 4
3) Killzone 2 (controls need some patch work but the visuals are awesome)

I own both systems (XBL far outshines Sony's online offering) and both are utilized....
# 38 nusie @ 03/11/09 03:10 PM
Best Buy was actually the reason I picked up a PS3, of course not to mention the fact that both LittleBigPlanet and The Show 09 played a key factor in that decision. Well I walked into Best Buy since I've had a 360 since November of 07 and was looking at game, and when I saw that if you have one of their credit cards, any purchase over $499 has 18 months no interest. So I started thinking, "Hey, I have a Best Buy card, so hmm, I can have a PS3 and not have to drop $500+ down all at once." And so I made the purchase, and now in order to have the PS3 paid off by the time the 18 months is up, I only have to pay $30.56 a month. That's one night a month me and the lady just have to eat in and not go out for dinner. I can live with that.
# 39 mcseven @ 03/11/09 03:20 PM
It was a system seller for me last year. I was playing the show for ps2, loved it, but football season was coming up so I was torn between 360 and PS3. I went with PS3 for the Show and im glad I did. The other ones are fun like NBA 2k9 and Madden but the Show just has the perfect balance and best overall experience for sports games. It's the one game where I can lose and not feel cheated. And when I win I feel like I accomplished something. I play on Legend level and Hall of Fame with the Angels.
# 40 shpankey @ 03/11/09 08:21 PM
the show 08 sold me on ps3 all by itself. been extremely happy. both the game and system have been wonderfully awesome.

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