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For decades now, the combination of the words football and video game have immediately brought to mind the word Madden. And it is really no wonder why. Each year, Madden is a guaranteed multi-million seller and it has evolved into an industry phenomenon. That there are even things out there like this recently released article, which explains that gamers who play Madden have a higher "Football IQ" than NFL fans who do not play Madden, is further testament to that fact.

However, the days of Madden being the most prominent word that comes to mind when thinking about sports video games may soon be coming to an end. Another word is now in contention and it is gaining a lot of speed. That word? FIFA.

Read More - EA's Real Cash Cow: Why FIFA Has Taken Center Stage

Game: FIFA Soccer 09Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: NDS / PC / PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 28 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 sabres41 @ 02/12/09 01:17 PM
FIFA is a very very very addicting game.
# 2 kha1888 @ 02/12/09 01:47 PM
FIFA has definitely been gaining steam, I've had friends who have never played soccer in their lives but have played football for years like FIFA more. Although at first they were really frustrated getting used to certain rules and strategy(offsides, red/yellow cards, etc.), it's one of those games that if you have never played you will hate at first but love after you play for a little
# 3 VitaminKG21 @ 02/12/09 02:31 PM
I couldn't agree more.

Not only did this game unexpectedly caused me to forget all about my other favorite game (NCAA Football) it's actually caused me to become seriously interested in world soccer.

I cannot wait to see what EA comes up with for FIFA 2010.
# 4 statum71 @ 02/12/09 02:47 PM
Good article. This is what I keep telling my homie...Madden is no better than 4th or 5th right now among sports game franchises.

Behind: The Show, NBA 2K, FIFA and maybe even NHL.

Sports games are getting better and better. I just wanna see America's number 1 sport (NFL) get up to speed.
# 5 Tomasperez9 @ 02/12/09 02:52 PM
I used to be the guy that went out at midnight to grab a copy of Madden the day it came out. This year, I didn't even bother to grab Madden at all (I still don't own it) as I was still playing FIFA 08 and FIFA 09's release was only a few short months away. FIFA 09 and NBA 2k9 are the only games I play now. Madden needs to come up with some crazy creative or innovative for me to even consider renting it, let alone buying it.
# 6 Blaxican8504 @ 02/12/09 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by Tomasperez9
I used to be the guy that went out at midnight to grab a copy of Madden the day it came out. This year, I didn't even bother to grab Madden at all (I still don't own it) as I was still playing FIFA 08 and FIFA 09's release was only a few short months away. FIFA 09 and NBA 2k9 are the only games I play now. Madden needs to come up with some crazy creative or innovative for me to even consider renting it, let alone buying it.
I think FIFA 08 was the first time I had ever played a game all the way to the release of the next version.
# 7 asu666 @ 02/12/09 03:10 PM
MLB 09: The Show is going to set the bar for sports games, but there is no doubt that the FIFA series has made great strides and the result has been increased sales. I'd love to see more detail new year like when I sub in two players they are both (all if 3) shown running on to the pitch, instead of just one.
# 8 ChaseB @ 02/12/09 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by 7stringking
This article has an error regarding College Hoops 2k series...The series was ended because the NCAA wanted too much money, not for any other reason...Of course if you werre saying that if C-Hoops had sold more(and thus 2k would have payed more for the rights) then you woul dbe correct

As far as I know, there is nothing stopping them from regaining the rights next year if 2k and NCAA can come to an agreeable price
It was a cost issue. The game didn't sell very well, so they didn't want to pay the licensing fees.
# 9 ngoulding @ 02/12/09 06:17 PM
Nice article but the one important point it forgets to mention is the importance of FIFA being a 'sim' style game. FIFA had always traditionally been a more arcade style experience, similar to Madden, where the people buying the game did so because they liked FIFA moreso than they liked real soccer. The fact that a move to a sim style of gameplay could be so profitable, while retaining the series long running fans, definitely would have helped Ian Cummings in his attempts to take Madden down a similar path. A year ago the directors in EA most likely would have been very slow to risk changing Madden very much because of the risk of killing the golden goose. FIFA gives sim style developers a lot of leverage in seeking to make drastic changes to their franchise, something which all Madden gamers such be thankful for.
# 10 KG @ 02/13/09 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by Blaxican8504
I think FIFA 08 was the first time I had ever played a game all the way to the release of the next version.
I agree.
# 11 buzzguy @ 02/14/09 02:04 PM
What can you say? FIFA has been really, really good for 2 straight years. EA Vancouver is doing a bang-up job on it's sports titles...even NBA Live is turning itself around.
# 12 BlyGilmore @ 02/18/09 11:46 AM
The great thing for gamers is that as far as FIFA as come, there's still a ton of area for improvement.

Especially in the Manager Mode which was largely untouched from FIFA 08 and has tons of room for improvement.

This is of course assuming EA doesn't take its patented two steps backs for FIFA 10.

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