MLB 2K9 News Post

Check out Major League Baseball 2K9 teaser trailer #2.

Game: Major League Baseball 2K9Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 38 - View All
Major League Baseball 2K9 Videos
Member Comments
# 41 King Gro23 @ 02/05/09 09:18 PM
Yea beckett looks grimy
# 42 drterb @ 02/05/09 09:36 PM
Overall, The trailer is great!! A lot of promising signs...
  • Crowd looks good, definitely an improvement
  • Animations look solid
  • Thorne sounds amazing
  • The upgrade to The Trop is awesome!! They even got the dirt circle around home plate being a different color correct!!!!!
  • Gross & Price standing on the edge of the dugout (Real-Time Atmosphere)
  • Pena twitching his fingers leading off from second
  • After Strike 1 was called, the crowd responded appropriately
  • First two bat sounds were great, the last bat sound sounds like it was recycled from 2k5-2k8 (boooooo!)
  • The crowd going for the home run ball
  • Boston's '09 away jersey is correct (I say this because they had it incorrect in 2k5 & 2k6 I believe)
  • You can actually hear the umpire call strike. In 2k8, the ump usually mumbled some unintelligible phrase to give you the count instead of whether it was a ball or a strike.
Nitpick a few things....
  • ALCS Game 2, Crowd should have started going nuts when the bat made contact. They stood up after contact (good) and then you heard a decent sound level increase when it cleared the wall. Granted, it did sound like some things might have been specially mixed at the end since they did 4 different views of contact, but I want the deafening crowd noise of playoff baseball. If done properly, they should continue being loud into the next at bat. The only game I've seen this done right is NCAA Football '09 and I think '05 or '06.

    Don't get me wrong, it's still a definite improvement over 2k8 with the crowd noise.
  • The hat logos are too big and look painted on...
  • Will every pitcher open their mouth before releasing the ball?? It would be nice to see a few different expressions right before the release.
# 43 brendanrfoley @ 02/05/09 09:52 PM
So much to say, so little time!

The atmosphere in this trailer is world's better than MLB 2K8. It just "felt" like baseball. The "real-time living world" is at work and looks awesome, as well.

Enough can't be said about Thorne either. If the commentary sounds like that in game, and holds up, we're in for a keeper.
# 44 jeffy777 @ 02/05/09 10:24 PM
Man, I loved it!

When it showed the view from the stands along the third base side, it actually looked like you were watching a real game of baseball.

I don't have anything bad to say about any of what I saw. Animations were excellent. Commentary sounded great, etc.
# 45 bwiggy33 @ 02/05/09 10:39 PM
Originally Posted by baa7
Oh, I understand about paying the bills. But a dozen Pepsi banners around the stadium plus Pepsi ads on the foul poles? That's overkill.
Actually there arent ads on the foul poles. It appeared that way in the video but I went through it when the video was paused and thankfully the ad was on the back of the stadium not on the wall. It was really decieving. I almost flipped **** when I saw that the ad looked like it was hanging on the foul pole.

Other than that this trailer was pretty darn good. Beckett looks way better in 2k8 than in 2k9 which I don't know how thats possible, but Pena and Longoria looked pretty good. The fans actually looked like real fans. I love how there are multicolored shirts in the stands. It's not just some pasted in crowd of all one color. I also like the little details of the fingers moving and what not.

Thorne and Phillips sound great. I know most of you guys don't like Phillips but I happen to like him for some reason. As for Thorne I've been listening to him my entire life since he announced hockey on ESPN which sadly is over. Him and Clemment were the best duo ever IMO.

I am happy to see they upgraded the Trop. I am really hoping they upgraded the Metrodome but I am thinking its a no go since the Twins are going to be in a new stadium next year. Why waste their time on upgrading a stadium that won't even be in the game next year? I would be extremely happy if they did though since I am going to be playing quite a few games their in my Franchise.
# 46 ronnyballgame @ 02/05/09 10:40 PM
Very nice! Less than a month away!
# 47 brendanrfoley @ 02/05/09 11:34 PM
Originally Posted by jeffy777
Man, I loved it!

When it showed the view from the stands along the third base side, it actually looked like you were watching a real game of baseball.
I though the same thing about the camera view. Excellent stuff.
# 48 Pared @ 02/05/09 11:53 PM
Great, freakin' trailer!

Game is looking good. Looks rough around the edges though. Beckett doesn't respond to the ball hit and those jerseys look very "ehh."
# 49 Artman22 @ 02/06/09 12:13 AM
Originally Posted by Pared
Great, freakin' trailer!

Game is looking good. Looks rough around the edges though. Beckett doesn't respond to the ball hit and those jerseys look very "ehh."
It's something about these baseball games. They just look a lot better on outdoor stadiums. The graphics look better on day games. I'm hopeing it plays really smooth that's all and the graphics already look better then 2k8 so that's good also.
# 50 sva91 @ 02/06/09 12:13 AM
Originally Posted by Pared
Great, freakin' trailer!

Game is looking good. Looks rough around the edges though. Beckett doesn't respond to the ball hit and those jerseys look very "ehh."
I agree the graphics are not the greatest, but the broadcast shot they show after Longoria fouls off the pitch is probably the most realistic looking clip in a video game I've ever seen(not exagerrating). The lighting, models, and movement of the player just looks crazy real. With that being said, I still dont like how other aspects of the game look ( most notably faces and jerseys/caps.
# 51 videobastard @ 02/06/09 12:34 AM
I like the commentary from gary thorne. He brings excitement the way he calls games. I did not like how the bat sounded on the homerun though. It still has that weird cannon sound.
# 52 Knight165 @ 02/06/09 12:37 AM
Thornie's great!

Nice trailer...

# 53 Rhouston @ 02/06/09 12:45 AM
I hate to deviate from the norm, but thus far, I am not too impressed. Yeah, Gary Thorne is a much-welcomed change from Jon Miller and sounds pretty good, but nothing about the teaser really made me say "Wow." Graphics looked decent ... nothing special. Jerseys looked pretty bad (Boston's missing the red trimming). Animations looked OK. HR crack of bat sounded unrealistic. And crowd noise, while louder than its been, could still be improved! I hate being able to hear individual clapping after a HR. There should be hooting and hollering and whistling and such -- get loud! I can hear a little bit of it, but 2K should be striving for the HR excitement that The Show is seemingly creating.
# 54 Stroehms @ 02/06/09 12:46 AM
I see a lot of "MVP 2005" in this game. Just little animations that look similar.
# 55 thornie @ 02/06/09 12:50 AM
Originally Posted by Rhouston
I hate to deviate from the norm, but thus far, I am not too impressed. Yeah, Gary Thorne is a much-welcomed change from Jon Miller and sounds pretty good, but nothing about the teaser really made me say "Wow." Graphics looked decent ... nothing special. Jerseys looked pretty bad (Boston's missing the red trimming). Animations looked OK. HR crack of bat sounded unrealistic. And crowd noise, while louder than its been, could still be improved! I hate being able to hear individual clapping after a HR. There should be hooting and hollering and whistling and such -- get loud! I can hear a little bit of it, but 2K should be striving for the HR excitement that The Show is seemingly creating.
Sorry but you do know that those ARE Boston's new road uniforms for this year right? No more red trim...

# 56 Fatalah @ 02/06/09 01:05 AM
It's kind of tough reading through the comments. Why? They're actually positive. This is weird. It's really weird.

Ok, fine, I'm impressed too! I'm really itching for some gameplay footage though...and some impressions from a hardcore sports gamer.

OS doesn't get any respect, I tell ya!
# 57 buttsakk @ 02/06/09 01:06 AM
Originally Posted by baa7
Yup, that third one was the old bamboo azz-slapper sound, the one that's been around since 2K5.
# 58 jerm21 @ 02/06/09 01:22 AM
Wowww. A effin Mazing. Well:

I loved the atmosphere, i'm pretty sure I heard cowbells. Did you?

Also, I was trying to pause the video and see, but behind the plate do you see a couple of people with red sox gear on? that would be great, mixing in the opposite team fans in the stands.

Real Time Atmosphere, we get to see a little bit of this, after the crowd reacts to the called strike "AWWW" and with the different shots from the stands, when the catcher throws the ball back to the pitcher, and the shot from the edge of the dugout.

Does the crowd stand up when he hits the homer? I read it in an earlier post but I couldn't see it.

I'm not a big fan of how Beckett looks..and the big B, everything else is great, Pena and Longoria look great.. He bats with no batting gloves? I never knew that. and I loveeddd how Lowrie had the gloves in his back pocket.

The new commentary sounds great. lovin this

I'm pumped for the game, Can't wait to get this!!
# 59 Stroehms @ 02/06/09 01:26 AM
Originally Posted by jerm21
Wowww. A effin Mazing. Well:

I loved the atmosphere, i'm pretty sure I heard cowbells. Did you?

Also, I was trying to pause the video and see, but behind the plate do you see a couple of people with red sox gear on? that would be great, mixing in the opposite team fans in the stands.

Real Time Atmosphere, we get to see a little bit of this, after the crowd reacts to the called strike "AWWW" and with the different shots from the stands, when the catcher throws the ball back to the pitcher, and the shot from the edge of the dugout.

Does the crowd stand up when he hits the homer? I read it in an earlier post but I couldn't see it.

I'm not a big fan of how Beckett looks..and the big B, everything else is great, Pena and Longoria look great.. He bats with no batting gloves? I never knew that. and I loveeddd how Lowrie had the gloves in his back pocket.

The new commentary sounds great. lovin this

I'm pumped for the game, Can't wait to get this!!
Bold. lol. Trailer does look good though. Gary Thorne was superb.
# 60 EnigmaNemesis @ 02/06/09 02:20 AM
Originally Posted by JonahFalcon
"I see a lot of "MVP 2005" in this game. Just little animations that look similar."

The guy from MVP 2005 (Brinkman) was booted from the MLB 2K series - he has nothing to do with 2K9. In fact, they removed a lot of stuff he implemented.

That does not mean a thing. All games borrow from ideas of the past, and MVP is held high in the baseball community, so it would not be a shocker, to see lots of things borrowed from it.


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