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Playstation.Blog has posted this week's MLB 09 The Show blog. This one covers Road To The Show enhancements.

"Hey everyone, Aaron Luke (Designer) here to bring you the next installment of the MLB 09 The Show. This entry will focus on the enhancements to Road To The Show. This year’s edition of RTTS has received enhancements to nearly every aspect of the mode.

Starting with the front-end aspects, the PS3 Create Player system has received some new editions that will allow you to customize even more aspects of your player. With the new Sounds Of The Show feature, we’ve been able to support audio customizations that will allow you to pick not only your batter walkup music, but also your reliever entry music and a home run celebration song. In addition to editing custom music, you can also create custom fan chants, cheers, and jeers to assign to your player (or any other player using the Edit Player feature). The player accessories have also seen upgrades to support a variety of new items including: wrist tape, batting gloves in pockets, glasses, eye black, baggy pants, and stirrup socks for your old schoolers. But the player customization doesn’t end with the Create Player process — we’ve also added in the ability to edit your player any time after creation. You won’t be able to edit his position or attributes, but you will have full reign on editing his appearance, accessories, and the all-important player number."

Game: MLB '09: The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSPVotes for game: 90 - View All
MLB '09: The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 1 brunnoce @ 01/27/09 11:13 AM
yeh jim, looks so cool!!
also the new baggy pants are style!
# 2 astrumfe @ 01/27/09 11:17 AM
they were both AA teams in the screenshots... does this mean no single A teams in game...? =(

anyhoo, that minor league stadium looked real good.
# 3 brunnoce @ 01/27/09 11:18 AM
for rob, man i just get the feeling we will be able to chose colors for the wrist tapes, not the other acessories...
i think that cause in every screen i saw them , they were black, and i think white should be an option too.
# 4 tbone1 @ 01/27/09 11:21 AM
Originally Posted by jim416
Check out the sunglasses.
Did you notice their are at least seven different styles?
Anyway enjoy your SCEA trip,and look foreward to hearing your impressions.
# 5 sbmnky @ 01/27/09 11:31 AM
Looking good. Happy to hear we can now edit the amount of time we spend watching pitches or playing the field. I hope the new base running controls are responsive - I always felt I couldn't get back to the bag in time if I took a sizeable lead from 1st.
# 6 BSanders @ 01/27/09 11:36 AM
They added everything I wanted... I get to play all my defensive plays and the option to watch the cpu play, plus I can get drafted. Thanks for listening.
# 7 BernieWilliams @ 01/27/09 11:37 AM
Eye black?

Sony just got $60 richer.
# 8 brunnoce @ 01/27/09 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by Scottdau
It looks like you can't change the color of the accessories.
we cant really see that scott..but i can tell now that we have wrist tapes and wrist bands...
so far all the wrist tapes ive seen are black, im hoping theres white ones too
# 9 brunnoce @ 01/27/09 11:44 AM
# 10 tree3five @ 01/27/09 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by brunnoce
oh ok brunnonce, go ahead and delete this.
# 11 green94 @ 01/27/09 11:50 AM
Editing your player after creating him = AWESOME.
# 12 UGA14 @ 01/27/09 11:51 AM
Ah, looks awesome, can't wait.
# 13 green94 @ 01/27/09 11:53 AM
Wow, all of this stuff sounds incredible.
# 14 theaub @ 01/27/09 12:07 PM
Originally Posted by Blog
stirrup socks for your old schoolers
Well I know who that was intended to
# 15 clay5504 @ 01/27/09 12:12 PM
I know i will get bashed for this but it would of been nice if we could of got some info on stuff most people will be using. I know some use RTTS but everybody uses franchise. We can't get a pic of the day but we can get this? Come on now. You play game after game on Legend mode but can't take one pic for a pic of the day? Remember we are the ones making it so you guys have a job since we buy the game. Just frustrating when we can't get one pic or a video or something.

Let the bashing begin. Just being honest and not a suck up like most. Still buying the game because it's a great game just wish could get some more updates like pics and vids.
# 16 theaub @ 01/27/09 12:16 PM
Umm...I've seen plenty of pics, not to mention the first blog covered franchise.

Also its good to see that once you agree to arb, you still can negotiate the contract until the arb hearing. ASB didn't do that and it always pissed me off.
# 17 brunnoce @ 01/27/09 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by clay5504
I know i will get bashed for this but it would of been nice if we could of got some info on stuff most people will be using. I know some use RTTS but everybody uses franchise. We can't get a pic of the day but we can get this? Come on now. You play game after game on Legend mode but can't take one pic for a pic of the day? Remember we are the ones making it so you guys have a job since we buy the game. Just frustrating when we can't get one pic or a video or something.

Let the bashing begin. Just being honest and not a suck up like most. Still buying the game because it's a great game just wish could get some more updates like pics and vids.
tehre was already a producer blog on franchise man...chill
# 18 clay5504 @ 01/27/09 12:21 PM
Is it really that hard to put some screenshots out or one a day? I am not asking for much.

Maybe a ballpark shot a day?

Much rather know if Turner Field looks like crap again or if it finially looks good.
# 19 AlexBrady @ 01/27/09 12:21 PM
I would enjoy a signature animations blog.
# 20 TeixeiraFanatic @ 01/27/09 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by AlexBrady
I would enjoy a signature animations blog.
I second that request.
One of my favorite things to do in baseball games is look through the player's stances and pitching motions.

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