MLB 2K9 News Post

Check out the Major League Baseball 2K9 screenshots.

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Game: Major League Baseball 2K9Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 38 - View All
Major League Baseball 2K9 Videos
Member Comments
# 61 SoxFan01605 @ 01/22/09 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by wrigleyville33
The pants look like something a barbie wears in a magazine. Again it looks cartoony to me. The jersey as well lacks depth. The aa is awful as well. Anyone selling their ps3?
As I said earler, I agree the uniform has a kind of plastic look to it...but, seriously, are we really judging cloth depth from a still shot?

Ahh well...the joy of screenshots. If it makes anyone feel any better, The Show's screens were overdissected the same way...lol.

Here's hoping for a video soon
# 62 drterb @ 01/22/09 06:15 PM
At first, I was also impressed with the look of the crowd...the "real living world" crowd. But then I decided to look at a similar shot from 2k8. Alas, the crowd looks slightly better in 2k9, but I wouldn't go as far to say the crappy looking crowds from 2k8 are gone. Nor would I say the crowd spacing problem has been addressed. Also, shouldn't the crowd in 2k9 be wearing mostly orange and black??

On a positive note, the lighting in 2k9 looks better (smoother, not washed out), but I think Roy O. is in a day game and Lincecum is in a night game so it might be deceiving.


# 63 Blitzburgh @ 01/22/09 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by ExtremeGamer
People need something to complain about.

2K hadn't released any screens, everyone bitches. 2K releases them, they look good, and everyone goes "graphics mean nothing". They can't win. I ask this, why did everyone want media and were complaining that none was released then? You have info and now some screens. Still not good enough.

Trust me, when/if they release a video, it'll be the same thing.
For real! I think they look pretty good and I am excited to see more now. Time will tell but I only have a 360, so I pray it looks and plays better than 2k8.
# 64 slickkill77 @ 01/22/09 06:19 PM
See More Major League Baseball 2K7 Screenshot at IGN.com

2k7 screenshot....^^^
The TL one looks exactly the same.
# 65 bodhiball @ 01/22/09 06:21 PM
Originally Posted by drterb
At first, I was also impressed with the look of the crowd...the "real living world" crowd. But then I decided to look at a similar shot from 2k8. Alas, the crowd looks slightly better in 2k9, but I wouldn't go as far to say the crappy looking crowds from 2k8 are gone. Nor would I say the crowd spacing problem has been addressed. Also, shouldn't the crowd in 2k9 be wearing mostly orange and black??

On a positive note, the lighting in 2k9 looks better (smoother, not washed out), but I think Roy O. is in a day game and Lincecum is in a night game so it might be deceiving.

hmmm....good point man.
That brings me back to reality a bit.
# 66 NumberOneRB @ 01/22/09 06:46 PM
Originally Posted by drterb
At first, I was also impressed with the look of the crowd...the "real living world" crowd. But then I decided to look at a similar shot from 2k8. Alas, the crowd looks slightly better in 2k9, but I wouldn't go as far to say the crappy looking crowds from 2k8 are gone. Nor would I say the crowd spacing problem has been addressed. Also, shouldn't the crowd in 2k9 be wearing mostly orange and black??

On a positive note, the lighting in 2k9 looks better (smoother, not washed out), but I think Roy O. is in a day game and Lincecum is in a night game so it might be deceiving.


Wow, now that I've seen the two compared side by side the difference is night and day (and I don't mean the time period either). The graphics looks MUCH cleaner, MUCH smoother, and the skin tones are MUCH more lifelike. The body proportions seem to have been improved by a considerable deal, and you can really see how well the crowd fills up the ballpark in the 2k9 picture. If they were able to make a buttery smooth 60fps with the same great pitching and fielding mechanics, true MVP-like zone hitting, with THOSE graphics, I'm going to be a happy camper.
# 67 ronnyballgame @ 01/22/09 06:52 PM
It is some information or pictures, it is better than nothing, I know, it isn't what you wanted, but deal with it and we will be getting more soon. I think it looks alot better, now hopefully the game plays solid and we will be a happy bunch, minus those who always complain about everything.
# 68 Blzer @ 01/22/09 07:28 PM
Originally Posted by wsu_gb23
it kind of looks like throw-back arizona d-back uniforms....
I was gonna say "It looks like Arizona's uniforms, but then again they changed the color last year." The other issue is I recall them wearing black hats on the road, not purple.
# 69 Blzer @ 01/22/09 07:32 PM
Originally Posted by drterb
At first, I was also impressed with the look of the crowd...the "real living world" crowd.
Haha I think people are confusing what this "real time" aspect is about. Quite frankly, it has little (if nothing) to do with the crowd.
# 70 drterb @ 01/22/09 07:37 PM
# 71 Blzer @ 01/22/09 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by wsu_gb23
did they get rid of self-shadowing for 2K9?
That's what I was wondering about, and I certainly hope not. If so, I'm going to The Show. That's the first thing that sold me to this series back in like 2002... the self-shadowing. It was just epic to see something like that!

I think the lack of self-shadowing, plus the look of the uniform, is really giving the "MVP" look, which was great last generation but isn't what we should be getting this generation.

Originally Posted by drterb
The high-res pics are doing the game justice in some areas, then hurting it in others. Look at the pants in the second picture and how polygonal it is. Just reminds me of a PC game with a great video card.

Hopefully, all of these reductions will result in still great graphics (and not-as-obvious downgrades) and 60 FPS.
# 72 bigfnjoe96 @ 01/22/09 07:51 PM
Not bad... Not bad @ all. The graphics look much tighter & cleaner. As for the crowd, In that shot it makes me think VC went the route of APF with the crowd. If they did then the crowds will look 10x better than 2k8.

Here's a APF Screen for comparison:

Here's hoping this is the beginning of a nice media push by 2k.. I also love the Lincecum's Sig Style & talk about detail, look @ the grip on the ball & the 1st baseman preparing to play defense
# 73 King Gro23 @ 01/22/09 08:01 PM
Some Positives about the 2 screens..
- I really like the player models and faces they look more athletic, and realistic
- Visual Concepts have always had phenomenal crowds NBA 2K8, 2K9
NHL 2K's and NFL/All-Pro 2K's. So what makes you think MLB 2K9 won't?
-Umpires wearing right colors, obviously better graphics
- It's nice to see real sponsors in the crowd, compared to the constant Cool base and majestic signs everywhere. I see Pepsi, New era ( or majestic can't quit tell) and State Farm. Giants Penants hangin over the edges of the decks.
- More Natural colors, 2K8 looks jacked and jagged, Framerate issues obviously
- Lack of maybe self shadowing
- No genreal depth of field, just clear and then an instant drop off to blur
- Maybe some still out of wack colors ? who knows
thats it
# 74 SeaNNyT @ 01/22/09 08:21 PM
The character models look good, but they did last year too. The grass and dirt however look like the same low rez crap textures.
# 75 King Gro23 @ 01/22/09 08:26 PM
I thought last years models were too lanky and uncordinated and pretty bad to top it. Stiff necks that jerked all directions along with wobbly shoulder
and you had a goofy looking game hence MLB 2K8
# 76 Bat @ 01/22/09 09:21 PM
I don't like the shoes at all. They look like dress shoes. Small complaint but whatever.
# 77 Stroehms @ 01/22/09 09:31 PM
I like I like. Go 2k!
# 78 e0820 @ 01/22/09 09:56 PM
Looks pretty good, cant wait to see more! Hope the framerate is fixed and hope the game plays as well as 2k8 did (seriously, just finished a 2k8 season and it does play good despite the framerate)
# 79 Riotboy @ 01/22/09 10:11 PM
Originally Posted by King Gro23
I thought last years models were too lanky and uncordinated and pretty bad to top it. Stiff necks that jerked all directions along with wobbly shoulder
and you had a goofy looking game hence MLB 2K8
I concur. I love the 2K7 models as for 2K8 we parted ways really fast, I try to put those images behind me. These screenshots look pretty decent but after last year's shady graphics/framerate filled release known as 2K8 I'll wait for the gameplay videos and playable DEMO before I can reach a verdict.

/ALL black shoes... Interesting
# 80 NumberOneRB @ 01/22/09 11:07 PM
The more I look at the high-res screens the more impressed I am with the overall improvement made over last year's version. I know I shouldn't be making this a priority given that we don't even know how the gameplay looks, but I wonder now that VC has taken over the game will PS3 owners finally get 1080i resolution? I'm one of those "1080i only" hdtv owners and it would pain me to know I coudn't take full advantage of the graphical fidelity.

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