MLB 2K9 News Post

Check out the Major League Baseball 2K9 screenshots.

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Game: Major League Baseball 2K9Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 38 - View All
Major League Baseball 2K9 Videos
Member Comments
# 21 brrmikey @ 01/22/09 04:14 PM
Due to 2k's track record on the PS3, I can't get excited until I play the retail game for myself as I only have a PS3. I'll be watching the 360 screens/videos hoping it plays/looks the same on the PS3.

But as a fan of the sport, I hope this game is great for all those who have (or only have) a 360. No fan of the sport should go without a good console baseball game to play.
# 22 SoxFan01605 @ 01/22/09 04:15 PM
lol...I find it funny that a group of people (not saying everyone...but I recognize some names) clamoring for screenshots get a couple, and now are saying things like "graphics mean nothing."

Let's get this out of the way. Graphics DO mean something. If they didn't people wouldn't have b*tched about the graphical drop off last year. It's accurate to say they mean significantly less than gameplay (and I buy the statement that they mean nothing if gameplay is terrible).

Anyway, with that small gripe out of the way...they looked good. I was actually more impressed with the life in the bullpen and dugout areas than the focal point of the screenshot (I now expect the players to look good...and Timmy did).

For me, and I've been saying this for awhile now, I withold real judgement on the visuals until I see this game in motion. Last years early screens looked pretty good too, as I recall. Obviously, we won't know anything about gameplay until we play it ourselves (I mean, at this point I'm not taking anyone elses word for it...lol).

It's good they finally have something out there for people to overreact to though...lol. Hopefully the info will start flowing now.
# 23 bluengold34_OS @ 01/22/09 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by Art1bk
Actually that's the first thing that hit me last year. The ugly visuals and then the framerate etc.
Agreed Art, by far the the biggest complaints last year were the two you mentioned. The secondary complaints such as the lack of base stealing, hit variety, etc..etc came in a distant 3rd, 4th, 5th for most people.
# 24 brunnoce @ 01/22/09 04:16 PM
Originally Posted by bodhiball
hey bro, wondering what you see thats weird in the body? I play The Show so much that I get used to the box shoulders and short arms so at times it takes me a bit to adjust to real proportions. But to me, this looks pretty darn accurate.
i think i wasnt clear...
but i actually dont mean the proportions, i was thinking mostly of how the clothes and such look...
just dont look like real clothes imo...

btw, im not comparing with the other game...i hate comparations..
# 25 Knight165 @ 01/22/09 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by ExtremeGamer
People need something to complain about.

2K hadn't released any screens, everyone bitches. 2K releases them, they look good, and everyone goes "graphics mean nothing". They can't win. I ask this, why did everyone want media and were complaining that none was released then? You have info and now some screens. Still not good enough.

Trust me, when/if they release a video, it'll be the same thing.
Preach on!....It's unbelievable.

Looks good. While I won't say 100% better than last year(I didn't think it looked all terrible to begin with...just certain things...definitely a step back from 2K7).....it's much better from the looks of it.
A couple of more screens and a vid and things will get rolling.

# 26 BadKermit @ 01/22/09 04:19 PM
Unless those crowds are heavily Photoshopped, they look amazing.
# 27 bluengold34_OS @ 01/22/09 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
Preach on!....It's unbelievable.

Looks good. While I won't say 100% better than last year(I didn't think it looked all terrible to begin with...just certain things...definitely a step back from 2K7).....it's much better from the looks of it.
A couple of more screens and a vid and things will get rolling.

Yeah Knight, if they are able to get us close(or closer) to 2k7 graphics with a nice smooth framerate, I will be happy as hell. I am very excited to see this monster in motion....
# 28 Knight165 @ 01/22/09 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by bluengold34
Yeah Knight, if they are able to get us close(or closer) to 2k7 graphics with a nice smooth framerate, I will be happy as hell. I am very excited to see this monster in motion....
If it's like these screens....it's better than 2K7 IMO.

About those crowds....how the heck can you see 'em with that blur effect!? I think I need glasses looking at that ...and I'm better than 20/20

# 29 PVarck31 @ 01/22/09 04:23 PM
Looks pretty damn good to me.
# 30 JBucc @ 01/22/09 04:27 PM
Looks good enough to me, I'd rather have the crowd not be so blurry, but more important is will it be stable?
# 31 bluengold34_OS @ 01/22/09 04:27 PM
Well I think we can all agree, that the reception of the 1st screen shots is a hell of a lot better then last year, so imo, that is a huge step right there.................
# 32 Blzer @ 01/22/09 04:28 PM
Looks like a high-res version of MVP.

So far, I'm not impressed, especially with the overall color palette. Hopefully my eyes are just being deceived and gameplay videos will show something better, but this is a drastic upgrade over 2K8 and at this point that's all I suppose that I can ask for.

I guess on that token, I can say that I'm at least satisfied... but only time will tell if the PS3 version can hold up to the 360 version (in framerate as well).

At least 2K has finally come out with something. That's the best news yet.
# 33 Artman22 @ 01/22/09 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by BadKermit
Unless those crowds are heavily Photoshopped, they look amazing.
2k8 the crowds sat 3feet apart. Even that looked horrible in 2k8. These look more like a live baseball crowd.
# 34 Blzer @ 01/22/09 04:31 PM
And if I were to really nitpick, AT&T Park doesn't really look much like that. I mean it does, but the areas dividing the deck levels look more like Progressive Field's structure than what AT&T Park looks like.

But if we're to find a positive out of this, at least it's a sign of stadiums being revamped. I'm guessing a lot of visual changes were done to improve the overall smoothness of the game (assuming that will happen).
# 35 johnnyg713 @ 01/22/09 04:31 PM
when you compare those screen shots to the ones of the shows, 2k9 blows the game out of the water graphics wise ( considering that photo wasn't photo shopped in anyway). The crowd looks absolutely horrible in the show. the concept of the living breathing world that 2k is doing is truly next gen. Anyone that has played nba 2k9 would agree on how much of an impact the living crowd has on the game. I bought and hated both 2k7 and 2k8 but after seeing those shots I am now very excited for this game.
# 36 tree3five @ 01/22/09 04:35 PM
does Lincecum have creepy long fingers like that in real life?

sceens look pretty good, I hope they improve this game a lot this year, I would like to own 2 great baseball games this year.
# 37 bluengold34_OS @ 01/22/09 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by wsu_gb23
why did it take 2K this long to release two screenshots of their own cover guy?

Well obviously 2k isnt real aggressive in the 1st place....but I tend to believe the theory that they did not want to squash any excitement about "Front Office Manager"
# 38 Kccitystar @ 01/22/09 04:42 PM
It looks good, but my main beef with the visuals is that they give off this wierd nearsighted effect. Everything is detailed up close but after a fixed point everything is ridiculously blurry, and there is no gradual blur in-between.

I'm hoping it plays as good as it looks.
# 39 johnnyg713 @ 01/22/09 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by baa7
Yeah, that massive blob of white haze that is the crowd in those two 2K screens, really is impressive! Very easy to see how you jumped to that conclusion...?
Well idk about your eyes but i can make out that the stands a crowded and the fans dont look 2 dimensional. but i can see how not everyone can understand the fact of putting emphasis on a the cover athlete and blurring out the background...
# 40 SoxFan01605 @ 01/22/09 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by brunnoce
i think i wasnt clear...
but i actually dont mean the proportions, i was thinking mostly of how the clothes and such look...
just dont look like real clothes imo...

btw, im not comparing with the other game...i hate comparations..
I thought that too...kinda plastic. But remember, it's a still. What I mean is that 2K has had pretty good cloth physics in these games the last couple years. It could just be the way the uniform "tightened" during that motion.

Or...they could just suck...lol. Hard to tell from a couple of pics. I'm more hopeful that these pics will lead to some type of information flow than from the pics themselves to be honest. Hopefully this was more than throwing us a bone. A kind of "FINE! Stop bugging us for stuff!" info release...lol. We'll see.

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