Skate 2 News Post

Skate 2 has arrived. Have you played it? If so, post your impressions here.

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Game: Skate 2Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 13 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 GSW @ 01/22/09 02:44 PM
Hopfully its not sold out tomorrow, as i will be giving some impressions when i pick it up... late friday/early saturday afternoon
# 2 Spear @ 01/22/09 03:58 PM
I'll answer questions for people who have them.

The game is sick. Must buy for anybody who enjoyed last years game.

- Getting off your board and walking around is worth the purchase alone.

- City still feels really big but traveling around doesn't seem like the chore that it was last year.

- I just got around to changing the in game camera angle to "high" and its a welcome change.

- Haven't messed around with the story yet, been too busy trying to find spots and just explore the city.

- All types of different skateparks are found in the city. Instead of just the one they had last year.

- Love how Habitat skateboards and apparel were added

- Tripod camera in the replay editor is well done. But for some reason I haven't been able to slow down the footage when using that camera.

- Uploading to the EA Servers is a lot faster than last year. Surprised its this fast even on release day.
# 3 areobee401 @ 01/22/09 04:05 PM
Looking foward to playing tonight. Picked it up during my lunch break.
# 4 GSW @ 01/22/09 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by Spear
I'll answer questions for people who have them.

The game is sick. Must buy for anybody who enjoyed last years game.

- Getting off your board and walking around is worth the purchase alone.

- City still feels really big but traveling around doesn't seem like the chore that it was last year.

- I just got around to changing the in game camera angle to "high" and its a welcome change.

- Haven't messed around with the story yet, been too busy trying to find spots and just explore the city.

- All types of different skateparks are found in the city. Instead of just the one they had last year.

- Love how Habitat skateboards and apparel were added

- Tripod camera in the replay editor is well done. But for some reason I haven't been able to slow down the footage when using that camera.

- Uploading to the EA Servers is a lot faster than last year. Surprised its this fast even on release day.
so there are more indoor and outdoor skate parks besides Plan B?
# 5 Spear @ 01/22/09 05:21 PM
Originally Posted by GSW
so there are more indoor and outdoor skate parks besides Plan B?
Six skate parks in total (that I know of). All of them are outdoor parks I believe.

- The Boneyard (more of a vert park I think)
- Lighthouse Park
- Dueling Snakes (old school type park)
- Slappy's
- Mega Compound (has the X-Games mega ramp)
- Sewerside Skatepark

I haven't spent much time in them but you can teleport to each from the pause menu.
# 6 GSW @ 01/22/09 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by Spear
Six skate parks in total (that I know of). All of them are outdoor parks I believe.

- The Boneyard (more of a vert park I think)
- Lighthouse Park
- Dueling Snakes (old school type park)
- Slappy's
- Mega Compound (has the X-Games mega ramp)
- Sewerside Skatepark

I haven't spent much time in them but you can teleport to each from the pause menu.
outdoor parks are bunk... thanks for the info though...

my favorite spot to skate in the Original Skate was Plan B
# 7 gbx34 @ 01/22/09 08:16 PM
Originally Posted by goh
What are the other cameras besides high?

There 2 High and Low.

The High is what you would expect. As you approach a jump in the crouch you can see above your guy really well and line it up. When you switch from low to high it seems like your guy moves soooo much slower from the low camera.
# 8 Senor_Herbatron @ 01/22/09 08:36 PM
Really appreciate the impressions. I'll be picking this up around 7Pm est tomorrow night. Any of you guys play online? PS3 that is.
# 9 aukevin @ 01/22/09 08:38 PM
No custom soundtracks (that I can find) on the PS3 is BS.
# 10 btown12 @ 01/22/09 08:44 PM
One thing I've noticed (and love) about this game is that the challenges in Career Mode seem much harder this year. I was able to pretty much cruise through each challenge in the first game but have spent 20 minutes+ on a few of the challenges so far. It's a very satisfying feeling to finally pull off a trick or a line after trying it 50+ times!

Also, being able to get off your board and move objects around to create lines makes this game worth the $60 alone. I've spent hours just roaming around the city, dragging around and setting up ramps, rails, picninc benches, etc...

Time to get back to playing, I've only been able to get about 6 hours in so far
# 11 GSW @ 01/22/09 11:41 PM
Originally Posted by houtz
Really appreciate the impressions. I'll be picking this up around 7Pm est tomorrow night. Any of you guys play online? PS3 that is.
i do and a couple others will as well

i know aukevin does
# 12 Bmore @ 01/23/09 12:04 AM
Originally Posted by btown12
One thing I've noticed (and love) about this game is that the challenges in Career Mode seem much harder this year. I was able to pretty much cruise through each challenge in the first game but have spent 20 minutes+ on a few of the challenges so far. It's a very satisfying feeling to finally pull off a trick or a line after trying it 50+ times!
Yeah the challenges are actually challenging in this game. I just spent about 45 minutes doing the Haslam challenge. It felt awesome to finally complete it.
# 13 spit_bubble @ 01/23/09 01:06 AM
My initial impressions are mmmmmmmeh.

Feels a too much like the first, as the new moves don't really add all that much... And it doesn't help coming across an area that I skated 1000 times in the first game.

The skate parks seem better, as does the city in general... Didn't even know you could change in game camera angle... How do you change the camera angle anyways?

Off board controls are downright atrocious... And the video editor honestly isn't all that great. I've had instances when trying to edit a clip and the camera will sort of jerk around for whatever reason and not stay steady... It's almost as if someone bumped into the camera man. Changing the camera didn't fix it either.

There's also been a high number of glitches so far... Like when skating into water, in one of the fountains... I sort of tilted over and glided along for about 15 feet...

And then there's the bail glitch that launches you unrealistically, which was in the last game, but not to the extent as in this one. Of course, crazy bails are a feature of Skate 2... For whatever reason.

I get the feeling that the ability to move things around will be the game's saving grace.

So far I'm not impressed. Seems solid, but only because the foundation they are using was already there.

This is for the PS3 by the way.
# 14 aukevin @ 01/23/09 02:37 AM
I stunk at the first Skate, so I stink at this one too, but this one is definitely a bit harder. I've mostly just been doing the online freeskate challenges. They are fun, but there's a lot of pressure to complete the challenge in time since they are co-op goals.

Walking around is a bit weird, but it is a big improvement over skating everywhere.

The video editor takes some time to get used to, and it doesn't seem to have a camera style effect like the last game (black and white, sepia, etc), but the tripod view is pretty sweet. I uploaded a vid showing it off, but it isn't posted on EA's site yet. I'll link it here when it does show up.
# 15 aukevin @ 01/23/09 02:51 AM
Here's my vid with the tripod camera coming out of the first pipe. Like I said, I'm not very good at the game

# 16 spit_bubble @ 01/23/09 06:21 AM
Originally Posted by koshi
My initial impressions are mmmmmmmeh.

Feels a too much like the first, as the new moves don't really add all that much... And it doesn't help coming across an area that I skated 1000 times in the first game.

The skate parks seem better, as does the city in general... Didn't even know you could change in game camera angle... How do you change the camera angle anyways?

Off board controls are downright atrocious... And the video editor honestly isn't all that great. I've had instances when trying to edit a clip and the camera will sort of jerk around for whatever reason and not stay steady... It's almost as if someone bumped into the camera man. Changing the camera didn't fix it either.

There's also been a high number of glitches so far... Like when skating into water, in one of the fountains... I sort of tilted over and glided along for about 15 feet...

And then there's the bail glitch that launches you unrealistically, which was in the last game, but not to the extent as in this one. Of course, crazy bails are a feature of Skate 2... For whatever reason.

I get the feeling that the ability to move things around will be the game's saving grace.

So far I'm not impressed. Seems solid, but only because the foundation they are using was already there.

This is for the PS3 by the way.
Further impressions...

I'm starting to warm up to this game. I'm still not all that impressed, and yet the sum of all the additions are adding up.

I've found that walking is made easier by using the right stick to help you turn. For the most part you can only use the left stick to go forward, and then once you're moving you can use it to steer as well. So nudging the right stick to initially steer helps, because it turns the camera.

The new moves give the game a bit of a different feel, especially the foot plants which give you more to do on flat ground. The finger flips are a nice addition too.

Upon further examination the bails, when they don't glitch out, are done pretty well. But yes, you do get that glitch that sends you flying... Sometimes 5-10 feet in one direction... Sometimes about 30 up into the air.

The new camera angle is great. You turn it on from the video options while playing (you can't find it in the main menu). It's really nice to have this higher camera angle, especially while exploring and for the races.

If anyone is worried about the premise of Mongocorp (or whatever) getting in the way... Don't be. If doesn't interfere with the skating hardly at all.

I'm noticing a lot more detail in the city. I also found a cool little spot that could only be reached by moving a ramp and jumping over a wall. It was a small little area with a few movable objects inside along with some ledges and small quarter pipes. Very cool. Hopefully there are similar spots around the city. It's stuff like this that I think the series should focus on: cruising around a big city finding spots to skate... Places you can shape into your own, and not necessarily by always moving things around either... Because that's pretty much what the core of skating is: taking a fixed landscape that doesn't even look like it's even really a place to skate, and yet still finding a way.

Oh yeah... Heard the song "Rock the Bells" by LL on the soundtrack... Nuff said.

# 17 ChubbyBanana @ 01/23/09 08:20 AM
These are some great impressions guys. Keep 'em coming

I played the demo a bit, but I just can't seem to get the hang of it like I did the old tony hawk games back in the day.

Didn't play the first one at all.

Could be a pickup for me if I need something to tide me over til baseball season...
# 18 oChaos_Nine @ 01/23/09 09:00 AM
Got it yesterday afternoon and I've put in plenty of time. Game feels just like the first, which isn't a bad thing. A bit smoother though. More new moves obviously and some seem Tony Hawk'ish to pull off.

Seems like the story mode will be a bit longer in this one. I've already unlocked the Mega compound and bought the rec center (to get more money do the races and bet the most you can, even if you lose you can retry w/o losing money) but there is still a lot more to do and unlock.

I'm dissapointed at the selection of clothing, accessories, and boards to chose from. Especially the shoes, half of them are black with white soles. Nitpicking here but still... there was more selection in the 1st. Seems like Madden where they start taking stuff away that was originally in the 1st game.

Getting off your board is nice, controls need major work though. Pretty much agree with everybody else has said so I don't wanna repeat. I'm on 360 BTW. And I've read that the developers will offer more content later, I hope more shoes and boards.
# 19 areobee401 @ 01/23/09 09:30 AM
After putting in a little over 2 hours last night I'm still not sure what to think. I guess you could say I'm left disappointed. While I wasn't expecting a big leap from the first I was expecting more. The off board controls are sluggish at best. The single player story mode seems to be deeper which is a good thing. The new tricks really don't add much depth in my opinion.

In the end though I would say the game is worth the $60 price tag for me. I'll spend 90% of my time just messing around anyway. Being able to set up lines and finding new places to skate will keep me occupied for some time.
# 20 oChaos_Nine @ 01/23/09 10:07 AM
Does anybody know if custom graphics can be shared/downloaded, or can you only use the ones you create? I tried looking on the EA forums but there is over 5 pages of new threads started just today.

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