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Playstation.Blog has posted another MLB 09 The Show blog. This one covers the new and improved A.I.

"Today we’re going to show you some of our new and improved A.I. for MLB 09 The Show. Realism is THE most important thing to use here on the MLB 09 The Show team. Year in and year out, with a development team that has a wealth of baseball knowledge, not only as fans of the game but development members that have actually played the game at very high levels, we dedicate ourselves to making the most realistic baseball experience possible. That being said, there were a few things about last year’s game that were a bit frustrating and not as realistic as we would have liked. As much as we would like to tackle every idea out there, we strategically have to pick and choose our battles. This year we decided to work on a little bit of everything, so today I’m going to highlight four of them."

Game: MLB '09: The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSPVotes for game: 90 - View All
MLB '09: The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 81 tree3five @ 01/20/09 11:06 PM
Originally Posted by KolbeSCEA
You cant be a Cardinal fan... Not with that Dallas star as your avatar!


No Kolbe, No.

# 82 TeixeiraFanatic @ 01/20/09 11:09 PM
Don't want to get off subject but

# 83 baseball88 @ 01/20/09 11:12 PM
The outfielders and infielders are alot smoother in the animations. Can't wait to see what else has been added for this year. Side markings on the shoes instead of black shoes are alot better this year.
This game is really looking to be well improved since it came out on the PS3.

Can't wait to see what was added in the player editor this year.

Thanks SCEA for listening to all of us
# 84 spitoon @ 01/20/09 11:29 PM
Originally Posted by Jdurg
I thought I messed my pants after the first Franchise Blog entry, but right now, I need a black light to see where I messed up my living room.
I've heard your stories JDurg, don't blame the game
# 85 orthostud23 @ 01/20/09 11:30 PM
THat was a great video they put up!! The improvements look great. Cant wait to play this game.
# 86 ehh @ 01/20/09 11:58 PM
Awesome vid, looks like all the fielding gripes of years past are gonna be history.
# 87 EnigmaNemesis @ 01/21/09 12:04 AM
Originally Posted by shyvoodoo
Now if only SCEA can get a NCAA and NFL license......
I dunno, their Basketball is "ok". Though their story arcs in it are pretty awesome!

Though if they can make an NFL game with this atmosphere and quality, I would love it.
# 88 DubTrey1 @ 01/21/09 12:34 AM
I am officially impressed with the blog and written efforts. I really liked to see they addressed many issues and "CPU will tag your runner in the baseline if he can, instead of ignoring the runner and throwing to the base. You guys that play our game know what I mean." - as well. This took away from the realism in alot of games.....
# 89 EnigmaNemesis @ 01/21/09 12:35 AM
Originally Posted by Afrikan
sadly for us...in another dimension EA never got the exclusive NFL deal, and our counter parts are playing this Football game you are describing.....again sadly for us

The Show looks amazing....again... I can't wait till I get my hands on this....

You know. You are right.
# 90 IN13NSE @ 01/21/09 01:54 AM
I think they heard me.

Watch the Melvin Mora play at third, and see his one-arm long sleeve.
now my RTTS guy is going to actual wear the equipment i wore in real life.

Also, as a baseball player that was All-Conference Utility Player, the path that the outfielders take is spot on... and the double play balls seem more fluent especially the backhand by the Cardinals SS.

Looking good so far SCEA!
# 91 sva91 @ 01/21/09 03:23 AM
Originally Posted by Scottdau
I am telling you guys. Having the players with different color accessories than their teammates is huge. It really makes the game come alive! There is something about when a guy comes to bat and he has all black batting gloves and then the next batter comes up with all white batting gloves. Sure it is a little thing to some, but to me this would make the game look so much more real.
Completely agree. 2k does a great job of this. It just makes you feel more in control of the "real" A-Rod, with his hamburger helper gloves. Its something weird, but I know what you mean.
# 92 brunnoce @ 01/21/09 08:44 AM
Originally Posted by IN13NSE
I think they heard me.

Watch the Melvin Mora play at third, and see his one-arm long sleeve.
now my RTTS guy is going to actual wear the equipment i wore in real life.

Also, as a baseball player that was All-Conference Utility Player, the path that the outfielders take is spot on... and the double play balls seem more fluent especially the backhand by the Cardinals SS.

Looking good so far SCEA!
Wastn that already in 08???at least i think it is...

also im 100% with rob, diferent color for acessories would be a huge plus imo.
another acessory thats missing imo is the wrist tapes...they have wrist bands now but not bands like j.reyes wears...

take a look, this is a wrist tape:

and now a wrist band(that is already in the game)

now , i know that this aint to much of a diference, but it would be nice to have this if possible, i think 2k had this...offcourse the color change would be priority number 1 imo.
# 93 NAFBUC @ 01/21/09 08:51 AM
The way the outfielders approach the ball brought a tear to my eye. No longer a straight line, the outfielders will circle and short step when approaching the ball. This is Gold Glove stuff.
# 94 PsychoBulk @ 01/21/09 09:04 AM
I think the word is...


Im not sure how im going to cope with the wait till March actually, hibernation possibly.
# 95 silver540i @ 01/21/09 09:33 AM
Loving what I read. But the biggest things to come from the blog are the video footage, and question marks about the improvements to the hitter/batter portion of the game.

Still waiting to hear about added cameras or changes with cameras (based on the Yankee HR in the stadium video). Would loooove more cameras or a user defined option.
# 96 IN13NSE @ 01/21/09 09:36 AM
Originally Posted by brunnoce
Wastn that already in 08???at least i think it is...

also im 100% with rob, diferent color for acessories would be a huge plus imo.
another acessory thats missing imo is the wrist tapes...they have wrist bands now but not bands like j.reyes wears...
Not one-arm sleeve.

They have regular long sleeves.
# 97 callmetaternuts @ 01/21/09 09:55 AM
This game has trumped Madden and NCAA (and others) as the must buy game each year.
# 98 S1ARk5 @ 01/21/09 10:03 AM
Yes the fielding looks great and the lighting and the fact that pitcher vs batter looks to be more realistic pending on skill level of the players but one thing you guys are missing in these posts is that fact that.....

I actually saw an improvement to playoff atmosphere...anyone know what Im talking about?

A cookie for someone who does......Im so excited!@!!
# 99 boomhauertjs @ 01/21/09 10:03 AM
The infield animations looked good, especially that grounder that hopped past A-Rod.
# 100 nemesis04 @ 01/21/09 10:21 AM
Originally Posted by boomhauertjs
The infield animations looked good, especially that grounder that hopped past A-Rod.
Yeah, A-Rod almost was K.O.-Rod! He was inches from a baseball tattoo. Looked great!

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